4,401 research outputs found

    A Review on Energy Consumption Optimization Techniques in IoT Based Smart Building Environments

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    In recent years, due to the unnecessary wastage of electrical energy in residential buildings, the requirement of energy optimization and user comfort has gained vital importance. In the literature, various techniques have been proposed addressing the energy optimization problem. The goal of each technique was to maintain a balance between user comfort and energy requirements such that the user can achieve the desired comfort level with the minimum amount of energy consumption. Researchers have addressed the issue with the help of different optimization algorithms and variations in the parameters to reduce energy consumption. To the best of our knowledge, this problem is not solved yet due to its challenging nature. The gap in the literature is due to the advancements in the technology and drawbacks of the optimization algorithms and the introduction of different new optimization algorithms. Further, many newly proposed optimization algorithms which have produced better accuracy on the benchmark instances but have not been applied yet for the optimization of energy consumption in smart homes. In this paper, we have carried out a detailed literature review of the techniques used for the optimization of energy consumption and scheduling in smart homes. The detailed discussion has been carried out on different factors contributing towards thermal comfort, visual comfort, and air quality comfort. We have also reviewed the fog and edge computing techniques used in smart homes

    Time-constrained nature-inspired optimization algorithms for an efficient energy management system in smart homes and buildings

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    This paper proposes two bio-inspired heuristic algorithms, the Moth-Flame Optimization (MFO) algorithm and Genetic Algorithm (GA), for an Energy Management System (EMS) in smart homes and buildings. Their performance in terms of energy cost reduction, minimization of the Peak to Average power Ratio (PAR) and end-user discomfort minimization are analysed and discussed. Then, a hybrid version of GA and MFO, named TG-MFO (Time-constrained Genetic-Moth Flame Optimization), is proposed for achieving the aforementioned objectives. TG-MFO not only hybridizes GA and MFO, but also incorporates time constraints for each appliance to achieve maximum end-user comfort. Different algorithms have been proposed in the literature for energy optimization. However, they have increased end-user frustration in terms of increased waiting time for home appliances to be switched ON. The proposed TG-MFO algorithm is specially designed for nearly-zero end-user discomfort due to scheduling of appliances, keeping in view the timespan of individual appliances. Renewable energy sources and battery storage units are also integrated for achieving maximum end-user benefits. For comparison, five bio-inspired heuristic algorithms, i.e., Genetic Algorithm (GA), Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), Cuckoo Search Algorithm (CSA), Firefly Algorithm (FA) and Moth-Flame Optimization (MFO), are used to achieve the aforementioned objectives in the residential sector in comparison with TG-MFO. The simulations through MATLAB show that our proposed algorithm has reduced the energy cost up to 32.25% for a single user and 49.96% for thirty users in a residential sector compared to unscheduled load

    Residential Demand Side Management model, optimization and future perspective: A review

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    The residential load sector plays a vital role in terms of its impact on overall power balance, stability, and efficient power management. However, the load dynamics of the energy demand of residential users are always nonlinear, uncontrollable, and inelastic concerning power grid regulation and management. The integration of distributed generations (DGs) and advancement of information and communication technology (ICT) even though handles the related issues and challenges up to some extent, till the flexibility, energy management and scheduling with better planning are necessary for the residential sector to achieve better grid stability and efficiency. To address these issues, it is indispensable to analyze the demand-side management (DSM) for the complex residential sector considering various operational constraints, objectives, identifying various factors that affect better planning, scheduling, and management, to project the key features of various approaches and possible future research directions. This review has been done based on the related literature to focus on modeling, optimization methods, major objectives, system operation constraints, dominating factors impacting overall system operation, and possible solutions enhancing residential DSM operation. Gaps in future research and possible prospects have been discussed briefly to give a proper insight into the current implementation of DSM. This extensive review of residential DSM will help all the researchers in this area to innovate better energy management strategies and reduce the effect of system uncertainties, variations, and constraints

    Heuristic-based programable controller for efficient energy management under renewable energy sources and energy storage system in smart grid

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    An operative and versatile household energy management system is proposed to develop and implement demand response (DR) projects. These are under the hybrid generation of the energy storage system (ESS), photovoltaic (PV), and electric vehicles (EVs) in the smart grid (SG). Existing household energy management systems cannot offer its users a choice to ensure user comfort (UC) and not provide a sustainable solution in terms of reduced carbon emission. To tackle these problems, this research work proposes a heuristic-based programmable energy management controller (HPEMC) to manage the energy consumption in residential buildings to minimize electricity bills, reduce carbon emissions, maximize UC and reduce the peak-to-average ratio (PAR). We used our proposed hybrid genetic particle swarm optimization (HGPO) algorithm and existing algorithms like a genetic algorithm (GA), binary particle swarm optimization algorithm (BPSO), ant colony optimization (ACO), wind-driven optimization algorithm (WDO), bacterial foraging algorithm (BFA) to schedule smart appliances optimally to attain our desired objectives. In the proposed model, consumers use solar panels to produce their energy from microgrids. We also perform MATLAB simulations to validate our proposed HGPO-HPEMC (HHPEMC), and results confirm the efficiency and productivity of our proposed HPEMC based strategy. The proposed algorithm reduced the electricity cost by 25.55%, PAR by 36.98%, and carbon emission by 24.02% as compared to the case of without scheduling

