23 research outputs found

    Identifying stressors and coping strategies of elite esports competitors

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    Researchers have examined some of the psychological aspects of competing at a high level in esports. The present study aims to build on this literature by examining the various stressors faced and the associated coping strategies employed by seven esports competitors. The interviews were inductively analysed, and the findings illustrated a range of internal (e.g., communication issues, lack of shared team goals) and external (e.g., event audience, media interviews) stressors that the participants faced. Following this, the coping strategies used to deal with these stressors were deductively analysed. A number of emotion- (e.g., breathing, relaxation) problem- (e.g., intra-team communication after matches) and approach- (e.g., team camps, delegating roles) coping strategies were described by participants. Avoidance coping strategies were predominantly highlighted as being used during games. Results are considered in line with how applied practitioners might support players to develop strategies to deal with stressors, which might in turn lead to enhancing performance

    The psychological aspects of electronic sports : Tips for sports psychologists

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    Professional competition in the field of videogames, known as electronic sports (esports), is rapidly growing and sport psychologists are considering providing support to optimize performance. However, psychologists doubt whether esports is an activity of their competence and players (gamers) and coaches know little about how psychologists can help them optimize their performance. The aim of this article is to bring information related to esports and to how sports psychology applies to the context of competitive gaming. The paper begins with an overview of video gaming, tracing the evolution from the first recreational games to the international competitions of today. The article goes on to define esports and to discuss the extent to which they can be considered sports. Next, the article discusses the role of the sport psychologist in esports and offers an overview of the psychological issues worthy of special attention in this field. In addition, the article presents a career model applied to esports. Finally, the authors provide some reflections on the psychological factors involved in esports, highlight the possible roles of sport psychologists, and suggest possible directions for future research and interventions

    Promoting mental health in esports

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    There is growing recognition of the demands and health challenges experienced by esports athletes. The purpose of this perspective paper is to draw specific attention to the mental health of competitive gamers and spur on both future research and applied initiatives focussing on this important but under-addressed topic. We will briefly discuss the prevalence of mental health concerns, domain-specific stressors, and the need for comprehensive mental health support systems tailored to the esports context. It is our hope that, with this perspective paper, we can help set a new research agenda addressing mental health in esports

    Duty of Care in Esports: Organizational Support for Esports Players’ Mental Wellbeing and Physical Health

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    This paper examines the perspectives of esports players on organizational support for enhancing their mental wellbeing and physical health throughout their esports careers. Drawing on one of the most extensive datasets in the field, to the author’s knowledge, a total of 33 participants – professional (n = 21), semi-professional (n = 6), amateur (n = 4), and retired players (n = 2) – were recruited for the study. Data were collected via semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis was conducted, identifying three key themes: (a) Limited organizational support available, (b) Demand for psychological and mental support, and (c) Importance of maintaining fitness and addressing physical health issues. The results indicate that organizational support was limited, necessitating further attention from stakeholders to establish structured support systems for players. The findings also highlight the significance of providing support to enhance esports players’ performance and overall wellbeing, emphasizing the promotion of mental wellbeing and physical health

    Esports Players’ Transition out of Esports: Is There Life After Esports?

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    The purpose of this study is to explore retired/retiring esports players’ experience of transitioning out of esports. To provide in-depth insights into esports players’ transition experiences that may contribute to young players being better prepared for their own transitions, a qualitative approach was applied and four retired professional esports players in South Korea were interviewed. Thematic analysis was applied, and four themes were identified: Pressure and Uncertainty; Lack of Pre-Retirement Planning; Need for Mentorship; Need for Realism about Talent. The findings highlight that esports players experience pressure and struggle with job/finance insecurity during their careers, and that this contributes significantly to their retirement decisions. Lack of pre-retirement planning causes them to be ill-prepared for their life after esports. The study provides empirical evidence which should encourage the industry and stakeholders to establish structured systems to support esports players’ transitions out of esports

    Esports and the requirements for communication:analyzing Counter-Strike: Global Offensive as a professional game

