120 research outputs found

    Computergestützte Management-Informationssysteme: Geschichte – Zukunft – Konsequenzen

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    Für Geschäftsführer und Manager ist es schon immer wichtig gewesen, gut informiert zu sein und der Stellenwert des Informationsfaktors erhöht sich ständig. Zum einen haben sich die weltweiten Wettbewerbsbedingungen verschärft, was zu einer stark angestiegenen Komplexität führt, und zum anderen droht gerade auf der Topebene ständig eine Informationsüberladung aufgrund der ungeheuren Datenmenge, die Unternehmen heute generieren. Information ist mit das wichtigste Gut eines Managers. Peter Drucker brachte dies sehr gut zum Ausdruck, als er feststellte: "If you can't measure it, you can't manage it". Der rasante Fortschritt der Informationstechnik lässt hoffen, dass der Informationsfaktor zunehmend besser zu handhaben ist. Der Technologieschub der vergangenen Jahre ermöglichte völlig neue Präsentationsformen und einen deutlich besseren Zugriff auf Informationen. Das führte nicht nur zu höherer Qualität sondern vor allem auch Aktualität. Der Durchbruch des Computers auf die Topebene der Unternehmen ist damit geschafft. --

    Penerapan Balanced Scorecard Sebagai Strategic Management System Dalam Rangka Keseimbangan Pengukuran Kinerja Pada PT. X Di Sidoarjo

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    Maraknya industri garmen di Indonesia saat ini yang juga diikuti oleh banyaknya badan usaha yang gulung tikar karena kondisi\ud perekonomian yang tidak stabil, menyebabkan PT "X" harus mempunyai strategi bersaing dalam persaingan global berdasarkan kompetensi inti yang dimilikinya. Derivasi strategi harus terukur, if you can't measure it, you can't manage it. Setiap alur strategi perlu pengukuran agar dapat ditentukan tingkat kesuksesannya melalui pemberian informasi yang akurat dan tepat waktu. Balanced Scorecard merupakan strategic management system yang memungkinkan para manajer menilai apa yang telah mereka bina dalam intangible assets seperti merek dan loyalitas pelanggan. Sifat Balanced Scorecard yang transparan, mampu melihat ke dalam strategi unit bisnis dari pengukuran yang ada demi perbaikan kinerja di masa depan, yang dimulai dari perencanaan, implementasi sampai dengan evaluasi strategi jangka panjangnya. Kondisi PT "X" yang seringkali mengalami dysfunctional dalam proses produksinya, perbedaan-perbedaan tujuan dan sasaran masing-masing unit bisnis dan tidak terdapatnya sistem penilaian kinerja yang obyektif dan terukur baik, dapat mengadopsi konsep Balanced Scorecard untuk mengkomunikasikan visi dan strateginya ke dalam tujuan dan pengukuran yang balanced dan tangible dalam empat aspek yaitu customer, internal-business-process, learning and growth dan financial. Aplikasi Balanced Scorecard dimulai dari akarnya yaitu learning and growth yang memberikan kontribusi pada internal-business-process sehingga pelanggan menjadi puas dan pada akhimya badan usaha akan mendapatkan keuntungan yang tercermin dalam performasi keuangan. Untuk itu perlu dibangun suatu kompetensi inti yang mendasari strategi badan usaha untuk menciptakan daya saing badan usaha dalam jangka panjang

    The usage of balanced scorecard system in Ukraine

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    In this article is considered balanced scorecard system, description of its main aspects, prevalence of system in Ukraine and complexity with application.В данной статье рассматривается использование системы сбалансированных показателей, описание ее основных аспектов, распространенность системы в Украине и сложности применения

    State Management Systems Status

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    If you can't measure it, you can't manage it.

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    The Development of Human Capital through Organizational Change and Motivation

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    Abstract In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, organizations are increasingly recognizing the pivotal role of human capital in driving success. This comprehensive article, spanning 5000 words, explores the intricate relationship between organizational change and motivation in nurturing and developing human capital. We delve into the theoretical foundations, practical strategies, and real-world examples that shed light on this critical aspect of modern management. Keywords: Human Capital, Organizational Change, Motivation, Competenc

    Forestry in the Next Millennium: Challenges and Opportunities for the USDA Forest Service

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    Throughout the globe, forestry faces predictable trends associated with the transition from reliance on natural forests to ones created through human stewardship. Laid over the ordinary economics of this transition are increases in the values of the environmental services that forests provide. The three general approaches to forest management--natural forest management, plantation forest management, and preserve management--are evaluated in this economic context. The USDA Forest Service has interesting opportunities to apply each approach, but doing so will require profound organizational changes.

    Creating a learning history

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    George Roth, Art Kleiner

    Scientific Approaches and Methodology to Determine the Value of Data as an Asset and Use Case in the Automotive Industry

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    From a theoretical perspective data does not constitute a traditional business asset. Existing valuation approaches are either sector specific or still unexplored. In modern businesses the value-adding use and monetization of existing “big data” represents one of the greatest potentials in the context of digital transformation. This paper aims at reviewing methods and developing an integrated methodology for the value determination of data in general and for use in the manufacturing industry in particular. Therefore, the general state of research in data value assessment is investigated by a broad literature analysis. Based on the identified general principles, methodological requirements for data value determination are compiled. A new methodology for data evaluation is developed and applied to four use cases coming from the automotive industry. The results show that the methodology can be used in different contexts and thus enables managers to explore the most promising use cases for data-driven business