18 research outputs found

    IO vs OI in Higher-Order Recursion Schemes

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    We propose a study of the modes of derivation of higher-order recursion schemes, proving that value trees obtained from schemes using innermost-outermost derivations (IO) are the same as those obtained using unrestricted derivations. Given that higher-order recursion schemes can be used as a model of functional programs, innermost-outermost derivations policy represents a theoretical view point of call by value evaluation strategy.Comment: In Proceedings FICS 2012, arXiv:1202.317

    On one-pass term rewriting

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    Two restricted ways to apply a term rewriting system (TRS) to a tree are considered. When the one-pass root-started, strategy is followed, rewriting starts from the root and continues stepwise towards the leaves without ever rewriting a paxt of the current tree produced in a previous rewrite step. Onepass leaf-started, rewriting is defined similarly, but rewriting begins from the leaves. In the sentential form inclusion problem one asks whether all trees which can be obtained with a given TRS from the trees of some regular tree language T belong to another given regular tree language U, and in the normal form inclusion problem the same question is asked about the normal forms of T. We show that for a left-linear TRS these problems can be decided for both of our one-pass strategies. In all four cases the decision algorithm involves the construction of a suitable tree recognizer

    Multiple Context-Free Tree Grammars: Lexicalization and Characterization

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    Multiple (simple) context-free tree grammars are investigated, where "simple" means "linear and nondeleting". Every multiple context-free tree grammar that is finitely ambiguous can be lexicalized; i.e., it can be transformed into an equivalent one (generating the same tree language) in which each rule of the grammar contains a lexical symbol. Due to this transformation, the rank of the nonterminals increases at most by 1, and the multiplicity (or fan-out) of the grammar increases at most by the maximal rank of the lexical symbols; in particular, the multiplicity does not increase when all lexical symbols have rank 0. Multiple context-free tree grammars have the same tree generating power as multi-component tree adjoining grammars (provided the latter can use a root-marker). Moreover, every multi-component tree adjoining grammar that is finitely ambiguous can be lexicalized. Multiple context-free tree grammars have the same string generating power as multiple context-free (string) grammars and polynomial time parsing algorithms. A tree language can be generated by a multiple context-free tree grammar if and only if it is the image of a regular tree language under a deterministic finite-copying macro tree transducer. Multiple context-free tree grammars can be used as a synchronous translation device.Comment: 78 pages, 13 figure

    On the complexity of bounded second-order unification and stratified context unification

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    Bounded Second-Order Unification is a decidable variant of undecidable Second-Order Unification. Stratified Context Unification is a decidable restriction of Context Unification, whose decidability is a long-standing open problem. This paper is a join of two separate previous, preliminary papers on NP-completeness of Bounded Second-Order Unification and Stratified Context Unification. It clarifies some omissions in these papers, joins the algorithmic parts that construct a minimal solution, and gives a clear account of a method of using singleton tree grammars for compression that may have potential usage for other algorithmic questions in related areas. © The Author 2010. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.This research has been partially supported by the research projects Mulog-2 (TIN2007-68005-C04-01) and SuRoS TIN2008-04547) funded by the CICyTPeer Reviewe

    Deciding Linear Height and Linear Size-to-Height Increase for Macro Tree Transducers

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    In this paper we study Macro Tree Transducers (MTT), specifically the Linear Height Increase ("LHI") and Linear input Size to output Height ("LSHI") constraints. In order to decide whether a Macro tree transducer (MTT) is of LHI or LSHI, we define a notion of depth-properness: a MTT is depth-proper if, for each state, there is no bound to the depth at which it places its argument trees. We show how to effectively put a MTT in depth-proper form. For MTTs in Depth-proper form, we characterize the LSH property as equivalent to the finite-nesting property, and we characterize the LHI property as equivalent to the finiteness of a new type of nesting which we call Multi-Leaf-nesting (or ML-nesting). As opposed to regular nesting where we look at the nesting of states applied to a single input node, we count the nesting of states applied to nodes that are not ancestors of each other. We use this characterization to give a decision procedure for the LSHI and LHI properties. Finally we consider the decision problem of the LSOI (Linear input Size to number of distinct Output subtrees Increase) property. A long standing open problem is whether MTT of LSOI are as expressive as Attribute Tree Transducers (ATT), in this paper we show that deciding whether a MTT is of LSOI is as hard as deciding the equivalence of ATTs

