223,861 research outputs found

    Formulation of quality of Islamic basic education: A study in the integrated Islamic elementary school Al-Uswah Magetan

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    The development of science and technology that occurs in the current global era has a considerable impact on the changes in human life. These impacts and challenges can be overcome by qualified human resources. Such condition requires educational institutions to continue to improve the quality of their education in order to create qualified human resources. Likewise in Islamic basic education institutions, as the foundation of secondary and higher education, basic education is also in need to continue to improve its quality in order to be able to play a role in facing global changes. Therefore, careful strategy formulation is needed as an effort to make strategic planning in a directed, effective, and efficient manner in the process of improving the quality of Islamic basic education institutions in the current global era. This study aim to describe the formulation of quality of Islamic basic education in SD IT Al Uswah Magetan. The type of research used is a case study. Data collection techniques are used, namely in-depth interviews, participant observation, and study of documents. Data analysis in this study used an interactive analysis model. Then the results of the research are the strategy formulated is focused on curriculum development, human resource development, infrastructure development, environmental development, and student development

    The status of digital innovation and data security in South African Higher Education

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    Most Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in South Africa have moved teaching and learning to online platforms due to the COVID-19 pandemic. With this new development, the responsibility falls upon HEIs to ensure the security of their data. The policy expectation is that HEIs adopt innovative strategies to manage disruptions in teaching and learning processes. This article problematises digital innovation as a post-COVID strategy for data security in Higher Education (HE) in South Africa. It uses the Model of Enterprise Intelligence to make a case for digital innovation and the transformation of teaching and learning in South Africa. Within this conceptual framework, evidence from literature and the digital policies from 2004 to 2020 (see Table 1) were analysed to have a better understanding of digital innovation, collaboration, and transformation in South Africa. Methodologically, the article reviewed the literature, secondary data, and the South African policy document on National Digital and Future Skills Strategy (Notice 513 2020). The findings show that the status of digital innovation and data security in South African Higher Education need further review. More specifically, this review should be collaborative, eliminate a top-down approach to digital policy formulation and reduce the effect of inequality through an effective funding for poor students and institutions

    The use of international rankings in the formulation of a university's strategic goals : the Polish perspective

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    Aim/purpose - The aim of the paper is to identify key indicators from selected international rankings that might be used while formulating a university’s strategy; especially in the context of Polish higher education regulations and requirements. Design/methodology/approach - The paper is based on literature review, accompanied by qualitative-comparative analysis of the most popular international rankings of universities; comparative analysis is also applied to methodologies accommodated by these rankings and to the organization of their output. Findings - Modern universities face growing pressure from the intensifying processes of internationalization and have to search for effective methods of increasing their competitive advantages worldwide. Thus, a well-defined and implemented strategy should playa significant role in this process. Research implications/limitations - The very recent discussions concerning the proposed new Polish Law on higher education and science prove that there is still limited understanding of the importance of university strategies. The government emphasizes the significance of improving international competitiveness of Polish higher education institutions; thus, the proper use of international rankings seems to be vital in responding to governmental visions. The research findings should help universities in the development and execution of strategies. Originality/value/contribution - The paper combines analysis of international rankings and strategy development/formulation. Therefore, it might be a useful tool for the administration of Polish universities and should help in understanding of university organization

    University strategic planning in Cameroon: what lessons for sub-Saharan Africa?

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    This article argues that the global, regional, and local realities can complement rather than contradict each other in the process of strategic planning for universities in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Using the case of the University of Buea in Cameroon, it attempts to use the global trends of polarisation in knowledge production capacity as an input or tool for identifying strategic choice in the process of strategic planning in institutions. The national policy background is used to highlight the context and inherent role of the central government in the process of institutional strategic planning

    The strategic role of knowledge management in African universities.

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    Doctor of Business Administration. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville 2014.This thesis articulates an empirical research study that examines the role of Knowledge Management, inclusive of Business Intelligence in an African Higher Education setting. There are an abundance of studies that show how Knowledge Management plays a key role in organisational strategy, productivity, efficiency, performance and competitiveness in developed countries. The same is not true for developing economies in Africa. This study addressed this gap by investigating the influence of Knowledge Management on institutional strategy development at leading African universities. Furthermore, Web 2.0 was also rigorously investigated as an e-Learning and Knowledge Management strategy for the effective transfer and dissemination of knowledge in Higher Education. The study targeted 20 leading African universities (based upon the Times Higher Education Rankings). The study was built around the constructs of 3 applicable frameworks including Kogut and Zander Knowledge Management Model, Organisational Learning Theory and Organisational Culture Theory. The research instruments were designed around the constructs of the frameworks. Questionnaires were sent to senior employees responsible for Knowledge Management at the respective institutions. In addition, in-depth interviews were also conducted with these individuals as part of the qualitative arm of the study. Both quantitative and qualitative data underwent rigorous statistical analyses in relation to the aims and frameworks of the study. This study found that Knowledge Management does influence institutional strategy and plays an informing role in providing knowledge on demand for strategic decision making and strategy formulation. However Knowledge Management was primarily used in strategy formulation at operational and support areas of the institutions as opposed to teaching and research. There was also a lack of sophisticated and powerful Knowledge Management Information Systems in most of Africa’s leading institutions. The study also showed that Web 2.0 is not being utilised as an e-Learning and Knowledge Management Strategy. Knowledge Management is currently not at Executive Level in African Higher Education. The study further revealed an important finding, that being, those institutions that do make strategic use of Knowledge Management, inclusive of Business Intelligence and Web 2.0, in key areas such as academic teaching, learning and research were higher up in the academic ranking scale as opposed to those that did not. Relating to this, the study showed that effective use of Knowledge Management including Knowledge Management Information Systems does add value to the institutions. In addition, if Knowledge Management including more specialised Knowledge Management Information Systems can be more effectively used to inform strategies in teaching and research then it will promote more academic value and institutional competiveness. Furthermore, if Web 2.0 can be used effectively as an e-Learning and Knowledge Management strategy it will yield significant benefits in research and pedagogy and increase competitiveness. The Organisational Learning framework can be used to predict the trajectory of African universities if they engage with Knowledge Management strategically. Other future studies, amongst others, that can be generated from this study includes avenues such as the measurement of success derived through effective practice of Knowledge Management in African universities or a study similar to this across BRICS nations

    Data and Information Quality Framework Development: Proposed for Indonesia Higher Education

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    The main objective of this research is to find solutions to improve the quality of data and information on higher education in Indonesia. The target is the availability of a structured and comprehensive Framework and strategy accompanied by manual book adoption and implementation, which is expected to encourage efforts to obtain quality data and information (accurate, complete, timely, and consistent) utilizing information technology in supporting governance good governance. In the long run, it is expected that all higher education institutions in Indonesia have an information system that is organized with valid and reliable data quality. This quality data and information is used for policy formulation, process clarity procedures, data cleansing approaches, adequate planning, and appropriate decision making, and management of higher education institution management at all levels and levels of management (institutions, faculties, departments and study programs) towards the realization of the national education industry in Indonesia. To achieve this goal, this study uses a mixed method approach, namely quantitative methods (National and national studies and surveys) and qualitative (case studies). Delphi studies were conducted over three rounds involving experts in data / information quality and higher education. National surveys are carried out using online questionnaires, while case studies are conducted with semi-structured interview techniques. Framework development is carried out by triangulation between Delpi findings data, studies and case studies. The research population is State and Private Universities (Universities, Institutions, Colleges, Academies) which are spread across all major islands in Indonesia (Sumatra, Java, Bali, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua)

    Studentų segmentacija formuojant universiteto rinkodaros strategiją

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    The paper presents an overview and an analysis of literature related to specificity of university marketing, possibilities for market segmentation and main prerequisites for effective marketing strategy formulation. It is concluded that traditional marketing tools and principles are not immediately applicable to respond to the needs of higher education institutions, because they are based on seller-consumer models. The role of higher education institutions should be conceptualized through models of partnership and cooperation. It is also important for institutions of higher education to be able to identify the needs of various student sub-groups and respond to those needs via differentiated marketing strategies. The paper proposes to apply target marketing tools, as they do not require increases in expenditures. Equally, it is important to note that marketing in higher education is a profoundly complex process, which needs careful formulation and evaluation, including selection of appropriate evaluation indicators. Only by taking into account all these considerations can an institution of higher education expect to achieve its marketing goals, satisfaction of its stakeholders and their meaningful feedback. Well formulated marketing strategies play an important role in the process of quality assurance, achievement of institutional goals and modernization.Šiame straipsnyje pateikiama teorinės literatūros bei atliktų tyrimų analizė, atskleidžianti universitetų rinkodaros specifiką, rinkos segmentavimo galimybes bei prielaidas kryptingam universiteto rinkodaros strategijos formavimui. Straipsnyje prieita prie išvadų, kad tradicinio verslo rinkodaros pagrindai nevisiškai atitinka aukštojo mokslo institucijų poreikius, nes jie iš esmės remiasi vartotojiškais modeliais. Į aukštojo mokslo rinkodarą reikia žiūrėti remiantis partnerystės / bendradarbiavimo santykių modeliu. Aukštajai mokyklai siekiant patenkinti skirtingų studentų grupių poreikius, būtina kurti diferencijuotas rinkodaros strategijas. Šiam tikslui pasiekti, nedidinant institucijos išlaidų, siūlomas taikyti tikslinės rinkodaros (angl. target marketing) būdą. Pabrėžtina, kad strateginės rinkodaros aukštajame moksle procesas yra kompleksinis reiškinys, reikalaujantis atsakingo ir atidaus jo etapų formavimo. Tik toks požiūris gali užtikrinti rinkodaros tikslų pasiekimą, aukštojo mokslo „vartotojų“ pasitenkinimą ir grįžtamąjį ryšį. Neabejotina, kad tinkamai suformuluota rinkodaros strategija prisideda prie studijų ir mokslo proceso kokybės užtikrinimo, institucijos tikslų realizavimo bei veiklos modernizavimo

    Phare multi-country programmes, May 1996

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