5,885 research outputs found

    RAICS as advanced cloud backup technology in telecommunication networks

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    Data crashes can cause unpredictable and even hard-out effects for an enterprise or authority. Backup strategies as antidote unify a complex of organizational and technical measures that are necessary for data restoring, processing and transfer as well as for data security and defense against its loss, crash and tampering. High-performance modern Internet allows delivery of backup functions and is complemented by attractive (mobile) services with a Quality of Service comparable to that in Local Area Networks. One of the most efficient backup strategies acts the delegation of this functionality to an external provider, an online or Cloud Storage system. This article argues for a consideration of intelligently distributed backup over multiple storage providers in addition to the use of local resources. Some examples of Cloud Computing deployment in the USA, the European Union as well as in Ukraine and the Russian Federation are introduced to identify the benefits and challenges of distributed backup with Cloud Storage

    Performance Analysis of NAND Flash Memory Solid-State Disks

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    As their prices decline, their storage capacities increase, and their endurance improves, NAND Flash Solid-State Disks (SSD) provide an increasingly attractive alternative to Hard Disk Drives (HDD) for portable computing systems and PCs. HDDs have been an integral component of computing systems for several decades as long-term, non-volatile storage in memory hierarchy. Today's typical hard disk drive is a highly complex electro-mechanical system which is a result of decades of research, development, and fine-tuned engineering. Compared to HDD, flash memory provides a simpler interface, one without the complexities of mechanical parts. On the other hand, today's typical solid-state disk drive is still a complex storage system with its own peculiarities and system problems. Due to lack of publicly available SSD models, we have developed our NAND flash SSD models and integrated them into DiskSim, which is extensively used in academe in studying storage system architectures. With our flash memory simulator, we model various solid-state disk architectures for a typical portable computing environment, quantify their performance under real user PC workloads and explore potential for further improvements. We find the following: * The real limitation to NAND flash memory performance is not its low per-device bandwidth but its internal core interface. * NAND flash memory media transfer rates do not need to scale up to those of HDDs for good performance. * SSD organizations that exploit concurrency at both the system and device level improve performance significantly. * These system- and device-level concurrency mechanisms are, to a significant degree, orthogonal: that is, the performance increase due to one does not come at the expense of the other, as each exploits a different facet of concurrency exhibited within the PC workload. * SSD performance can be further improved by implementing flash-oriented queuing algorithms, access reordering, and bus ordering algorithms which exploit the flash memory interface and its timing differences between read and write requests


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    Over the last two decades, functions of the embedded systems have evolved from simple real-time control and monitoring to more complicated services. Embedded systems equipped with powerful chips can provide the performance that computationally demanding information processing applications need. However, due to the power issue, the easy way to gain increasing performance by scaling up chip frequencies is no longer feasible. Recently, low-power architecture designs have been the main trend in embedded system designs. In this dissertation, we present our approaches to attack the energy-related issues in embedded system designs, such as thermal issues in the 3D chip multiprocessor (CMP), the endurance issue in the phase-change memory(PCM), the battery issue in the embedded system designs, the impact of inaccurate information in embedded system, and the cloud computing to move the workload to remote cloud computing facilities. We propose a real-time constrained task scheduling method to reduce peak temperature on a 3D CMP, including an online 3D CMP temperature prediction model and a set of algorithm for scheduling tasks to different cores in order to minimize the peak temperature on chip. To address the challenging issues in applying PCM in embedded systems, we propose a PCM main memory optimization mechanism through the utilization of the scratch pad memory (SPM). Furthermore, we propose an MLC/SLC configuration optimization algorithm to enhance the efficiency of the hybrid DRAM + PCM memory. We also propose an energy-aware task scheduling algorithm for parallel computing in mobile systems powered by batteries. When scheduling tasks in embedded systems, we make the scheduling decisions based on information, such as estimated execution time of tasks. Therefore, we design an evaluation method for impacts of inaccurate information on the resource allocation in embedded systems. Finally, in order to move workload from embedded systems to remote cloud computing facility, we present a resource optimization mechanism in heterogeneous federated multi-cloud systems. And we also propose two online dynamic algorithms for resource allocation and task scheduling. We consider the resource contention in the task scheduling

    Extending Memory Capacity in Consumer Devices with Emerging Non-Volatile Memory: An Experimental Study

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    The number and diversity of consumer devices are growing rapidly, alongside their target applications' memory consumption. Unfortunately, DRAM scalability is becoming a limiting factor to the available memory capacity in consumer devices. As a potential solution, manufacturers have introduced emerging non-volatile memories (NVMs) into the market, which can be used to increase the memory capacity of consumer devices by augmenting or replacing DRAM. Since entirely replacing DRAM with NVM in consumer devices imposes large system integration and design challenges, recent works propose extending the total main memory space available to applications by using NVM as swap space for DRAM. However, no prior work analyzes the implications of enabling a real NVM-based swap space in real consumer devices. In this work, we provide the first analysis of the impact of extending the main memory space of consumer devices using off-the-shelf NVMs. We extensively examine system performance and energy consumption when the NVM device is used as swap space for DRAM main memory to effectively extend the main memory capacity. For our analyses, we equip real web-based Chromebook computers with the Intel Optane SSD, which is a state-of-the-art low-latency NVM-based SSD device. We compare the performance and energy consumption of interactive workloads running on our Chromebook with NVM-based swap space, where the Intel Optane SSD capacity is used as swap space to extend main memory capacity, against two state-of-the-art systems: (i) a baseline system with double the amount of DRAM than the system with the NVM-based swap space; and (ii) a system where the Intel Optane SSD is naively replaced with a state-of-the-art (yet slower) off-the-shelf NAND-flash-based SSD, which we use as a swap space of equivalent size as the NVM-based swap space
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