27 research outputs found

    A Method to Define Requirements for System of Systems

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    The purpose of this research was to develop and apply a systems-based method for defining System of Systems (SoS) requirements using an inductive research design. Just as traditional Systems Engineering (TSE) includes a requirements definition phase, so too does System of Systems Engineering (SoSE); only with a wider, more over- arching, systemic perspective. TSE addresses the design and development of a single system with generally a very specific functional purpose enabled by any number of subcomponents. SoSE however, addresses the design and development of a large, complex system to meet a wide range of functional purposes enabled by any number of constituent systems, each of which may have its own individually-managed and funded TSE effort in execution. To date, the body of prescriptive guidance on how to define SoS requirements is extremely limited and nothing exists today that offers a methodological approach capable of being leveraged against real-world SoS problems. As a result, SoSE practitioners are left attempting to apply TSE techniques, methods, and tools to address requirements for the more complex problems of the SoS domain. This research addressed this gap in the systems body of knowledge by developing a method, grounded in systems principles and theory, that offers practitioners a systemic, flexible method for defining unifying and measurable SoS requirements. This provides element system managers and engineers a SoS focus to their efforts while still maximizing their autonomy to achieve system-level requirements. A rigorous mixed-method research methodology, employing inductive methods with a case application was used to develop and validate the SoS Requirements Definition Method. Two research questions provided the research focus: ‱ How does the current body of knowledge inform the definition of a system theoretic construct to define SoS requirements? ‱ What results from the demonstration of the candidate construct for SoS requirements definition? Using Discoverers \u27 Induction (Whewell, 1858), coupled with coding techniques from the grounded theory method (Glaser & Strauss, 1967), a systems-based method for defining SoS requirements was constructed and applied to a real-world SoS requirements definition case. The structured systemic method advances the SoSE field and shows significant promise for further development to support SoSE practitioners in the area of SoS requirements engineering

    TransRepair: Context-aware Program Repair for Compilation Errors

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    Automatically fixing compilation errors can greatly raise the productivity of software development, by guiding the novice or AI programmers to write and debug code. Recently, learning-based program repair has gained extensive attention and became the state-of-the-art in practice. But it still leaves plenty of space for improvement. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end solution TransRepair to locate the error lines and create the correct substitute for a C program simultaneously. Superior to the counterpart, our approach takes into account the context of erroneous code and diagnostic compilation feedback. Then we devise a Transformer-based neural network to learn the ways of repair from the erroneous code as well as its context and the diagnostic feedback. To increase the effectiveness of TransRepair, we summarize 5 types and 74 fine-grained sub-types of compilations errors from two real-world program datasets and the Internet. Then a program corruption technique is developed to synthesize a large dataset with 1,821,275 erroneous C programs. Through the extensive experiments, we demonstrate that TransRepair outperforms the state-of-the-art in both single repair accuracy and full repair accuracy. Further analysis sheds light on the strengths and weaknesses in the contemporary solutions for future improvement.Comment: 11 pages, accepted to ASE '2

    Innovation and the dynamic competitiveness of brazilian industry: the role of technology imports and local capabilities

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    A framework of contextual knowledge in three dimensional computer aided design for mechanical engineering undergraduates

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    Today’s industries demand engineering graduates who are equipped with good knowledge and skills in using modern Three Dimensional Computer Aided Design (3D CAD). However, the recent research findings show that there is a lack of contextual knowledge among Mechanical Engineering Undergraduates when utilizing 3D CAD modeling software to develop a good product design. Most of them are not able to contextualize their created model in the aspects of manufacturing and user applications. This study was conducted to explore the essential contextual knowledge elements in the process of developing 3D CAD models among practitioners in manufacturing industries. The constructs of digital product modeling were established for this study, known as the contexts of Model Creation, Model Manipulation, Model Visualization and Model Transfer. A transcendental phenomenology approach was used as the main research design of this study. The participants of this study were practicing engineers from a shipbuilding company in Peninsular Malaysia. They have been purposefully selected to explore their experiences in utilizing the elements of contextual knowledge in 3D CAD modeling applications in their daily design works. All collected data were analyzed using phenomenological analysis. The textural and structural descriptions were gathered to capture what and how the essential contextual knowledge elements from each practicing engineer in the application of 3D CAD modeling within four digital product modeling contexts. Relevant documents were analyzed from practicing engineers to triangulate the main data for this study. The study has successfully developed a framework of Contextual Knowledge in 3D CAD modeling, which consists of three main elements: Realization, Design Intention and Normalization. By injecting these three elements in teaching and learning 3D CAD modeling, students can be expected to develop a creative and innovative product design and may lead to better usability of 3D CAD software in the product modeling process

    Antecedents and consequences of electronic distribution channel strategies in the United States lodging industry: Operator\u27s perspectives

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    This study investigated hotel operators\u27 perception of electronic distribution channel strategies and antecedents and consequences of those strategies. The study was launched in an attempt to examine if there is an empirical linkage between these antecedents and consequences of electronic channel distribution strategy in the U.S. hotel industry; While there are plenty of issues around distribution channel management, four research questions were formulated based on marketing and organizational theories: (1) contingency theory, (2) diffusion of innovation theory, and (3) channel power theory; Several organizational and environmental determinants were posited from these overarching theories, including organizational slack, top management involvement, investment level, and innovativeness of the organization. The proposed consequences of electronic distribution channel strategies comprise negotiation power and performance; As a preliminary attempt to apply these theories in the hotel electronic context, the scope of the research was limited to empirically test the model with the data collected from U.S. hotel operators; Adopting a holistic view for model development, the current study proposed twelve hypotheses. The data was collected via web-based survey. An ordinary path analysis using composite score revealed that eight proposed hypotheses hold true in hotel electronic channel strategy. The finding of study implies that some proposed organizational determinants do not work in the same way as in other business organizations. For example, slack resource did not have a significant impact on a company\u27s organizational innovativeness or investment level. The result was in line with the disagreement among researchers from the school of innovation adoption, in that the relationship between slack and innovativeness might not be substantial or could be nonlinear. Slack resource is assumed to result in more investment in technology-related studies, but is hardly tested in the data. The results of this study imply these issues cannot be overlooked and further investigation should occur in this area. Another groundbreaking discovery from this study was that top management involvement in managing channel distribution does not necessarily enhance the effectiveness of the management in hotel electronic context. Managing electronic distribution channels requires a number of choices and decisions to be made in a fast moving environment. The finding explains why hotel executives should hire experts to manage their electronic channels, rather than trying to control and manage channels for themselves. The study identified positive effects of proposed antecedents on Internet distribution strategy and its consequences

    Open Innovation in Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

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    This book unveils the importance of micro, small, medium, and large firms for fostering open innovation, using methodological designs based on both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Several dimensions of the inbound and outbound open innovation strategies and practices are explored, in the scope of University–University, University–Industry, and University–Society relations

    Novel Devices and Materials for Bioelectronics

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    Tato dizertace je syntĂ©zou hlavnĂ­ch projektĆŻ, kterĂœm jsem se věnoval v prĆŻběhu mĂ©ho doktorskĂ©ho studia. Projekty se rozvĂ­jejĂ­ kolem ĆĄirokĂ©ho spektra tĂ©mat, z toho dĆŻvodu byl zvolen ĆĄirokĂœ a obecnĂœ nĂĄzev. Projekty popsanĂ© v tĂ©to prĂĄci se zabĂœvajĂ­ vĂœvojem elektronickĂœch zaƙízenĂ­ s vyuĆŸitĂ­m v ƙadě bioelektronickĂœch aplikacĂ­. PrvnĂ­ část prĂĄce se věnuje vĂœvoji, testovĂĄnĂ­ a aplikacĂ­ platforem pro studium mikroorganismĆŻ schopnĂœch pƙímĂ© vĂœměny elektronĆŻ s elektronickĂœmi zaƙízenĂ­mi. DruhĂĄ část prĂĄce se věnuje elektrickĂ© stimulaci kmenovĂœch buněk pro jejich ƙízenou diferenciaci. DĂĄle se zabĂœvĂĄ fundamentĂĄlnĂ­m studiem potenciĂĄlně ĆĄkodlivĂœch faradaickĂœch reakcĂ­, ke kterĂœm dochĂĄzĂ­ v prĆŻběhu stimulačnĂ­ch protokolĆŻ pouĆŸĂ­vanĂœch v klinickĂ© praxi. VĆĄechny popsanĂ© projekty sdĂ­lĂ­ společnĂ© teoretickĂ© a praktickĂ© zĂĄklady vychĂĄzejĂ­cĂ­ z chemickĂ©ho inĆŸenĂœrstvĂ­, elektrochemie a materiĂĄlovĂœch věd. SjednocujĂ­cĂ­ faktor hrajĂ­cĂ­ zĂĄsadnĂ­ roli a objevujĂ­cĂ­ se napƙíč vĆĄemi projekty je skupina reakcĂ­ souvisejĂ­cĂ­ch s redukcĂ­ kyslĂ­ku. Redukce kyslĂ­ku je nezbytnĂĄ reakce odehrĂĄvajĂ­cĂ­ se v katodovĂ©m poločlĂĄnku zaƙízenĂ­ pro stadium elektroaktivnĂ­ch mikroorganismĆŻ. Redukce kyslĂ­ku a nĂĄslednĂĄ produkce reaktivnĂ­ch forem kyslĂ­ku mĆŻĆŸe mĂ­t diskutabilně větĆĄĂ­ vliv na diferenciaci kmenovĂœch buněk pomocĂ­ elektrickĂ© stimulace neĆŸ samotnĂĄ elektrickĂĄ stimulace. V neposlednĂ­ ƙadě reakce souvisejĂ­cĂ­ s redukcĂ­ kyslĂ­ku byly hlavnĂ­mi reakcemi, kterĂ© jsme pozorovali pƙi aplikaci standardnĂ­ch stimulačnĂ­ch protokolĆŻ. Disertace prezentuje stručnĂœ teoretickĂœ Ășvod nezbytnĂœ pro pochopenĂ­ prezentovanĂœch projektĆŻ. Definuje cĂ­le a prezentuje vĂœsledky formou komentovanĂ©ho seznamu vědeckĂœch publikacĂ­. RovnÄ›ĆŸ nastiƈuje budoucĂ­ směƙovĂĄnĂ­ prĂĄce. HlavnĂ­ dosaĆŸenĂ© vĂœsledky mohou bĂœt shrnuty nĂĄsledujĂ­cĂ­m zpĆŻsobem: PrvnĂ­m cĂ­lem bylo vyvinout platformu zaloĆŸenou na poli mikrobiĂĄlnĂ­ch palivovĂœch člĂĄnkĆŻ pro elektrochemickou charakterizaci elektroaktivnĂ­ch mikroorganismĆŻ. Po sĂ©rii testovacĂ­ch prototypĆŻ byla vyvinuta platforma splƈujĂ­cĂ­ vĆĄechny pƙedem určenĂ© parametry. Platforma se osvědčila jako dostatečně pƙesnĂĄ a spolehlivĂĄ pro zamĂœĆĄlenĂ© biologickĂ© experimenty. DalĆĄĂ­m cĂ­lem bylo vyrobit platformu pro ƙízenou diferenciaci kmenovĂœch buněk pomocĂ­ elektrickĂ© stimulace. BohuĆŸel pƙipravenĂĄ platforma se ukĂĄzala jako nespolehlivĂĄ a nevhodnĂĄ pro danĂœ Ășčel. To vedlo k neĂșspěơnĂ© snaze o diferenci kmenovĂœch buněk poĆŸadovanĂœm směrem. Nakonec jsme se zabĂœvali reakcemi souvisejĂ­cĂ­mi s redukcĂ­ kyslĂ­ku na elektrodĂĄch pƙipravenĂœch z nejčastěji pouĆŸĂ­vanĂœch materiĂĄlĆŻ pro neurĂĄlnĂ­ stimulaci. KyslĂ­k mĆŻĆŸe bĂœt redukovanĂœ na vodu a na peroxid vodĂ­ku v zĂĄvislosti na katalytickĂ© aktivitě danĂ©ho materiĂĄlu a charakteru stimulačnĂ­ho protokolu. Změƙili jsme mnoĆŸstvĂ­ redukovanĂ©ho kyslĂ­ku a produkovanĂ©ho peroxidu v blĂ­zkosti stimulačnĂ­ch elektrod pƙi aplikaci standardnĂ­ch stimulačnĂ­ch protokolĆŻ. NĂĄsledně jsme porovnali katalytickou aktivitu vĆĄech materiĂĄlĆŻ vzhledem k mnoĆŸstvĂ­ redukovanĂ©ho kyslĂ­ku a produkovanĂ©ho peroxidu vodĂ­ku. HlavnĂ­m zjiĆĄtěnĂ­m bylo, ĆŸe vĆĄechny elektrodovĂ© materiĂĄly a vĆĄechny testovanĂ© stimulačnĂ­ protokoly vedou k redukci kyslĂ­ku, v některĂœch pƙípadech aĆŸ k lokĂĄlnĂ­ hypoxii a vĆĄechny materiĂĄly generujĂ­ peroxid vodĂ­ku, některĂ© aĆŸ v ƙádech jednotek mM. Tyto zjiĆĄtěnĂ­ povaĆŸujeme za velmi vĂœznamnĂ©, jelikoĆŸ ovlivněnĂ­ koncentrace kyslĂ­ku a generace peroxidu vodĂ­ku mohou mĂ­t vĂœraznĂœ vliv na tkåƈ v okolĂ­ elektrod.This dissertation represents a synthesis of projects I have been working on in the course of my Ph.D. studies. The projects evolve around a wide range of topics, which is the reason for the broad and general title. Projects described it the thesis involve the development of electronic tools which can be applied to several areas of bioelectronics: The first part of the thesis concerns platforms for the study of unique microorganisms capable of direct electron exchange with electronic devices. This involved design, fabrication, and application of such platforms. The second part of the thesis deals with electrical stimulation; its application to stem cells towards their directed differentiation, and fundamental studies of possibly harmful irreversible faradaic reactions happening in the course of broadly used electrical stimulation protocols applied in clinical practice. All the projects share core, common, theoretical, and practical foundation originating in chemical engineering, electrochemistry, and materials science. A unifying feature playing a major factor and appearing throughout all the projects would be a family of oxygen reduction reactions. Oxygen reduction is a necessary half-cell reaction taking place in the developed device studying electroactive microorganisms. Oxygen reduction and subsequent generation of reactive oxygen species might arguably play a significant role in the direct electrical stimulation of stem cells towards their differentiation. Lastly, oxygen reduction reactions were the main irreversible faradaic reactions we have been observing during standard electrical stimulation protocols. The thesis presents summarized theoretical background necessary to understand presented projects. Goals are defined. Results are introduced as a commented list of published scientific publications. Achieved outcomes are summarized and discussed. Also, a perspective into the future is given. Main results can be summarized as follows. First goal was to develop a platform for electrochemical characterization of electroactive microorganisms. The platform was based on 24 or 96-well Microbial Fuel Cell array. After two design iterations a prototype fulfilling all the intended requirements was developed, tested, and proven to be reliably working. Next, a multi-well platform of interdigitated electrodes was fabricated and used for electrical stimulation of stem cells. Unfortunately, the platform turned out to be unreliable and not working properly which resulted in the failed attempt to differentiate stem cells into a specific type of cells. Lastly, we have examined oxygen reduction reactions (ORRs) on electrodes made of typical materials used for neural stimulation electrodes. Oxygen can be reduced either to water or hydrogen peroxide. Both reactions can significantly reduce the quantity of dissolved oxygen near the electrode, creating hypoxic conditions harmful to neurons. Peroxide, meanwhile, can induce toxic reactions or act as a signaling molecule. We have examined the amount of reduced oxygen and produced peroxide by various stimulation protocols using amperometric sensors and compared electro-catalytic activities of studied materials. Main finding is that typical protocols lead to irreversible ORRs. Some electrode materials induce highly hypoxic conditions, others additionally produce hydrogen peroxide into the mM range.