    Optimal Home Energy Management System for Committed Power Exchange Considering Renewable Generations

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    This thesis addresses the complexity of SH operation and local renewable resources optimum sizing. The effect of different criteria and components of SH on the size of renewable resources and cost of electricity is investigated. Operation of SH with the optimum size of renewable resources is evaluated to study SH annual cost. The effectiveness of SH with committed exchange power functionality is studied for minimizing cost while responding to DR programs

    Optimal planning of hybrid energy conversion systems for annual energy cost minimization in Indian residential buildings

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    The increasing interest in renewables has encouraged power system planners to include the concept of hybrid energy systems in modern power industry. Besides, the modern power consumers are becoming more concerned about their energy bills which has led to the concept of hybrid energy management systems (HEMSs) for buildings to monitor, control and optimally manage energy consumptions without any waste. In this study, an optimal planning framework is proposed to determine optimal capacities and sharing of hybrid energy conversion systems (HECS) such as wind turbine, solar photovoltaic, battery energy storage and the utility grid. The objective is to maximize the net present value of the project/system which includes the cost of annual investment, operation and maintenance costs of HEMS expected to have incurred in the planning period. All the costs and parameters are considered in the Indian context, and Genetic Algorithm (GA) is adopted to solve this proposed planning framework. The simulation results obtained are compared with same obtained for conventional houses in India. The comparison shows that the proposed framework effectively reduces the electricity bills while improving its reliability

    Multi objective optimization in charge management of micro grid based multistory carpark

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    Distributed power supply with the use of renewable energy sources and intelligent energy flow management has undoubtedly become one of the pressing trends in modern power engineering, which also inspired researchers from other fields to contribute to the topic. There are several kinds of micro grid platforms, each facing its own challenges and thus making the problem purely multi objective. In this paper, an evolutionary driven algorithm is applied and evaluated on a real platform represented by a private multistory carpark equipped with photovoltaic solar panels and several battery packs. The algorithm works as a core of an adaptive charge management system based on predicted conditions represented by estimated electric load and production in the future hours. The outcome of the paper is a comparison of the optimized and unoptimized charge management on three different battery setups proving that optimization may often outperform a battery setup with larger capacity in several criteria.Web of Science117art. no. 179

    A new optimized demand management system for smart grid-based residential buildings adopting renewable and storage energies

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    Demand Side Management (DSM) implies intelligently managing load appliances in a Smart Grid (SG). DSM programs help customers save money by reducing their electricity bills, minimizing the utility’s peak demand, and improving load factor. To achieve these goals, this paper proposes a new load shifting-based optimal DSM model for scheduling residential users’ appliances. The proposed system effectively handles the challenges raised in the literature regarding the absence of using recent, easy, and more robust optimization techniques, a comparison procedure with well-established ones, using Renewable Energy Resources (RERs), Renewable Energy Storage (RES), and adopting consumer comfort. This system uses recent algorithms called Virulence Optimization Algorithm (VOA) and Earth Worm Optimization Algorithm (EWOA) for optimally shifting the time slots of shiftable appliances. The system adopts RERs, RES, as well as utility grid energy for supplying load appliances. This system takes into account user preferences, timing factors for each appliance, and a pricing signal for relocating shiftable appliances to flatten the energy demand profile. In order to figure out how much electricity users will have to pay, a Time Of Use (TOU) dynamic pricing scheme has been used. Using MATLAB simulation environment, we have made effectiveness-based comparisons of the adopted optimization algorithms with the well-established meta-heuristics and evolutionary algorithms (Genetic Algorithm (GA), Cuckoo Search Optimization (CSO), and Binary Particle Swarm Optimization (BPSO) in order to determine the most efficient one. Without adopting RES, the results indicate that VOA outperforms the other algorithms. The VOA enables 59% minimization in Peak-to-Average Ratio (PAR) of consumption energy and is more robust than other competitors. By incorporating RES, the EWOA, alongside the VOA, provides less deviation and a lower PAR. The VOA saves 76.19% of PAR, and the EWOA saves 73.8%, followed by the BPSO, GA, and CSO, respectively. The electricity consumption using VOA and EWOA-based DSM cost 217 and 210 USD cents, respectively, whereas non-scheduled consumption costs 273 USD cents and scheduling based on BPSO, GA, and CSO costs 219, 220, and 222 USD cents.publishedVersio