12 research outputs found

    Outdoor Augmented Reality: State of the Art and Issues

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    International audienceThe goal of an outdoor augmented reality system is to allow the human operator to move freely without restraint in its environment, to view and interact in real time with geo-referenced data via mobile wireless devices. This requires proposing new techniques for 3D localization, visualization and 3D interaction, adapted to working conditions in outdoor environment (brightness variation, features of displays used, etc.). This paper surveys recent advances in outdoor augmented reality. It resumes a large retrospective of the work carried out in this field, especially on methodological aspects (localization methods, generation of 3D models, visualization and interaction approaches), technological aspects (sensors, visualization devices and architecture software) and industrial aspects

    Cultural geography studies and use of augmented reality technology in the virtual place

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    Teknolojik gelişmeler doğrultusunda yeni bir mekân türü olarak ortaya çıkan sanal mekân, birçok bilim dalının olduğu gibi coğrafyanın da çalışma alanlarından birini oluşturmaktadır. Bir mekân bilimi olan coğrafya, sanal mekânı aktif olarak kullanma içeriğine sahip bir bilim dalıdır. Kültürel coğrafya çalışmalarında özellikle somut ve somut olmayan kültürel mirasın yaşatılması ve aktarılması konusunda zengin bir konu potansiyeline sahip bulunmaktadır. Sanal mekânda son yıllarda fazlaca kullanılmaya başlanan en yeni teknolojilerden biri olan artırılmış gerçeklik teknolojisi ise gerçek dünya ortamları üzerine sanal nesnelerin giydirilmesi ile elde edilerek oluşturulan bir sistemdir. Bu sistem ile katılımcılar, zaman ve mekân sınırlaması olmaksızın istedikleri mekâna ve zamana seyahat ederek eğlenceli bir şekilde bilgi edinme imkânına sahip olmaktadır. Bu çalışma, sanal mekânda artırılmış gerçeklik teknolojisinin kullanılarak kültürel coğrafya çalışmalarının yapılması gerekliliği ile potansiyeline dikkati çekmeyi ve bu alanda kültürel coğrafya çalışmalarında bir farkındalık oluşturmayı amaç edinmektedir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda, ikincil veri toplama yolu kullanılarak ilgili bilimsel çalışmalara yönelik literatür taraması yapılmıştır. Ayrıca Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu verilerinden yararlanılarak bilişim teknolojilerine yönelik kullanım oranları ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Yapılan tarama neticesinde, dünyada artırılmış gerçeklik teknolojisini konu edinen birçok çalışma ve hayata geçirilen projenin bulunduğu tespit edilmiştir. Türkiye’de ise bu teknolojiyi konu edinen çalışmalar olmasına rağmen, kültürel mirasın korunması kapsamında hayata geçirilen proje ve uygulamaların yetersiz olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Kültürel mirasın korunması ve aktarılmasına yönelik, genç kuşağın aktif olarak yer aldığı sanal mekânda, artırılmış gerçeklik teknolojisi gibi yeni teknolojiler kullanılarak çeşitli projelerin hayata geçirilmesi ve başta gençler olmak üzere her yaş kuşağındaki bireylerin kullanımına sunulması gerekmektedir.Virtual space, which emerged as a new type of space in line with technological developments, is one of the fields of study in geography as well as in many branches of science. In cultural geography studies, it has a rich potential of subject content, especially in the introduction, survival and transfer of tangible and intangible cultural heritage. Augmented reality technology, one of the newest technologies that has been used extensively in the virtual space in recent years, is a system created by dressing virtual objects on real world environments. With this system, participants have the opportunity to gain information in an entertaining way by traveling to the place and time they want, without any time and space limitation. This study aims to draw attention to the necessity and potential of cultural geography studies using augmented reality technology in virtual space and to raise awareness in cultural geography studies in this field. For this purpose, a literature review was conducted for related scientific studies by using the secondary data collection method. In addition, using the data of the Turkish Statistical Institute, the usage rates for information technologies were revealed. As a result of the scanning, it has been determined that there are many studies and implemented projects in the world on augmented reality technology. Although there are studies on this technology in Turkey, it is understood that the projects and practices implemented within the scope of the protection of cultural heritage are insufficient. It is necessary to implement various projects for the protection and transfer of cultural heritage by using new technologies such as augmented reality technology in the virtual space where the young generation is actively involved, and to offer them to the use of individuals of all ages, especially young people

    Sviluppo di una interfaccia di lettura per un accelerometro MEMS triassiale inserito in una rete di sensori.

