11,733 research outputs found

    Traffic model for advanced satellite designs and experiments for ISDN services

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    The data base structure and fields for categorizing and storing Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) user characteristics is outlined. This traffic model data base will be used to exercise models of the ISDN Advanced Communication Satellite to determine design parameters and performance for the NASA Satellite Communications Applications Research (SCAR) Program

    Communication systems supporting multimedia multi-user applications

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    Multimedia multi-user applications are becoming more and more important. Intensive research is underway on the design of protocols and protocol entities for future communication systems supporting multimedia multi-user applications. The development of a service description ensures that protocol designs actually produce the required functional behavior. The authors explain the approach to the description of a multimedia multi-user service. An example illustrates the use of the service description in the design of communication systems. Next, they present the basic requirements of multimedia and multi-user communications. A call model underlies and structures the service description. Finally, the authors describe the service in terms of service element

    NASA and the challenge of ISDN: The role of satellites in an ISDN world

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    To understand what role satellites may play in Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN), it is necessary to understand the concept of ISDN, including key organizations involved, the current status of key standards recommendations, and domestic and international progress implementation of ISDN. Each of these areas are explained. A summary of the technical performance criteria for ISDN, current standards for satellites in ISDN, key players in the ISDN environment, and what steps can be taken to encourage application of satellites in ISDN are also covered

    Interim Service ISDN Satellite (ISIS) network model for advanced satellite designs and experiments

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    The Interim Service Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) Satellite (ISIS) Network Model for Advanced Satellite Designs and Experiments describes a model suitable for discrete event simulations. A top-down model design uses the Advanced Communications Technology Satellite (ACTS) as its basis. The ISDN modeling abstractions are added to permit the determination and performance for the NASA Satellite Communications Research (SCAR) Program

    Full Service ISDN Satellite (FSIS) network model for advanced ISDN satellite design and experiments

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    The Full Service Integrated Services Digital Network (FSIS) network model for advanced satellite designs describes a model suitable for discrete event simulations. A top down model design uses the Advanced Communications Technology Satellite (ACTS) as its basis. The ACTS and the Interim Service ISDN Satellite (ISIS) perform ISDN protocol analyses and switching decisions in the terrestrial domain, whereas FSIS makes all its analyses and decisions on-board the ISDN satellite

    Performance study of voice over frame relay : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Engineering in Information Engineering, Massey University, Albany, New Zealand

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    Frame Relay (FR) represents an important paradigm shift in modern telecommunication. This technology is beginning to evolve from data only application to broad spectrum of multimedia users and potential to provide end users with cost effective transport of voice traffic for intra office communication. In this project the recent development in voice communication over Frame relay is investigated. Simulations were carried out using OPNET, a powerful simulation software. Following the simulation model, a practical design of the LAN-to-LAN connectivity experiment was also done in the Net Lab. From the results of the simulation, Performance measures such as delay, jitter, and throughput are reported. It is evident from the results that real-time voice or video across a frame relay network can provide acceptable performance
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