526 research outputs found

    What does fault tolerant Deep Learning need from MPI?

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    Deep Learning (DL) algorithms have become the de facto Machine Learning (ML) algorithm for large scale data analysis. DL algorithms are computationally expensive - even distributed DL implementations which use MPI require days of training (model learning) time on commonly studied datasets. Long running DL applications become susceptible to faults - requiring development of a fault tolerant system infrastructure, in addition to fault tolerant DL algorithms. This raises an important question: What is needed from MPI for de- signing fault tolerant DL implementations? In this paper, we address this problem for permanent faults. We motivate the need for a fault tolerant MPI specification by an in-depth consideration of recent innovations in DL algorithms and their properties, which drive the need for specific fault tolerance features. We present an in-depth discussion on the suitability of different parallelism types (model, data and hybrid); a need (or lack thereof) for check-pointing of any critical data structures; and most importantly, consideration for several fault tolerance proposals (user-level fault mitigation (ULFM), Reinit) in MPI and their applicability to fault tolerant DL implementations. We leverage a distributed memory implementation of Caffe, currently available under the Machine Learning Toolkit for Extreme Scale (MaTEx). We implement our approaches by ex- tending MaTEx-Caffe for using ULFM-based implementation. Our evaluation using the ImageNet dataset and AlexNet, and GoogLeNet neural network topologies demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed fault tolerant DL implementation using OpenMPI based ULFM

    Towards Building Deep Networks with Bayesian Factor Graphs

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    We propose a Multi-Layer Network based on the Bayesian framework of the Factor Graphs in Reduced Normal Form (FGrn) applied to a two-dimensional lattice. The Latent Variable Model (LVM) is the basic building block of a quadtree hierarchy built on top of a bottom layer of random variables that represent pixels of an image, a feature map, or more generally a collection of spatially distributed discrete variables. The multi-layer architecture implements a hierarchical data representation that, via belief propagation, can be used for learning and inference. Typical uses are pattern completion, correction and classification. The FGrn paradigm provides great flexibility and modularity and appears as a promising candidate for building deep networks: the system can be easily extended by introducing new and different (in cardinality and in type) variables. Prior knowledge, or supervised information, can be introduced at different scales. The FGrn paradigm provides a handy way for building all kinds of architectures by interconnecting only three types of units: Single Input Single Output (SISO) blocks, Sources and Replicators. The network is designed like a circuit diagram and the belief messages flow bidirectionally in the whole system. The learning algorithms operate only locally within each block. The framework is demonstrated in this paper in a three-layer structure applied to images extracted from a standard data set.Comment: Submitted for journal publicatio

    Graph Processing on GPUs:A Survey

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    SpECTRE: A Task-based Discontinuous Galerkin Code for Relativistic Astrophysics

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    We introduce a new relativistic astrophysics code, SpECTRE, that combines a discontinuous Galerkin method with a task-based parallelism model. SpECTRE's goal is to achieve more accurate solutions for challenging relativistic astrophysics problems such as core-collapse supernovae and binary neutron star mergers. The robustness of the discontinuous Galerkin method allows for the use of high-resolution shock capturing methods in regions where (relativistic) shocks are found, while exploiting high-order accuracy in smooth regions. A task-based parallelism model allows efficient use of the largest supercomputers for problems with a heterogeneous workload over disparate spatial and temporal scales. We argue that the locality and algorithmic structure of discontinuous Galerkin methods will exhibit good scalability within a task-based parallelism framework. We demonstrate the code on a wide variety of challenging benchmark problems in (non)-relativistic (magneto)-hydrodynamics. We demonstrate the code's scalability including its strong scaling on the NCSA Blue Waters supercomputer up to the machine's full capacity of 22,380 nodes using 671,400 threads.Comment: 41 pages, 13 figures, and 7 tables. Ancillary data contains simulation input file

    Term Rewriting on GPUs

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    We present a way to implement term rewriting on a GPU. We do this by letting the GPU repeatedly perform a massively parallel evaluation of all subterms. We find that if the term rewrite systems exhibit sufficient internal parallelism, GPU rewriting substantially outperforms the CPU. Since we expect that our implementation can be further optimized, and because in any case GPUs will become much more powerful in the future, this suggests that GPUs are an interesting platform for term rewriting. As term rewriting can be viewed as a universal programming language, this also opens a route towards programming GPUs by term rewriting, especially for irregular computations

    Parallel Processes in HPX: Designing an Infrastructure for Adaptive Resource Management

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    Advancement in cutting edge technologies have enabled better energy efficiency as well as scaling computational power for the latest High Performance Computing(HPC) systems. However, complexity, due to hybrid architectures as well as emerging classes of applications, have shown poor computational scalability using conventional execution models. Thus alternative means of computation, that addresses the bottlenecks in computation, is warranted. More precisely, dynamic adaptive resource management feature, both from systems as well as application\u27s perspective, is essential for better computational scalability and efficiency. This research presents and expands the notion of Parallel Processes as a placeholder for procedure definitions, targeted at one or more synchronous domains, meta data for computation and resource management as well as infrastructure for dynamic policy deployment. In addition to this, the research presents additional guidelines for a framework for resource management in HPX runtime system. Further, this research also lists design principles for scalability of Active Global Address Space (AGAS), a necessary feature for Parallel Processes. Also, to verify the usefulness of Parallel Processes, a preliminary performance evaluation of different task scheduling policies is carried out using two different applications. The applications used are: Unbalanced Tree Search, a reference dynamic graph application, implemented by this research in HPX and MiniGhost, a reference stencil based application using bulk synchronous parallel model. The results show that different scheduling policies provide better performance for different classes of applications; and for the same application class, in certain instances, one policy fared better than the others, while vice versa in other instances, hence supporting the hypothesis of the need of dynamic adaptive resource management infrastructure, for deploying different policies and task granularities, for scalable distributed computing
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