13 research outputs found

    Simulation study of routing protocols in wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless sensor networks, a distributed network of sensor nodes perform critical tasks in many application areas such as target tracking in military applications, detection of catastrophic events, environment monitoring, health applications etc. The routing protocols developed for these distributed sensor networks need to be energy efficient and scalable. To create a better understanding of the performance of various routing protocols proposed it is very important to perform a detailed analysis of them. Network simulators enable us to study the performance and behavior of these protocols on various network topologies. Many Sensor Network frameworks were developed to explore both the networking issues and the distributed computing aspects of wireless sensor networks. The current work of simulation study of routing protocols is done on SensorSimulator, a discrete event simulation framework developed at Sensor Networks Research Laboratory, LSU and on a popular event driven network simulator ns2 developed at UC Berkeley. SensorSimulator is a discrete event simulation framework for sensor networks built over OMNeT++ (Objective Modular Network Test-bed in C++). This framework allows the user to debug and test software for distributed sensor networks. SensorSimulator allows developers and researchers in the area of Sensor Networks to investigate topological, phenomenological, networking, robustness and scaling issues, to explore arbitrary algorithms for distributed sensors, and to defeat those algorithms through simulated failure. The framework has modules for all the layers of a Sensor Network Protocol stack. This thesis is focused on the simulation and performance evaluation of various routing protocols on SensorSimulator and ns2. The performance of the simulator is validated with a comparative study of Directed Diffusion Routing Protocol on both ns2 and SensorSimulator. Then the simulations are done to evaluate the performance of Optimized Broadcast Protocols for Sensor Networks, Efficient Coordination Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks on SensorSimulator. Also a performance study of Random Asynchronous Wakeup protocol for Sensor Networks is done on ns2

    A label based routing protocol for wireless sensor networks

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    One of the challenging issues in wireless sensor networks is to acquire, process, and transmit information using the least amount of battery power; In response to this problem, a novel routing scheme for wireless sensor networks, called Information Dissemination via Label Forwarding (IDLF) , is presented. IDLF consists of three information exchanging stages. In the first stage, a label is disseminated by a source. After a sink receives the label, it replies a request to the source. By exchanging a label and request, a data path between a source and sink is formed. Finally, an actual data is transmitted through the data path. Transmitting labels and requests, instead of actual data, reduces the redundant transmissions of data packets, and thus achieves energy savings; In addition to IDLF, four energy management schemes---directional forwarding, minimum transmission around the sink, battery threshold value, and differential coding---are proposed. We compare IDLF with flooding and another wireless routing protocol named SPIN. The simulation results show that the IDLF together with four energy management schemes can save a significant amount of energy compared to the other two routings

    An Operand-Optimized Asynchronous IEEE 754 Double-Precision Floating-Point Adder

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    New data structures, models, and algorithms for real-time resource management

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    Real-time resource management is the core and critical task in real-time systems. This dissertation explores new data structures, models, and algorithms for real-time resource management. At first, novel data structures, i.e., a class of Testing Interval Trees (TITs), are proposed to help build efficient scheduling modules in real-time systems. With a general data structure, i.e., the TIT* tree, the average costs of the schedulability tests in a wide variety of real-time systems can be reduced. With the Testing Interval Tree for Vacancy analysis (TIT-V), the complexities of the schedulability tests in a class of parallel/distributed real-time systems can be effectively reduced from 0(m²nlogn) to 0(mlogn+mlogm), where m is the number of processors and n is the number of tasks. Similarly, with the Testing Interval Tree for Release time and Laxity analysis (TIT-RL), the complexity of the online admission control in a uni-processor based real-time system can be reduced from 0(n²) to 0(nlogn), where n is the number of tasks. The TIT-RL tree can also be applied to a class of parallel/distributed real-time systems. Therefore, the TIT trees are effective approaches to efficient real-time scheduling modules. Secondly, a new utility accrual model, i.e., UAM+, is established for the resource management in real-time distributed systems. UAM+ is constructed based on the timeliness of computation and communication. Most importantly, the interplay between computation and communication is captured and characterized in the model. Under UAM+, resource managers are guided towards maximizing system-wide utility by exploring the interplay between computation and communication. This is in sharp contrast to traditional approaches that attempt to meet the timing constraints on computation and communication separately. To validate the effectiveness of UAM+, a resource allocation algorithm called IAUASA is developed. Simulation results reveal that IAUASA is far superior to two other resource allocation algorithms that are developed according to traditional utility accrual model and traditional idea. Furthermore, an online algorithm called IDRSA is also developed under UAM+, and a Dynamic Deadline Adjustment (DDA) technique is incorporated into IDRSA algorithm to explore the interplay between computation and communication. The simulation results show that the performance of IDRSA is very promising, especially when the interplay between computation and communication is tight. Therefore, the new utility accrual model provides a more effective approach to the resource allocation in distributed real-time systems. Thirdly, a general task model, which adapts the concept of calculus curve from the network calculus domain, is established for those embedded real-time systems with random event/task arrivals. Under this model, a prediction technique based on history window and calculus curves is established, and it provides the foundation for dynamic voltage-frequency scaling in those embedded real-time systems. Based on this prediction technique, novel energy-efficient algorithms that can dynamically adjust the operating voltage-frequency according to the predicted workload are developed. These algorithms aim to reduce energy consumption while meeting hard deadlines. They can accommodate and well adapt to the variation between the predicted and the actual arrivals of tasks as well as the variation between the predicted and the actual execution times of tasks. Simulation results validate the effectiveness of these algorithms in energy saving

    Reinforced Concrete Foundation Remote Monitoring

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    BDV34-977-09Date on cover: January 2019This project investigated whether it is possible to remotely monitor reinforced concrete foundations for the purpose of corrosion detection. The focus of the project was on identifying and investigating a technology that could provide both the delivery of energy to, and communications with, embedded sensors without the additional installation of wiring. A radio frequency propagation technique that uses the reinforcing steel as a single wire transmission line was identified as the most appropriate candidate, and experiments were designed to determine its usefulness. Baseline experiments conducted at 2.4 GHz in air were successful and demonstrated that the designed interfacing couplers and impedance matching circuits were adequate. However, when the medium was changed to concrete, the attenuation was too severe to support either energy harvesting or communications. Reducing the operating frequency to 8 kHz and modifying the interface provided only slight improvement. Given the successful results when operated in air, it may be possible to transfer the technology to monitoring existing open-air steel structures such as bridges and towers. In addition, it may be possible to adapt the approach for use in reinforced concrete foundations that include concentric reinforcing steel structures that could be used as a two-wire circuit for both energy harvesting and communications

    A reliable and resource aware framework for data dissemination in wireless sensor networks

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    Distinctive from traditional wireless ad hoc networks, wireless sensor networks (WSN) comprise a large number of low-cost miniaturized nodes each acting autonomously and equipped with short-range wireless communication mechanism, limited memory, processing power, and a physical sensing capability. Since sensor networks are resource constrained in terms of power, bandwidth and computational capability, an optimal system design radically changes the performance of the sensor network. Here, a comprehensive information dissemination scheme for wireless sensor networks is performed. Two main research issues are considered: (1) a collaborative flow of information packet/s from the source to sink and (2) energy efficiency of the sensor nodes and the entire system. For the first issue, we designed and evaluated a reactive and on-demand routing paradigm for distributed sensing applications. We name this scheme as IDLF-Information Dissemination via Label ForwarDing IDLF incorporates point to point data transmission where the source initiates the routing scheme and disseminates the information toward the sink (destination) node. Prior to transmission of actual data packet/s, a data tunnel is formed followed by the source node issuing small label information to its neighbors locally. These labels are in turn disseminated in the network. By using small size labels, IDLF avoids generation of unnecessary network traffic and transmission of duplicate packets to nodes. To study the impact of node failures and to improve the reliability of the network, we developed another scheme which is an extension to IDLF. This new scheme, RM-IDLF - Reliable Multipath Information dissemination by Label Forwarding, employ an alternate disjoint path. This alternate path scheme (RM-IDLF) may have a higher path cost in terms of energy consumption, but is more reliable in terms of data packet delivery to sink than the single path scheme (IDLF). In the latter scheme, the protocol establishes multiple (alternate) disjoint path/s from source to destination with negligible control overhead to balance load due to heavy data traffic among intermediate nodes from source to the destination. Another point of interest in this framework is the study of trade-offs between the achieved routing reliability using multiple disjoint path routing and extra energy consumption due to the use of additional path/s. Also, the effect of the failed nodes on the network performance is evaluated within the sensor system; Performance of the label dissemination scheme is evaluated and compared with the classic flooding and SPIN. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

