8 research outputs found

    Nested Queries and Quantifiers in an Ordered Context

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    We present algebraic equivalences that allow to unnest nested algebraic expressions for order-preserving algebraic operators. We illustrate how these equivalences can be applied successfully to unnest nested queries given in the XQuery language. Measurements illustrate the performance gains possible by our approach

    Dynamic programming strikes back

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    Two highly efficient algorithms are known for optimally ordering joins while avoiding cross products: DPccp, which is based on dynamic programming, and Top-Down Partition Search, based on memoization. Both have two severe limitations: They handle only (1) simple (binary) join predicates and (2) inner joins. However, real queries may contain complex join predicates, involving more than two relations, and outer joins as well as other non-inner joins. Taking the most efficient known join-ordering algorithm, DPccp, as a starting point, we first develop a new algorithm, DPhyp, which is capable to handle complex join predicates efficiently. We do so by modeling the query graph as a (variant of a) hypergraph and then reason about its connected subgraphs. Then, we present a technique to exploit this capability to efficiently handle the widest class of non-inner joins dealt with so far. Our experimental results show that this reformulation of non-inner joins as complex predicates can improve optimization time by orders of magnitude, compared to known algorithms dealing with complex join predicates and non-inner joins. Once again, this gives dynamic programming a distinct advantage over current memoization techniques

    Vertical and horizontal percentage aggregations.

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    ABSTRACT Existing SQL aggregate functions present important limitations to compute percentages. This article proposes two SQL aggregate functions to compute percentages addressing such limitations. The first function returns one row for each percentage in vertical form like standard SQL aggregations. The second function returns each set of percentages adding 100% on the same row in horizontal form. These novel aggregate functions are used as a framework to introduce the concept of percentage queries and to generate efficient SQL code. Experiments study different percentage query optimization strategies and compare evaluation time of percentage queries taking advantage of our proposed aggregations against queries using available OLAP extensions. The proposed percentage aggregations are easy to use, have wide applicability and can be efficiently evaluated

    A scalable analysis framework for large-scale RDF data

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    With the growth of the Semantic Web, the availability of RDF datasets from multiple domains as Linked Data has taken the corpora of this web to a terabyte-scale, and challenges modern knowledge storage and discovery techniques. Research and engineering on RDF data management systems is a very active area with many standalone systems being introduced. However, as the size of RDF data increases, such single-machine approaches meet performance bottlenecks, in terms of both data loading and querying, due to the limited parallelism inherent to symmetric multi-threaded systems and the limited available system I/O and system memory. Although several approaches for distributed RDF data processing have been proposed, along with clustered versions of more traditional approaches, their techniques are limited by the trade-off they exploit between loading complexity and query efficiency in the presence of big RDF data. This thesis then, introduces a scalable analysis framework for processing large-scale RDF data, which focuses on various techniques to reduce inter-machine communication, computation and load-imbalancing so as to achieve fast data loading and querying on distributed infrastructures. The first part of this thesis focuses on the study of RDF store implementation and parallel hashing on big data processing. (1) A system-level investigation of RDF store implementation has been conducted on the basis of a comparative analysis of runtime characteristics of a representative set of RDF stores. The detailed time cost and system consumption is measured for data loading and querying so as to provide insight into different triple store implementation as well as an understanding of performance differences between different platforms. (2) A high-level structured parallel hashing approach over distributed memory is proposed and theoretically analyzed. The detailed performance of hashing implementations using different lock-free strategies has been characterized through extensive experiments, thereby allowing system developers to make a more informed choice for the implementation of their high-performance analytical data processing systems. The second part of this thesis proposes three main techniques for fast processing of large RDF data within the proposed framework. (1) A very efficient parallel dictionary encoding algorithm, to avoid unnecessary disk-space consumption and reduce computational complexity of query execution. The presented implementation has achieved notable speedups compared to the state-of-art method and also has achieved excellent scalability. (2) Several novel parallel join algorithms, to efficiently handle skew over large data during query processing. The approaches have achieved good load balancing and have been demonstrated to be faster than the state-of-art techniques in both theoretical and experimental comparisons. (3) A two-tier dynamic indexing approach for processing SPARQL queries has been devised which keeps loading times low and decreases or in some instances removes intermachine data movement for subsequent queries that contain the same graph patterns. The results demonstrate that this design can load data at least an order of magnitude faster than a clustered store operating in RAM while remaining within an interactive range for query processing and even outperforms current systems for various queries

