7 research outputs found

    Identifying communities by influence dynamics in social networks

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    Communities are not static; they evolve, split and merge, appear and disappear, i.e. they are product of dynamical processes that govern the evolution of the network. A good algorithm for community detection should not only quantify the topology of the network, but incorporate the dynamical processes that take place on the network. We present a novel algorithm for community detection that combines network structure with processes that support creation and/or evolution of communities. The algorithm does not embrace the universal approach but instead tries to focus on social networks and model dynamic social interactions that occur on those networks. It identifies leaders, and communities that form around those leaders. It naturally supports overlapping communities by associating each node with a membership vector that describes node's involvement in each community. This way, in addition to overlapping communities, we can identify nodes that are good followers to their leader, and also nodes with no clear community involvement that serve as a proxy between several communities and are equally as important. We run the algorithm for several real social networks which we believe represent a good fraction of the wide body of social networks and discuss the results including other possible applications.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Structure controllability of complex network based on preferential matching

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    Minimum driver node sets (MDSs) play an important role in studying the structural controllability of complex networks. Recent research has shown that MDSs tend to avoid high-degree nodes. However, this observation is based on the analysis of a small number of MDSs, because enumerating all of the MDSs of a network is a #P problem. Therefore, past research has not been sufficient to arrive at a convincing conclusion. In this paper, first, we propose a preferential matching algorithm to find MDSs that have a specific degree property. Then, we show that the MDSs obtained by preferential matching can be composed of high- and medium-degree nodes. Moreover, the experimental results also show that the average degree of the MDSs of some networks tends to be greater than that of the overall network, even when the MDSs are obtained using previous research method. Further analysis shows that whether the driver nodes tend to be high-degree nodes or not is closely related to the edge direction of the network

    Network communities of dynamical influence

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    Fuelled by a desire for greater connectivity, networked systems now pervade our society at an unprecedented level that will affect it in ways we do not yet understand. In contrast, nature has already developed efficient networks that can instigate rapid response and consensus when key elements are stimulated. We present a technique for identifying these key elements by investigating the relationships between a system’s most dominant eigenvectors. This approach reveals the most effective vertices for leading a network to rapid consensus when stimulated, as well as the communities that form under their dynamical influence. In applying this technique, the effectiveness of starling flocks was found to be due, in part, to the low outdegree of every bird, where increasing the number of outgoing connections can produce a less responsive flock. A larger outdegree also affects the location of the birds with the most influence, where these influentially connected birds become more centrally located and in a poorer position to observe a predator and, hence, instigate an evasion manoeuvre. Finally, the technique was found to be effective in large voxel-wise brain connectomes where subjects can be identified from their influential communities

    The Odyssey’s mythological network

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    We are grateful to Maurício A. Ribeiro which fitted the power law with cut-off degree distribution for Facebook’s and Odyssey’s networks. This work was supported by 1) Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) to PJM, and 2) Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) to SESP.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Detección y análisis de comunidades en redes sociales (#TodosSomosPolitécnico)

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    Este artículo plantea la utilización del método de mapas jerárquicos para la detección de comunidades en una red social. El corpus utilizado en este artículo está basado en la interacción realizada en Twitter por un conjunto de actores, en el movimiento estudiantil del 2014 #TodosSomosPolitécnico. Al aplicar los mapas jerárquicos es posible identificar un conjunto de comunidades muy bien definidas en torno al movimiento. Un análisis basado en la visualización de las comunidades es realizado para corroborar la pertinencia de la detección.Palabra(s) Clave(s): comunidades, mapas jerárquicos, redes sociales, Twitter

    Local dominance unveils clusters in networks

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    Clusters or communities can provide a coarse-grained description of complex systems at multiple scales, but their detection remains challenging in practice. Community detection methods often define communities as dense subgraphs, or subgraphs with few connections in-between, via concepts such as the cut, conductance, or modularity. Here we consider another perspective built on the notion of local dominance, where low-degree nodes are assigned to the basin of influence of high-degree nodes, and design an efficient algorithm based on local information. Local dominance gives rises to community centers, and uncovers local hierarchies in the network. Community centers have a larger degree than their neighbors and are sufficiently distant from other centers. The strength of our framework is demonstrated on synthesized and empirical networks with ground-truth community labels. The notion of local dominance and the associated asymmetric relations between nodes are not restricted to community detection, and can be utilised in clustering problems, as we illustrate on networks derived from vector data