253 research outputs found

    Enabling Large-Scale Peer-to-Peer Stored Video Streaming Service with QoS Support

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    This research aims to enable a large-scale, high-volume, peer-to-peer, stored-video streaming service over the Internet, such as on-line DVD rentals. P2P allows a group of dynamically organized users to cooperatively support content discovery and distribution services without needing to employ a central server. P2P has the potential to overcome the scalability issue associated with client-server based video distribution networks; however, it brings a new set of challenges. This research addresses the following five technical challenges associated with the distribution of streaming video over the P2P network: 1) allow users with limited transmit bandwidth capacity to become contributing sources, 2) support the advertisement and discovery of time-changing and time-bounded video frame availability, 3) Minimize the impact of distribution source losses during video playback, 4) incorporate user mobility information in the selection of distribution sources, and 5) design a streaming network architecture that enables above functionalities.To meet the above requirements, we propose a video distribution network model based on a hybrid architecture between client-server and P2P. In this model, a video is divided into a sequence of small segments and each user executes a scheduling algorithm to determine the order, the timing, and the rate of segment retrievals from other users. The model also employs an advertisement and discovery scheme which incorporates parameters of the scheduling algorithm to allow users to share their life-time of video segment availability information in one advertisement and one query. An accompanying QoS scheme allows reduction in the number of video playback interruptions while one or more distribution sources depart from the service prematurely.The simulation study shows that the proposed model and associated schemes greatly alleviate the bandwidth requirement of the video distribution server, especially when the number of participating users grows large. As much as 90% of load reduction was observed in some experiments when compared to a traditional client-server based video distribution service. A significant reduction is also observed in the number of video presentation interruptions when the proposed QoS scheme is incorporated in the distribution process while certain percentages of distribution sources depart from the service unexpectedly

    IoT Networks: Using Machine Learning Algorithm for Service Denial Detection in Constrained Application Protocol

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    The paper discusses the potential threat of Denial of Service (DoS) attacks in the Internet of Things (IoT) networks on constrained application protocols (CoAP). As billions of IoT devices are expected to be connected to the internet in the coming years, the security of these devices is vulnerable to attacks, disrupting their functioning. This research aims to tackle this issue by applying mixed methods of qualitative and quantitative for feature selection, extraction, and cluster algorithms to detect DoS attacks in the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) using the Machine Learning Algorithm (MLA). The main objective of the research is to enhance the security scheme for CoAP in the IoT environment by analyzing the nature of DoS attacks and identifying a new set of features for detecting them in the IoT network environment. The aim is to demonstrate the effectiveness of the MLA in detecting DoS attacks and compare it with conventional intrusion detection systems for securing the CoAP in the IoT environment. Findings The research identifies the appropriate node to detect DoS attacks in the IoT network environment and demonstrates how to detect the attacks through the MLA. The accuracy detection in both classification and network simulation environments shows that the k-means algorithm scored the highest percentage in the training and testing of the evaluation. The network simulation platform also achieved the highest percentage of 99.93% in overall accuracy. This work reviews conventional intrusion detection systems for securing the CoAP in the IoT environment. The DoS security issues associated with the CoAP are discussed

    Optimized protection of streaming media authenticity

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    Plugging in trust and privacy : three systems to improve widely used ecosystems

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    The era of touch-enabled mobile devices has fundamentally changed our communication habits. Their high usability and unlimited data plans provide the means to communicate any place, any time and lead people to publish more and more (sensitive) information. Moreover, the success of mobile devices also led to the introduction of new functionality that crucially relies on sensitive data (e.g., location-based services). With our today’s mobile devices, the Internet has become the prime source for information (e.g., news) and people need to rely on the correctness of information provided on the Internet. However, most of the involved systems are neither prepared to provide robust privacy guarantees for the users, nor do they provide users with the means to verify and trust in delivered content. This dissertation introduces three novel trust and privacy mechanisms that overcome the current situation by improving widely used ecosystems. With WebTrust we introduce a robust authenticity and integrity framework that provides users with the means to verify both the correctness and authorship of data transmitted via HTTP. X-pire! and X-pire 2.0 offer a digital expiration date for images in social networks to enforce post-publication privacy. AppGuard enables the enforcement of fine-grained privacy policies on third-party applications in Android to protect the users privacy.Heutige Mobilgeräte mit Touchscreen haben unsere Kommunikationsgewohnheiten grundlegend geändert. Ihre intuitive Benutzbarkeit gepaart mit unbegrenztem Internetzugang erlaubt es uns jederzeit und überall zu kommunizieren und führt dazu, dass immer mehr (vertrauliche) Informationen publiziert werden. Des Weiteren hat der Erfolg mobiler Geräte zur Einführung neuer Dienste die auf vertraulichen Daten aufbauen (z.B. positionsabhängige Dienste) beigetragen. Mit den aktuellen Mobilgeräten wurde zudem das Internet die wichtigste Informationsquelle (z.B. für Nachrichten) und die Nutzer müssen sich auf die Korrektheit der von dort bezogenen Daten verlassen. Allerdings bieten die involvierten Systeme weder robuste Datenschutzgarantien, noch die Möglichkeit die Korrektheit bezogener Daten zu verifizieren. Diese Dissertation führt drei neue Mechanismen für das Vertrauen und den Datenschutz ein, die die aktuelle Situation in weit verbreiteten Systemen verbessern. WebTrust, ein robustes Authentizitäts- und Integritätssystem ermöglicht es den Nutzern sowohl die Korrektheit als auch die Autorenschaft von über HTTP übertragenen Daten zu verifizieren. X-pire! und X-pire 2.0 bieten ein digitales Ablaufdatum für Bilder in sozialen Netzwerken um Daten auch nach der Publikation noch vor Zugriff durch Dritte zu schützen. AppGuard ermöglicht das Durchsetzen von feingranularen Datenschutzrichtlinien für Drittanbieteranwendungen in Android um einen angemessen Schutz der Nutzerdaten zu gewährleisten

