7 research outputs found

    The Bodily Illusion in Adverse Conditions: Virtual Arm Ownership During Visuomotor Mismatch

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    Classically, body ownership illusions are triggered by cross-modal synchronous stimulations, and hampered by multisensory inconsistencies. Nonetheless, the boundaries of such illusions have been proven to be highly plastic. In this immersive virtual reality study, we explored whether it is possible to induce a sense of body ownership over a virtual body part during visuomotor inconsistencies, with or without the aid of concomitant visuo-tactile stimulations. From a first-person perspective, participants watched a virtual tube moving or an avatar’s arm moving, with or without concomitant synchronous visuo-tactile stimulations on their hand. Three different virtual arm/tube speeds were also investigated, while all participants kept their real arms still. The subjective reports show that synchronous visuo-tactile stimulations effectively counteract the effect of visuomotor inconsistencies, but at slow arm movements, a feeling of body ownership might be successfully induced even without concomitant multisensory correspondences. Possible therapeutical implications of these findings are discussed

    Illusory movements prevent cortical disruption caused by immobilization

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    International audienceEnforced limb disuse strongly disrupts the cortical networks that are involved in sensorimotor activities. This disruption causes a cortical reorganization that may be functionally maladaptive. In this study, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate whether it is possible to prevent this reorganization by compensating for the lack of actual kinesthetic perception with illusory movements induced by ``neuromimetic'' proprio-tactile feedback that is artificially delivered during immobilization. Sixteen healthy volunteers were equipped for five days with full-hand ortheses that prevented them from performing finger and hand movements but allowed for kinesthetic and tactile sensations. Eight participants received a twice-daily proprio-tactile treatment consisting of the perception of kinesthetic sensations resembling those felt during actual movements generated by miniature vibrators set in the ortheses at the finger and wrist levels. Eight untreated participants received no stimulation. The effects of hand immobilization and treatment were assessed by fMRI during a calibrated voluntary hand movement task and hand tactile stimulation before cast placement and immediately after cast removal. We found that the sensorimotor network was preserved in subjects who underwent this treatment during hand immobilization, while the sensorimotor network of untreated subjects was significantly altered. These findings suggest that sensory feedback and associated movement perception may counteract disuse-induced cortical plastic changes through recruitment of a large part of the cortical network used for actual performed movement. The possibility of guiding cortical plasticity with proprioceptive augmented feedback is potentially relevant for rehabilitation efforts. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Effect of illusory movements physiotherapy on vital and metabolic functions of patients with large burns

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    Bc. Pavla Jelínková : 3. Lékařská fakulta, Univerzita Karlova Název práce: Vliv rehabilitace pomocí iluzorních pohybů na vitální a metabolické funkce u rozsáhle popáleného pacienta Vedoucí práce: MUDr. Bohumil Bakalář Klíčová slova: rozsáhle popálení; iluzorní pohyby; proprioceptivní neuromuskulární facilitace; vitální funkce; katabolismus; svalová slabost získaná e intenzivní péč Cílem této práce bylo zjistit, jak rehabilitace pomocí funkční proprioceptivní stimulace (tzv. iluzorní pohyby) ovlivňuje vitální a metabolické funkce pacientů rozsáhlými popáleninami. V první části práce se zaměřujeme na vymezení problematiky. Rozsáhlé popáleniny ňují nejen metabolické a vitální funkce, ale od rozsahu poškození kožního krytu se odvíjí také prognóza zraněného a délka hospitalizace. A právě čím déle jsou pacienti upoutáni na lůžko, tím více se setkáváme se získanou slabostí. Jedním ze způ ů, jak tomuto fenoménu předcházet, je účinná rehabilitace, která je u popálených pacientů specifická a u nichž čné míry používat některé klasické rehabilitační postupy. Jako alternativa se nabízí žívání proprioceptivní stimulace, díky níž vytváříme iluzi pohybu v mozkové ůře. U kriticky nemocných pacientů š žádné zkuš Praktická část je zaměřena na použití iluzorní rehabilitace v praxi na Klinice popáleninové medicíny Fakultní...Name and surname of the author: Bc. Pavla Jelínková Institution: Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University Title: Effect of illusory movements physiotherapy on vital and metabolic functions of patients with large burns Supervisor: MUDr. Bohumil Bakalář Year of defense: 2022 Keywords: large burns; illusory movements; proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation; vital functions; catabolism; intensive care unit-acquired weakness The aim of this thesis was to determine how the usage of functional proprioceptive stimulation (so-called illusory movements) influenced vital and metabolic functions of patients with extensive burns. In the first part of the thesis we focus on defining the issues we encounter in patients with extensive trauma. Extensive damage not only affects metabolic and vital functions, but the extent of the skin injury changes prognosis of the injured person and the length of hospitalization. The longer patients are hospitalized in intensive care units, the more we encounter acquired muscle weakness. One of the ways to prevent this phenomenon is effective rehabilitation, which is quite challenging in burn patients. As an alternative, the usage of proprioceptive stimulation is offered. It creates illusions instead of real movements in the cerebral cortex. However, there has been no...Klinika anesteziologie a resuscitace 3. LF UK a FNKVDepartment of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine 3FM CU and UHKV3. lékařská fakultaThird Faculty of Medicin