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    Abstract. The purpose of this thesis was to gain an understanding of how essential communication is for e-athletes. This study focused on the game Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and the communication required to succeed at the highest level in this particular first-person shooter game. Cognitive requirements, stressors, and challenges were considered before analyzing the communication of a professional CS:GO team. The methods and materials used were taken from the field of psychology and literature on video gaming. Literature was studied closely, and many different points of view were considered, such as the physical and mental health of the esports athlete. This thesis explained the input and output systems of professional e-sports athletes. This analysis method was done with the information in Patricia Miller’s book, Theories of Developmental Psychology, using Information Processing Theory as my methodological standpoint. As empirical data was not used in this particular thesis, the conclusions reached were done by deducing the facts underlined in Information Processing Theory, combining them with what was visible and audible within the analyzed round. This study found out that esports athletes make complex decisions based on the visual stimuli they are exposed to. They make short and informative call-outs, pinpoint actions with their mice and keyboard while receiving mass amounts of visual and auditory stimuli that are also being processed continuously. All of this is done in a brief timeframe, and it is repeated throughout the whole match. The main finding is, however, that communication is the most crucial thing in competitive esports. Communication was one of the factors that assisted Mousesports to achieve victory in the tournament.TiivistelmĂ€. TĂ€mĂ€n kandidaatintyön tarkoitus on ymmĂ€rtÀÀ kuinka tĂ€rkeÀÀ ja olennaista kommunikaatio on e-urheilijoille. TĂ€ssĂ€ työssĂ€ painopiste on kommunikaation vĂ€lttĂ€mĂ€ttömyys e-urheilijoilla, jotka kilpailevat korkeimmalla tasolla Counter-Strike Global Offensive:ssa. Kognitiviiset edellytykset, erilaiset stressitekijĂ€t ja haasteet kommunikaation kannalta otettiin myös huomioon. TyössĂ€ kĂ€ytettiin tutkimuksia psykologian alalta sekĂ€ videopelaamiseen liittyviĂ€ tutkimuksia. Kirjallisuutta tutkittiin laajasti ja monipuolisesti ottaen erilaisia nĂ€kökulmia huomioon, kuten e-urheilijoiden fyysinen sekĂ€ psyykkinen terveys. TĂ€ssĂ€ kandidaatintutkielmassa pyrin selittĂ€mÀÀn e-urheilijoiden sisÀÀntulo- sekĂ€ ulostulojĂ€rjestelmĂ€t. TĂ€mĂ€ analyysimenetelmĂ€ perustuu Patricia Millerin kirjassa ”Theories of Developmental Psychology” olevaan tietojenkĂ€sittelyteoriaan. Teoria perustuu siihen, ettĂ€ ihminen toimii kuin tietokone; Ă€rsykkeet, eli sisÀÀntulot, prosessoidaan ja niistĂ€ luodaan jonkinlainen ulostulo. TĂ€mĂ€ teoria toimi metodologisena nĂ€kökulmanani työssĂ€. TĂ€ssĂ€ työssĂ€ ei kĂ€ytetty empiiristĂ€ dataa, mutta pÀÀtelmĂ€t jotka saavutettiin saatiin pÀÀttelemĂ€llĂ€ tietojenkĂ€sittelyteorian informaation sekĂ€ analysoidun turnausvideon tiedon perusteella. TĂ€ssĂ€ työssĂ€ selvisi, ettĂ€ e-urheilijat kykenevĂ€t tekemÀÀn monimutkaisia pÀÀtöksiĂ€ altistuttuaan visuaalisille ja auditiviisille Ă€rsykkeille. He pystyvĂ€t kertomaan lyhyesti ja informatiivisesti olennaista tietoa joukkuetovereilleen samalla kun he itse tekevĂ€t pÀÀtöksiĂ€ perustuen visuaalisiin sekĂ€ auditiviisiin Ă€rsykkeisiin, joille he ovat altistuneet jatkuvasti. NĂ€mĂ€ pÀÀtökset johtavat toimintoihin, jotka voi olla esimerkiksi hiiren liikutus, nĂ€ppĂ€imistön kĂ€yttö, tiedon jakaminen tai kaikki nĂ€mĂ€ asiat yhtĂ€aikaisesti. Kaikki nĂ€mĂ€ toiminnot suoritetaan hyvin pienellĂ€ aikavĂ€lillĂ€ ja tĂ€tĂ€ tapahtuu koko pelin ajan. Kaikista tĂ€rkein löydös on kommunikaation vĂ€lttĂ€mĂ€ttömyys e-urheilijoille. Kommunikaation avulla MouseSports voitti tĂ€mĂ€n turnauksen

    Exploring Tilt in Esports

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    In esports communities, tilt is a commonly used term that tends to describe a phenomenon generally associated with intense frustration and a subsequent deterioration in performance. Despite its common usage, to date, there has been surprisingly little exploration into the phenomenon within esports. Through semi-structured, phenomenologically-based interviews with four collegiate esports athletes, the present study aimed to explore player perceptions of the fundamental experiences of tilt. The abridged IPA revealed several insights into various aspects of tilt including common triggers, manifestations of, and responses to the phenomenon. Findings from this study may be used as the groundwork for future studies regarding tilt and esports athletes

    Duty of Care in Esports: Organizational Support for Esports Players’ Mental Wellbeing and Physical Health

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    This paper examines the perspectives of esports players on organizational support for enhancing their mental wellbeing and physical health throughout their esports careers. Drawing on one of the most extensive datasets in the field, to the author’s knowledge, a total of 33 participants – professional (n = 21), semi-professional (n = 6), amateur (n = 4), and retired players (n = 2) – were recruited for the study. Data were collected via semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis was conducted, identifying three key themes: (a) Limited organizational support available, (b) Demand for psychological and mental support, and (c) Importance of maintaining fitness and addressing physical health issues. The results indicate that organizational support was limited, necessitating further attention from stakeholders to establish structured support systems for players. The findings also highlight the significance of providing support to enhance esports players’ performance and overall wellbeing, emphasizing the promotion of mental wellbeing and physical health