6,402 research outputs found

    How Registries Can Help Performance Measurement Improve Care

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    Suggests ways to better utilize databases of clinical information to evaluate care processes and outcomes and improve measurements of healthcare quality and costs, comparative clinical effectiveness research, and medical product safety surveillance

    Population Health Matters Fall 2012 Download Full Text PDF

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    Devices and Data Workflow in COPD Wearable Remote Patient Monitoring: A Systematic Review

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    Background: With global increase in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) prevalence and mortality rates, and socioeconomical burden continuing to rise, current disease management strategies appear inadequate, paving the way for technological solutions, namely remote patient monitoring (RPM), adoption considering its acute disease events management benefit. One RPM’s category stands out, wearable devices, due to its availability and apparent ease of use. Objectives: To assess the current market and interventional solutions regarding wearable devices in the remote monitoring of COPD patients through a systematic review design from a device composition, data workflow, and collected parameters description standpoint. Methods: A systematic review was conducted to identify wearable device trends in this population through the development of a comprehensive search strategy, searching beyond the mainstream databases, and aggregating diverse information found regarding the same device. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines were followed, and quality appraisal of identified studies was performed using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) quality appraisal checklists. Results: The review resulted on the identification of 1590 references, of which a final 79 were included. 56 wearable devices were analysed, with the slight majority belonging to the wellness devices class. Substantial device heterogeneity was identified regarding device composition type and wearing location, and data workflow regarding 4 considered components. Clinical monitoring devices are starting to gain relevance in the market and slightly over a third, aim to assist COPD patients and healthcare professionals in exacerbation prediction. Compliance with validated recommendations is still lacking, with no devices assessing the totality of recommended vital signs. Conclusions: The identified heterogeneity, despite expected considering the relative novelty of wearable devices, alerts for the need to regulate the development and research of these technologies, specially from a structural and data collection and transmission standpoints.Introdução: Com o aumento global das taxas de prevalência e mortalidade da Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crónica (DPOC) e o seu impacto socioeconómico, as atuais estratégias de gestão da doença parecem inadequadas, abrindo caminho para soluções tecnológicas, nomeadamente para a adoção da monitorização remota, tendo em conta o seu benefício na gestão de exacerbações de doenças crónicas. Dentro destaca-se uma categoria, os dispositivos wearable, pela sua disponibilidade e aparente facilidade de uso. Objetivos: Avaliar as soluções existentes, tanto no mercado, como na área de investigação, relativas a dispositivos wearable utilizados na monitorização remota de pacientes com DPOC através de uma revisão sistemática, do ponto de vista da composição do dispositivo, fluxo de dados e descrição dos parâmetros coletados. Métodos: Uma revisão sistemática foi realizada para identificar tendências destes dispositivos, através do desenvolvimento de uma estratégia de pesquisa abrangente, procurando pesquisar para além das databases convencionais e agregar diversas informações encontradas sobre o mesmo dispositivo. Para tal, foram seguidas as diretrizes PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses), e a avaliação da qualidade dos estudos identificados foi realizada utilizando a ferramenta CASP (Critical Appraisal Skills Programme). Resultados: A revisão resultou na identificação de 1590 referências, das quais 79 foram incluídas. Foram analisados 56 dispositivos wearable, com a ligeira maioria a pertencer à classe de dispositivos de wellness. Foi identificada heterogeneidade substancial nos dispositivos em relação à sua composição, local de uso e ao fluxo de dados em relação a 4 componentes considerados. Os dispositivos de monitorização clínica já evidenciam alguma relevância no mercado e, pouco mais de um terço, visam auxiliar pacientes com DPOC e profissionais de saúde na previsão de exacerbações. Ainda assim, é notória a falta do cumprimento das recomendações validadas, não estando disponíveis dispositivos que avaliem a totalidade dos sinais vitais recomendados. Conclusão: A heterogeneidade identificada, apesar de esperada face à relativa novidade dos dispositivos wearable, alerta para a necessidade de regulamentação do desenvolvimento e investigação destas tecnologias, especialmente do ponto de vista estrutural e de recolha e transmissão de dados

