9,405 research outputs found

    DeepSig: Deep learning improves signal peptide detection in proteins

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    Motivation: The identification of signal peptides in protein sequences is an important step toward protein localization and function characterization. Results: Here, we present DeepSig, an improved approach for signal peptide detection and cleavage-site prediction based on deep learning methods. Comparative benchmarks performed on an updated independent dataset of proteins show that DeepSig is the current best performing method, scoring better than other available state-of-the-art approaches on both signal peptide detection and precise cleavage-site identification. Availability and implementation: DeepSig is available as both standalone program and web server at https://deepsig.biocomp.unibo.it. All datasets used in this study can be obtained from the same website

    Knowledge Extraction from Textual Resources through Semantic Web Tools and Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms for Applications in Various Domains

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    Nowadays there is a tremendous amount of unstructured data, often represented by texts, which is created and stored in variety of forms in many domains such as patients' health records, social networks comments, scientific publications, and so on. This volume of data represents an invaluable source of knowledge, but unfortunately it is challenging its mining for machines. At the same time, novel tools as well as advanced methodologies have been introduced in several domains, improving the efficacy and the efficiency of data-based services. Following this trend, this thesis shows how to parse data from text with Semantic Web based tools, feed data into Machine Learning methodologies, and produce services or resources to facilitate the execution of some tasks. More precisely, the use of Semantic Web technologies powered by Machine Learning algorithms has been investigated in the Healthcare and E-Learning domains through not yet experimented methodologies. Furthermore, this thesis investigates the use of some state-of-the-art tools to move data from texts to graphs for representing the knowledge contained in scientific literature. Finally, the use of a Semantic Web ontology and novel heuristics to detect insights from biological data in form of graph are presented. The thesis contributes to the scientific literature in terms of results and resources. Most of the material presented in this thesis derives from research papers published in international journals or conference proceedings

    Enhanced maps of transcription factor binding sites improve regulatory networks learned from accessible chromatin data

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    Determining where transcription factors (TFs) bind in genomes provides insight into which transcriptional programs are active across organs, tissue types, and environmental conditions. Recent advances in high-throughput profiling of regulatory DNA have yielded large amounts of information about chromatin accessibility. Interpreting the functional significance of these data sets requires knowledge of which regulators are likely to bind these regions. This can be achieved by using information about TF-binding preferences, or motifs, to identify TF-binding events that are likely to be functional. Although different approaches exist to map motifs to DNA sequences, a systematic evaluation of these tools in plants is missing. Here, we compare four motif-mapping tools widely used in the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) research community and evaluate their performance using chromatin immunoprecipitation data sets for 40 TFs. Downstream gene regulatory network (GRN) reconstruction was found to be sensitive to the motif mapper used. We further show that the low recall of Find Individual Motif Occurrences, one of the most frequently used motif-mapping tools, can be overcome by using an Ensemble approach, which combines results from different mapping tools. Several examples are provided demonstrating how the Ensemble approach extends our view on transcriptional control for TFs active in different biological processes. Finally, a protocol is presented to effectively derive more complete cell type-specific GRNs through the integrative analysis of open chromatin regions, known binding site information, and expression data sets. This approach will pave the way to increase our understanding of GRNs in different cellular conditions

    WildSpan: mining structured motifs from protein sequences

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Automatic extraction of motifs from biological sequences is an important research problem in study of molecular biology. For proteins, it is desired to discover sequence motifs containing a large number of wildcard symbols, as the residues associated with functional sites are usually largely separated in sequences. Discovering such patterns is time-consuming because abundant combinations exist when long gaps (a gap consists of one or more successive wildcards) are considered. Mining algorithms often employ constraints to narrow down the search space in order to increase efficiency. However, improper constraint models might degrade the sensitivity and specificity of the motifs discovered by computational methods. We previously proposed a new constraint model to handle large wildcard regions for discovering functional motifs of proteins. The patterns that satisfy the proposed constraint model are called W-patterns. A W-pattern is a structured motif that groups motif symbols into pattern blocks interleaved with large irregular gaps. Considering large gaps reflects the fact that functional residues are not always from a single region of protein sequences, and restricting motif symbols into clusters corresponds to the observation that short motifs are frequently present within protein families. To efficiently discover W-patterns for large-scale sequence annotation and function prediction, this paper first formally introduces the problem to solve and proposes an algorithm named WildSpan (sequential pattern mining across large wildcard regions) that incorporates several pruning strategies to largely reduce the mining cost.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>WildSpan is shown to efficiently find W-patterns containing conserved residues that are far separated in sequences. We conducted experiments with two mining strategies, protein-based and family-based mining, to evaluate the usefulness of W-patterns and performance of WildSpan. The protein-based mining mode of WildSpan is developed for discovering functional regions of a single protein by referring to a set of related sequences (e.g. its homologues). The discovered W-patterns are used to characterize the protein sequence and the results are compared with the conserved positions identified by multiple sequence alignment (MSA). The family-based mining mode of WildSpan is developed for extracting sequence signatures for a group of related proteins (e.g. a protein family) for protein function classification. In this situation, the discovered W-patterns are compared with PROSITE patterns as well as the patterns generated by three existing methods performing the similar task. Finally, analysis on execution time of running WildSpan reveals that the proposed pruning strategy is effective in improving the scalability of the proposed algorithm.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The mining results conducted in this study reveal that WildSpan is efficient and effective in discovering functional signatures of proteins directly from sequences. The proposed pruning strategy is effective in improving the scalability of WildSpan. It is demonstrated in this study that the W-patterns discovered by WildSpan provides useful information in characterizing protein sequences. The WildSpan executable and open source codes are available on the web (<url>http://biominer.csie.cyu.edu.tw/wildspan</url>).</p

    TF2Network : predicting transcription factor regulators and gene regulatory networks in Arabidopsis using publicly available binding site information

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    A gene regulatory network (GRN) is a collection of regulatory interactions between transcription factors (TFs) and their target genes. GRNs control different biological processes and have been instrumental to understand the organization and complexity of gene regulation. Although various experimental methods have been used to map GRNs in Arabidop-sis thaliana, their limited throughput combined with the large number of TFs makes that for many genes our knowledge about regulating TFs is incomplete. We introduce TF2Network, a tool that exploits the vast amount of TF binding site information and enables the delineation of GRNs by detecting potential regulators for a set of co-expressed or functionally related genes. Validation using two experimental benchmarks reveals that TF2Network predicts the correct regulator in 75-92% of the test sets. Furthermore, our tool is robust to noise in the input gene sets, has a low false discovery rate, and shows a better performance to recover correct regulators compared to other plant tools. TF2Network is accessible through a web interface where GRNs are interactively visualized and annotated with various types of experimental functional information. TF2Network was used to perform systematic functional and regulatory gene annotations, identifying new TFs involved in circadian rhythm and stress response