356 research outputs found

    Key Information Retrieval in Hyperspectral Imagery through Spatial-Spectral Data Fusion

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    Hyperspectral (HS) imaging is measuring the radiance of materials within each pixel area at a large number of contiguous spectral wavelength bands. The key spatial information such as small targets and border lines are hard to be precisely detected from HS data due to the technological constraints. Therefore, the need for image processing techniques is an important field of research in HS remote sensing. A novel semisupervised spatial-spectral data fusion method for resolution enhancement of HS images through maximizing the spatial correlation of the endmembers (signature of pure or purest materials in the scene) using a superresolution mapping (SRM) technique is proposed in this paper. The method adopts a linear mixture model and a fully constrained least squares spectral unmixing algorithm to obtain the endmember abundances (fractional images) of HS images. Then, the extracted endmember distribution maps are fused with the spatial information using a spatial-spectral correlation maximizing model and a learning-based SRM technique to exploit the subpixel level data. The obtained results validate the reliability of the technique for key information retrieval. The proposed method is very efficient and is low in terms of computational cost which makes it favorable for real-time applications

    A convex formulation for hyperspectral image superresolution via subspace-based regularization

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    Hyperspectral remote sensing images (HSIs) usually have high spectral resolution and low spatial resolution. Conversely, multispectral images (MSIs) usually have low spectral and high spatial resolutions. The problem of inferring images which combine the high spectral and high spatial resolutions of HSIs and MSIs, respectively, is a data fusion problem that has been the focus of recent active research due to the increasing availability of HSIs and MSIs retrieved from the same geographical area. We formulate this problem as the minimization of a convex objective function containing two quadratic data-fitting terms and an edge-preserving regularizer. The data-fitting terms account for blur, different resolutions, and additive noise. The regularizer, a form of vector Total Variation, promotes piecewise-smooth solutions with discontinuities aligned across the hyperspectral bands. The downsampling operator accounting for the different spatial resolutions, the non-quadratic and non-smooth nature of the regularizer, and the very large size of the HSI to be estimated lead to a hard optimization problem. We deal with these difficulties by exploiting the fact that HSIs generally "live" in a low-dimensional subspace and by tailoring the Split Augmented Lagrangian Shrinkage Algorithm (SALSA), which is an instance of the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM), to this optimization problem, by means of a convenient variable splitting. The spatial blur and the spectral linear operators linked, respectively, with the HSI and MSI acquisition processes are also estimated, and we obtain an effective algorithm that outperforms the state-of-the-art, as illustrated in a series of experiments with simulated and real-life data.Comment: IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., to be publishe

    Superresolution Enhancement of Hyperspectral CHRIS/Proba Images With a Thin-Plate Spline Nonrigid Transform Model

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    Given the hyperspectral-oriented waveband configuration of multiangular CHRIS/Proba imagery, the scope of its application could widen if the present 18-m resolution would be improved. The multiangular images of CHRIS could be used as input for superresolution (SR) image reconstruction. A critical procedure in SR is an accurate registration of the low-resolution images. Conventional methods based on affine transformation may not be effective given the local geometric distortion in high off-nadir angular images. This paper examines the use of a non-rigid transform to improve the result of a nonuniform interpolation and deconvolution SR method. A scale-invariant feature transform is used to collect control points (CPs). To ensure the quality of CPs, a rigorous screening procedure is designed: 1) an ambiguity test; 2) the m-estimator sample consensus method; and 3) an iterative method using statistical characteristics of the distribution of random errors. A thin-plate spline (TPS) nonrigid transform is then used for the registration. The proposed registration method is examined with a Delaunay triangulation-based nonuniform interpolation and reconstruction SR method. Our results show that the TPS nonrigid transform allows accurate registration of angular images. SR results obtained from simulated LR images are evaluated using three quantitative measures, namely, relative mean-square error, structural similarity, and edge stability. Compared to the SR methods that use an affine transform, our proposed method performs better with all three evaluation measures. With a higher level of spatial detail, SR-enhanced CHRIS images might be more effective than the original data in various applications.JRC.H.7-Climate Risk Managemen

    Spectral Superresolution of Multispectral Imagery with Joint Sparse and Low-Rank Learning

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    Extensive attention has been widely paid to enhance the spatial resolution of hyperspectral (HS) images with the aid of multispectral (MS) images in remote sensing. However, the ability in the fusion of HS and MS images remains to be improved, particularly in large-scale scenes, due to the limited acquisition of HS images. Alternatively, we super-resolve MS images in the spectral domain by the means of partially overlapped HS images, yielding a novel and promising topic: spectral superresolution (SSR) of MS imagery. This is challenging and less investigated task due to its high ill-posedness in inverse imaging. To this end, we develop a simple but effective method, called joint sparse and low-rank learning (J-SLoL), to spectrally enhance MS images by jointly learning low-rank HS-MS dictionary pairs from overlapped regions. J-SLoL infers and recovers the unknown hyperspectral signals over a larger coverage by sparse coding on the learned dictionary pair. Furthermore, we validate the SSR performance on three HS-MS datasets (two for classification and one for unmixing) in terms of reconstruction, classification, and unmixing by comparing with several existing state-of-the-art baselines, showing the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed J-SLoL algorithm. Furthermore, the codes and datasets will be available at: https://github.com/danfenghong/IEEE\_TGRS\_J-SLoL, contributing to the RS community

    Remote sensing image fusion via compressive sensing

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    In this paper, we propose a compressive sensing-based method to pan-sharpen the low-resolution multispectral (LRM) data, with the help of high-resolution panchromatic (HRP) data. In order to successfully implement the compressive sensing theory in pan-sharpening, two requirements should be satisfied: (i) forming a comprehensive dictionary in which the estimated coefficient vectors are sparse; and (ii) there is no correlation between the constructed dictionary and the measurement matrix. To fulfill these, we propose two novel strategies. The first is to construct a dictionary that is trained with patches across different image scales. Patches at different scales or equivalently multiscale patches provide texture atoms without requiring any external database or any prior atoms. The redundancy of the dictionary is removed through K-singular value decomposition (K-SVD). Second, we design an iterative l1-l2 minimization algorithm based on alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) to seek the sparse coefficient vectors. The proposed algorithm stacks missing high-resolution multispectral (HRM) data with the captured LRM data, so that the latter is used as a constraint for the estimation of the former during the process of seeking the representation coefficients. Three datasets are used to test the performance of the proposed method. A comparative study between the proposed method and several state-of-the-art ones shows its effectiveness in dealing with complex structures of remote sensing imagery

    Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data Analysis and Future Challenges

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