6 research outputs found

    Agile Manufacturing: A Border Perspective

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    Manufacturing along the United States-Mexico border was built on the low-cost and low-technology model of early maquiladora plants, which offered cheap alternatives to the U.S. labor rates and an alternative to labor-intensive assembly and attractive tax benefits. Forty years later, other areas of the world are offering a lower cost alternative to the same targeted manufacturing organization. The alternative choices are often a lower-cost option, making the United States-Mexico border region an option that gets left out of the equation. A review of the literature and an investigation of attractive features of the border region suggest a different approach that highlights the advantages of a proximity-based model interspersed with the components of agile manufacturing

    Electronic collaborative mass customization as a competitive strategy – Exploring the key success factors

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    OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY Electronic collaborative mass customization (ECMC) – online customer-centered product design – is an emerging discipline. The objective of the research is to examine ECMC as a competitive strategy through the identification of key success factors that have received inadequate attention previously. More specifically, the aim is to introduce a new framework for value co-creation. METHODOLOGY The data was collected through netnography and themed interviews. With regard to primary data, six (6) Finnish B2C companies’ marketing managers were interviewed in order to obtain a strategic perspective to the phenomenon in question. Moreover, in order to produce triangulation and emphasize customer-centrism, netnography was employed as a secondary method. The collected data was analyzed via theory-bound approach. FINDINGS Based on data analysis, several conclusions and implications were contrived. From the results, it becomes evident that practitioners need to carefully analyze and implement four central elements – systemic (interface, logistics), organizational (culture, resources), customer (experience, commitment), and competitive understanding (offering, promotion) – in order to provide superior customer value and obtain competitive advantage through ECMC. With regard to academics, it is suggested that future research continues the investigation of this new form of competition from different foundations and perspectives

    Strategic brand management as the factor of company competitiveness

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    Intenzivna konkurencija na tržištu i promenljivi uslovi poslovanja navode kompanije da kontinuirano tragaju za novim izvorima konkurentne prednosti. Globalizacija tržišta ujedinila je potrošače u zahtevima koje postavljaju pred kompanije i doprinela je razvoju novih marketing strategija koje omogućavaju porast satisfakcije i lojalnosti potrošača prema brendu, direktno implicirajući i poboljšanje finansijskih perfomansi u poslovanju. Kreiranje i razvoj brenda predstavlja dugoročnu investiciju kompanije. U doktorskoj disertaciji pokušali smo da ukažemo da primena koncepta brend menadžmenta doprinosi celokupnom učinku brenda na tržištu i ukupnim finansijskim rezultatima. Orijentacija prema brendu kompanije jeste polazna determinanta strategijskog brend menadžmenta. U cilju merenja doprinosa SBM-a poslovnim rezultatima sproveli smo empirijsko istraživanje u 300 prvorangiranih kompanija u 2010. godini, prema kriterijumu - obim prometa u 2009. godini. Prikupljeno je 66 upitnika, od toga 63 validna upitnika, na osnovu kojih smo smo izvršili analizu i izneli rezultate. Rezultati su pokazali da je korelacija statistički značajna i pozitivna između inovacije, informacione tehnologije, orijentacije prema brendu, jedinstvenosti brenda, učinka brenda i finansijskih rezultata, dok između brend barijere i finansijskog rezultata postoji negativna korelacija, potpuno opravdano. Poseban predmet analize je poređenje rezultata implementacije brend menadžmenta u domaćim i inostranim kompanijama na teritoriji Republike Srbije, gde signifikantne vrednosti ukazuju na značajnu razliku tretmana strategijskog brend menadžmenta u domaćim i inostranim kompanijama, u korist inostranih kompanija. Ograničenja sprovedenog terenskog istraživanja ne mogu se ignorisati, međutim rezultati se veoma značajni za sagledavanje doprinosa brend menadžmenta u poslovanju kako za naučnu i stručnu javnost, tako i za privredne subjekte.Intensive competition in the market and changing business conditions make companies continuously search for new sources of competitive advantage. The market globalization has united consumers in setting their requirements before the companies and contributed to development of new marketing strategies which enable the growth of satisfaction and loyalty of consumers toward a brand, directly implying the improvment of financial performances in business. Creation and development of a brand represents a long-term investment of a company. In this doctorial dissertation, we have tried to point out that the implementation of the brand management concept contributes to the brand's market performance and overall financial performance. Orientation towards the company brand is a starting determinant of the strategic brand management. In order to measure the SBM's contribution to business results,we have conducted an empirical research in 300 companies ranked first in 2010, according to the criteria – turnover in 2009. Finaly, 66 questionnaires were collected, out of which 63 valid ones, based on which we conducted an analysis and presented our results. The results have shown that the correlation is statistically significant and positive between innovation, information technology, orientation towards a brand, brand uniqueness, brand performance and financial performance, while there is a negative correlation between the brand barrier and financial performance, fully justified. Special subject of the analysis is the comparison of the results of the implementation of brand management in domestic and foreign companies in the Republic of Serbia, where significant values point out to important difference in strategic brand management treatment in domestic and foreign companies, in the favor of foreign companies. Limitations to the conducted field research cannot be ignored, however, the results are very significant for understanding the contribution of brand management to business, both for scientific and professional public and for businesses

