185 research outputs found

    Karakteristik Tanah Inceptisol Di Negeri Latuhalat Kota Ambon

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    Soil formation is the result of interactions between various processes, including geomorphological and pedological processes, where the soil body must be seen as a dynamic medium. Soil development is determined by soil formation factors, namely climate, topography, organisms, parent material, and time. In the process of soil formation, there is an interaction of soil formation factors in the form of physical, chemical, and biological processes. The physical properties of the soil consist of soil color, soil texture, soil structure, soil consistency, soil pores, aggregates, coarse materials, mineral modules, and root conditions. The chemical properties of the soil include Base Saturation (BS), Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), pH, Organic Carbon, and CaCO3 content. Meanwhile, the biological aspect of the soil consists of organism activities within the soil. The purpose of this study are: 1) to classify soil properties or group soils into specific classes based on their similar characteristics and features, including physical, chemical, and biological properties in the field, 2) to determine the soil type names based on the Technical Guidelines for National Soil Classification (BP3KP, 2014) and Soil Taxonomy Classification (USDA 2015) criteria. The method used is a survey method with a transect approach pattern and observation of pit profile types. The research results indicate that the soil type formed in the research location according to the criteria of the Technical Guidelines for National Soil Classification (BP3KP, 2014) is the Kambisol soil type. Approaching the Soil Taxonomy Classification (USDA 2015), this soil is included in the Inceptisol order, Tropept suborder, and Dystropept Great Grou

    Karakteristik Sifat Kimia Tanah dan Status Kesuburan Tanah Lahan Usaha Tani di Desa Gunung Putih

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik sifat kimia tanah dan status kesuburan tanah pada lahan usaha tani di Desa Gunung Putih. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama 2 (dua) bulan yaitu dari Oktober 2016 sampai dengan November 2016 di Desa Gunung Putih Kecamatan Tanjung Palas Kabupaten Bulungan. Penelitian ini menggunakan sistem survei yang dilanjutkan dengan pengambilan contoh atau sampel tanah secara acak (random) pada kedalaman 0-20 cm lalu setiap contoh tanah dikompositkan dan kemudian contoh tanah komposit selanjutnya dianalisis di laboratorium. Data utama yang dikumpulkan yaitu : pH tanah, C organik, N total, P tersedia, K tersedia, kation basa dapat tukar, kation asam (Al dan H), KTK dan kejenuhan basa. Data- data hasil analisis tanah di laboratorium tersebut, dianalisis lebih lanjut untuk mengetahui karakteristik kimia tanah dan status kesuburan tanahnya. Analisis karakteristik kimia tanah dianalisis menggunakan kriteria penilaian status kimia tanah, sedangkan status kesuburan tanah dianalisis menggunakan kriteria penilaian kesuburan tanah dari Pusat Penelitian Tanah. Hasil dari peneletian ini yaitu (1) Karakter sifat kimia tanah lahan usahatani di Desa Gunung Putih Kecamatan Tanjung Palas Kabupaten Bulungan, yaitu ; pH tanah tergolong rendah (agak masam), kandungan C organik tergolong sedang, N total tergolong sedang, C/N ratio tergolong tergolong rendah, P tersedia tergolong sangat tinggi, K tersedia tergolong sedang, KTK tergolong sangat tinggi, kation-kation basa tergolong rendah hingga sangat tinggi dan kejenuhan basa tergolong sangat rendah. (2) Status kesuburan kimia tanah pada lahan usahatani di Desa Gunung Putih Kecamatan Tanjung Palas Kabupaten Bulungan tergolong cukup/sedang, (medium) (S)


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    Micromorphology is a branch of science in soil science. In micromorphological studies, soil samples are first prepared as a thin slice (with various methods), then the phenomena inside are examined using a microscope. By knowing the composition, shape, orientation, distribution patterns, structures, etc., the phenomena that occur can be interpreted, both regarding the composition of the soil, the relationship between components and the dynamics of the process that has been, moderate or expected to occur in the soil. Thus, micromorphology can and is very prospective to be developed and applied for various uses outside the field of soil science.Mikromorfologi merupakan salah satu cabang ilmu dalam ilmu tanah. Dalam studi mikromorfologi, contoh tanah terlebih dahulu disiapkan sebagai suatu irisan tipis (dengan berbagai metoda), kemudian fenomena yang ada di dalamnya diperiksa menggunakan mikroskop. Dengan mengetahui susunan, bentuk, orientasi, pola distribusi, struktur dll, fenomena yang terjadi dapat diinterpretasi, baik mengenai komposisi tanah, hubungan antar komponen maupun dinamika proses yang telah, sedang atau diperkirakan akan terjadi di dalam tanah. Dengan demikian, mikromorfologi dapat dan sangat prospektif pula untuk dikembangkan dan diterapkan bagi berbagai penggunaan di luar bidang ilmu tanah. &nbsp

