15 research outputs found

    Automatic identification of terms for the generation of students’ concept maps

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    Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Multimedia and Information and Communication Technologies in Education, M-icte 2006, held in Seville (Spain) on November 2006Willow, an adaptive multilingual free-text Computer-Assisted Assessment system, automatically evaluates students’ free-text answers given a set of correct ones. This paper presents an extension of the system in order to generate the students’ concept maps while they are being assessed. To that aim, a new module for the automatic identification of the terms of a particular knowledge field has been created. It identifies and keeps track of the terms that are being used in the students’ answers, and calculates a confidence score of the student's knowledge about each term. An empyrical evaluation using the students' real answers show that it is robust enough to generate a good set of terms from a very small set of answers.This work has been sponsored by Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology, project number TIN2004-0314

    Extracting Terms with EXTra

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    The identification and extraction of terms play an important role in many areas of knowledge-based applications, such as automatic indexing, knowledge discovery and management, as well as in computational approaches to terminology and lexicography. In this paper, we present EXTra, a tool designed to extract and calculate the degree of termhood of multiword expressions as a function of the statistical distribution of their parts and of the presence of other sub-terms. This work describes EXTra‘s algorithm, and provides the results of its evaluation on a task of term extraction from an Italian corpus of documents belonging to the domain of Public Administration

    Automatic term identification for bibliometric mapping

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    A term map is a map that visualizes the structure of a scientific field by showing the relations between important terms in the field. The terms shown in a term map are usually selected manually with the help of domain experts. Manual term selection has the disadvantages of being subjective and labor-intensive. To overcome these disadvantages, we propose a methodology for automatic term identification and we use this methodology to select the terms to be included in a term map. To evaluate the proposed methodology, we use it to construct a term map of the field of operations research. The quality of the map is assessed by a number of operations research experts. It turns out that in general the proposed methodology performs quite well

    Automatic Term Identification for Bibliometric Mapping

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    A term map is a map that visualizes the structure of a scientific field by showing the relations between important terms in the field. The terms shown in a term map are usually selected manually with the help of domain experts. Manual term selection has the disadvantages of being subjective and labor-intensive. To overcome these disadvantages, we propose a methodology for automatic term identification and we use this methodology to select the terms to be included in a term map. To evaluate the proposed methodology, we use it to construct a term map of the field of operations research. The quality of the map is assessed by a number of operations research experts. It turns out that in general the proposed methodology performs quite well

    The main challenge of semi-automatic term extraction methods

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    Term extraction is the basis for many tasks such as building of taxonomies, ontologies and dictionaries, for translation, organization and retrieval of textual data. This paper studies themain challenge of semi-automatic termextraction methods, which is the difficulty to analyze the rank of candidates created by these methods. With the experimental evaluation performed in this work, it is possible to fairly compare a wide set of semi-automatic termextraction methods, which allows other future investigations. Additionally, we discovered which level of knowledge and threshold should be adopted for these methods in order to obtain good precision or F-measure. The results show there is not a unique method that is the best one for the three used corpora.Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) (Grants 2009/16142-3

    Baltic Journal of English Language, Literature and Culture, Vol.10

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    Kontorslokaler nyttjas generellt cirka 2500 av Ärets 8760 timmar. Ett vanligt problem med kontorslokaler Àr det termiska klimatet, antingen Àr det för varmt, för kallt, eller sÄ drar det. Höga temperaturer, över ca 26°C, bidrar till trötthet, nedsatt koncentration och gör att luften kÀnns mindre frÀsch. Stora variationen av lasten mellan dag och nattetid kan ocksÄ resultera i att lokalerna överventileras under nattetid och underventileras under dagtid. Syftet med examensarbetet var att undersöka och jÀmföra Ecoclimes komforttaks lösning med andra olika vÀrme och kylsystem i kontorslokaler. Att undersöka vilka eventuella fördelar Ecoclimes komforttak har gÀllande komfort, kyla, ventilation och ur energisynpunkt. Simuleringsprogrammet IDA ICE har anvÀnts för att simulera komforten och rumstemperaturer för ett kontor och ett konferensrum i en byggnad placerad i centrala UmeÄ. Resultaten frÄn simuleringar indikerar att Ecoclimes komforttak, sÀnker den operativa temperaturen och höjer komforten med en mindre andel missnöjda i sitt rum jÀmfört med andra system trots samma rumstemperatur. För att bedömma andelen missnöjda i ett rum har komfortindexet PMV(Predicted mean vote) och PPD(Predicted percentage dissatisfied) anvÀnts. Den höga passiva effekten bidrar ocksÄ till mindre energianvÀndning av ventilationsflÀktar ifall ett VAV-system med rumstempertaurreglering anvÀnds. Vidare har en kÀnslighetsanalys genomförts pÄ komforttaken dÀr det undersöks hur kyleffekten pÄverkar kyltider, temperatur och komfort. KÀnslighetsanalysen visar att en ökning eller minskning av kyleffekten med 10% pÄverkar resultaten mest under en mycket varm dag jÀmfört med en normalvarm. Skillnaden i komfort var dock liten, endast 0,2 procentenheter frÄn grundfallet

    Natural language processing meets business:algorithms for mining meaning from corporate texts

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