    Algorithms for Efficient Top-Down Join Enumeration

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    For a DBMS that provides support for a declarative query language like SQL, the query optimizer is a crucial piece of software. The declarative nature of a query allows it to be translated into many equivalent evaluation plans. The process of choosing a suitable plan from all alternatives is known as query optimization. The basis of this choice are a cost model and statistics over the data. Essential for the costs of a plan is the execution order of join operations in its operator tree, since the runtime of plans with different join orders can vary by several orders of magnitude. An exhaustive search for an optimal solution over all possible operator trees is computationally infeasible. To decrease complexity, the search space must be restricted. Therefore, a well-accepted heuristic is applied: All possible bushy join trees are considered, while cross products are excluded from the search. There are two efficient approaches to identify the best plan: bottom-up and top-down join enumeration. But only the top-down approach allows for branch-and-bound pruning, which can improve compile time by several orders of magnitude, while still preserving optimality. Hence, this thesis focuses on the top-down join enumeration. In the first part, we present two efficient graph-partitioning algorithms suitable for top-down join enumeration. However, as we will see, there are two severe limitations: The proposed algorithms can handle only (1) simple (binary) join predicates and (2) inner joins. Therefore, the second part adopts one of the proposed partitioning strategies to overcome those limitations. Furthermore, we propose a more generic partitioning framework that enables every graph-partitioning algorithm to handle join predicates involving more than two relations, and outer joins as well as other non-inner joins. As we will see, our framework is more efficient than the adopted graph-partitioning algorithm. The third part of this thesis discusses the two branch-and-bound pruning strategies that can be found in the literature. We present seven advancements to the combined strategy that improve pruning (1) in terms of effectiveness, (2) in terms of robustness and (3), most importantly, avoid the worst-case behavior otherwise observed. Different experiments evaluate the performance improvements of our proposed methods. We use the TPC-H, TPC-DS and SQLite test suite benchmarks to evaluate our joined contributions

    Equivalence of Queries with Nested Aggregation

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    Query equivalence is a fundamental problem within database theory. The correctness of all forms of logical query rewriting—join minimization, view flattening, rewriting over materialized views, various semantic optimizations that exploit schema dependencies, federated query processing and other forms of data integration—requires proving that the final executed query is equivalent to the original user query. Hence, advances in the theory of query equivalence enable advances in query processing and optimization. In this thesis we address the problem of deciding query equivalence between conjunctive SQL queries containing aggregation operators that may be nested. Our focus is on understanding the interaction between nested aggregation operators and the other parts of the query body, and so we model aggregation functions simply as abstract collection constructors. Hence, the precise language that we study is a conjunctive algebraic language that constructs complex objects from databases of flat relations. Using an encoding of complex objects as flat relations, we reduce the query equivalence problem for this algebraic language to deciding equivalence between relational encodings output by traditional conjunctive queries (not containing aggregation). This encoding-equivalence cleanly unifies and generalizes previous results for deciding equivalence of conjunctive queries evaluated under various processing semantics. As part of our study of aggregation operators that can construct empty sub-collections—so-called “scalar” aggregation—we consider query equivalence for conjunctive queries extended with a left outer join operator, a very practical class of queries for which the general equivalence problem has never before been analyzed. Although we do not completely solve the equivalence problem for queries with outer joins or with scalar aggregation, we do propose useful sufficient conditions that generalize previously known results for restricted classes of queries. Overall, this thesis offers new insight into the fundamental principles governing the behaviour of nested aggregation

    An Algebraic Approach to XQuery Optimization

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    As more data is stored in XML and more applications need to process this data, XML query optimization becomes performance critical. While optimization techniques for relational databases have been developed over the last thirty years, the optimization of XML queries poses new challenges. Query optimizers for XQuery, the standard query language for XML data, need to consider both document order and sequence order. Nevertheless, algebraic optimization proved powerful in query optimizers in relational and object oriented databases. Thus, this dissertation presents an algebraic approach to XQuery optimization. In this thesis, an algebra over sequences is presented that allows for a simple translation of XQuery into this algebra. The formal definitions of the operators in this algebra allow us to reason formally about algebraic optimizations. This thesis leverages the power of this formalism when unnesting nested XQuery expressions. In almost all cases unnesting nested queries in XQuery reduces query execution times from hours to seconds or milliseconds. Moreover, this dissertation presents three basic algebraic patterns of nested queries. For every basic pattern a decision tree is developed to select the most effective unnesting equivalence for a given query. Query unnesting extends the search space that can be considered during cost-based optimization of XQuery. As a result, substantially more efficient query execution plans may be detected. This thesis presents two more important cases where the number of plan alternatives leads to substantially shorter query execution times: join ordering and reordering location steps in path expressions. Our algebraic framework detects cases where document order or sequence order is destroyed. However, state-of-the-art techniques for order optimization in cost-based query optimizers have efficient mechanisms to repair order in these cases. The results obtained for query unnesting and cost-based optimization of XQuery underline the need for an algebraic approach to XQuery optimization for efficient XML query processing. Moreover, they are applicable to optimization in relational databases where order semantics are considered