3 research outputs found

    Identifying codes of corona product graphs

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    For a vertex xx of a graph GG, let NG[x]N_G[x] be the set of xx with all of its neighbors in GG. A set CC of vertices is an {\em identifying code} of GG if the sets NG[x]∩CN_G[x]\cap C are nonempty and distinct for all vertices xx. If GG admits an identifying code, we say that GG is identifiable and denote by γID(G)\gamma^{ID}(G) the minimum cardinality of an identifying code of GG. In this paper, we study the identifying code of the corona product H⊙GH\odot G of graphs HH and GG. We first give a necessary and sufficient condition for the identifiable corona product H⊙GH\odot G, and then express γID(H⊙G)\gamma^{ID}(H\odot G) in terms of γID(G)\gamma^{ID}(G) and the (total) domination number of HH. Finally, we compute γID(H⊙G)\gamma^{ID}(H\odot G) for some special graphs GG

    Problems in Domination and Graph Products

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    The \u27domination chain,\u27\u27 first proved by Cockayne, Hedetniemi, and Miller in 1978, has been the focus of much research. In this work, we continue this study by considering unique realizations of its parameters. We first consider unique minimum dominating sets in Cartesian product graphs. Our attention then turns to unique minimum independent dominating sets in trees, and in some direct product graphs. Next, we consider an extremal graph theory problem and determine the maximum number of edges in a graph having a unique minimum independent dominating set or a unique minimum maximal irredundant set of cardinality two. Finally, we consider a variation of domination, called identifying codes, in the Cartesian product of a complete graph and a path