10 research outputs found

    The Impacts of Privacy Rules on Users' Perception on Internet of Things (IoT) Applications: Focusing on Smart Home Security Service

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    Department of Management EngineeringAs communication and information technologies advance, the Internet of Things (IoT) has changed the way people live. In particular, as smart home security services have been widely commercialized, it is necessary to examine consumer perception. However, there is little research that explains the general perception of IoT and smart home services. This article will utilize communication privacy management theory and privacy calculus theory to investigate how options to protect privacy affect how users perceive benefits and costs and how those perceptions affect individuals??? intentions to use of smart home service. Scenario-based experiments were conducted, and perceived benefits and costs were treated as formative second-order constructs. The results of PLS analysis in the study showed that smart home options to protect privacy decreased perceived benefits and increased perceived costs. In addition, the perceived benefits and perceived costs significantly affected the intention to use smart home security services. This research contributes to the field of IoT and smart home research and gives practitioners notable guidelines.ope

    An intelligent context-aware threat detection and response model for smart cyber-physical systems

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    Smart cities, businesses, workplaces, and even residences have all been converged by the Internet of Things (IoT). The types and characteristics of these devices vary depending on the industry 4.0 and have rapidly increased recently, especially in smart homes. These gadgets can expose users to serious cyber dangers because of a variety of computing constraints and vulnerabilities in the security-by-design concept. The smart home network testbed setup presented in this study is used to evaluate and validate the protection of the smart cyber-physical system. The context-aware threat intelligence and response model identifies the states of the aligned smart devices to distinguish between real-world typical and attack scenarios. It then dynamically writes specific rules for protection against potential cyber threats. The context-aware model is trained on IoT Research and Innovation Lab - Smart Home System (IRIL-SHS) testbed dataset. The labeled dataset is utilized to create a random forest model, which is subsequently used to train and test the context-aware threat intelligence SHS model's effectiveness and performance. Finally, the model's logic is used to gain rules to be included in Suricata signatures and the firewall rulesets for the response system. Significant values of the measuring parameters were found in the results. The presented model can be used for the real-time security of smart home cyber-physical systems and develops a vision of security challenges for Industry 4.0

    Context-awareness for the design of Smart-product service systems: Literature review

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    Smart-Product Service Systems (S-PSS) emerge as a novel strategy to integrate smart products with advanced digital capabilities and their related e-services to satisfy user’s needs in highly context-dependent environments. S-PSS has the potential to generate a transition towards more economically, ecologically and socially sustainable practices and business models due to its adaptive capacities. However, being able to exploit the digital capabilities of smart products and their services is still limited in design and even more to improve the user experience. For this reason, this study will focus on the Context-awareness capability that has been defined by multiple scholars as one of the most relevant properties that defines the smartness of a product. Following a systematic literature review approach, this work makes the following contributions: (1) it provides a bibliometric analysis using a cluster keyword map to analyze the most researched topics in S-PSS relevant to the design, user experience and analyze their connections; (2) an analysis of the case studies presented in the literature according to the life cycle of context-aware applications; and (3) establishes a research direction for the user experience and design of the S-PSS

    Watch that seam! Designing hybrid presentations with data visualisation in augmented reality

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    Presentations with Augmented Reality (AR) are becoming an essential tool of design teams. They allow designers to more easily connect the dots leading to design ideas. However, data visualisation with AR in the context of presentations are little researched to date. This leaves two key research questions: (1) How to design an AR data visualisation in presentations? and (2) How to orchestrate seams in presentations that include AR? In order to answer these, we report an in-depth Research through Design (RtD) case study, exploring the design process of two data visualisation prototypes in HoloLens. This research process highlights the implications of including a data visualisation in AR in the presentation structure, generating the appearance of seams or transitions between media channels. Based on our findings, we make three contributions. First, we propose the concept of hybrid presentations: as a type of presentation that blends, in the same narrative, at least two media channels that combine physical and virtual media. Second, we explain how seams can be orchestrated in hybrid presentations by introducing the idea of an interaction between channel seams and narrative seams. Third, we translate these insights into concrete guidelines for designers dealing with hybrid presentations and design of data visualisations in AR