    Disrupting routines, facilitating control: exploring a change towards healthier food purchasing behaviour using a health app

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    Background: Unhealthier food consumption patterns constitute a leading risk factor for ill health. As an important step in the food consumption process, changing food purchasing may improve the healthfulness of dietary patterns. Changing behaviour towards healthier food purchasing may be viewed as effortful by consumers due to inadequate nutrition knowledge and skills which may inhibit their ability to make healthy choices within the supermarket. A dominance of routines and habits further impedes the use of deliberative decision-making, which makes information provision and goal-setting less effective. Behaviour change may be supported by disrupting undesirable behavioural patterns, building of personal resources, and reframing behavioural outcomes. This should prompt a greater use of reflective cognitive processes during food purchasing and aid healthier behaviour. However, there is limited evidence in relation to food purchasing. Given recent technological advances, apps offer a potential tool to facilitate such change. The high use of apps across social groups suggests that they may be appropriate for supporting behaviour change in lower socioeconomic groups. It is unclear if existing apps are appropriately designed or acceptable for use for the necessary time period, particularly for individuals from a lower socioeconomic background. Such knowledge gaps must be addressed to inform intervention design. This thesis aims to contribute to the theoretical understanding of the interplay between mobile app technology and behaviour change with food purchasing as the behaviour of interest, and a particular focus on women from a lower socioeconomic background. Methods: This thesis was grounded in a pragmatic philosophical perspective and consisted of four phases. In phase one, structural equation modelling was undertaken to examine the individual-level determinants of a healthy eating habit and the extent to which personal goals and self-control are linked to a healthy eating habit. A content analysis of existing apps was undertaken in phase two to examine their capacity to support healthier food purchasing behaviour. A structured analytical matrix was employed where relevant literature and theory was drawn upon. A phenomological methodology was used for the remaining two research phases. In phase three, the researcher explored the experience of using a health app to support healthier food purchasing behaviour. Women from a lower socioeconomic background were recruited and asked to use two, of three possible, apps over a two-week period. Subsequent semi-structured interviews explored the experience of using an app including those personal and app-related factors of importance. Inductive thematic analysis was conducted to explore common patterns across participants’ experiences. In the fourth research phase, the lived experience of changing purchasing behaviour was explored in women from a lower socioeconomic background using a health app over an 8-11 week period. Participants were asked to use one, of two possible, apps. Multiple data collection methods were employed to capture the lived experience of behaviour change and app use. At baseline, an accompanied shop, incorporating the use of think-aloud protocol and researcher observations, was conducted, followed by an in-depth interview and questionnaire completion. At the midway point, participants were asked to complete a reflective account of their experience thus far. They were also asked to share their till receipts for the study duration. At follow-up, an accompanied