    Ergonomic Evaluation Regarding Property of Kinesthetic Illusion by Vibration Stimuli on Human Tendon

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    Étude pilote de l’effet d’un entraînement utilisant une stimulation sensorielle par vibrations reproduisant la marche chez des personnes hémiparétiques

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    La plupart des personnes hémiparétiques à la suite d’un accident vasculaire cérébral présentent des atteintes de la marche qui limitent leur participation sociale. Pour optimiser la récupération, l'entraînement prolongé à la marche est aujourd'hui recommandé. Cette approche est fondée sur l'importance des informations sensorielles de mouvement pour récupérer le meilleur contrôle du mouvement possible. Ces informations peuvent aussi être fournies par des vibrations musculaires localisées. L'application séquentielle et structurée de vibrations sur différents muscles des membres inférieurs peut ainsi mimer l'activité sensorielle associée aux mouvements de la marche normale. L’objectif de ce projet était d’évaluer l’effet d’un entraînement utilisant des vibrations reproduisant l’activité sensorielle de la marche sur les paramètres de marche de personnes hémiparétiques en phase de réadaptation fonctionnelle intensive. Pour cela, une étude expérimentale à cas uniques avec des mesures répétées a été menée auprès de trois personnes hémiparétiques. Chaque participant a reçu l’entraînement par vibrations à raison de quatre séances de 30 minutes par semaine pendant trois semaines. La vitesse de marche au sol à vitesse confortable et rapide, mesures principales de résultat, ainsi que les autres paramètres spatio-temporels de la marche et le patron de marche ont été collectés à deux reprises avant l’entraînement, à la fin de chaque semaine d’entraînement puis un mois après la fin de la période d’entraînement. Les vitesses de marche au sol de participants hospitalisés en réadaptation fonctionnelle intensive issues d’une base de données ont été utilisées afin de comparer les résultats obtenus avec les trois participants au projet. Une augmentation de la vitesse de marche au sol a été observée uniquement chez un des trois participants. Ce changement a été observé dès la première semaine d’entraînement et était supérieur à ceux obtenus chez les participants issus de la base de données. L’entraînement par vibrations a cependant permis d'améliorer les autres paramètres spatio-temporels et le patron de marche des trois participants. Au regard de ces résultats, il est nécessaire de poursuivre l’évaluation de l’entraînement par vibrations afin de mieux comprendre ses effets et de développer un nouvel outil de réadaptation.Most of individuals with hemiparesis following a stroke present gait disabilities which limit their social participation. Prolonged gait training is recommended to optimize the recovery. This approach is founded on the importance of the sensory information produced by gait movements to recover the best possible control of movement. This information could also be induced by means of multiple localized muscular vibration. It has been showed that sequential and patterned vibration application on different muscles of lower limbs could mimic sensory activity associated with normal gait movement. The purpose of this project was to evaluate the effect of gait-like vibration training on gait parameter in hemiparetic people in subacute phase. To answer this question, a single case experimental design study with repeated measures was used with three individuals with hemiparesis during intensive functional rehabilitation. Each participant has received gait-like vibration training in 30-minute sessions, four times per week for three weeks. Comfortable and fast overground gait speeds were the principal outcome measures. Spatiotemporal data and gait pattern were also evaluated. Each data was collected twice before training, then at the end of each week of training and a month after the end of the training. Control data of overground gait speeds of individuals with hemiparesis in the same intensive rehabilitation facility, prospectively collected in a clinical database, has been used to compare the additional effect gait speed of the three participants. An increase of overground gait speed has been observed in only one of the three participants. This change appeared at the end of the first week of training and were superior to these obtained in the database participants. Gait-like vibration training has also permitted an improvement of the other spatiotemporal data and gait pattern of all three participants. Regarding these results, it seems necessary to continue the evaluation of gait-like vibration training to better understand these effects and develop a new tool of rehabilitation