3 research outputs found

    Maximizing signal to leakage ratios in MIMO BCH cooperative beamforming scheme

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    Beamforming (BF) technique in cooperative multiple input multiple output (MIMO) antenna arrays improves signal to noise ratio (SNR) of the intended user. The challenge is to design transmit beamforming vectors for every user while limiting the co-channel interference (CCI) from other users. In this paper, we proposed cooperative beamforming based on Signal-to-Leakage Ratio (SLR) to exploit the leakage power as a useful power in the second time slot after user cooperation, for this purpose successive interference cancellation (SIC) is employed in each user to separate the leakage signal from the desired signal. Without increasing the complexity, Maximizing Signal-to-Leakage Ratio (SLR) subject to proposed power constraint instead of a unity norm is the way to achieve extra leakage power. To reduce the erroneous, Bose鈥揅haudhuri鈥揌ocquenghem (BCH) codes employed in Beamforming of (SIC) cooperative scheme BF(CS-SIC-BCH). Maximum-likelihood (ML) estimator method is used at each user receiver. Simulation results show that the performance of the proposed scheme BF (CS-SIC-BCH) over Rayleigh and Rician fading channel is significantly better than the performance beamforming based on SLR in Non-cooperative system. More specifically to achieve a BER of about the required SNR for the proposed scheme is about 1 dB less than the Non-cooperative system

    A survey of security and privacy issues in the Internet of Things from the layered context

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    漏 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Internet of Things (IoT) is a novel paradigm, which not only facilitates a large number of devices to be ubiquitously connected over the Internet but also provides a mechanism to remotely control these devices. The IoT is pervasive and is almost an integral part of our daily life. These connected devices often obtain user's personal data and store it online. The security of collected data is a big concern in recent times. As devices are becoming increasingly connected, privacy and security issues become more and more critical and these need to be addressed on an urgent basis. IoT implementations and devices are eminently prone to threats that could compromise the security and privacy of the consumers, which, in turn, could influence its practical deployment. In recent past, some research has been carried out to secure IoT devices with an intention to alleviate the security concerns of users. There have been research on blockchain technologies to tackle the privacy and security issues of the collected data in IoT. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the security and privacy issues in IoT systems. To this effect, the paper examines the security issues at each layer in the IoT protocol stack, identifies the under-lying challenges and key security requirements and provides a brief overview of existing security solutions to safeguard the IoT from the layered context

    Implementaci贸n de un prototipo de monitoreo de dispositivos de comunicaci贸n y usuarios finales utilizando el protocolo SNMP basada en software libre para una empresa e-Commerce

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    Desarrolla e implementa un prototipo que permita monitorear en tiempo real los dispositivos de comunicaci贸n (router, switches, acces point) y los usuarios finales (laptop, computadoras personales, impresoras, fotocopiadoras) utilizando el protocolo Simple Network Management Protocol-SNMP y software libre para una empresa dedicada a la compra, venta y distribuci贸n de productos y servicios a trav茅s de Internet (e-commerce), con el fin de mejorar su productividad. El prototipo propuesto permite que el especialista en el 谩rea de Redes y Comunicaciones (Seguridad Perimetral) tenga el control a trav茅s de las alertas y reporte de eventos de los diferentes equipos de comunicaci贸n cuando presente fallas o alguna anomal铆a en el funcionamiento normal de dichos dispositivos. Para realizar este control, el prototipo supervisa toda la actividad de la red de la empresa a trav茅s de un sondeo para conocer peri贸dicamente el estado de los nodos de la red, haciendo uso del protocolo ICMP (protocolo de mensajes de control de internet) y los servicios en esos nodos, ya sea mediante sondeos espec铆ficos del protocolo SNMP que realizan una prueba para observar si el recurso responde correctamente o una conexi贸n simple de puerto TCP/IP al puerto correspondiente. Los diferentes eventos presentados en la topolog铆a de red ser谩n presentados a trav茅s de un reporte gr谩fico donde indica la disponibilidad de los equipos, con ello se tomar谩 las decisiones inmediatas para la continuidad del negocio. La soluci贸n propuesta ha sido implementada bajo GNU/LINUX lo cual brinda facilidades en cuanto a costo de proyecto, aprendizaje de un nuevo sistema operativo, personalizaci贸n del monitoreo para finalmente obtener los resultados esperados con el objetivo de mejorar el rendimiento de la empresa. La contribuci贸n importante de esta tesis es su aplicaci贸n en resolver la necesidad de monitorear la red de comunicaci贸n de una empresa dedicada a la distribuci贸n de productos y servicios a trav茅s de Internet.Tesi