29 research outputs found

    Embedding Spatial Software Visualization in the IDE: an Exploratory Study

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    Software visualization can be of great use for understanding and exploring a software system in an intuitive manner. Spatial representation of software is a promising approach of increasing interest. However, little is known about how developers interact with spatial visualizations that are embedded in the IDE. In this paper, we present a pilot study that explores the use of Software Cartography for program comprehension of an unknown system. We investigated whether developers establish a spatial memory of the system, whether clustering by topic offers a sound base layout, and how developers interact with maps. We report our results in the form of observations, hypotheses, and implications. Key findings are a) that developers made good use of the map to inspect search results and call graphs, and b) that developers found the base layout surprising and often confusing. We conclude with concrete advice for the design of embedded software maps.Comment: To appear in proceedings of SOFTVIS 2010 conferenc

    Visualising multiple overlapping classification hierarchies.

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    The revision or reorganisation of hierarchical data sets can result in many possible hierarchical classifications composed of the same or overlapping data sets existing in parallel with each other. These data sets are difficult for people to handle and conceptualise, as they tryto reconcile the different perspectives and structures that such data represents. One area where this situation occurs is the study of botanical taxonomy, essentially the classification and naming of plants. Revisions, new discoveries and new dimensions for classifying plants lead to a proliferation of classifications over the same set of plant data. Taxonomists would like a method of exploring these multiple overlapping hierarchies for interesting information, correlations, or anomalies. The application and extension of Information Visualisation (IV) techniques, the graphical display of abstract information, is put forward as a solution to this problem. Displaying the multiple classification hierarchies in a visually appealing manner along with powerful interaction mechanisms for examination and exploration of the data allows taxonomists to unearth previously hidden information. This visualisation gives detail that previous visualisations and statistical overviews cannot offer. This thesis work has extended previous IV work in several respects to achieve this goal. Compact, yet full and unambiguous, hierarchy visualisations have been developed. Linking and brushing techniques have been extended to work on a higher class of structure, namely overlapping trees and hierarchies. Focus and context techniques have been pushed to achieve new effects across the visually distinct representations of these multiple hierarchies. Other data types, such as multidimensional data and large cluster hierarchies have also been displayed using the final version of the visualisation

    Visualisation of Large-Scale Call-Centre Data

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    The contact centre industry employs 4% of the entire United King-dom and United States’ working population and generates gigabytes of operational data that require analysis, to provide insight and to improve efficiency. This thesis is the result of a collaboration with QPC Limited who provide data collection and analysis products for call centres. They provided a large data-set featuring almost 5 million calls to be analysed. This thesis utilises novel visualisation techniques to create tools for the exploration of the large, complex call centre data-set and to facilitate unique observations into the data.A survey of information visualisation books is presented, provid-ing a thorough background of the field. Following this, a feature-rich application that visualises large call centre data sets using scatterplots that support millions of points is presented. The application utilises both the CPU and GPU acceleration for processing and filtering and is exhibited with millions of call events.This is expanded upon with the use of glyphs to depict agent behaviour in a call centre. A technique is developed to cluster over-lapping glyphs into a single parent glyph dependant on zoom level and a customizable distance metric. This hierarchical glyph repre-sents the mean value of all child agent glyphs, removing overlap and reducing visual clutter. A novel technique for visualising individually tailored glyphs using a Graphics Processing Unit is also presented, and demonstrated rendering over 100,000 glyphs at interactive frame rates. An open-source code example is provided for reproducibility.Finally, a novel interaction and layout method is introduced for improving the scalability of chord diagrams to visualise call transfers. An exploration of sketch-based methods for showing multiple links and direction is made, and a sketch-based brushing technique for filtering is proposed. Feedback from domain experts in the call centre industry is reported for all applications developed

    A sketching-oriented design method for information visualization software.

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    The aim of this research is to describe a useful approach for supporting creativity and problem-solving in the design of Information Visualization software. This type of software is useful for helping people to understand large or complex collections of data by making the data easier to see and use. Because it can be so helpful, many people are motivated to create visualization software to address their own unique problems of understanding data. However, the techniques which visualizations use to enhance cognition of data are not widely known. Also, there are currently few resources which comprehensively describe a method for designing novel visualizations. Consequently, people who seek to build new Information Visualization tools are left to consult design examples, guidelines, and reference models, which do not adequately describe the visualization design process. The key question of the research concerns how Information Visualization methodologies should account for representation of the user, existing visualization design knowledge, and sketching. Given that the current methods of Information Visualization design are incomplete and show evidence of significant shortcomings, how can novice visualization design teams bridge these gaps by using methods from other design disciplines to successfully create effective visualizations To investigate this question, several studies were conducted. Also, a design methodology called So Viz was developed. It incorporates a participatory design approach, using sketching and visualization design patterns to support creativity and problem-solving. A prototype was designed using the SoViz approach. The key contributions of this thesis are results which show that Information Visualization designers can benefit from using this method. The thesis presents the results of using SoViz to create an Information Visualization prototype and describes the theoretical consequences for Information Visualization methodology

    Cognitive Foundations for Visual Analytics

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    In this report, we provide an overview of scientific/technical literature on information visualization and VA. Topics discussed include an update and overview of the extensive literature search conducted for this study, the nature and purpose of the field, major research thrusts, and scientific foundations. We review methodologies for evaluating and measuring the impact of VA technologies as well as taxonomies that have been proposed for various purposes to support the VA community. A cognitive science perspective underlies each of these discussions

    Idean kontekstia kuvaava metatieto

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    Tutkielmassa esitellään idean kontekstin kuvaaminen keinona tehostaa ideoiden välittymistä. Kontekstitieto kuvataan dokumentteihin liittyvänä metatietona, jota hallitaan dokumenteista riippumattomissa metatietokannoissa. Päämääränä pidetään sellaista idean kontekstin kuvausta, joka on riittävän ilmaisuvoimainen, mutta jonka luominen ei aseta järjestelmän käyttäjille ylivoimaista työtaakkaa. Tiedon välittyminen nähdään prosessina, johon perustuen idean konteksti jaetaan tuottokontekstiin, julkaisukontekstiin ja käyttökontekstiin. Tähän jakoon perustuen käsitellään metatiedon muodostaminen ja sisältö yksityiskohtaisesti yksittäisten metatietotietueen attribuuttien tasolla. Kontekstitiedon käyttökohteista tarkastellaan kontekstin visualisointia informaation visualisoinnin tekniikoihin perustuen, idean arvon mittaamista bibliometrisiä menetelmiä kehittämällä ja automaattista ideoiden valintaa tiedon suodatuksen menetelmien ja digitaalisten assistenttien avulla