6,744 research outputs found

    Economic assessment of the relationship between housing and communal infrastructure development factors and population quality of life in Ukraine

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    Improving the quality of life of the population is one of the strategically important directions of modernisation of Ukrainian society. The research focuses on identifying and justifying the interconnection and interdependence of the quality of life of the population and the factors of development of housing and communal infrastructure. The purpose of the given paper is to economic assessment of the relationship between factors of development of housing and communal infrastructure and the quality of life of the population of Ukraine. The object of present research is of the quality of life of the population and the factors of development of housing and communal infrastructure. The hypothesis of the study is that official statistical data do not provide a comprehensive description of the relationship between housing infrastructure development and improvements and the quality of life. A multivariate statistical analysis of the correlation between the level of development of the housing and communal infrastructure and the quality of life of the population made it possible to establish general patterns characterizing the interdependence of interrelated variables and to establish a close relationship between them. The main tools used for a multidimensional statistical analysis and forecasting are the BCG matrix; map of correla-tions; least squares method, scatterplot, taxonomic analysis method, Durbin-Watson autocorrelation test, cluster analysis; schematic map of the results of clustering, foresight methods and Holt’s method of linear exponential smoothing. The research has shown a linear relationship between the component of the quality of life of the Ukrainian population and the development level of housing and communal infrastructure, in particular, the improvement of housing stock of Ukraine. The three-dimensional model of integrated assessment of the state of housing and communal infrastructure allowed the current state of housing and communal infrastructure and determining the conditions for its devel-opment. The practical relevance of the study is to develop recommenda-tions to create conditions for balanced development of housing and communal infrastructure of the state. © 2020, Economic Laboratory for Transition Research. All rights reserved

    European experience within the field of housing maintenance and utilitties management: customization for Ukraine

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    The article analyzes the activity of the city government of Europe in the sphere of housing and communal services; the experience of using internal territorial agreements was studied, contracts for the provision of housing and communal services were studied; the possibilities of decentralized systems of communal economy and other ways of development of innovative territories are stud ied


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    The article is devoted to the analysis of European models of water supply and wastewater management and their implementation in Ukraine. The authors review the classical models of EU water supply and water dsposal management: English, French and German, their historical and political roots, the theoretical basis. In parallel, the authors analyze the state policy in the sphere of water supply and wastewater of Ukraine, the principles of its formation and features, the current state of the sphere of water supply and wastewater, organizational and legal forms of water supply and wastewater enterprises. The article analyzes the current state of realization of public- private partnership in the field of water supply and wastewater with indication of existing contracts and contracts that have become invalid. It is proved that the difference between the water supply and wastewater companies of different management models in Ukraine is not marked, as the general state of the water supply and wastewater sector shows the existence of common problems characteristic of all enterprises. In particular, the ineffectiveness of tariff policies, depreciation of fixed assets, low quality of services, difficult financial condition, inadequate investment, etc. The authors discuss the possibilities of adaptation of classical management models in Ukraine and possible consequences. The article defines the institutional problems of the state policy of Ukraine in the sphere of water supply and wastewater, which influence the efficiency of the implementation and functioning of any model of management and regulation.The article is devoted to the analysis of European models of water supply and wastewater management and their implementation in Ukraine. The authors review the classical models of EU water supply and water dsposal management: English, French and German, their historical and political roots, the theoretical basis. In parallel, the authors analyze the state policy in the sphere of water supply and wastewater of Ukraine, the principles of its formation and features, the current state of the sphere of water supply and wastewater, organizational and legal forms of water supply and wastewater enterprises. The article analyzes the current state of realization of public- private partnership in the field of water supply and wastewater with indication of existing contracts and contracts that have become invalid. It is proved that the difference between the water supply and wastewater companies of different management models in Ukraine is not marked, as the general state of the water supply and wastewater sector shows the existence of common problems characteristic of all enterprises. In particular, the ineffectiveness of tariff policies, depreciation of fixed assets, low quality of services, difficult financial condition, inadequate investment, etc. The authors discuss the possibilities of adaptation of classical management models in Ukraine and possible consequences. The article defines the institutional problems of the state policy of Ukraine in the sphere of water supply and wastewater, which influence the efficiency of the implementation and functioning of any model of management and regulation


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    The purpose of the article is the selection and use of effective forms of public-private partnerships as a mechanism to attract investment in housing and communal sphere. The object of the study is the sector of housing and communal services. The subject of the study is a set of organizational and economic relations arising in the process of public- -private partnership in the field of housing and communal services. In solving the problems of the study there were used dialectical methods (analysis and synthesis, detailing and generalization, analogy, and modeling), as well as economic and statistical methods, methods of expert evaluations, observation. The article considers public-private partnership as a tool to attract investment in the sector of housing and communal services. The features of forms of public-private partnerships, as well as the benefits and risks for local governments and private businesses in housing and communal services. It was found that the use of effective forms of public-private partnerships will reduce the risks of investment private business and improve the level and quality of service of public utilities. The authors propose the use of effective forms of public-private partnership, which will reduce the risks of private business investment and improve the level and quality of public services in the housing and utilities sector


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    The article deals with the sphere of services of water supply and sanitation of Ukraine as an object of public administration and regulation. The meaning of the notions "drinking water", "drinking water supply", "centralized water supply", "wastewater (sanitation)" and others are provided. The composition of water supply and sanitation services is analyzed. The questions of surface wastewater (water received and collected in the form of atmospheric precipitation), which are not included in the list of water supply and sanitation services, are considered. Modern models of management of enterprises of water supply and sanitation in Ukraine are considered, the overwhelming majority of which is direct communal management. The legal status and features of water supply and sanitation companies of communal property are determined. The peculiarities of realization of public-private partnership in the field of water supply and wastewater are considered, examples of existing lease / concession agreements of water supply and sanitation facilities are given. The legal principles of state regulation of the activities of water supply and sanitation enterprises and regulatory measures are considered. The legal principles and features of the state tariff policy in the field of water supply and wastewater are determined. The issues of quality of water supply and sanitation services, consumer rights protection and environmental regulation in the field of water supply and wastewater are considered.The article deals with the sphere of services of water supply and sanitation of Ukraine as an object of public administration and regulation. The meaning of the notions "drinking water", "drinking water supply", "centralized water supply", "wastewater (sanitation)" and others are provided. The composition of water supply and sanitation services is analyzed. The questions of surface wastewater (water received and collected in the form of atmospheric precipitation), which are not included in the list of water supply and sanitation services, are considered. Modern models of management of enterprises of water supply and sanitation in Ukraine are considered, the overwhelming majority of which is direct communal management. The legal status and features of water supply and sanitation companies of communal property are determined. The peculiarities of realization of public-private partnership in the field of water supply and wastewater are considered, examples of existing lease / concession agreements of water supply and sanitation facilities are given. The legal principles of state regulation of the activities of water supply and sanitation enterprises and regulatory measures are considered. The legal principles and features of the state tariff policy in the field of water supply and wastewater are determined. The issues of quality of water supply and sanitation services, consumer rights protection and environmental regulation in the field of water supply and wastewater are considered


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    The article attempts to analyze the legal fundamentals, principles and mechanisms of state policy principle on ensuring free access to information in the field of water supply and wastewater of Ukraine. The main focus is on normative legal acts that determine the need for open access of citizens of Ukraine to information, including in the field of water supply and wastewater. Responsibilities for providing open access to such information are entrusted to state authorities, local governments and water supply and wastewater companies. The author carries out the systematization of the types of information, access to which is provided to consumers in the field of water supply and wastewater, with the indication of the managers of such information and means of its provision. Provides data on the availability and adequacy of some types of information in the field of water supply and wastewater. The article also discusses the issues of realization of the right to access public information by analyzing the annual report of the Ombudsperson of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on human rights and jurisprudence. The system violates the legislation in the area of granting access to public information, the main groups of violations of the legislation in this area of legal regulation are defined. Information activities of state authorities, local self-government bodies and enterprises of Ukraine, despite numerous reforms, are still characterized by certain limitations and formalities.The article attempts to analyze the legal fundamentals, principles and mechanisms of state policy principle on ensuring free access to information in the field of water supply and wastewater of Ukraine. The main focus is on normative legal acts that determine the need for open access of citizens of Ukraine to information, including in the field of water supply and wastewater. Responsibilities for providing open access to such information are entrusted to state authorities, local governments and water supply and wastewater companies. The author carries out the systematization of the types of information, access to which is provided to consumers in the field of water supply and wastewater, with the indication of the managers of such information and means of its provision. Provides data on the availability and adequacy of some types of information in the field of water supply and wastewater. The article also discusses the issues of realization of the right to access public information by analyzing the annual report of the Ombudsperson of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on human rights and jurisprudence. The system violates the legislation in the area of granting access to public information, the main groups of violations of the legislation in this area of legal regulation are defined. Information activities of state authorities, local self-government bodies and enterprises of Ukraine, despite numerous reforms, are still characterized by certain limitations and formalities


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    Today, domestic scientists are carefully studying the process of development of the newly created united territorial communities, analyzing their main problems and challenges. However, it would be appropriate to combine such analysis with best international practices, which should help to increase the efficiency of the decentralization process in Ukraine and increase its effectiveness by taking into account both the advantages and disadvantages of international experience of community development in the frameworks of decentralization. Thus, the main tasks of the article are: to study the process of development of territorial communities of the European Union, to identify long-term areas for implementing the best international practice in Ukraine and to develop recommendations for human capital development at the local community level in the frameworks of decentralization. Although the active process of decentralization began in Ukraine in 2014, our country is still in the process of reforming local self-government and decentralization of powers, which makes it especially important and relevant to study the experience of other countries. The issue of decentralization remains a key issue for the further formation of Ukraine's strategic development, however, the adoption of international models requires taking into account the specifics of the development of the state by itself. Since the current system of territorial community’s operation in Ukraine is not perfect and still at the initial stage of its development, studying the experience of foreign countries will allow us to draw some conclusions about the prospects for further local communities development in Ukraine and to identify key areas of effective operation of territorial communities in Ukraine.Today, domestic scientists are carefully studying the process of development of the newly created united territorial communities, analyzing their main problems and challenges. However, it would be appropriate to combine such analysis with best international practices, which should help to increase the efficiency of the decentralization process in Ukraine and increase its effectiveness by taking into account both the advantages and disadvantages of international experience of community development in the frameworks of decentralization. Thus, the main tasks of the article are: to study the process of development of territorial communities of the European Union, to identify long-term areas for implementing the best international practice in Ukraine and to develop recommendations for human capital development at the local community level in the frameworks of decentralization.Although the active process of decentralization began in Ukraine in 2014, our country is still in the process of reforming local self-government and decentralization of powers, which makes it especially important and relevant to study the experience of other countries. The issue of decentralization remains a key issue for the further formation of Ukraine's strategic development, however, the adoption of international models requires taking into account the specifics of the development of the state by itself. Since the current system of territorial community’s operation in Ukraine is not perfect and still at the initial stage of its development, studying the experience of foreign countries will allow us to draw some conclusions about the prospects for further local communities development in Ukraine and to identify key areas of effective operation of territorial communities in Ukraine

    Mechanisms for Improving the Functioning of the Subjects of Housing and Communal Services in Russia

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    Today in Russia in conditions of the economic crisis, it is important to pay attention to summing up the reform of economic sectors with the most acute social orientation. One of these industries is the housing sector, including housing management. The research task is the needs to explore of housing sector reforming results and the prospects search of further development of house holding segment. To solve this problem statistical data for the past fifteen years has been used.  It was considered the comparability of indicator prices for utility services in order to study the dynamics of its value in Russia and in 41 countries around the world from 1999 to 2011 in comparison to the index in the United States. The increase in this indicator in Russia explained the ongoing reform of the sector. And one of its most important aspects, as related to the transition housing and communal services to self-sufficiency and self-financing. Other indicators that characterize the current state of the sector housing and communal services are identifying in article by Russian regions: improving the living conditions of the citizens, slowdown in fees for public utilities. The modernization of the economy is impossible without a systematic approach to the development of a modern infrastructure of housing and communal services. One of the key aspects to enhance the functioning of control organizations, public utility considers improving their organizational structure. Improved model management and organizational structure of the managing organization and main business process are presented in the article