7,745 research outputs found

    Who is Patrick? – Answers from the Saint Patrick's Confessio HyperStack. Supporting Digital Humanities, Copenhagen 17 - 18 November 2011, Conference Proceedings

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    Not everyone realizes that there are two Latin works, still surviving, that can definitely be attributed to Saint Patrick’s own authorship. On 14th September 2011 the Royal Irish Academy published his writings in a freely accessible form on line, both in the original Latin and in a variety of modern languages (including Irish). Designed to be of interest to the general public as well as to academic researchers, the Saint Patrick’s Confessio Hypertext Stack includes such features as digital images of the medieval manuscripts involved, a specially commissioned historical reconstruction that evocatively describes life in pre-Viking Ireland, articles, audio presentations, and some ten thousand internal and external digital links that make it truly a resource to be explored

    The Scottish corpus of texts and speech

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    The demands of users and the publishing world: printed or online, free or paid for?

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    What goes on when tertiary students are engaged in an online academic writing course?

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    The learning process is a complex one with many intertwining variables. The learners’ characteristics could be a defining factor and so is prior learning experiences and knowledge, which are the manifests of metacognitive, socio-affective and cognitive systems. A learning task engagement calls for an exertion of personal control and the fulfillment of efficiency expectations. In learning, the learner activates a number of processes such as those that concern attentional, retrieval, metacognitive and rehearsal strategies. McCombs (1988) sums up these complexities in his multimodal model of learning with certain underlying assumptions. Among them is that learning success can be manipulated. In promoting learning, the teacher can promote strategy learning such as self-directed learning. Learners if trained can select and be their own judge as to the efficacy of strategy use for the learning task. Lessard-Closton (1997) identified several basic characteristics to describe language learning strategies: they are learner-generated, they enhance language learning and competence, they may be visible or unseen and they involve the processing of information and the use of memory

    Codicological Descriptions in the Digital Age

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    Although some of the traditional roles played by codicological descriptions in the print era have not changed when translated to digital environments, other roles have been redefined and new ones have emerged. It has become apparent that in digital form the relationship of codicological descriptions to the books they describe has undergone fundamental changes. This article offers an analysis of three of the most significant of these changes: 1) the emergence of new purposes of and uses for these descriptions, especially with respect to the usefulness of the highly specific and specialized technical language common to codicological descriptions; 2) a movement from a one-to-one relationship between a description and the codex that it represents to a one-to-many relationship between codices, descriptions, metadata, and digital images; and 3) the significance of a shift from the symmetry of using books to study other books to the asymmetry of using digital tools to represent and analyze books

    Student centred legal language study

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    The article introduces parts of a self-study programme for LLB (Europe) German students, which include the use of satellite TV and CALL. The whole self-study programme was tested for two years at the Nottingham Trent University. This paper focuses on the rationale of the study programme, pedagogical objectives and theoretical considerations within the context of language learning as well as the students’ evaluation. The evaluation shows that overall the package was seen as a positive learning experience. CALL can be a solution to the problem of limited materials for languages for specific purposes. The use of mixed media is possible for language teaching for specific purposes without having to be combined in multimedia computer-based programmes. CALL can also be a solution to the problems caused by reduced contact time

    elexiko – A Corpus-Based Monolingual German Dictionary

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    This article provides an introduction to elexiko, the first German hypertext dictionary to be compiled on a corpus basis, which is currently being developed at the Institut für Deutsche Sprache Mannheim (IDS). First, a brief account of the design is given, followed by a demonstration of the methods and tools that are being employed to compile it. elexiko will provide not only an improved quantity of lexical information, but also a new quality of information which will be explained and illustrated at different levels of the microstructure of the dictionary. The description of word meaning and use in elexiko will be presented in detail, with a particular focus on the treatment of collocations, ambiguity, vagueness, and the presentation of senses. The development of a theoretically grounded procedure for lexicographic disambiguation is also described. This is then followed by a brief account of the treatment of grammatical details. Finally, issues of usability, the progress of the project and its future perspectives will be considered

    Impalpable Hits: indeterminacy in the searching of tagged Shakespearian texts

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    In Shakespeare studies, as in the rest of early modern literary studies, the new information technologies have been neither rapidly nor effectively adopted in research. One reason is a misplaced attention upon the notion of hypertext and the seeking of spurious analogies with the early modern printed codex. This essay is concerned with machine applications of textual searching technologies, which is where we should be focussing our energies, and it argues that important recent products for Shakespearian research are weak, and more importantly non-standard, in their searching mechanisms. The desirability of adopting an existing standard, called 'regular expressions', is argued