7 research outputs found

    A Process Theory of Competency Rallying in Engineering Projects

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    Firms face an environment changing at an increasingly rapid pace. Market opportunities in particular can arise and disappear in a short time. Unfortunately, the speed with which organizations can adapt their strategies and competencies to meet these opportunities remains limited. We argue that firms can address these individual limitations by cooperating with others for access to market opportunities and needed competencies. In this paper, we present a process theory of how a network of firms can reliably engineering and deliver products in the face of rapid market changes. In this theory, the success of the network is predicated on 1) identification and development of competencies, 2) identification and facing of market opportunities, 3) marshalling of competencies and 4) a short-term cooperative effort. Our theory is based on the experiences of Virtual Factory, an organized network for regional cooperation in the manufacturing industry

    Metodologia para busca e sugestão de gestores de organizações virtuais baseada em competências individuais

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção.A evolução da globalização impõe às empresas, como uma de suas conseqüências, uma nova maneira de se fazer e conduzir negócios. Com isso, os conceitos gerenciais organizacionais arraigados nas empresas vêm sofrendo transformações e adequações ao longo desses últimos anos a fim de melhor atender às oportunidades de negócios apresentadas pelo mercado. Em resposta a essa evolução, surge a necessidade de aprofundar o conhecimento em áreas relacionadas às redes colaborativas, uma nova disciplina que aparece para acomodar as diversas iniciativas e manifestações focadas em parcerias, colaboração e tecnologias de informação e comunicação # conceitos essenciais para a aplicação dos modelos de negócios de um mundo empresarial sem fronteiras. As Redes Colaborativas (RCs) introduzem necessidades novas dos pontos de vista tecnológico, humano e organizacional, em termos de modelos, metodologias, métodos e técnicas de trabalho como também no que se refere aos recursos # principalmente humanos # envolvidos. Este trabalho analisa a preparação, a busca e a sugestão de profissionais competentes para atuar num ambiente regido por este novo modelo de negócios, bem como o que fazer e como fazer para orientar a busca direcionada de competências individuais para se alcançar uma gestão adequada à Organização Virtual (OV) que está se formando ou recém-formada. Desta forma, o trabalho propõe uma metodologia para busca e sugestão de gestores de Organizações Virtuais baseada em competências individuais e direcionada por alguns princípios de governança. A metodologia objetiva estabelecer um procedimento formal para a busca e sugestão de Gestor(es) para uma determinada OV baseada nos recursos já existentes e disponíveis no ambiente da OV, sendo suportada por um mapa de competências que serve de base de análise de competências individuais apoiadas em vii conhecimento, habilidade e atitude. A aplicação da metodologia de busca e sugestão de gestor(es) de OV, além de indicar o gestor mais adequado para uma determinada OV, também contribui para a criação de um novo mercado de oportunidades através do aumento do interesse de organizações e de profissionais para o oferecimento deste tipo especializado de serviço: gestor (made-to-fit) para uma determinada OV. Finalmente, objetivando a excelência da gestão de OVs, a metodologia proposta passa por um processo de validação que inclui a análise do trabalho por especialistas em RCs de vários países. The evolution of the globalization imposes to the enterprises - as one of its consequences - a new way of doing businesses. This means that in the course of the last recent years traditional organizational and managerial concepts are being transformed and adequate in order to better attend to the business opportunities that are arising in the market. In response to this evolution comes the need to deepen the knowledge in areas related to collaborative networks, a new discipline that emerges to accommodate several initiatives and manifestations that focus on partnership, collaboration as well as on information and communication technologies ¨C concepts that are essential for the application of business models in a borderless business world. The Collaborative Networks (CNs) introduce new needs from technological, human and organizational viewpoints in terms of models, methodologies, methods and work techniques as well as in what refers to the involved resources ¨C mainly the human ones. This work analyses the preparation, the search and the suggestion of competent professionals to act in an environment that is lead by this new business model; it also considers what to do and how to do in order to guide an oriented search for individual competences to achieve an adequate management for a Virtual Organization (VO) that is being created or that has recently been created. In this sense the work proposes a methodology for searching and suggesting VO managers based on individual competences and guided by some governance principles. The methodology intends to establish a formal procedure for searching and suggesting manager(s) for a given VO and based on already existing and available resources in the VO environment. The methodology is supported by a competence map that serves as an analysis basis for the individual competences which in turn are based on knowledge, skill and attitude. The application of this methodology þu besides ix indicating the most adequate manager for a given VO þu also contributes for the creation of a new opportunity market by means of increasing the interest of organizations and of professionals for the offering of this new specialized service: a made-to-fit manager for a VO. Finally þu focusing on the excellence of the VO Management þu the proposed methodology is validated through a process which includes the analysis of the developed work by world-wide experts on CNs

    The RQ-Tech Methodology: A New Paradigm for Conceptualizing Strategic Enterprise Architectures

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    The purpose of this research is to develop and apply a system-theoretic based methodology and corresponding model for Enterprise Architecture development. Enterprise Architectures can assist managers by illustrating the systemic relationships within an organization and the impact changes to the organization could make. Unfortunately, today\u27s modeling practices are proprietary, time-consuming, and generally ineffective as tools for understanding the consequences of strategic-level planning decisions across all levels of the enterprise. This research supports the conclusion that system-specific solutions produce islands of technology and can be prevented by employing better enterprise change planning. This research combined the practice of Enterprise Architectures with a modern perspective grounded in Systems Theory and the theory regarding the computer science-oriented Semantic Web to present a distinctive methodology for developing models. A review of literature in all three areas provided an illustration of the overlap common to all three domains. It provided support for critical thinking concerning how to enrich the Enterprise Architecture practice. This research was conducted to answer to two primary questions. The first research question investigated the most significant factors to consider when translating authoritative text and rich pictures into semantic models. The second research question qualitatively measured the extent to which models aligned to important organizational guidance are useful for representing the organization as a whole. Reusable Quality Technical Architectures (RQ-Tech) is the methodology developed from this research. It demonstrates that a complex system of systems organization that must creatively respond to a variety of events can be holistically represented using a dynamic model. RQ-Tech techniques provide ways to map and link the multitudes of scope-level authoritative business documents so that together they can effectively represent the nature and essence of the organization as one organic structure. The marriage of authorized enterprise documentation and the Semantic Web produces a model of the holistic enterprise. This model had previously only been experienced at a tacit level by those exceptionally well-trained in the depth and breadth of organizational culture, supporting laws, policies and related publications. This research effort provides the vision that encourages a paradigm shift away from the mechanistic approach toward organizational change to analogy of a socially connected, interdependent enterprise. New horizons for using the common language of the Semantic Web to capture an understanding of the many interactive systems of the enterprise are substantiated. The research concludes with identification of future research themes prompted by this investigation

    Extensibility of Enterprise Modelling Languages

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    Die Arbeit adressiert insgesamt drei Forschungsschwerpunkte. Der erste Schwerpunkt setzt sich mit zu entwickelnden BPMN-Erweiterungen auseinander und stellt deren methodische Implikationen im Rahmen der bestehenden Sprachstandards dar. Dies umfasst zum einen ganz konkrete Spracherweiterungen wie z. B. BPMN4CP, eine BPMN-Erweiterung zur multi-perspektivischen Modellierung von klinischen Behandlungspfaden. Zum anderen betrifft dieser Teil auch modellierungsmethodische Konsequenzen, um parallel sowohl die zugrunde liegende Sprache (d. h. das BPMN-Metamodell) als auch die Methode zur Erweiterungsentwicklung zu verbessern und somit den festgestellten Unzulänglichkeiten zu begegnen. Der zweite Schwerpunkt adressiert die Untersuchung von sprachunabhängigen Fragen der Erweiterbarkeit, welche sich entweder während der Bearbeitung des ersten Teils ergeben haben oder aus dessen Ergebnissen induktiv geschlossen wurden. Der Forschungsschwerpunkt fokussiert dabei insbesondere eine Konsolidierung bestehender Terminologien, die Beschreibung generisch anwendbarer Erweiterungsmechanismen sowie die nutzerorientierte Analyse eines potentiellen Erweiterungsbedarfs. Dieser Teil bereitet somit die Entwicklung einer generischen Erweiterungsmethode grundlegend vor. Hierzu zählt auch die fundamentale Auseinandersetzung mit Unternehmensmodellierungssprachen generell, da nur eine ganzheitliche, widerspruchsfreie und integrierte Sprachdefinition Erweiterungen überhaupt ermöglichen und gelingen lassen kann. Dies betrifft beispielsweise die Spezifikation der intendierten Semantik einer Sprache

    Interoperability of Enterprise Software and Applications

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    Waldo, the virtual & intelligent cyber analyst

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    O objetivo deste estágio é desenvolver uma plataforma inteligente, que constitua um analista de segurança, através de agregação e correlação de várias fontes, apresentado-as ao operacional de segurança atravé de uma aplicação web. Este objetivo foi atingido com a implementação de um sistema que: Aplica os cálculos das redes bayesianas para entender o correlacionamento de eventos de vários IDS, utiliza abordagens que conseguem encontrar comportamentos suspeitos a partir da análise da variação destes correlacionamentos e emprega raciocínio baseado em casos para comparar esses comportamentos com outros registados anteriormente. Ao testar o sistema na rede da empresa, foram detetados alguns comportamentos suspeitos, que normalmente n~ao seriam detetados pelos operadores com a sua forma de análise regular. Este sistema mostrou ser bastante importante, não para substituir os operadores, mas para servir de apoio à análise da elevada quantidade de dados que estes recebem. Ao mesmo tempo, fornece um tipo de análise diferente da dos operadores, podendo detetar problemas que não são percebidos através do método norma