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    L'argomento trattato riguarda la creazione degli strumenti software, nel sistema operativo TinyOs, per la gestione di un accelerometro inserito sul bus I2C

    innovative applications of augmented reality

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    Ubrzan tehnološki razvoj doveo je računalnu grafiku do razine pri kojoj njena primjena u svrhu proširivanja stvarnosti otvara novu perspektivu u definiranju koncepta stvarnosti. Tim slijedom pojam proširene stvarnosti predstavlja okosnicu stvarnog i virtualnog. Milgramov kontinuum dijeli stvarnost na četiri razine: Stvarnost, proširenu stvarnost, prošireni privid i virtualnu stvarnost koje obuhvaća pod zajedničkim nazivom „mješovita stvarnost“. Koncept proširene stvarnosti počiva na kombinaciji stvarnog i virtualnog okruženja čija se interakcija u realnom vremenu poravnava na osnovu prostornih koordinata deriviranih iz procesa prikupljanja podataka. Iako virtualna i proširena stvarnost nisu sinonimi, dijele nekolicinu sličnosti. Dok virtualna stvarnost kreira umjetan svijet uz mogućnost interakcije, proširena stvarnost nudi interaktivno iskustvo nadograđujući stvarno okruženje korisnika.Rapid advancements in technology have elevated computer graphics to the level at which its application for augmented reality purposes has spawned a new approach in regards to defining the concept of reality. Therefore the term “Augmented Reality” forms the backbone of the real and virtual worlds. Milgram’s continuum divides reality into four different levels; Reality, Augmented Reality, Augmented Virtuality and Virtual Reality, which are commonly referred to as “Mixed Reality”. The concept of augmented reality rests on the combination of real and virtual environments whose real-time interactions are aligned based on spatial coordinates derived from the data collection process. Even though virtual and augmented reality are not synonymous, they share several similarities. While virtual reality tends to create a purely artificial world with the possibility of interaction, augmented reality offers an interactive experience by augmenting the actual environment in the eyes of the user

    innovative applications of augmented reality

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    Ubrzan tehnološki razvoj doveo je računalnu grafiku do razine pri kojoj njena primjena u svrhu proširivanja stvarnosti otvara novu perspektivu u definiranju koncepta stvarnosti. Tim slijedom pojam proširene stvarnosti predstavlja okosnicu stvarnog i virtualnog. Milgramov kontinuum dijeli stvarnost na četiri razine: Stvarnost, proširenu stvarnost, prošireni privid i virtualnu stvarnost koje obuhvaća pod zajedničkim nazivom „mješovita stvarnost“. Koncept proširene stvarnosti počiva na kombinaciji stvarnog i virtualnog okruženja čija se interakcija u realnom vremenu poravnava na osnovu prostornih koordinata deriviranih iz procesa prikupljanja podataka. Iako virtualna i proširena stvarnost nisu sinonimi, dijele nekolicinu sličnosti. Dok virtualna stvarnost kreira umjetan svijet uz mogućnost interakcije, proširena stvarnost nudi interaktivno iskustvo nadograđujući stvarno okruženje korisnika.Rapid advancements in technology have elevated computer graphics to the level at which its application for augmented reality purposes has spawned a new approach in regards to defining the concept of reality. Therefore the term “Augmented Reality” forms the backbone of the real and virtual worlds. Milgram’s continuum divides reality into four different levels; Reality, Augmented Reality, Augmented Virtuality and Virtual Reality, which are commonly referred to as “Mixed Reality”. The concept of augmented reality rests on the combination of real and virtual environments whose real-time interactions are aligned based on spatial coordinates derived from the data collection process. Even though virtual and augmented reality are not synonymous, they share several similarities. While virtual reality tends to create a purely artificial world with the possibility of interaction, augmented reality offers an interactive experience by augmenting the actual environment in the eyes of the user

    Augmented reality implementation on the apple IOS platform

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    Ubrzan tehnološki razvoj doveo je računalnu grafiku do razine pri kojoj njena primjena u svrhu proširivanja stvarnosti otvara novu perspektivu u definiranju koncepta stvarnosti. Tim slijedom pojam proširene stvarnosti predstavlja okosnicu stvarnog i virtualnog. Milgramov kontinuum dijeli stvarnost na četiri razine: Stvarnost, proširenu stvarnost, prošireni privid i virtualnu stvarnost koje obuhvaća pod zajedničkim nazivom „mješovita stvarnost“. Koncept proširene stvarnosti počiva na kombinaciji stvarnog i virtualnog okruženja čija se interakcija u realnom vremenu poravnava na osnovu prostornih koordinata deriviranih iz procesa prikupljanja podataka. Iako virtualna i proširena stvarnost nisu sinonimi, dijele nekolicinu sličnosti. Dok virtualna stvarnost kreira umjetan svijet uz mogućnost interakcije, proširena stvarnost nudi interaktivno iskustvo nadograđujući realno okruženje korisnika.Rapid advancements in technology have elevated computer graphics to the level at which its application for augmented reality purposes has spawned a new approach in regards to defining the concept of reality. Therefore the term “Augmented Reality” forms the backbone of the real and virtual worlds. Milgram’s continuum divides reality into four different levels; Reality, Augmented Reality, Augmented Virtuality and Virtual Reality, which are commonly referred to as “Mixed Reality”. The concept of augmented reality rests on the combination of real and virtual environments whose real-time interactions are aligned based on spatial coordinates derived from the data collection process. Even though virtual and augmented reality are not synonymous, they share several similarities. While virtual reality tends to create a purely artificial world with the possibility of interaction, augmented reality offers an interactive experience by augmenting the actual environment in the eyes of the user