    Analysis of the effect of bending, fatigue, erosion-corrosion and tensile stresses on HVOF coating of metallic surfaces

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the bending, fatigue, tensile stresses and erosion-coiTosion characteristics o f HVOF thermally sprayed Inconel-625 powder coatings when deposited on three different metallic surfaces: (a) plain stainless steel (SS), (b) spot-welded stainless steel (SW-SS), and (c) a composite surface o f stainless steel and carbon steel welded together (C-SS-CS) under three conditions: (i) surface as-coated, (ii) surface as-coated and subjected to aqueous static corrosion for two weeks, and (iii) surface as-coated and subjected to aqueous static corrosion for four weeks. The predictions of the residual stresses generated during the deposition of the coating over the different metallic surfaces were also performed using analytical and numerical model studies. Validation o f the models was earned out by comparing the results to experimental data. The surface morphology and the elemental composition of the coatings before and after each test were examined using SEM and EDS techniques. The results indicate that the presence of weld or having a composite substrate formed by two different materials does affect the residual stresses at the interface, as it lowers bending, tensile, fatigue strength and enhancing corrosion effect, as observed by the analytical and experimental analyses carried out in this research. Microscopic obseivation of the fractured surfaces showed that the cracks were formed at the interface between the coating and substrate material as well as within the coating. Presence of non-melted particles in the coating enhanced crack propagation and erosion rates. The presence o f oxides, namely AI2O3 at the interface between the coating and the substrate material left over from the surface preparation process also had an effect. Hence careful control is required when applying welds beneath surface coatings

    1999-2001 Wright State University Undergraduate Course Catalog

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    This is a Wright State University undergraduate course catalog from 1999-2001.https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/archives_catalogs/1044/thumbnail.jp