    Innovative Business Model for Smart Healthcare Insurance

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    Information revolution and technology growth have made a considerable contribution to restraining the cost expansion and empowering the customer. They disrupted most business models in different industries. The customer-centric business model has pervaded the different sectors. Smart healthcare has made an enormous shift in patient life and raised their expectations of healthcare services quality. Healthcare insurance is an essential business in the healthcare sector; patients expect a new business model to meet their needs and enhance their wellness. This research develops a holistic smart healthcare architecture based on the recent development of information and communications technology. Then develops a disruptive healthcare insurance business model that adapts to this architecture and classifies the patient according to their technology needs. Finally, and implementing a prototype of a system that matches and suits the healthcare recipient condition to the proper healthcare insurance policy by applying Web Ontology Language (OWL) and rule-based reasoning model using SWRL using Protég

    The promise of digital healthcare technologies

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    Digital health technologies have been in use for many years in a wide spectrum of healthcare scenarios. This narrative review outlines the current use and the future strategies and significance of digital health technologies in modern healthcare applications. It covers the current state of the scientific field (delineating major strengths, limitations, and applications) and envisions the future impact of relevant emerging key technologies. Furthermore, we attempt to provide recommendations for innovative approaches that would accelerate and benefit the research, translation and utilization of digital health technologies

    Development and Validation of a Primary Care-Based Family Health History and Decision Support Program (MeTree)

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    Introduction: Family health history is a strong predictor of disease risk. To reduce the morbidity and mortality of many chronic diseases, risk-stratified evidence-based guidelines strongly encourage the collection and synthesis of family health history to guide selection of primary prevention strategies. However, the collection and synthesis of such information is not well integrated into clinical practice. To address barriers to collection and use of family health histories, the Genomedical Connection developed and validated MeTree, a Web-based, patient-facing family health history collection and clinical decision support tool. MeTree is designed for integration into primary care practices as part of the genomic medicine model for primary care.Methods: We describe the guiding principles, operational characteristics, algorithm development, and coding used to develop MeTree. Validation was performed through stakeholder cognitive interviewing, a genetic counseling pilot program, and clinical practice pilot programs in 2 community-based primary care clinics.Results: Stakeholder feedback resulted in changes to MeTree’s interface and changes to the phrasing of clinical decision support documents. The pilot studies resulted in the identification and correction of coding errors and the reformatting of clinical decision support documents. MeTree’s strengths in comparison with other tools are its seamless integration into clinical practice and its provision of action-oriented recommendations guided by providers’ needs.Limitations: The tool was validated in a small cohort.Conclusion: MeTree can be integrated into primary care practices to help providers collect and synthesize family health history information from patients with the goal of improving adherence to risk-stratified evidence-based guidelines

    Prescriptions for Excellence in Health Care Spring 2011 Download PDF

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    Improving Surgical Patient Outcomes Through a Cross-Training Program for the Hybrid Operating Room

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    Abstract Innovations in the treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms have resulted in the reduction of open surgical procedures and the increased use of minimally invasive procedures known as endovascular aortic artery repairs (EVAR) and thoracic endovascular artery repairs (EVAR). These hybrid procedures integrate the technical skills and resources used in surgical procedures with the technology used for radiological interventions. (Odle, 2011). These procedures are performed in a Hybrid Operating Room (HOR) within the Catheterization Laboratory (Cath Lab) microsystem. A HOR is a surgical operating room that is equipped with interventional radiology imaging and equipment (Taylor, 2017). These high-risk procedures demand specialized Vascular Cath Lab staff and specialized operating room (OR) Vascular staff. The integration of these specialties contributed to the development of an HOR Cross-training Program to meet the needs of surgical patients in the HOR. A Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL) led the development and evaluation of this program to ensure Cath Lab Vascular nurses and Radiology Technologists (RT) learned the principles of aseptic technique and surgical techniques. Cath Lab nurses learned the role of a circulating surgical nurse and RTs learned the role of surgical scrub in a period of three months or less. Prior to this program, the staffing ratios for a HOR included 11.9 full-time equivalents (FTE) per day. After the program, the staffing ratios were reduced to 7.3 FTE. The desired outcome for the sustainability of this program is to ensure that all aortic aneurysm surgical patients receive the same safe standard delivery of care in a HOR that is equivalent to a normal operating room. Keywords: hybrid operating room, cross-training, surgical technique, staffing ratios, abdominal aortic aneurys