103,518 research outputs found

    Microcomputer versus mainframe simulations: A case study

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    The research was conducted to two parts. Part one consisted of a study of the feasibility of running the Space Transportation Model simulation on an office IBM-AT. The second part was to design simulation runs so as to study the effects of certain performance factors on the execution of the simulation model. The results of this research are given in the two reports which follow: Microcomputer vs. Mainframe Simulation: A Case Study and Fractional Factorial Designs of Simulation Runs for the Space Transportation System Operations Model. In the first part, a DOS batch job was written in order to simplify the execution of the simulation model on an office microcomputer. A comparison study was then performed of running the model on NASA-Langley's mainframe computer vs. running on the IBM-AT microcomputer. This was done in order to find the advantages and disadvantages of running the model on each machine with the objective of determining if running of the office PC was practical. The study concluded that it was. The large number of performance parameters in the Space Transportation model precluded running a full factorial design needed to determine the most significant design factors. The second report gives several suggested fractional factorial designs which require far fewer simulation runs in order to determine which factors have significant influence on results

    The Cost of Rational Agency

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    The rational agency assumption limits systems to domains of application that have never been observed. Moreover, representing agents as being rational in the sense of maximising utility subject to some well specified constraints renders software systems virtually unscalable. These properties of the rational agency assumption are shown to be unnecessary in representations or analogies of markets. The demonstration starts with an analysis of how the rational agency assumption limits the applicability and scalability of the IBM information filetering economy. An unrestricted specification of the information filtering economy is developed from an analysis of the properties of markets as systems and the implementation of a model based on intelligent agents. This extended information filtering economy modelis used to test the analytical results on the scope for agents to act as intermediaries between human users and information sources

    Smart Change in Strategy: IBM‘s Response to Challenging Times

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    International Business Machines, or IBM, has been an indisputable force in the communications industry, leading the world into the modern, global technological age. Currently, IBM has revamped its business paradigm, allocating the majority of its resources to consulting work and data analyses rather than manufacturing as it had done so in the past — for the primary objectives of optimizing existing assets, resolving problems of burgeoning cities and beleaguered governments, and enhancing peoples‘ lives in a sustainable way

    �Beam me up, Scotty! - Teleportation, and Personal Identity

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    Near the end of the Nineteenth Century a Prussian woman arrived at her local telegraph office with a bowl of sauerkraut she wanted sent to her son. She insisted that, if soldiers could be sent to the front by telegraph, certainly her sauerkraut could be sent the same way. (Standage, 1998) The Prussian woman thought that communication and transportation could coincide. She may have been correct. In 1993 an IBM scientist, Charles H. Bennett, predicted that quantum teleportation is possible, but only if the original object is destroyed. More recently, in October, 1998, Caltech scientist H. Jeff Kimble succeeded in instantaneously transporting information contained in the quantum state of a photon one meter across a lab bench without it traversing any physical medium in between. Kimble and his colleagues used an extremely delicate quantum mechanical phenomenon, �quantum entanglement.� Kimble"s findings suggest that teleportation of the sort depicted in the Star Trek television series and movies is theoretically possible

    Solution Repair/Recovery in Uncertain Optimization Environment

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    Operation management problems (such as Production Planning and Scheduling) are represented and formulated as optimization models. The resolution of such optimization models leads to solutions which have to be operated in an organization. However, the conditions under which the optimal solution is obtained rarely correspond exactly to the conditions under which the solution will be operated in the organization.Therefore, in most practical contexts, the computed optimal solution is not anymore optimal under the conditions in which it is operated. Indeed, it can be "far from optimal" or even not feasible. For different reasons, we hadn't the possibility to completely re-optimize the existing solution or plan. As a consequence, it is necessary to look for "repair solutions", i.e., solutions that have a good behavior with respect to possible scenarios, or with respect to uncertainty of the parameters of the model. To tackle the problem, the computed solution should be such that it is possible to "repair" it through a local re-optimization guided by the user or through a limited change aiming at minimizing the impact of taking into consideration the scenarios

    U.S. Multinational Services Companies: Effects of Foreign Affiliate Activity on U.S. Employment

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    This working paper examines the effect that U.S. services firms’ establishment abroad has on domestic employment. Whereas many papers have explored the employment effects of foreign direct investment in manufacturing, few have explored the effects of services investment. We find that services multinationals’ activities abroad increase U.S. employment by promoting intrafirm exports from parent firms to their foreign affiliates. These exports support jobs at the parents’ headquarters and throughout their U.S. supply chains. Our findings are principally based on economic research and econometric analysis performed by Commission staff, services trade and investment data published by the Bureau of Economic Analysis, and employment data collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In the aggregate, we find that services activities abroad support nearly 700,000 U.S. jobs. Case studies of U.S. multinationals in the banking, computer, logistics, and retail industries provide the global dimensions of U.S. MNC operations and identify domestic employment effects associated with foreign affiliate activity in each industry

    Conceptual analysis of a lunar base transportation system

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    Important to the planning for a lunar base is the development of transportation requirements for the establishment and maintenance of that base. This was accomplished as part of a lunar base systems assessment study conducted by the NASA Langley Research Center in conjunction with the NASA Johnson Space Center. Lunar base parameters are presented using a baseline lunar facility concept and timeline of developmental phases. Masses for habitation and scientific modules, power systems, life support systems, and thermal control systems were generated, assuming space station technology as a starting point. The masses were manifested by grouping various systems into cargo missions and interspersing manned flights consistent with construction and base maintenance timelines. A computer program that sizes the orbital transfer vehicles (OTV's), lunar landers, lunar ascenders, and the manned capsules was developed. This program consists of an interative technique to solve the rocket equation successively for each velocity correction (delta V) in a mission. The delta V values reflect integrated trajectory values and include gravity losses. As the program computed fuel masses, it matched structural masses from General Dynamics' modular space-based OTV design. Variables in the study included the operation mode (i.e., expendable vs. reusable and single-stage vs. two-stage OTV's), cryogenic specific impulse, reflecting different levels of engine technology, and aerobraking vs. all-propulsive return to Earth orbit. The use of lunar-derived oxygen was also examined for its general impact. For each combination of factors, the low-Earth orbit (LEO) stack masses and Earth-to-orbit (ETO) lift requirements are summarized by individual mission and totaled for the developmental phase. In addition to these discrete data, trends in the variation of study parameters are presented

    A taxonomy of logistics innovations

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    In this paper we present a taxonomy of supply chain and logistics innovations, which is based on an extensive literature survey. Our primary goal is to provide guidelines for choosing the most appropriate innovations for a company, such that the company can outrun its competitors. We investigate the factors, both internal and external to the company, that determine the applicability and effectiveness of the listed innovations. We support our suggestions with real world cases reported in literature

    How Can Multinational Corporations Retain Their Employees in China?

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    To address the headache encountered by many multinational companies in China retention of their Chinese employees, this study first examined the current Chinese labor market, identifying the unique characteristics of the market mainly comprised of university graduates and experienced white-collar employees; then tried to explain the reasons behind employees departures from a perspective of deep-rooted Chinese cultures; in the end, proposed effective and efficient solutions for retention purposes. All the proposed solutions aim to address key human resources management concerns, including compensation management, talent acquisition, performance management and communication. This study examined the best practices in employee retention adopted by a large number of successful multinational players in the Chinese market. Some of the names from the list are IBM, Motorola, Intel, HSBC, Shell and British Petroleum (BP)
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