51,754 research outputs found

    Multi-agent Confidential Abductive Reasoning

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    In the context of multi-agent hypothetical reasoning, agents typically have partial knowledge about their environments, and the union of such knowledge is still incomplete to represent the whole world. Thus, given a global query they collaborate with each other to make correct inferences and hypothesis, whilst maintaining global constraints. Most collaborative reasoning systems operate on the assumption that agents can share or communicate any information they have. However, in application domains like multi-agent systems for healthcare or distributed software agents for security policies in coalition networks, confidentiality of knowledge is an additional primary concern. These agents are required to collaborately compute consistent answers for a query whilst preserving their own private information. This paper addresses this issue showing how this dichotomy between "open communication" in collaborative reasoning and protection of confidentiality can be accommodated. We present a general-purpose distributed abductive logic programming system for multi-agent hypothetical reasoning with confidentiality. Specifically, the system computes consistent conditional answers for a query over a set of distributed normal logic programs with possibly unbound domains and arithmetic constraints, preserving the private information within the logic programs. A case study on security policy analysis in distributed coalition networks is described, as an example of many applications of this system

    Proceedings of the Workshop on the lambda-Prolog Programming Language

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    The expressiveness of logic programs can be greatly increased over first-order Horn clauses through a stronger emphasis on logical connectives and by admitting various forms of higher-order quantification. The logic of hereditary Harrop formulas and the notion of uniform proof have been developed to provide a foundation for more expressive logic programming languages. The λ-Prolog language is actively being developed on top of these foundational considerations. The rich logical foundations of λ-Prolog provides it with declarative approaches to modular programming, hypothetical reasoning, higher-order programming, polymorphic typing, and meta-programming. These aspects of λ-Prolog have made it valuable as a higher-level language for the specification and implementation of programs in numerous areas, including natural language, automated reasoning, program transformation, and databases

    Elimination of spatial connectives in static spatial logics

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    AbstractThe recent interest for specification on resources yields so-called spatial logics, that is specification languages offering new forms of reasoning: the local reasoning through the separation of the resource space into two disjoint subspaces, and the contextual reasoning through hypothetical extension of the resource space.We consider two resource models and their related logics:•The static ambient model, proposed as an abstraction of semistructured data (Proc. ESOP’01, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2028, Springer, Berlin, 2001, pp. 1–22 (invited paper)) with the static ambient logic (SAL) that was proposed as a request language, both obtained by restricting the mobile ambient calculus (Proc. FOSSACS’98, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1378, Springer, Berlin, 1998, pp. 140–155) and logic (Proc. POPL’00, ACM Press, New York, 2000, pp. 365–377) to their purely static aspects.•The memory model and the assertion language of separation logic, both defined in Reynolds (Proc. LICS’02, 2002) for the purpose of the axiomatic semantic of imperative programs manipulating pointers.We raise the questions of the expressiveness and the minimality of these logics. Our main contribution is a minimalisation technique we may apply for these two logics. We moreover show some restrictions of this technique for the extension SAL∀ with universal quantification, and we establish the minimality of the adjunct-free fragment (SALint)

    Distributed Abductive Reasoning: Theory, Implementation and Application

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    Abductive reasoning is a powerful logic inference mechanism that allows assumptions to be made during answer computation for a query, and thus is suitable for reasoning over incomplete knowledge. Multi-agent hypothetical reasoning is the application of abduction in a distributed setting, where each computational agent has its local knowledge representing partial world and the union of all agents' knowledge is still incomplete. It is different from simple distributed query processing because the assumptions made by the agents must also be consistent with global constraints. Multi-agent hypothetical reasoning has many potential applications, such as collaborative planning and scheduling, distributed diagnosis and cognitive perception. Many of these applications require the representation of arithmetic constraints in their problem specifications as well as constraint satisfaction support during the computation. In addition, some applications may have confidentiality concerns as restrictions on the information that can be exchanged between the agents during their collaboration. Although a limited number of distributed abductive systems have been developed, none of them is generic enough to support the above requirements. In this thesis we develop, in the spirit of Logic Programming, a generic and extensible distributed abductive system that has the potential to target a wide range of distributed problem solving applications. The underlying distributed inference algorithm incorporates constraint satisfaction and allows non-ground conditional answers to be computed. Its soundness and completeness have been proved. The algorithm is customisable in that different inference and coordination strategies (such as goal selection and agent selection strategies) can be adopted while maintaining correctness. A customisation that supports confidentiality during problem solving has been developed, and is used in application domains such as distributed security policy analysis. Finally, for evaluation purposes, a flexible experimental environment has been built for automatically generating different classes of distributed abductive constraint logic programs. This environment has been used to conduct empirical investigation of the performance of the customised system

    Abduction in Well-Founded Semantics and Generalized Stable Models

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    Abductive logic programming offers a formalism to declaratively express and solve problems in areas such as diagnosis, planning, belief revision and hypothetical reasoning. Tabled logic programming offers a computational mechanism that provides a level of declarativity superior to that of Prolog, and which has supported successful applications in fields such as parsing, program analysis, and model checking. In this paper we show how to use tabled logic programming to evaluate queries to abductive frameworks with integrity constraints when these frameworks contain both default and explicit negation. The result is the ability to compute abduction over well-founded semantics with explicit negation and answer sets. Our approach consists of a transformation and an evaluation method. The transformation adjoins to each objective literal OO in a program, an objective literal not(O)not(O) along with rules that ensure that not(O)not(O) will be true if and only if OO is false. We call the resulting program a {\em dual} program. The evaluation method, \wfsmeth, then operates on the dual program. \wfsmeth{} is sound and complete for evaluating queries to abductive frameworks whose entailment method is based on either the well-founded semantics with explicit negation, or on answer sets. Further, \wfsmeth{} is asymptotically as efficient as any known method for either class of problems. In addition, when abduction is not desired, \wfsmeth{} operating on a dual program provides a novel tabling method for evaluating queries to ground extended programs whose complexity and termination properties are similar to those of the best tabling methods for the well-founded semantics. A publicly available meta-interpreter has been developed for \wfsmeth{} using the XSB system.Comment: 48 pages; To appear in Theory and Practice in Logic Programmin

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    Logic Programming as Constructivism

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    The features of logic programming that seem unconventional from the viewpoint of classical logic can be explained in terms of constructivistic logic. We motivate and propose a constructivistic proof theory of non-Horn logic programming. Then, we apply this formalization for establishing results of practical interest. First, we show that 'stratification can be motivated in a simple and intuitive way. Relying on similar motivations, we introduce the larger classes of 'loosely stratified' and 'constructively consistent' programs. Second, we give a formal basis for introducing quantifiers into queries and logic programs by defining 'constructively domain independent* formulas. Third, we extend the Generalized Magic Sets procedure to loosely stratified and constructively consistent programs, by relying on a 'conditional fixpoini procedure

    Abduction and Dialogical Proof in Argumentation and Logic Programming

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    We develop a model of abduction in abstract argumentation, where changes to an argumentation framework act as hypotheses to explain the support of an observation. We present dialogical proof theories for the main decision problems (i.e., finding hypothe- ses that explain skeptical/credulous support) and we show that our model can be instantiated on the basis of abductive logic programs.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning (NMR 2014

    Virtual Evidence: A Constructive Semantics for Classical Logics

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    This article presents a computational semantics for classical logic using constructive type theory. Such semantics seems impossible because classical logic allows the Law of Excluded Middle (LEM), not accepted in constructive logic since it does not have computational meaning. However, the apparently oracular powers expressed in the LEM, that for any proposition P either it or its negation, not P, is true can also be explained in terms of constructive evidence that does not refer to "oracles for truth." Types with virtual evidence and the constructive impossibility of negative evidence provide sufficient semantic grounds for classical truth and have a simple computational meaning. This idea is formalized using refinement types, a concept of constructive type theory used since 1984 and explained here. A new axiom creating virtual evidence fully retains the constructive meaning of the logical operators in classical contexts. Key Words: classical logic, constructive logic, intuitionistic logic, propositions-as-types, constructive type theory, refinement types, double negation translation, computational content, virtual evidenc
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