    Dasar-dasar Ilmu Tanah

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    Perkembangan dan Permasalahan Sistem Klasifikasi Tanah di Indonesia

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    Abstrak. Penelitian tanah di Indonesia dimulai sejak tahun 1817 namun secara resmi penelitian klasifikasi tanah di Indonesia dimulai pada tahun 1905. Klasifikasi tanah pertama di Indonesia disusun oleh E. C. J. Mohr pada tahun 1910 yang bekerja di Bodemkundig Instituut. Klasifikasi tanah ini berdasarkan prinsip genesis dan tanah-tanah yang diklasifikasikan diberi nama atas dasar warna. Klasifikasi tersebut mengalami beberapa kali perbaikan diantaranya pada tahun 1910, 1916, 1922, dan 1933. Pada tahun 1972 Mohr bersama van Baren dan Schuylenborgh menerbitkan buku mengenai tanah-tanah di daerah tropika dengan judul "Tropical Soil, A comprehensive study of their genesis". Klasifikasi tanah selanjutnya adalah klasifikasi White yang mulai dikembangkan pada tahun 1931. Dalam sistem klasifikasi White, sifat klasifikasi tanah didasarkan kepada geologi dan tipe pelapukan, namun nama-nama tanah masih terlalu panjang dan rumit. Pada tahun 1938 di tanah Deli telah disusun klasifikasi tanah Druif yang digunakan untuk pemetaan tanah di daerah perkebunan tembakau Deli. Hasil-hasil penelitian Druif secara rinci telah dilaporkan dalam 3 seri buku De Bodem van Deli. Sistem klasifikasi tanah yang dianggap cukup maju, karena berdasarkan morfometrik, adalah sistem klasifikasi Dudal dan Soepraptohardjo (1957, 1961). Sistem klasifikasi ini digunakan dalam pemetaan sumberdaya tanah di Indonesia pada tingkat tinjau dan eksplorasi. Pada tahun 1983, Pusat Penelitian Tanah telah menerbitkan sistem klasifikasi tanah yang ditujukan untuk pemetaan tanah semi detail di calon lokasi transmigrasi. Klasifikasi tersebut didasarkan kepada morfogenetik dan merupakan penyempurnaan dari sistem klasifikasi Dudal dan Soepraptohardjo (1961). Definisi-definisi terutama pada tingkat Macam tanah sebagian besar mengambil definisi dari Legenda Soil Map of the World (FAO/UNESCO, 1974) dan disesuaikan dengan keadaan di Indonesia. Sistem klasifikasi tanah lain yang digunakan di Indonesia adalah sistem klasifikasi taksonomi tanah yang mulai dipublikasikan pada tahun 1975. Sampai saat ini sistem klasifikasi ini masih digunakan dengan mengacu kepada buku Keys to Soils Taxonomy edisi ke kesebelas (Soil Survey Staff, 2010). Sistem klasifikasi lain yang sering digunakan adalah sistem Satuan Peta Tanah Dunia dari FAO/UNESCO (1974). Sampai dengan tahun 2013, Indonesia belum mempunyai sistem klasifikasi tanah nasional, meskipun beberapa kali Kongres Nasional Himpunan Ilmu Tanah Indonesia telah mengamanatkan untuk menyusun klasifikasi tanah nasional. Upaya yang dilakukan oleh Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Sumberdaya Lahan Pertanian berhasil menyusun konsep klasifikasi tanah nasional yang mulai diperkenalkan pada tahun 2013, namun konsep ini masih memerlukan penyempurnaan dan pengakuan dari para pakar genesis dan klasifikasi tanah di seluruh Indonesia.Abstract. Soil research in Indonesia began in 1817 but officially soils classification research began in 1905. The first soil classification of soils in Indonesia was prepared by E. C. J. Mohr in 1910 at Bodemkundig Instituut. Soils classification is based on the principle of genesis and soils classified are named on the basis of color. This classification was updated several times in 1910, 1916, 1922, and 1933. In 1972 Mohr with van Baren and Schuylenborgh published a book on soils in the tropics with the title "Tropical Soil, A comprehensive study of their genesis". Further soil classification is White classification which was developed in 1931. In the White classification system, the nature of the soil classification is based on geology and type of weathering, but the names of the soil is still too long and complicated. In 1938 in Deli soil classification was prepared by Druif for soil mapping in the area of tobacco plantation. Druif research results have been reported in detail in 3 series of book De Bodem van Deli. Soil classification system considered advanced, based on morphometric, is a classification system of Dudal and Soepraptohardjo (1957, 1961). This classification system is used in the soil mapping resources in Indonesia at the level of semi detail and exploration. In 1983, the Centre for Soil Research has published a soil classification system intended for semi-detailed soil mapping for transmigration program. The classification is based on the morphogenetic and a refinement of the classification system of Dudal and Soepraptohardjo (1961). Various definitions various especially at great group level is mostly using the definition of the Legend of the Soil Map of the World ( FAO / UNESCO, 1974) and adapted to the soil classification in Indonesia. Other soil classification system used in Indonesia is the soil taxonomy classification system which was began to be published in 1975. This soil classification system is still used to refer to the book of Keys to Soils Taxonomy, eleventh edition (2010). Other soil classification system is a World Soil Map Unit of the FAO/UNESCO (1974). Up till 2013, Indonesia does not have a national soil classification system, although several times of the National Congress of Soil Science Society of Indonesia has mandated to formulate a national soil classification. The efforts made by the Indonesia Center for Agricultural Land Resources Research and Development is successful to draft national soil classification which was introduced in 2013, but this concept still requires improvement and recognition from experts soil genesis and classification throughout Indonesia

