3,713 research outputs found

    Cauchy-perturbative matching revisited: tests in spherical symmetry

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    During the last few years progress has been made on several fronts making it possible to revisit Cauchy-perturbative matching (CPM) in numerical relativity in a more robust and accurate way. This paper is the first in a series where we plan to analyze CPM in the light of these new results. Here we start by testing high-order summation-by-parts operators, penalty boundaries and contraint-preserving boundary conditions applied to CPM in a setting that is simple enough to study all the ingredients in great detail: Einstein's equations in spherical symmetry, describing a black hole coupled to a massless scalar field. We show that with the techniques described above, the errors introduced by Cauchy-perturbative matching are very small, and that very long term and accurate CPM evolutions can be achieved. Our tests include the accretion and ring-down phase of a Schwarzschild black hole with CPM, where we find that the discrete evolution introduces, with a low spatial resolution of \Delta r = M/10, an error of 0.3% after an evolution time of 1,000,000 M. For a black hole of solar mass, this corresponds to approximately 5 s, and is therefore at the lower end of timescales discussed e.g. in the collapsar model of gamma-ray burst engines. (abridged)Comment: 14 pages, 20 figure

    Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Hyperbolic Systems based on Third-Order Compact WENO Reconstruction

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    In this paper we generalize to non-uniform grids of quad-tree type the Compact WENO reconstruction of Levy, Puppo and Russo (SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 2001), thus obtaining a truly two-dimensional non-oscillatory third order reconstruction with a very compact stencil and that does not involve mesh-dependent coefficients. This latter characteristic is quite valuable for its use in h-adaptive numerical schemes, since in such schemes the coefficients that depend on the disposition and sizes of the neighboring cells (and that are present in many existing WENO-like reconstructions) would need to be recomputed after every mesh adaption. In the second part of the paper we propose a third order h-adaptive scheme with the above-mentioned reconstruction, an explicit third order TVD Runge-Kutta scheme and the entropy production error indicator proposed by Puppo and Semplice (Commun. Comput. Phys., 2011). After devising some heuristics on the choice of the parameters controlling the mesh adaption, we demonstrate with many numerical tests that the scheme can compute numerical solution whose error decays as ⟹N⟩−3\langle N\rangle^{-3}, where ⟹N⟩\langle N\rangle is the average number of cells used during the computation, even in the presence of shock waves, by making a very effective use of h-adaptivity and the proposed third order reconstruction.Comment: many updates to text and figure

    Convex-Arc Drawings of Pseudolines

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    A weak pseudoline arrangement is a topological generalization of a line arrangement, consisting of curves topologically equivalent to lines that cross each other at most once. We consider arrangements that are outerplanar---each crossing is incident to an unbounded face---and simple---each crossing point is the crossing of only two curves. We show that these arrangements can be represented by chords of a circle, by convex polygonal chains with only two bends, or by hyperbolic lines. Simple but non-outerplanar arrangements (non-weak) can be represented by convex polygonal chains or convex smooth curves of linear complexity.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures. A preliminary announcement of these results was made as a poster at the 21st International Symposium on Graph Drawing, Bordeaux, France, September 2013, and published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8242, Springer, 2013, pp. 522--52
