4,091 research outputs found

    Integration of gender considerations in climate-smart agriculture R4D in South Asia: Useful research questions

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    Aimed at researchers working with climate-smart agriculture in South Asia, this resource suggests a set of issues to consider in relation to the integration of gender in climate-smart agricultural research for development. Climate change often exacerbates the problems and inequities that poor rural women face. The feminization of agriculture underscores the need to ensure that both men and women are able to learn about, try out, take up, and benefit from improved agricultural technologies, including climate-smart practices

    Differences in Information and Computer Technology by Socioeconomic Status, Gender, and Age

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    This literature review will evaluate how information and computer technology (ICT) use differs by socio-economic status, gender, and age in social science research. After an introductory section, each of the three independent variables will be introduced and the findings within the literature pertaining to each variable will be discussed. As part of that discussion, I will also compare results cross-nationally to determine if significant relationships related to use are consistent across nations. Since a majority of the articles reviewed are quantitative in nature, most of my review will discuss each variable\u27s statistical significance and whether it has a positive or negative relationship with ICT use. However, qualitative research is also represented in the literature, particularly in the area of gender, thus the quality of information and computer technology use will also be discussed. This review concludes with a summary of the findings, its limitations, and suggestions for future research

    ICT Adoption for women's development in Mexico

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    This research aimed to explore whether the adoption of ICT enhances the development of women living in impoverished urban communities in Mexico. The objective was to identify women's motivation to participate in a digital inclusion experience, their process of ICT skills acquisition, whether they applied ICT in their daily life, and whether this application translated into better development opportunities for them. Using mixed methods of descriptive and qualitative tools, the research found that Internet and ICT usage among vulnerable women tends to focus on covering family needs rather than their own. Motivation to participate in ICT courses was associated with reaching independence in usage since most participants depended on others to explain to them how to use their mostly mobile computing devices. Learning experiences increased women’s self-confidence and self-esteem, empowering them to accomplish relevant ICT usage according to their priorities and needs, such as enhancing their entrepreneurial activities. Esta investigación tenía como objetivo explorar si la adopción de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) mejoraría el desarrollo de las mujeres que viven en comunidades urbanas empobrecidas en México. El objetivo era identificar la motivación de las mujeres para participar en una experiencia de inclusión digital y estudiar cómo sería el proceso de adquisición de competencias TIC, si las aplicarían en su vida diaria y si esta aplicación se traduciría en mejores oportunidades de desarrollo. Usando métodos mixtos de herramientas descriptivas y cualitativas, la investigación encontró que el uso de internet y las TIC entre las mujeres vulnerables tiende a centrarse en cubrir las necesidades familiares en lugar de las propias. La motivación para participar en cursos sobre las TIC iba asociada a ganar independencia en el uso de estas herramientas digitales, ya que la mayoría de las participantes dependían de otras personas para utilizar sus dispositivos informáticos, mayoritariamente móviles. Las experiencias de aprendizaje aumentaron la autoconfianza y la autoestima de las mujeres, y las dotaron de autonomía para hacer un uso relevante de las TIC según sus prioridades y necesidades, como por ejemplo mejorar sus actividades emprendedoras.Aquesta investigació volia explorar si l'adopció de les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació (TIC) milloraria el desenvolupament de les dones que viuen en comunitats urbanes empobrides a Mèxic. L'objectiu era identificar la motivació de les dones per participar en una experiència d'inclusió digital i estudiar com seria el procés d'adquisició de competències TIC, si les inclourien a la seva vida diària i si aquesta aplicació es traduiria en millors oportunitats de desenvolupament. Utilitzant mètodes mixtos amb eines descriptives i qualitatives, la investigació va trobar que l'ús d'internet i les TIC entre les dones vulnerables té tendència a centrar-se a satisfer les necessitats familiars en lloc de les pròpies. La motivació per participar en cursos sobre les TIC anava associada a guanyar independència en l'ús d'aquestes eines digitals, ja que la majoria de les participants depenien d'altres persones per utilitzar els seus dispositius informàtics, majoritàriament mòbils. Les experiències d'aprenentatge van augmentar l'autoconfiança i l'autoestima de les dones, i les van dotar d'autonomia per fer un ús rellevant de les TIC segons les seves prioritats i necessitats, com ara millorar les seves activitats emprenedores.Societat de la informació i el coneixemen

    Summit of the Americas: The IDB Agenda to Support the Mandates of the Summits of Quebec and Nuevo León: Activities and Strategic Programs

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    During the Hemispheric Summit that took place in Quebec, Canada, in April 2001, the Inter-American Development Bank presented a set of 22 strategic programs intended to contribute to meeting the mandates that stem from the Summits of the Americas and the commitments that are part of the Plan of Action adopted in Quebec. Since then, the IDB has carried out intensive and complex financial and technical activities in the context of those 22 strategic programs. The programs fall into five areas that summarize the mandates adopted by the Heads of State and Government of the Americas, namely: democratic governance and political development; integration and economic development; ecology and sustainable development; equity and human development; and connectivity and technological development. During the Special Summit in Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico (January 2004), the IDB presented a report summarizing achievements made since 2001 with respect to the programs presented in Quebec. In addition, the Declaration of Nuevo León establishes new mandates.Research & Development, Economic Development & Growth, Democracy, Governance, Mar del Plata Summit, November 2005, SOC2005-15