    Perkembangan Dan Permasalahan Sistem Klasifikasi Tanah Di Indonesia

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    . Soil research in Indonesia began in 1817 but officially soils classification research began in 1905. The first soil classification of soils in Indonesia was prepared by E. C. J. Mohr in 1910 at Bodemkundig Instituut. Soils classification is based on the principle of genesis and soils classified are named on the basis of color. This classification was updated several times in 1910, 1916, 1922, and 1933. In 1972 Mohr with van Baren and Schuylenborgh published a book on soils in the tropics with the title "Tropical Soil, A comprehensive study of their genesis". Further soil classification is White classification which was developed in 1931. In the White classification system, the nature of the soil classification is based on geology and type of weathering, but the names of the soil is still too long and complicated. In 1938 in Deli soil classification was prepared by Druif for soil mapping in the area of tobacco plantation. Druif research results have been reported in detail in 3 series of book De Bodem van Deli. Soil classification system considered advanced, based on morphometric, is a classification system of Dudal and Soepraptohardjo (1957, 1961). This classification system is used in the soil mapping resources in Indonesia at the level of semi detail and exploration. In 1983, the Centre for Soil Research has published a soil classification system intended for semi-detailed soil mapping for transmigration program. The classification is based on the morphogenetic and a refinement of the classification system of Dudal and Soepraptohardjo (1961). Various definitions various especially at great group level is mostly using the definition of the Legend of the Soil Map of the World ( FAO / UNESCO, 1974) and adapted to the soil classification in Indonesia. Other soil classification system used in Indonesia is the soil taxonomy classification system which was began to be published in 1975. This soil classification system is still used to refer to the book of Keys to Soils Taxonomy, eleventh edition (2010). Other soil classification system is a World Soil Map Unit of the FAO/UNESCO (1974). Up till 2013, Indonesia does not have a national soil classification system, although several times of the National Congress of Soil Science Society of Indonesia has mandated to formulate a national soil classification. The efforts made by the Indonesia Center for Agricultural Land Resources Research and Development is successful to draft national soil classification which was introduced in 2013, but this concept still requires improvement and recognition from experts soil genesis and classification throughout Indonesia

    Pengkelasan Dan Pencirian Sampel Tanah Menggunakan Gelombang Mikro

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    Fokus penyelidikan ini adalah untuk mencipta suatu kaedah pengkelasan dan pencirian tanah dengan menggunakan gelombang mikro. The focus of this research is to create a method for classification and characterisation of soils using microwaves

    Tipologi Pedogeomorfik Longsorlahan di Pegunungan Menoreh Kabupaten Kulonprogo Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Pedogeomorphology tipology was applied in this research to determine the occurrence of landslide in the Menoreh Mountains, Kulonprogo District, Yogyakarta Special Region. The research aimed to know (1) soil characteristics where landslide events occurred in the research area, (2) characteristic of landslide prone landform in the research area, and (3) typology pedogeomorphic of landslide events in the research area. Pedogeomorphologic approach was represented through the steps of mapping the occurrence of landslides and landform, soil profile pedogenitic analysis and geomorphologic analysis at the point of occurrence of landslide. The results show that landforms characteristic on the occurrence of landslide with slope 16-75%, elevation 210-807 m dpal, weathered zone depth 25-80 cm, and the position of contacts on the opposite slope is flat and parallel. The soil characteristics on the occurrences of landslides have a 20-186 cm soil depts with the content 21,50-95,00% of caolinite clay, and clay content ratio between horion A dan B 0,22-0,91. Pedogeomorphic typology landslides prone classified into 3 levels, namely: low, moderate, and high level of vulnerability. The low level are indicated by the thickness of soil depth 0,60, slope 25%, elevation 120 cm, caolinite clay content 70%, clay content ratio of A and B horizon 0,40, slope 60%, elevation 600 m dpal, the depth of weathered zone 60 cm, and the position of field contact against the slopes is parallel


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    Post-mining land management needs to be done by taking into account a holistic approach concerning the improvement of physical, chemical and biological properties of soil as growth media, in order to support the rehabilitation plans. The objective of this study were: (i) to conduct quantitative and comprehensive an inventory of pedological properties of nickel post mining land, (ii) to analyze the potential and limitations of post mined land, (iii) act designed environmental management, based on the characteristics of the revegetation of the land and the environment. The results showed that the soil in Pomalaa could be classified in Typic Hapludox, clayey, mixed, isohypertermic (P1) dan Typic Hapludalfs, loamy, mixed, isohypertermic (P2), while the material in ex mining area are overburden or parent material. The soil has developed from peridotite and peridotite-serpentinite ultramafic material. This soil has low natural fertility and require efforts to improve the physical properties. Ex-mining area has a high rate of erosion. Poor tree growth in revegetation area has been determined caused by a deficiency of Ca, Fe, Cu, or Mn. The possibility of Ni and Cr toxicity in plants needs to be further investigated. Local resources in the form of slag can be used for revegetation, especially converter slag. The results obtained from this study can be used to give the advice of post-nickel mining land management, based on land characteristics. A better management advice covers two issues, namely improvements of the management action actually implemented and improvements in technical rehabilitation.Keywords: Pedological processes, post nickel mining land, revegetatio

    Karakteristik Tanah Gambut di Delta Barito, Kalimantan

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    Abstrak Delta Barito merupakan delta yang berkembang di bagian pesisir selatan Pulau Kalimantan. Delta ini merupakan bagian dari cekungan Barito, sehingga tanah gambut berkembang dengan baik pada delta ini. Aktivitas manusia seperti pertanian telah membuat ketebalan tanah gambut di Delta Barito < 2 meter. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey dengan bentuklahan sebagai dasar pengambilan sampel. Jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini adalah 51 sampel. Sampel tersebut kemudian dianalisis untuk mengidentifikasi nilai Bulk Density (BD). Selain itu, dilakukan pengukuran warna tanah di lapangan dengan menggunakan munsell soil book. Nilai BD dan warna tanah digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis atau tipe gambut yang berkembang di Delta Barito. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tanah gambut berkembang dibagian tengah Delta Barito karena bagian tengah dari Delta Barito adalah berupa cekungan. Gambut yang berkembang di Delta Barito adalah tipe saprik dengan nilai bulk density >0.25 gram/cc dan warna tanah abu-abu sangat gelap. Pertanian yang dilakukan secara intensif di Delta Barito telah membuat tanah gambut di Delta Barito mempunyai ketebalan < 2 meter.&nbsp