shop, in-depth interview, and questionnaire completion was again employed. Interpretative phenomenological analysis was conducted to gain insight into the behaviour change experience. Theoretical thematic analysis was employed to examine app use through the lens of engagement theory. Findings: Self-control and deliberative cognitive processes were central to maintaining a healthy eating habit. This challenges the current conceptualisation and suggests the need to view complex food behaviours as highly routinised; this is an important consideration for behaviour change. Food purchasing behaviour was not a primary focus of existing apps with behavioural outcomes, such as weight-loss, as their main goal. While existing apps have the potential to support healthier purchasing behaviour, there is an opportunity to broaden their capacity. Health apps, through the process of self-monitoring, problem solving, and behavioural prompts, disrupted existing purchasing patterns. This prompted the use of reflective cognitive processes such that purchasing behaviour was directed by personal resources and healthy food goals. However, the extent to which reflective cognition continued to be employed during behaviour change was influenced by the broader goal system in which healthy food goals resided. The importance of user engagement was highlighted through this exploratory research. Engagement was expressed at an intrinsic level as a sense of personal autonomy, an increased perceived capacity to change, and viewing the app as a confidential and empathetic ally. App features that facilitated their expression were considered to result in optimal engagement. Findings suggest that an individual’s involvement, in relation to healthy food, may act as a trigger for different phases of engagement as variations in goal saliency lead to flux in involvement levels. The importance of individual characteristics on app engagement was evident which emphasises the need to integrate tailored features into health apps to ensure that it is congruent with personal goals. Conclusions The present findings add to the existing understanding of the interplay between app technology and behaviour change. If appropriately designed health apps may facilitate a more conscious approach to food purchasing and support healthier purchasing behaviour. An individual’s goal system architecture may influence the extent to which the reflective cognitive system is employed during behaviour change, which progresses existing knowledge of the influence of goal systems on behaviour change. The present research contributes to the extant literature in relation to user engagement. The intrinsic expressions of engagement are proposed to result from different configurations of engagement dimensions which suggests an interaction between these dimensions rather than an isolated existence. The potential role of involvement as a trigger of engagement phases further challenges the current conceptualisation of engagement. Such findings add to the call for the use of alternative non-quantitative, context-specific means of measurement to adequately capture the engagement process. In conclusion, findings suggest the potential to expand existing behaviour change theory, to integrate components of engagement, for improved relevance in the app technology space. Future health app design must consider the individual user and incorporate tailored features to ensure user self-congruence and support continued engagement to facilitate change. Health apps may be an effective tool to support healthier food behaviours in women from a lower socioeconomic background but they may be most effective when implemented as part of a range of individual, community, and broader structural measures

    Disrupting routines, facilitating control: exploring a change towards healthier food purchasing behaviour using a health app

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    Background: Unhealthier food consumption patterns constitute a leading risk factor for ill health. As an important step in the food consumption process, changing food purchasing may improve the healthfulness of dietary patterns. Changing behaviour towards healthier food purchasing may be viewed as effortful by consumers due to inadequate nutrition knowledge and skills which may inhibit their ability to make healthy choices within the supermarket. A dominance of routines and habits further impedes the use of deliberative decision-making, which makes information provision and goal-setting less effective. Behaviour change may be supported by disrupting undesirable behavioural patterns, building of personal resources, and reframing behavioural outcomes. This should prompt a greater use of reflective cognitive processes during food purchasing and aid healthier behaviour. However, there is limited evidence in relation to food purchasing. Given recent technological advances, apps offer a potential tool to facilitate such change. The high use of apps across social groups suggests that they may be appropriate for supporting behaviour change in lower socioeconomic groups. It is unclear if existing apps are appropriately designed or acceptable for use for the necessary time period, particularly for individuals from a lower socioeconomic background. Such knowledge gaps must be addressed to inform intervention design. This thesis aims to contribute to the theoretical understanding of the interplay between mobile app technology and behaviour change with food purchasing as the behaviour of interest, and a particular focus on women from a lower socioeconomic background. Methods: This thesis was grounded in a pragmatic philosophical perspective and consisted of four phases. In phase one, structural equation modelling was undertaken to examine the individual-level determinants of a healthy eating habit and the extent to which personal goals and self-control are linked to a healthy eating habit. A content analysis of existing apps was undertaken in phase two to examine their capacity to support healthier food purchasing behaviour. A structured analytical matrix was employed where relevant literature and theory was drawn upon. A phenomological methodology was used for the remaining two research phases. In phase three, the researcher explored the experience of using a health app to support healthier food purchasing behaviour. Women from a lower socioeconomic background were recruited and asked to use two, of three possible, apps over a two-week period. Subsequent semi-structured interviews explored the experience of using an app including those personal and app-related factors of importance. Inductive thematic analysis was conducted to explore common patterns across participants’ experiences. In the fourth research phase, the lived experience of changing purchasing behaviour was explored in women from a lower socioeconomic background using a health app over an 8-11 week period. Participants were asked to use one, of two possible, apps. Multiple data collection methods were employed to capture the lived experience of behaviour change and app use. At baseline, an accompanied shop, incorporating the use of think-aloud protocol and researcher observations, was conducted, followed by an in-depth interview and questionnaire completion. At the midway point, participants were asked to complete a reflective account of their experience thus far. They were also asked to share their till receipts for the study duration. At follow-up, an accompanied shop, in-depth interview, and questionnaire completion was again employed. Interpretative phenomenological analysis was conducted to gain insight into the behaviour change experience. Theoretical thematic analysis was employed to examine app use through the lens of engagement theory. Findings: Self-control and deliberative cognitive processes were central to maintaining a healthy eating habit. This challenges the current conceptualisation and suggests the need to view complex food behaviours as highly routinised; this is an important consideration for behaviour change. Food purchasing behaviour was not a primary focus of existing apps with behavioural outcomes, such as weight-loss, as their main goal. While existing apps have the potential to support healthier purchasing behaviour, there is an opportunity to broaden their capacity. Health apps, through the process of self-monitoring, problem solving, and behavioural prompts, disrupted existing purchasing patterns. This prompted the use of reflective cognitive processes such that purchasing behaviour was directed by personal resources and healthy food goals. However, the extent to which reflective cognition continued to be employed during behaviour change was influenced by the broader goal system in which healthy food goals resided. The importance of user engagement was highlighted through this exploratory research. Engagement was expressed at an intrinsic level as a sense of personal autonomy, an increased perceived capacity to change, and viewing the app as a confidential and empathetic ally. App features that facilitated their expression were considered to result in optimal engagement. Findings suggest that an individual’s involvement, in relation to healthy food, may act as a trigger for different phases of engagement as variations in goal saliency lead to flux in involvement levels. The importance of individual characteristics on app engagement was evident which emphasises the need to integrate tailored features into health apps to ensure that it is congruent with personal goals. Conclusions The present findings add to the existing understanding of the interplay between app technology and behaviour change. If appropriately designed health apps may facilitate a more conscious approach to food purchasing and support healthier purchasing behaviour. An individual’s goal system architecture may influence the extent to which the reflective cognitive system is employed during behaviour change, which progresses existing knowledge of the influence of goal systems on behaviour change. The present research contributes to the extant literature in relation to user engagement. The intrinsic expressions of engagement are proposed to result from different configurations of engagement dimensions which suggests an interaction between these dimensions rather than an isolated existence. The potential role of involvement as a trigger of engagement phases further challenges the current conceptualisation of engagement. Such findings add to the call for the use of alternative non-quantitative, context-specific means of measurement to adequately capture the engagement process. In conclusion, findings suggest the potential to expand existing behaviour change theory, to integrate components of engagement, for improved relevance in the app technology space. Future health app design must consider the individual user and incorporate tailored features to ensure user self-congruence and support continued engagement to facilitate change. Health apps may be an effective tool to support healthier food behaviours in women from a lower socioeconomic background but they may be most effective when implemented as part of a range of individual, community, and broader structural measures