    A job response time prediction method for production Grid computing environments

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    A major obstacle to the widespread adoption of Grid Computing in both the scientific community and industry sector is the difficulty of knowing in advance a job submission running cost that can be used to plan a correct allocation of resources. Traditional distributed computing solutions take advantage of homogeneous and open environments to propose prediction methods that use a detailed analysis of the hardware and software components. However, production Grid computing environments, which are large and use a complex and dynamic set of resources, present a different challenge. In Grid computing the source code of applications, programme libraries, and third-party software are not always available. In addition, Grid security policies may not agree to run hardware or software analysis tools to generate Grid components models. The objective of this research is the prediction of a job response time in production Grid computing environments. The solution is inspired by the concept of predicting future Grid behaviours based on previous experiences learned from heterogeneous Grid workload trace data. The research objective was selected with the aim of improving the Grid resource usability and the administration of Grid environments. The predicted data can be used to allocate resources in advance and inform forecasted finishing time and running costs before submission. The proposed Grid Computing Response Time Prediction (GRTP) method implements several internal stages where the workload traces are mined to produce a response time prediction for a given job. In addition, the GRTP method assesses the predicted result against the actual target job’s response time to inference information that is used to tune the methods setting parameters. The GRTP method was implemented and tested using a cross-validation technique to assess how the proposed solution generalises to independent data sets. The training set was taken from the Grid environment DAS (Distributed ASCI Supercomputer). The two testing sets were taken from AuverGrid and Grid5000 Grid environments Three consecutive tests assuming stable jobs, unstable jobs, and using a job type method to select the most appropriate prediction function were carried out. The tests offered a significant increase in prediction performance for data mining based methods applied in Grid computing environments. For instance, in Grid5000 the GRTP method answered 77 percent of job prediction requests with an error of less than 10 percent. While in the same environment, the most effective and accurate method using workload traces was only able to predict 32 percent of the cases within the same range of error. The GRTP method was able to handle unexpected changes in resources and services which affect the job response time trends and was able to adapt to new scenarios. The tests showed that the proposed GRTP method is capable of predicting job response time requests and it also improves the prediction quality when compared to other current solutions

