22 research outputs found

    IPv6 Security Issues in Linux and FreeBSD Kernels: A 20-year Retrospective

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    Although IPv6 was introduced in 1998, its adoption didn\u27t begin to take off until 2012. Furthermore, its vulnerabilities haven\u27t received as much attention as those of IPv4. As such, there is potential to exploit these vulnerabilities. With the amount of IPv6 traffic rapidly increasing, these exploits present real-world consequences. This paper aims to re-evaluate the security of IPv6 stack implementations in FreeBSD and Linux kernels, specifically FreeBSD 11.1 and Ubuntu Linux 4.13. It contributes to the literature in three ways. We first reproduce ten vulnerabilities from existing research to determine whether known bugs have been patched. Then, we examine two, new vulnerabilities in IPv6 extension headers and options. Not only does this paper demonstrate the vulnerabilities in the kernels\u27 implementations, but it also aims to show where these parser differentials likely originate in the kernel\u27s source code. Our hope is that the fuzzing cases from this paper can be built into an automatic fuzzing framework that will facilitate the discovery of new vulnerabilities and ensure the security of this protocol moving forward

    Improving TCP’s Resistance to Blind Attacks through Ephemeral Port Randomization

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    Recently, awareness has been raised about a number of “blind” attacks that can be performed against the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and similar protocols. The consequences of these attacks range from throughput-reduction to broken connections or data corruption. These attacks rely on the attacker's ability to guess or know the four-tuple (Source Address, Destination Address, Source port, Destination Port) that identifies the transport protocol instance to be attacked. While there have been a number of proposals to mitigate these Vulnerabilities, the most obvious mitigation -- TCP port randomization -- has been the one least engineered. In this paper we analyze a number of approaches for the random selection of client port numbers, such that the possibility of an attacker guessing the exact value is reduced. We discuss the potential interoperability problems that may arise from some port randomization algorithms that have been implemented in a number of popular operating systems, and propose a novel port randomization algorithm that provides the obfuscation while avoiding the interoperability problems that may be caused by other approaches. While port randomization is not a replacement for cryptographic methods, the described port number randomization algorithms provide improved security/obfuscation with very little effort and without any key management overhead.II Workshop de Arquitecturas, Redes y Sistemas OperativosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Too Big or Too Small? The PTB-PTS ICMP-based Attack against IPsec Gateways

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    International audienceThis work introduces the "Packet Too Big"-"Packet Too Small" ICMP based attack against IPsec gateways. We explain how an attacker having eavesdropping and packet injection capabilities, from the insecure network where he only sees encrypted packets, can force a gateway to reduce the Path MTU of an IPsec tunnel to the minimum, which triggers severe issues for the hosts behind this gateway: depending on the Path MTU discovery algorithm in use, the attack either creates a Denial of Service or major performance penalties. This attack highlights two fundamental problems that we discuss, along with potential counter-measures to mitigate the attack while keeping ICMP benefits

    ICMP: an Attack Vector against IPsec Gateways

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    In this work we show that the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) can be used as an attack vector against IPsec gateways. The main contribution of this work is to demonstrate that an attacker having eavesdropping and traffic injection capabilities in the black untrusted network (he only sees ciphered packets), can force a gateway to reduce the Path MTU of an IPsec tunnel to a minimum, which in turn creates serious issues for devices on the trusted network behind this gateway: depending on the Path MTU discovery algorithm, it either prevents any new TCP connection (Denial of Service), or it creates major performance penalties (more than 6 seconds of delay in TCP connection establishment and ridiculously small TCP segment sizes). After detailing the attack and the behavior of the various nodes, we discuss some counter measures, with the goal to find a balance between ICMP benefits and the associated risks

    ICMP: an Attack Vector against IPsec Gateways

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    In this work we show that the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) can be used as an attack vector against IPsec gateways. The main contribution of this work is to demonstrate that an attacker having eavesdropping and traffic injection capabilities in the black untrusted network (he only sees ciphered packets), can force a gateway to reduce the Path MTU of an IPsec tunnel to a minimum, which in turn creates serious issues for devices on the trusted network behind this gateway: depending on the Path MTU discovery algorithm, it either prevents any new TCP connection (Denial of Service), or it creates major performance penalties (more than 6 seconds of delay in TCP connection establishment and ridiculously small TCP segment sizes). After detailing the attack and the behavior of the various nodes, we discuss some counter measures, with the goal to find a balance between ICMP benefits and the associated risks

    Making TCP More Robust to Long Connectivity Disruptions (TCP-LCD)

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    Disruptions in end-to-end path connectivity, which last longer than one retransmission timeout, cause suboptimal TCP performance. The reason for this performance degradation is that TCP interprets segment loss induced by long connectivity disruptions as a sign of congestion, resulting in repeated retransmission timer backoffs. This, in turn, leads to a delayed detection of the re-establishment of the connection since TCP waits for the next retransmission timeout before it attempts a retransmission. This document proposes an algorithm to make TCP more robust to long connectivity disruptions (TCP-LCD). It describes how standard ICMP messages can be exploited during timeout-based loss recovery to disambiguate true congestion loss from non-congestion loss caused by connectivity disruptions. Moreover, a reversion strategy of the retransmission timer is specified that enables a more prompt detection of whether or not the connectivity to a previously disconnected peer node has been restored. TCP-LCD is a TCP senderonly modification that effectively improves TCP performance in the case of connectivity disruptions. Status of This Memo This document is not an Internet Standards Track specification; it is published for examination, experimental implementation, and evaluation. This document defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet community. This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). It represents the consensus of the IETF community. It has received public review and has been approved for publication by the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG). Not all documents approved by the IESG are a candidate for any level of Internet Standard; see Section 2 of RFC 5741. Information about the current status of this document, any errata, and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained a

    Improving TCP’s Resistance to Blind Attacks through Ephemeral Port Randomization

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    Recently, awareness has been raised about a number of “blind” attacks that can be performed against the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and similar protocols. The consequences of these attacks range from throughput-reduction to broken connections or data corruption. These attacks rely on the attacker's ability to guess or know the four-tuple (Source Address, Destination Address, Source port, Destination Port) that identifies the transport protocol instance to be attacked. While there have been a number of proposals to mitigate these Vulnerabilities, the most obvious mitigation -- TCP port randomization -- has been the one least engineered. In this paper we analyze a number of approaches for the random selection of client port numbers, such that the possibility of an attacker guessing the exact value is reduced. We discuss the potential interoperability problems that may arise from some port randomization algorithms that have been implemented in a number of popular operating systems, and propose a novel port randomization algorithm that provides the obfuscation while avoiding the interoperability problems that may be caused by other approaches. While port randomization is not a replacement for cryptographic methods, the described port number randomization algorithms provide improved security/obfuscation with very little effort and without any key management overhead.II Workshop de Arquitecturas, Redes y Sistemas OperativosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI


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    Атаки на відмову являються одним з небезпечних видів зловмисної діяльності в мережі Інтернет. Особливостями атак є простота їх реалізації та складність виявлення і протидії. Робота присвячена огляду основних видів атак, історії та причинам їх появи. Розлядаються схеми класифікації, прийняті в сучасній літературі та проводиться їх аналіз і порівняння

    Too Big or Too Small? The PTB-PTS ICMP-based Attack against IPsec Gateways

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    International audienceThis work introduces the "Packet Too Big"-"Packet Too Small" ICMP based attack against IPsec gateways. We explain how an attacker having eavesdropping and packet injection capabilities, from the insecure network where he only sees encrypted packets, can force a gateway to reduce the Path MTU of an IPsec tunnel to the minimum, which triggers severe issues for the hosts behind this gateway: depending on the Path MTU discovery algorithm in use, the attack either creates a Denial of Service or major performance penalties. This attack highlights two fundamental problems that we discuss, along with potential counter-measures to mitigate the attack while keeping ICMP benefits