    Plugging in trust and privacy : three systems to improve widely used ecosystems

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    The era of touch-enabled mobile devices has fundamentally changed our communication habits. Their high usability and unlimited data plans provide the means to communicate any place, any time and lead people to publish more and more (sensitive) information. Moreover, the success of mobile devices also led to the introduction of new functionality that crucially relies on sensitive data (e.g., location-based services). With our today’s mobile devices, the Internet has become the prime source for information (e.g., news) and people need to rely on the correctness of information provided on the Internet. However, most of the involved systems are neither prepared to provide robust privacy guarantees for the users, nor do they provide users with the means to verify and trust in delivered content. This dissertation introduces three novel trust and privacy mechanisms that overcome the current situation by improving widely used ecosystems. With WebTrust we introduce a robust authenticity and integrity framework that provides users with the means to verify both the correctness and authorship of data transmitted via HTTP. X-pire! and X-pire 2.0 offer a digital expiration date for images in social networks to enforce post-publication privacy. AppGuard enables the enforcement of fine-grained privacy policies on third-party applications in Android to protect the users privacy.Heutige Mobilgeräte mit Touchscreen haben unsere Kommunikationsgewohnheiten grundlegend geändert. Ihre intuitive Benutzbarkeit gepaart mit unbegrenztem Internetzugang erlaubt es uns jederzeit und überall zu kommunizieren und führt dazu, dass immer mehr (vertrauliche) Informationen publiziert werden. Des Weiteren hat der Erfolg mobiler Geräte zur Einführung neuer Dienste die auf vertraulichen Daten aufbauen (z.B. positionsabhängige Dienste) beigetragen. Mit den aktuellen Mobilgeräten wurde zudem das Internet die wichtigste Informationsquelle (z.B. für Nachrichten) und die Nutzer müssen sich auf die Korrektheit der von dort bezogenen Daten verlassen. Allerdings bieten die involvierten Systeme weder robuste Datenschutzgarantien, noch die Möglichkeit die Korrektheit bezogener Daten zu verifizieren. Diese Dissertation führt drei neue Mechanismen für das Vertrauen und den Datenschutz ein, die die aktuelle Situation in weit verbreiteten Systemen verbessern. WebTrust, ein robustes Authentizitäts- und Integritätssystem ermöglicht es den Nutzern sowohl die Korrektheit als auch die Autorenschaft von über HTTP übertragenen Daten zu verifizieren. X-pire! und X-pire 2.0 bieten ein digitales Ablaufdatum für Bilder in sozialen Netzwerken um Daten auch nach der Publikation noch vor Zugriff durch Dritte zu schützen. AppGuard ermöglicht das Durchsetzen von feingranularen Datenschutzrichtlinien für Drittanbieteranwendungen in Android um einen angemessen Schutz der Nutzerdaten zu gewährleisten

    A Survey on Data Plane Programming with P4: Fundamentals, Advances, and Applied Research

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    With traditional networking, users can configure control plane protocols to match the specific network configuration, but without the ability to fundamentally change the underlying algorithms. With SDN, the users may provide their own control plane, that can control network devices through their data plane APIs. Programmable data planes allow users to define their own data plane algorithms for network devices including appropriate data plane APIs which may be leveraged by user-defined SDN control. Thus, programmable data planes and SDN offer great flexibility for network customization, be it for specialized, commercial appliances, e.g., in 5G or data center networks, or for rapid prototyping in industrial and academic research. Programming protocol-independent packet processors (P4) has emerged as the currently most widespread abstraction, programming language, and concept for data plane programming. It is developed and standardized by an open community and it is supported by various software and hardware platforms. In this paper, we survey the literature from 2015 to 2020 on data plane programming with P4. Our survey covers 497 references of which 367 are scientific publications. We organize our work into two parts. In the first part, we give an overview of data plane programming models, the programming language, architectures, compilers, targets, and data plane APIs. We also consider research efforts to advance P4 technology. In the second part, we analyze a large body of literature considering P4-based applied research. We categorize 241 research papers into different application domains, summarize their contributions, and extract prototypes, target platforms, and source code availability.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials (COMS) on 2021-01-2