    An investigation on individual empowerment of telecentres users : A case study of three Pusat Internet Desa (PIDS) in Northern States of Malaysia

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    Community informatics is an area that focuses on the implementation and application of information technology in communities. Empowerment as an important concept used in assessing the impact of technology within organizations and communities. The potential of empowering the communities is through the development of telecentres that provide a platform for acquiring various skills and knowledge. Nevertheless, previous studies indicated various problems in engaging community when using the telecentre. In addition, most of these studies were concentrating on the operational aspects of the telecentre rather than the users. Thus, the objectives of this study are to describe how psychological empowerment constructs such as intrapersonal, interactional, and behavioural reflect empowerment of Pusat Internet Desa (PID) users and propose a telecentre users empowerment model. This study had applied the psychological empowerment (PE) theory introduced by Zimmerman in 1998 to examine the empowerment outcome of the telecentres implementation. The study was conducted using qualitative investigation of the multiple-case study of PIDs. Data was obtained from the users through openended questionnaires and face-to-face interview. Observation was also carried out on the users’ behaviours and PID activities, while documentation reviews were performed based on the PID annual reports and bulletins. Data analysis was done using interpretation technique. The findings reveal that all factors; perceived control, self-efficacy, competence, motivation, critical awareness, decision making skill, problem solving skill, and coping and participation; show positive feedback except for leadership skill. This indicates that telecentre establishments can help in empowering the rural community in Malaysia. In addition, it is confirmed that the Zimmerman empowerment theory can be applied in the information systems environment. This study contributes to the development of a telecentre user psychological empowerment model. Moreover, it also contributes to the information systems body of knowledge particularly in the area of community informatics as well as to the telecentre establishment policies

    Reforming the agricultural extension system in India: What do we know about what works where and why?

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    "In order to realize agricultural potential and to increase agricultural yields, India's extension system has experienced major conceptual, structural, and institutional changes since the late 1990s. This paper reviews existing reform programs and strategies currently existing in agricultural extension in India. It distinguishes strategies that have been employed to strengthen both the supply and demand sides of service provision in the area of agricultural extension, and it reviews the effects of the demand- and supply-side strategies on the access to and the quality of agricultural extension services. The ultimate objectives are (1) to gain a view on what works where and why in improving the effectiveness of agricultural extension in a decentralized environment; (2) to identify measures that strengthen and improve agricultural extension service provision; and (3) to reveal existing knowledge gaps. Although the range of extension reform approaches is wide, this paper shows that an answer to the question of what works where and why is complicated by the absence of sound and comprehensive qualitative and quantitative impact and evaluation assessment studies. Even evidence from the National Agricultural Technology Project and the Diversified Agricultural Support Project of the World Bank, the women empowerment programs of the Danish International Development Agency, the Andhra Pradesh Tribal Development Project, and the e-Choupal program of the Indian Tobacco Company is subject to methodological and identification problems. Conclusions regarding the importance (1) of implementing both decentralized, participatory, adaptive, and pluralistic demand- and supply-side extension approaches; (2) of involving the public, private, and third (civil society) sectors in extension service provision and funding; and (3) of strengthening the capacity of and the collaboration between farmers, researchers, and extension workers are necessarily tentative and require further quantification. The paper seeks to inform policymakers and providers of extension services from all sectors about the need to make performance assessments and impact evaluations inherent components of any extension program so as to increase the effectiveness of extension service reforms." from Author's AbstractDemand-driven and supply-driven agricultural extension services' extension service reforms, Agricultural extension services, Reforms, Demand driven, Supply driven, Governance,

    Smartphone Use in Financial Management among Women’s Informal Saving Groups in Dodoma, Tanzania

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    Diffusion of smartphone technology has created multiple opportunities for economic development. This research investigated the use of smartphones in financial management among women’s informal saving groups in Dodoma, Tanzania. Qualitative data were collected from 10 groups, derived from 15 interviews and 3 focus group discussions (FGDs) with 22 participants and thematic analysis was done. The findings revealed that research participants were using smartphones to access WhatsApp, the camera, mobile money applications and the calculator for coordination, recording, calculation, and payment. It was also found that untrustworthy communications, high charges and mobile fraud were challenges experienced by the groups. Familiarity, ease of use and nature of the group were identified as important reasons for the smartphone use in financial management. The research contributes knowledge regarding digitizing informal saving groups although smartphone use was not strongly linked to financial management success. This suggests a need for improved skills and technological empowerment to achieve sustainable growth

    Digital Development and the Digital Gender Gap

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    This rapid literature review collates findings from recently published papers on digital development and gender, highlighting some of the most commonly discussed discussions related to economic, social and political development. As the scope of this query is very large, this review provides an illustration of some of the commonly identified issues in the literature. The digital inclusion agenda seeks to close the gaps in access to, and adoption of, fast evolving information and communication technology (ICT) services, particularly mobile phones and the internet. It is an important aspect of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as both an end and a means to the cross-cutting policy aim of ‘leaving no one behind’. The potential gains from digital technologies are high, however they often remain unrealised, especially for women and girls (World Bank, 2016). There is a large and growing amount of recently published policy relevant literature on this broad ranging subject particularly in policy/practitioner papers and in academia

    CCAFS Program of Work and Budget 2016

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    The 2016 program of work and budget of the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) lays out the key activities and budget in 2016