    Regular matching problems for infinite trees

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    We investigate regular matching problems. The classical reference is Conway's textbook "Regular algebra and finite machines". Some of his results can be stated as follows. Let L⊆(Σ∪X)∗L\subseteq(\Sigma\cup X)^* and R⊆Σ∗R\subseteq\Sigma^* be regular languages where Σ\Sigma is a set of constants and XX is a set of variables. Substituting every x∈Xx\in X by a regular subset σ(x)\sigma(x) of Σ∗\Sigma^* yields a regular set σ(L)⊆Σ∗\sigma(L)\subseteq\Sigma^*. A substitution σ\sigma solves a matching problem "L⊆RL\subseteq R?" if σ(L)⊆R\sigma(L)\subseteq R. There are finitely many maximal solutions σ\sigma; they are effectively computable and σ(x)\sigma(x) is regular for all x∈Xx\in X; and every solution is included in a maximal one. Also, in the case of words "∃σ:σ(L)=R\exists\sigma:\sigma(L)=R?" is decidable. Apart from the last property, we generalize these results to infinite trees. We define a notion of choice function γ\gamma which for any tree ss over Σ∪X\Sigma\cup X and position uu of a variable xx selects at most one tree γ(u)∈σ(x)\gamma(u)\in\sigma(x); next, we define γ∞(s)\gamma_\infty(s) as the limit of a Cauchy sequence; and the union over all γ∞(s)\gamma_\infty(s) yields σ(s)\sigma(s). Since our definition coincides with that for IO substitutions, we write σio(L)\sigma_{io}(L) instead of σ(L)\sigma(L). Our main result is the decidability of "∃σ:σio(L)⊆R\exists\sigma:\sigma_{io}(L)\subseteq R?" if RR is regular and LL belongs to a class of tree languages closed under intersection with regular sets. Such a special case pops up if LL is context-free. Note that "∃σ:σio(L)=R\exists\sigma:\sigma_{io}(L)=R?" is undecidable, in general in that case. However, the decidability of "∃σ:σio(L)=R\exists\sigma:\sigma_{io}(L)=R?" if both LL and RR are regular remains open because, in contrast to word languages, the homomorphic image of a regular tree language is not always regular if σ(x)\sigma(x) is regular for all x∈Xx\in X.Comment: 18 pages. This replacement eliminates a false claim from the previous arXiv version of this paper: Item 4 of Theorem 1 did not hold for # = {=

    Collapsible Pushdown Automata and Recursion Schemes

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    International audienceWe consider recursion schemes (not assumed to be homogeneously typed, and hence not necessarily safe) and use them as generators of (possibly infinite) ranked trees. A recursion scheme is essentially a finite typed {deterministic term} rewriting system that generates, when one applies the rewriting rules ad infinitum, an infinite tree, called its value tree. A fundamental question is to provide an equivalent description of the trees generated by recursion schemes by a class of machines. In this paper we answer this open question by introducing collapsible pushdown automata (CPDA), which are an extension of deterministic (higher-order) pushdown automata. A CPDA generates a tree as follows. One considers its transition graph, unfolds it and contracts its silent transitions, which leads to an infinite tree which is finally node labelled thanks to a map from the set of control states of the CPDA to a ranked alphabet. Our contribution is to prove that these two models, higher-order recursion schemes and collapsible pushdown automata, are equi-expressive for generating infinite ranked trees. This is achieved by giving an effective transformations in both directions

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 14. Number 1.

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    Inclusion Diagrams for Classes of Deterministic Bottom-up Tree-to-Tree-Series Transformations

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    In this paper we investigate the relationship between classes of tree-to-tree-series (for short: t-ts) and o-tree-to-tree-series (for short: o-t-ts) transformations computed by restricted deterministic bottom-up weighted tree transducers (for short: deterministic bu-w-tt). Essentially, deterministic bu-w-tt are deterministic bottom-up tree series transducers [EFV02, FV03, ful, FGV04], but the former are de ned over monoids whereas the latter are de ned over semirings and only use the multiplicative monoid thereof. In particular, the common restrictions of non-deletion, linearity, totality, and homomorphism [Eng75] can equivalently be de ned for deterministic bu-w-tt. Using well-known results of classical tree transducer theory (cf., e.g., [Eng75, Fül91]) and also new results on deterministic bu-w-tt, we order classes of t-ts and o-t-ts transformations computed by restricted deterministic bu-w-tt by set inclusion. More precisely, for every commutative monoid we completely specify the inclusion relation of the classes of t-ts and o-t-ts transformations for all sensible combinations of restrictions by means of inclusion diagrams