    Rekomendasi Desain UX (User Experience) Pada Aplikasi Drum Virtual Berbasis Teknologi Intel Realsense

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    Musik adalah suara yang disusun demikian rupa sehingga mengandung irama, lagu, dan keharmonisan terutama suara yang dihasilkan dari alat yang dapat menghasilkan bunyi-bunyian. Terdapat beberapa jenis alat musik berdasarkan cara memainkannya salah satunya yaitu alat musik pukul drum. Harga alat musik ini cukup mahal sekitar 13 juta dalam satu setnya. Selain itu, dibutuhkan ruangan yang lebih luas untuk meletakkan alat musik ini. Intel Realsense 3D Camera adalah teknologi kamera yang mampu merespon tangan, lengan, dan gerakan kepala serta ekspresi wajah. Kemampuan kamera Intel Realsense ini dapat mendeteksi 22 sendi di satu telapak tangan kita dan juga dapat mendeteksi kedalaman objek secara 3 Dimensi. Intel Realsense adalah pengembangan teknologi dari HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) dimana di dalam HCI itu sendiri terdapat berbagai cabangnya diantaranya UI (User Interface) dan UX (User Experience). UX memiliki ranah yang lebih luas dari UI, karena ranah UX ini dimulai dengan research pasar pengguna yang kemudian diimplementasi kedalam sebuah interface. Tugas akhir ini mencoba untuk menerapkan desain UX pada aplikasi drum virtual menggunakan teknologi Intel Realsense. Teknologi Intel Realsense ini, memungkinkan pengguna dapat membunyikan suara dengan cara menggerakan tangan seperti memukul drum pada kamera Intel Realsense. Tugas akhir ini diharapkan dapat memberikan pengalaman berbeda bagi pengguna saat memainkan aplikasi drum virtual dengan cara menggerakan tangan. Terdapat 3 tipe desain UI/UX (Desain tipe A, B, C) aplikasi drum virtual yang akan dibuat. Dari ketiga desain tersebut akan dipilih desain mana yang sesuai untuk aplikasi drum virtual menggunakan Intel Realsense. Dari hasil pengujian dengan cara melakukan experiment task dan melakukan beberapa kuesioner desain yang baik untuk untuk pembuatan aplikasi drum virtual adalah desain tipe C sedangkan untuk hasil dependent variable seperti task complete, task accuracy dan task error adalah desain tipe A. ============================================================================== Music is organized sound such that it contains rhythm, song, and harmony particularly sound generated from a tool that can generate sounds. There are several kinds of musical instruments is based on how to play, one of them is percussion drum. The price of this instrument is quit e expensive at around 13 millio . In addition, it takes more space to put this instrument. Intel Realsense 3D Camera is a camera technology that is capable of responding to the hand, arm, and head movements and facial expressions. Realsense c amera capabilities Intel is able to detect 22 joints in the palm of our hands and also can detect the depth of objects in 3 Dimensions. Intel Realsense is developing the technology of HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) where there are many branches of which UI (User Interface) and UX (User Experience). UX has a wider sphere of UI, because the realm UX starts with market research users are then implemented into a single interface. The final task is to try to implement a UX design on a virtual drum applications using Intel technology Realsense. Intel's Teknologi Realsense, allows users to mute by way of moving the hand like drumming on Intel Realsense camera. The final project is expected to provide a different experience for users when playing a virtual drum application by way of moving the hand. There are 3 types of design UI / UX (Design type A, B, C) application of virtual drums to be made. Of the three designs will be selected designs which are suitable for applications using Intel Realsense virtual drum. From the test results by doing experimental task and do some good for the questionnaire design for manufacturing applications is a virtual drum design type C while the dependent variable outcomes such as task complete, task accuracy and error task is the design of type A

    AdaptUI: A Framework for the development of Adaptive User Interfaces in Smart Product-Service Systems

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    Smart Product–Service Systems (S-PSS) represent an innovative business model that integrates intelligent products with advanced digital capabilities and corresponding e-services. The user experience (UX) within an S-PSS is heavily influenced by the customization of services and customer empowerment. However, conventional UX analysis primarily focuses on the design stage and may not adequately respond to the evolving user needs during the usage stage and how to exploit the data surrounding the use of S-PSS. To overcome these limitations, this article introduces a practical framework for developing Adaptive User Interfaces within S-PSS. This framework integrates ontologies and Context-aware recommendation systems, with user interactions serving as the primary data source, facilitating the development of adaptive user interfaces. One of the main contributions of this work lies on the integration of various components to achieve the creation of Adaptive User Interfaces for digital services. A case study of a smart device app is presented, to demonstrate the practical implementation of the framework, with a hands-on development approach, considering technological aspects and utilizing appropriate tools. The results of the evaluation of the recommendation engine show that using a context-aware approach improves the precision of recommendations. Furthermore, pragmatic aspects of UX, such as usefulness and system efficiency, are evaluated with participants with an overall positive impact on the use of the smart device

    Review of three-dimensional human-computer interaction with focus on the leap motion controller

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    Modern hardware and software development has led to an evolution of user interfaces from command-line to natural user interfaces for virtual immersive environments. Gestures imitating real-world interaction tasks increasingly replace classical two-dimensional interfaces based on Windows/Icons/Menus/Pointers (WIMP) or touch metaphors. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to survey the state-of-the-art Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) techniques with a focus on the special field of three-dimensional interaction. This includes an overview of currently available interaction devices, their applications of usage and underlying methods for gesture design and recognition. Focus is on interfaces based on the Leap Motion Controller (LMC) and corresponding methods of gesture design and recognition. Further, a review of evaluation methods for the proposed natural user interfaces is given

    Aplicação de metodologia para desenvolvimento de heurísticas de usabilidade e UX

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    Para que um produto tenha sucesso no mercado, não basta apenas procurar que este seja fácil de usar, é necessário também garantir que este proporciona boas sensações aos utilizadores. No entanto, algumas empresas de desenvolvimento de software acabam por não dar tanta importância à realização de estudos e testes de usabilidade e User eXperience (UX), por assumirem que tais investigações têm um custo elevado, o que pode levar ao fracasso prematuro dos seus produtos. Na verdade, quanto mais cedo estas questões forem levadas em consideração no processo de desenvolvimento dos produtos, menor é o impacto em termos de custos, até porque previne esforços adicionais de desenvolvimento após se obter feedback dos primeiros utilizadores ou stakeholders. Atualmente, com a disseminação da utilização de dispositivos móveis e as suas aplicações no quotidiano das pessoas, têm surgido várias aplicações móveis que interagem com equipamentos externos, com particularidades em termos da sua utilização, o que leva a que as avaliações de usabilidade e UX realizadas neste tipo de produtos, por vezes não sejam as mais adequadas. Neste projeto de investigação pretendeu-se verificar através de uma revisão de literatura os métodos existentes para avaliar aplicações móveis que interagem com equipamentos externos. Este tipo de aplicações tem a particularidade de englobar um elemento adicional na interação entre o utilizador e o dispositivo móvel, o equipamento. Posto isto, foi selecionada uma metodologia, que pretende desenvolver e validar um conjunto de heurísticas de usabilidade e UX adequada a avaliar aplicações de um certo domínio. Assim, a metodologia foi levada a cabo meticulosamente, tendo em conta 3 aplicações móveis, a qual integrou 4 experiências para melhoria e validação dos resultados. No fim, obteve-se um conjunto de heurísticas que, quando aplicadas, se pretende que melhorem a experiência de interação dos utilizadores com as aplicações móveis pertencentes a este domínio específico