    Low-power instruction-caches design for embedded microprocessors

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    Mobile tolerant hybrid network routing protocol for wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) may consist of hundreds or even thousands of nodes and could be used for a multitude of applications such as warfare intelligence or to monitor the environment. A typical WSN node has a limited and usually irreplaceable power source and the efficient use of the available power is of utmost importance to ensure maximum lifetime of each WSN application. Each of the nodes needs to transmit and communicate sensed data to an aggregation point for use by higher layer systems. Data and message transmission among nodes collectively consume the largest amount of the energy available in a WSN. The network routing protocols ensure that every message reaches the destination and has a direct impact on the amount of transmissions to deliver a messages successfully. To this end the transmission protocol within the WSN should be scalable, adaptable and optimized to consume the least possible amount of energy to suite different network architectures and application domains. This dissertation proposes a Mobile Tolerant Hybrid Energy Efficient Routing Protocol (MT-HEER), where hybrid refers to the inclusion of both flat and hierarchical routing architectures as proposed by Page in the Hybrid Energy Efficient Routing Protocol (HEER). HEER was previously developed at the University of Pretoria and forms the starting point of this research. The inclusion of mobile nodes in the WSN deployment proves to be detrimental to protocol performance in terms of energy efficiency and message delivery. This negative impact is attributable to assuming that all nodes in the network are statically located. In an attempt to adapt to topological changes caused by mobile nodes, too much energy could be consumed by following traditional network failure algorithms. MT-HEER introduces a mechanism to pro-actively track and utilise mobile nodes as part of the routing strategy. The protocol is designed with the following in mind: computational simplicity, reliability of message delivery, energy efficiency and most importantly mobility awareness. Messages are propagated through the network along a single path while performing data aggregation along the same route. MT-HEER relies on at least 40% of the nodes in the network being static to perform dynamic route maintenance in an effort to mitigate the risks of topological changes due to mobile nodes. Simulation results have shown that MT-HEER performs as expected by preserving energy within acceptable limits, while considering the additional energy overhead introduced by dynamic route maintenance. Mobile node tolerance is evident in the protocol's ability to provide a constant successful message delivery ratio at the sink node with the introduction and increase in the number of mobile nodes. MT-HEER succeeds in providing tolerance to mobile nodes within a WSN while operating within acceptable energy conservation limits. AFRIKAANS : Koordlose Sensor Netwerke mag bestaan uit honderde of selfs duisende nodes en kan gebruik word vir 'n legio van toepassings soos oorlogs intellegensie of om die omgewing te monitor. 'n Tipiese node in so 'n netwerk het 'n beperkte en soms onvervangbare energie bron. Die effektiewe gebruik van die beskikbare energie is dus van uiterste belang om te verseker dat die maksimum leeftyd vir 'n koordlose sensor network behaal kan word. Elkeen van die nodes in the network moet die waargeneemde data aanstuur oor die netwerk na 'n versamelings punt vir latere gebruik deur applikasie vlak stelsels. Informasie en boodskap transmissie tussen die nodes is wel een van die aktiwiteite wat die meeste energie verbruik in the netwerk. Die roeterings protokol verseker dat die boodskappe die eindbestemming behaal en het 'n direkte impak op die hoeveelheid transmissies wat kan plaas vind om dit te bewerkstellig. Die roeterings protokol moet dus skaleerbaar, aanpasbaar en verfyn word om die minste moontlike energie te verbruik in verskillende toepassings velde. Hierdie verhandeling stel 'n Bewegings Tolerante Hybriede Netwerk Roeterings Protokol vir Koordlose Sensor Netwerke (“MT-HEER”) voor. In hierdie konteks verwys hybried na die samesmelting van beide plat en hierargiese roeterings beginsels soos voor gestel deur Page in Hybriede Netwerk Roeterings Protokol (“HEER”). HEER was ontwikkel by die Universiteit van Pretoria en vorm die begin punt van hierdie navorsing. Die insluiting van bewegende nodes in 'n Koordlose Sensor Netwerk toon 'n negatiewe tendens in terme van energie effektiwiteit en suksesvolle boodskap aflewerings by die eindbestemming. Die grootste rede vir hierdie negatiewe tendens is die aanname deur gepubliseerde werke dat alle nodes in die netwerk staties is. Te veel energie sal vermors word indien tradisionele fout korregerende meganismes gevolg word om aan te pas by die bewegende nodes. MT-HEER stel 'n meganisme voor om die bewegende nodes te gebruik as deel van die roetering strategie en gevolglik ook hierdie nodes te volg soos hulle beweeg deur die netwerk. Die protokol is ontwikkel met die volgende doelstellings: rekenkundig eenvoudigheid, betroubare boodskap aflewering, energie effektiwiteit en bewustheid van bewegende nodes. Boodskappe word langs 'n enkele pad gestuur deur die netwerk terwyl boodskap samevoeging bewerkstellig word om die eind bestemming te bereik. MT-HEER vereis wel dat ten minste 40% van die netwerk nodes staties bly om die dienamiese roeterings instandhouding te bewerkstellig. Simulasie toetse en resultate het bewys dat MT-HEER optree soos verwag in gevalle waar daar bewegende nodes deel uit maak van die netwerk. Energie bewaring is binne verwagte parameters terwyl die addisionele energie verbruik binne rekening gebring word om te sorg vir bewegende nodes. Die protokol se toleransie teen bewegende nodes word ten toon gestel deur die vermoë van die protokol om konstant 'n hoë suksesvolle bookskap aflewerings verhouding te handhaaf. MT-HEER behaal die uitgesette doel om 'n toleransie teen bewegende nodes beskikbaar te stel, terwyl die protokol steeds funksioneer binne verwagte energie besparings limiete. CopyrightDissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2010.Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineeringunrestricte