6,893 research outputs found

    The implications of hypersomnia in the context of major depression: Results from a large, international, observational study

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    According to the DSM-5, 'reduction in the need for sleep' is the only sleep-related criteria for mixed features in depressive episodes. We aimed at studying the prevalence, clinical correlates and the role of hypersomnia in a sample of acutely depressed patients. Secondarily, we factors significantly increasing the odds of hypersomnia were studied. We conducted a post-hoc analysis of the BRIDGE-II-Mix study. Variables were compared between patients with hypersomnia (SLEEP+) and with insomnia (SLEEP-) with standard bivariate tests. A stepwise backward logistic regression model was performed with SLEEP+ as dependent variable. A total of 2514 subjects were dichotomized into SLEEP+ (n = 423, 16.8%) and SLEEP- (n = 2091, 83.2%). SLEEP+ had significant higher rates of obese BMI (p < 0.001), BD diagnosis (p = 0.027), severe BD (p < 0.001), lifetime suicide attempts (p < 0.001), lower age at first depression (p = 0.004) than SLEEP-. Also, SLEEP+ had significantly poorer response to antidepressants (AD) such as (hypo)manic switches, AD resistance, affective lability, or irritability (all 0<0.005). Moreover, SLEEP+ had significantly higher rates of mixed-state specifiers than SLEEP- (all 0 < 0.006). A significant contribution to hypersomnia in our regression model was driven by metabolic-related features, such as 'current bulimia' (OR = 4.21) and 'overweight/obese BMI (OR = 1.42)'. Globally, hypersomnia is associated with poor outcome in acute depression. Hypersomnia is strongly associated with mixed features and bipolarity. Metabolic aspects could influence the expression of hypersomnia, worsening the overall clinical outcome. Along with commonly used screening tools, detection of hypersomnia has potential, costless discriminative validity in the differential diagnosis unipolar and bipolar depression

    Hypersomnia associated with bilateral posterior hypothalamic lesion - A polysomnographic case study

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    We examined an obese 58-year-old patient with a bilateral posterior hypothalamic lesion of unknown etiology. A 24-hour polysomnography revealed a markedly increased total sleep time (17.6 h). During daytime, only 3 continuous wake phases occurred. REM periods occurred only between 5 p.m. and 6 a.m. We conclude from our results that, similar to the results from animal experiments, the posterior hypothalamus in humans plays a critical role in the maintenance of wakefulness. Copyright (C) 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Therapeutic Use Exemptions and the Doctrine of Double Effect

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    Without taking a position on the overall justification of anti-doping regulations, I analyse the possible justification of Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUEs) from such rules. TUEs are a creative way to prevent the unfair exclusion of athletes with a chronic condition, and they have the potential to be the least bad option. But they cannot be competitively neutral. Their justification must rest, instead, on the relevance of intentions to permissibility. I illustrate this by means of a set of thought experiments in which only an athlete’s intentions vary. I argue that the Doctrine of Double Effect (DDE) sheds some light on TUEs and illustrate this by applying different readings of the DDE to the thought experiment. This underpins a justification of anti-doping exemptions very different from the approach adopted by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). I argue for three changes to bring TUEs in line with this understanding: rewriting of the regulations, transparency, and a greater role for athletes in determining what exemptions are allowed, and when

    Symptoms of major depression: Their stability, familiality, and prediction by genetic, temperamental, and childhood environmental risk factors

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    Background: Psychiatry has long sought to develop biological diagnostic subtypes based on symptomatic differences. This effort assumes that symptoms reflect, with good fidelity, underlying etiological processes. We address this question for major depression (MD). Methods: We examine, in twins from a population-based registry, similarity in symptom endorsement in individuals meeting criteria for last-year MD at separate interview waves and in concordant twin pairs. Among individuals with MD, we explore the impact of genetic-temperamental and child adversity risk factors on individual reported symptoms. Aggregated criteria do not separate insomnia from hypersomnia, weight gain from loss, etc. while disaggregated criteria do. Results: In twins with MD at two different waves, the mean tetrachoric correlations (+/- SEM) for aggregated and disaggregated DSM-IV A criteria were, respectively, + 0.31 +/- 0.06 and + 0.34 +/- 0.03. In monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) twin pairs concordant for last-year MD, the mean tetrachoric correlations for aggregated and disaggregated criteria were, respectively, + 0.33 +/- 0.07 and + 0.43 +/- 0.04, and + 0.05 +/- 0.08 and + 0.07 +/- 0.04. In individuals meeting MD criteria, neuroticism predicted the most MD symptoms (10), followed by childhood sexual abuse (8), low parental warmth (6), and genetic risk (4). Conclusions: The correlations for individual depressive symptoms over multiple episodes and within MZ twins concordant for MD are modest suggesting the important role of transient influences. The multidetermination of individual symptoms was further evidenced by their prediction by personality and exposure to early life adversities. The multiple factors influencing symptomatic presentation inMDmay contribute to our difficulties in isolating clinical depressive subtypes with distinct pathophysiologies


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    Hypersomnia adalah penyakit tidur yang menyebabkan penderitanya mengalami tidur berlebih namun selalu mengantuk di siang hari. P enyakit ini bisa menyebabkan berbagai dampak, mulai dari gangguan konsentrasi, penyakit dalam, hingga kematian. S angat penting untuk mengetahui apa itu hypersomnia. M engingat sedikitnya informasi mengenai hypersomnia, maka dari itu kampanye sosial mengenai bahaya hypersomnia dibuat. kampanye inibertujuan agar masyarakat l ebih waspada dan memperhatikan pola tidurnya. Mahasiswa yang berdomisili di Kota Bandung adalah target utama dari kampanye ini. Gaya hidup dan tugas kuliah membuat mahasiswa rawan dengan terjangkit hypersomnia . K ampanye ini berisi informasi mengenai definisi hypersomnia, penyebab, dampak, solusi, dan pemahaman seputar pola tidur . Penilitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan teknik purposive sa mpling. D ata - data yang diperlukan pada penelitian ini, diperoleh melalui pembelajaran literatur, observasi, pembagian kuesioner serta analisisnya, serta narasumber yang berprofesi sebagai Dokter ahli penyakit tidur. Pada kesimpulannya, masyarakat harus lebih was pada terhad ap pola tidurnya, karena tidur lama bukan solusi untuk mengurangi rasa lelah dan kantuk. Kata Kunci: Informasi, Kampanye, Hyper somni

    Hypersomnie als Hinweis auf Neuroborreliose

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    Hypersomnia is known to be associated with symptoms, such as excessive daytime sleepiness, headache, and decreases in vigilance. We report for the first time a patient who initially presented with symptoms for idiopathic hypersomnia but after a thorough diagnostic evaluation was diagnosed as suffering from Lyme disease. This finding stresses the need to potentially include diagnostic tools, like lumbar puncture, in diagnostic procedures, in order to rule out inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system mimicking hypersomnia symptom

    Diagnostic challenges and psychosocial impacts of hypersomnia in a Nigerian adolescent: A case report

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    Hypersomnia, a disorder of sleep characterized by excessive quantity of sleep and excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS), could adversely affect health outcomes in childhood. To highlight diagnostic challenges and the impact of childhood hypersomnia in a resource limited setting, a 14year old Nigerian who presented with a seven year history of hypersomnia was studied. Screening for sleep disorder using BEARS sleep algorithm and assessment for EDS using the Epworth Sleepiness Scale were both positivefor EDS. The assessment of sleep hygiene using the Adolescent Sleep Hygiene Scale was normal and the use of Raven’s Progressive Matrices to assess intelligence was also normal. There was no contributory pastmedical history or demonstrable etiology. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the brain, Electro Encephalogram (EEG), assay of serum electrolytes were all normal while screening test for trypanosomiasis was negative. Poor level of awareness, high cost of evaluation and limited facilities for diagnosis of sleep disorder were the major diagnostic challenges. Depression, poor academic performance, suicidal ideation andstigmatization were all associated with hypersomnia in the patient.Keywords: Hypersomnia, adolescence, depression, sleep disorders, diagnostic challenges

    IgG Abnormality in Narcolepsy and Idiopathic Hypersomnia

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    BACKGROUND: A close association between narcolepsy and the Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA)-DQB1*0602 allele suggests the involvement of the immune system, or possibly an autoimmune process. We investigated serum IgG levels in narcolepsy. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We measured the serum total IgG levels in 159 Japanese narcolepsy-cataplexy patients positive for the HLA-DQB1*0602 allele, 28 idiopathic hypersomnia patients with long sleep time, and 123 healthy controls (the HLA-DQB1*0602 allele present in 45 subjects). The serum levels of each IgG subclass were subsequently measured. The distribution of serum IgG was significantly different among healthy controls negative for the HLA-DQB1*0602 allele (11.66+/-3.55 mg/ml), healthy controls positive for the HLA-DQB1*0602 allele (11.45+/-3.43), narcolepsy patients (9.67+/-3.38), and idiopathic hypersomnia patients (13.81+/-3.80). None of the following clinical variables, age, disease duration, Epworth Sleepiness Scale, smoking habit and BMI at the time of blood sampling, were associated with IgG levels in narcolepsy or idiopathic hypersomnia. Furthermore we found the decrease in IgG1 and IgG2 levels, stable expression of IgG3, and the increase in the proportion of IgG4 in narcolepsy patients with abnormally low IgG levels. The increase in the proportion of IgG4 levels was also found in narcolepsy patients with normal serum total IgG levels. Idiopathic hypersomnia patients showed a different pattern of IgG subclass distribution with high IgG3 and IgG4 level, low IgG2 level, and IgG1/IgG2 imbalance. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our study is the first to determine IgG abnormalities in narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia by measuring the serum IgG levels in a large number of hypersomnia patients. The observed IgG abnormalities indicate humoral immune alterations in narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia. Different IgG profiles suggest immunological differences between narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia
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