123 research outputs found

    Tracking bifurcating solutions of a model biological pattern generator

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    We study heterogeneous steady-state solutions of a cell-chemotaxis model for generating biological spatial patterns in two-dimensional domains with zero flux boundary conditions. We use the finite-element package ENTWIFE to investigate bifurcation from the uniform solution as the chemotactic parameter varies and as the domain scale and geometry change. We show that this simple cell-chemotaxis model can produce a remarkably wide and surprising range of complex spatial patterns

    An accurate, fast, mathematically robust, universal, non-iterative algorithm for computing multi-component diffusion velocities

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    Using accurate multi-component diffusion treatment in numerical combustion studies remains formidable due to the computational cost associated with solving for diffusion velocities. To obtain the diffusion velocities, for low density gases, one needs to solve the Stefan-Maxwell equations along with the zero diffusion flux criteria, which scales as O(N3)\mathcal{O}(N^3), when solved exactly. In this article, we propose an accurate, fast, direct and robust algorithm to compute multi-component diffusion velocities. To our knowledge, this is the first provably accurate algorithm (the solution can be obtained up to an arbitrary degree of precision) scaling at a computational complexity of O(N)\mathcal{O}(N) in finite precision. The key idea involves leveraging the fact that the matrix of the reciprocal of the binary diffusivities, VV, is low rank, with its rank being independent of the number of species involved. The low rank representation of matrix VV is computed in a fast manner at a computational complexity of O(N)\mathcal{O}(N) and the Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury formula is used to solve for the diffusion velocities at a computational complexity of O(N)\mathcal{O}(N). Rigorous proofs and numerical benchmarks illustrate the low rank property of the matrix VV and scaling of the algorithm.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, 1 table, 1 algorith

    An efficient algorithm for the parallel solution of high-dimensional differential equations

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    The study of high-dimensional differential equations is challenging and difficult due to the analytical and computational intractability. Here, we improve the speed of waveform relaxation (WR), a method to simulate high-dimensional differential-algebraic equations. This new method termed adaptive waveform relaxation (AWR) is tested on a communication network example. Further we propose different heuristics for computing graph partitions tailored to adaptive waveform relaxation. We find that AWR coupled with appropriate graph partitioning methods provides a speedup by a factor between 3 and 16

    An advancing front Delaunay triangulation algorithm designed for robustness

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    A new algorithm is described for generating an unstructured mesh about an arbitrary two-dimensional configuration. Mesh points are generated automatically by the algorithm in a manner which ensures a smooth variation of elements, and the resulting triangulation constitutes the Delaunay triangulation of these points. The algorithm combines the mathematical elegance and efficiency of Delaunay triangulation algorithms with the desirable point placement features, boundary integrity, and robustness traditionally associated with advancing-front-type mesh generation strategies. The method offers increased robustness over previous algorithms in that it cannot fail regardless of the initial boundary point distribution and the prescribed cell size distribution throughout the flow-field

    Multigrid waveform relaxation for the time-fractional heat equation

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    In this work, we propose an efficient and robust multigrid method for solving the time-fractional heat equation. Due to the nonlocal property of fractional differential operators, numerical methods usually generate systems of equations for which the coefficient matrix is dense. Therefore, the design of efficient solvers for the numerical simulation of these problems is a difficult task. We develop a parallel-in-time multigrid algorithm based on the waveform relaxation approach, whose application to time-fractional problems seems very natural due to the fact that the fractional derivative at each spatial point depends on the values of the function at this point at all earlier times. Exploiting the Toeplitz-like structure of the coefficient matrix, the proposed multigrid waveform relaxation method has a computational cost of O(NMlog(M))O(N M \log(M)) operations, where MM is the number of time steps and NN is the number of spatial grid points. A semi-algebraic mode analysis is also developed to theoretically confirm the good results obtained. Several numerical experiments, including examples with non-smooth solutions and a nonlinear problem with applications in porous media, are presented

    Common transversals and tangents to two lines and two quadrics in P^3

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    We solve the following geometric problem, which arises in several three-dimensional applications in computational geometry: For which arrangements of two lines and two spheres in R^3 are there infinitely many lines simultaneously transversal to the two lines and tangent to the two spheres? We also treat a generalization of this problem to projective quadrics: Replacing the spheres in R^3 by quadrics in projective space P^3, and fixing the lines and one general quadric, we give the following complete geometric description of the set of (second) quadrics for which the 2 lines and 2 quadrics have infinitely many transversals and tangents: In the nine-dimensional projective space P^9 of quadrics, this is a curve of degree 24 consisting of 12 plane conics, a remarkably reducible variety.Comment: 26 pages, 9 .eps figures, web page with more pictures and and archive of computations: http://www.math.umass.edu/~sottile/pages/2l2s

    Unstructured mesh algorithms for aerodynamic calculations

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    The use of unstructured mesh techniques for solving complex aerodynamic flows is discussed. The principle advantages of unstructured mesh strategies, as they relate to complex geometries, adaptive meshing capabilities, and parallel processing are emphasized. The various aspects required for the efficient and accurate solution of aerodynamic flows are addressed. These include mesh generation, mesh adaptivity, solution algorithms, convergence acceleration, and turbulence modeling. Computations of viscous turbulent two-dimensional flows and inviscid three-dimensional flows about complex configurations are demonstrated. Remaining obstacles and directions for future research are also outlined