    Augmented reality implementation on the apple IOS platform

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    Ubrzan tehnološki razvoj doveo je računalnu grafiku do razine pri kojoj njena primjena u svrhu proširivanja stvarnosti otvara novu perspektivu u definiranju koncepta stvarnosti. Tim slijedom pojam proširene stvarnosti predstavlja okosnicu stvarnog i virtualnog. Milgramov kontinuum dijeli stvarnost na četiri razine: Stvarnost, proširenu stvarnost, prošireni privid i virtualnu stvarnost koje obuhvaća pod zajedničkim nazivom „mješovita stvarnost“. Koncept proširene stvarnosti počiva na kombinaciji stvarnog i virtualnog okruženja čija se interakcija u realnom vremenu poravnava na osnovu prostornih koordinata deriviranih iz procesa prikupljanja podataka. Iako virtualna i proširena stvarnost nisu sinonimi, dijele nekolicinu sličnosti. Dok virtualna stvarnost kreira umjetan svijet uz mogućnost interakcije, proširena stvarnost nudi interaktivno iskustvo nadograđujući realno okruženje korisnika.Rapid advancements in technology have elevated computer graphics to the level at which its application for augmented reality purposes has spawned a new approach in regards to defining the concept of reality. Therefore the term “Augmented Reality” forms the backbone of the real and virtual worlds. Milgram’s continuum divides reality into four different levels; Reality, Augmented Reality, Augmented Virtuality and Virtual Reality, which are commonly referred to as “Mixed Reality”. The concept of augmented reality rests on the combination of real and virtual environments whose real-time interactions are aligned based on spatial coordinates derived from the data collection process. Even though virtual and augmented reality are not synonymous, they share several similarities. While virtual reality tends to create a purely artificial world with the possibility of interaction, augmented reality offers an interactive experience by augmenting the actual environment in the eyes of the user

    Multiple-view product representation and development using augmented reality technology

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    Realidad virtual y realidad aumentada : Interfaces avanzadas

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    El presente libro es el resultado de la docencia e investigación en las áreas de Realidad Virtual, Realidad Aumentada e Interfaces basadas en visión, llevadas a cabo en tres instituciones universitarias, dos de ellas de Argentina –Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP) y Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNICEN)– y una española –Universidad de las Islas Baleares (UIB)–. El texto se estructura en dos partes principales: la primera parte relacionada con Realidad Virtual (RV) y Realidad Aumentada (RA) y la segunda parte relacionada con las denominadas Interfaces avanzadas o Basadas en Visión (VBI). La primera parte consta de tres capítulos. El capítulo 1 presenta una introducción a conceptos y tecnología compartidos por las aplicaciones de realidad virtual y realidad aumentada. El capítulo 2 presenta los desafíos actuales para el desarrollo de simuladores de entrenamiento que utilizan realidad virtual, y describe los simuladores desarrollados por el Instituto Pladema de la UNICEN. El capítulo 3 presenta el tema Realidad Aumentada, sus fundamentos, algoritmos de tracking y librerías utilizadas para el desarrollo de aplicaciones. Lo incluido en este capítulo es utilizado como material de docencia en un curso del Doctorado de Ciencias Informáticas de la UNLP, dictado en la actualidad por una docente de dicha institución e investigadora del III-LIDI. La segunda parte, Interfaces Avanzadas, consta de dos capítulos. El material incluido es resultado de la docencia e investigación de dos investigadores de la Unidad de Gráficos y Visión por Ordenador e Inteligencia Artificial de la UIB. El capítulo 4 realiza una introducción a las interfaces basadas en visión, así como explica el proyecto SINA desarrollado en la UIB. El capítulo 5 presenta los sistemas de interacción multitáctil, y además explica un caso de estudio del diseño de una mesa multitáctil.XV Escuela Internacional de Informática, realizada durante el XVII Congreso Argentino de Ciencia de la Computación (CACIC 2011).Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI