636 research outputs found

    Distributed Algorithms for Target Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Hybrid Measurements

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    This dissertation addresses the target localization problem in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). WSNs is now a widely applicable technology which can have numerous practical applications and offer the possibility to improve people’s lives. A required feature to many functions of a WSN, is the ability to indicate where the data reported by each sensor was measured. For this reason, locating each sensor node in a WSN is an essential issue that should be considered. In this dissertation, a performance analysis of two recently proposed distributed localization algorithms for cooperative 3-D wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is presented. The tested algorithms rely on distance and angle measurements obtained from received signal strength (RSS) and angle-of-arrival (AoA) information, respectively. The measurements are then used to derive a convex estimator, based on second-order cone programming (SOCP) relaxation techniques, and a non-convex one that can be formulated as a generalized trust region sub-problem (GTRS). Both estimators have shown excellent performance assuming a static network scenario, giving accurate location estimates in addition to converging in few iterations. The results obtained in this dissertation confirm the novel algorithms’ performance and accuracy. Additionally, a change to the algorithms is proposed, allowing the study of a more realistic and challenging scenario where different probabilities of communication failure between neighbor nodes at the broadcast phase are considered. Computational simulations performed in the scope of this dissertation, show that the algorithms’ performance holds for high probability of communication failure and that convergence is still achieved in a reasonable number of iterations

    Efficient AoA-based wireless indoor localization for hospital outpatients using mobile devices

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    The motivation of this work is to help outpatients find their corresponding departments or clinics, thus, it needs to provide indoor positioning services with a room-level accuracy. Unlike wireless outdoor localization that is dominated by the global positioning system (GPS), wireless indoor localization is still an open issue. Many different schemes are being developed to meet the increasing demand for indoor localization services. In this paper, we investigated the AoA-based wireless indoor localization for outpatients’ wayfinding in a hospital, where Wi-Fi access points (APs) are deployed, in line, on the ceiling. The target position can be determined by a mobile device, like a smartphone, through an efficient geometric calculation with two known APs coordinates and the angles of the incident radios. All possible positions in which the target may appear have been comprehensively investigated, and the corresponding solutions were proven to be the same. Experimental results show that localization error was less than 2.5 m, about 80% of the time, which can satisfy the outpatients’ requirements for wayfinding

    Optimized hybrid localisation with cooperation in wireless sensor networks

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    In this study, the authors introduce a novel hybrid cooperative localisation scheme when both distance and angle measurements are available. Two linear least squares (LLS) hybrid cooperative schemes based on angle of arrival–time of arrival (AoA–ToA) and AoA–received signal strength (AoA–RSS) signals are proposed. The proposed algorithms are modified to accommodate cooperative localisation in resource constrained networks where only distance measurements are available between target sensors (TSs) while both distance and angle measurements are available between reference sensors and TSs. Furthermore, an optimised version of the LLS estimator is proposed to further enhance the localisation performance. Moreover, localisation of sensor nodes in networks with limited connectivity (partially connected networks) is also investigated. Finally, computational complexity analysis of the proposed algorithms is presented. Through simulation, the superior performance of the proposed algorithms over its non-cooperative counterpart and the hybrid signal based iterative non-linear least squares algorithms is demonstrated

    3-D Hybrid Localization with RSS/AoA in Wireless Sensor Networks: Centralized Approach

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    This dissertation addresses one of the most important issues present in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), which is the sensor’s localization problem in non-cooperative and cooperative 3-D WSNs, for both cases of known and unknown source transmit power PT . The localization of sensor nodes in a network is essential data. There exists a large number of applications for WSNs and the fact that sensors are robust, low cost and do not require maintenance, makes these types of networks an optimal asset to study or manage harsh and remote environments. The main objective of these networks is to collect different types of data such as temperature, humidity, or any other data type, depending on the intended application. The knowledge of the sensors’ locations is a key feature for many applications; knowing where the data originates from, allows to take particular type of actions that are suitable for each case. To face this localization problem a hybrid system fusing distance and angle measurements is employed. The measurements are assumed to be collected through received signal strength indicator and from antennas, extracting the received signal strength (RSS) and angle of arrival (AoA) information. For non-cooperativeWSN, it resorts to these measurements models and, following the least squares (LS) criteria, a non-convex estimator is developed. Next, it is shown that by following the square range (SR) approach, the estimator can be transformed into a general trust region subproblem (GTRS) framework. For cooperative WSN it resorts also to the measurement models mentioned above and it is shown that the estimator can be converted into a convex problem using semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxation techniques.It is also shown that the proposed estimators have a straightforward generalization from the known PT case to the unknown PT case. This generalization is done by making use of the maximum likelihood (ML) estimator to compute the value of the PT . The results obtained from simulations demonstrate a good estimation accuracy, thus validating the exceptional performance of the considered approaches for this hybrid localization system

    Majorization-Minimization based Hybrid Localization Method for High Precision Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    This paper investigates the hybrid source localization problem using the four radio measurements - time of arrival (TOA), time difference of arrival (TDOA), received signal strength (RSS) and angle of arrival (AOA). First, after invoking tractable approximations in the RSS and AOA models, the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) problem for the hybrid TOA-TDOA-RSS-AOA data model is derived. Then, in the MLE, which has the least-squares objective, weights determined using the range-based characteristics of the four heterogeneous measurements, are introduced. The resultant weighted least-squares problem obtained, which is non-smooth and non-convex, is solved using the principle of the majorization-minimization (MM), leading to an iterative algorithm that has a guaranteed convergence. The key feature of the proposed method is that it provides a unified framework where localization using any possible merger out of these four measurements can be implemented as per the requirement/application. Extensive numerical simulations are conducted to study the estimation efficiency of the proposed method. The proposed method employing all four measurements is compared against a conventionally used method and also against the proposed method employing only limited combinations of the four measurements. The results obtained indicate that the hybrid localization model improves the localization accuracy compared to the heterogeneous measurements. The integration of different measurements also yields good accuracy in the presence of non-line of sight (NLOS) errors

    Error Minimization in Indoor Wireless Sensor Network Localization Using Genetic Technique

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    Using the genetic technique, error minimisation in indoor wireless sensor network localisation improves indoor wireless sensor network localisation during this field research. Sensor localisation-based techniques; several wireless device network applications require awareness of each node's physical location. The discovery of the position complete utilising range measurements also as sensor localisation received signal strength in time of arrival and sensor localisation received signal strength in a time difference of arrival and angle of arrival. WSN in positioning algorithms like the angle of arrival between two neighbour nodes. A wireless sensor network using positioning techniques in the area is assumed as localisation. WSNs always operate in an unattended manner, various situations like dynamic situations in the wireless network. It's impossible to exchange sensor manner after deployment. Therefore, a fundamental objective is to optimise the sensor manner lifetime. There has been much specialising in mobile sensor networks, and we have even seen the event of small-profile sensing devices that are ready to control their movement. Although it's been shown that mobility alleviates several issues regarding sensor network coverage and connectivity, many challenges remain node localisation in wireless device network is extremely important for several applications and received signal strength indicator has the capability of sensing, actuating the environmental data the actual-time and favourable information are often collected using the sensor in WSN systems. WSN is often combined with the internet of things to permit the association and extensive access to sensor data, and genetic techniques search the position of the nodes in WSN using all anchor nodes. A proposed algorithm as a genetic technique supported received signal strength, angle of arrival, receptive wireless device and also localisation wireless network. In the study, this paper problem that accuracy is low and error more, but the proposed algorithm overcomes this problem and minimises the error rate. Finally, the simplest possible location satisfies each factor with a minimal error rate and absolute best solution using GA

    Target Localization and Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    This thesis addresses the target localization problem in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) by employing statistical modeling and convex relaxation techniques. The first and the second part of the thesis focus on received signal strength (RSS)- and RSS-angle of arrival (AoA)-based target localization problem, respectively. Both non-cooperative and cooperative WSNs are investigated and various settings of the localization problem are of interest (e.g. known and unknown target transmit power, perfectly and imperfectly known path loss exponent). For all cases, maximum likelihood (ML) estimation problem is first formulated. The general idea is to tightly approximate the ML estimator by another one whose global solution is a close representation of the ML solution, but is easily obtained due to greater smoothness of the derived objective function. By applying certain relaxations, the solution to the derived estimator is readily obtained through general-purpose solvers. Both centralized (assumes existence of a central node that collects all measurements and carries out all necessary processing for network mapping) and distributed (each target determines its own location by iteratively solving a local representation of the derived estimator) algorithms are described. More specifically, in the case of centralized RSS-based localization, second-order cone programming (SOCP) and semidefinite programming (SDP) estimators are derived by applying SOCP and SDP relaxation techniques in non-cooperative and cooperative WSNs, respectively. It is also shown that the derived SOCP estimator can be extended for distributed implementation in cooperative WSNs. In the second part of the thesis, derivation procedure of a weighted least squares (WLS) estimator by converting the centralized non-cooperative RSS-AoA localization problem into a generalized trust region sub-problem (GTRS) framework, and an SDP estimator by applying SDP relaxations to the centralized cooperative RSS-AoA localization problem are described. Furthermore, a distributed SOCP estimator is developed, and an extension of the centralized WLS estimator for non-cooperative WSNs to distributed conduction in cooperative WSNs is also presented. The third part of the thesis is committed to RSS-AoA-based target tracking problem. Both cases of target tracking with fixed/static anchors and mobile sensors are investigated. First, the non-linear measurement model is linearized by applying Cartesian to polar coordinates conversion. Prior information extracted from target transition model is then added to the derived model, and by following maximum a posteriori (MAP) criterion, a MAP algorithm is developed. Similarly, by taking advantage of the derived model and the prior knowledge, Kalman filter (KF) algorithm is designed. Moreover, by allowing sensor mobility, a simple navigation routine for sensors’ movement management is described, which significantly enhances the estimation accuracy of the presented algorithms even for a reduced number of sensors. The described algorithms are assessed and validated through simulation results and real indoor measurements

    Localisation of sensor nodes with hybrid measurements in wireless sensor networks

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    Localisation in wireless networks faces challenges such as high levels of signal attenuation and unknown path-loss exponents, especially in urban environments. In response to these challenges, this paper proposes solutions to localisation problems in noisy environments. A new observation model for localisation of static nodes is developed based on hybrid measurements, namely angle of arrival and received signal strength data. An approach for localisation of sensor nodes is proposed as a weighted linear least squares algorithm. The unknown path-loss exponent associated with the received signal strength is estimated jointly with the coordinates of the sensor nodes via the generalised pattern search method. The algorithm’s performance validation is conducted both theoretically and by simulation. A theoretical mean square error expression is derived, followed by the derivation of the linear Cramer-Rao bound which serves as a benchmark for the proposed location estimators. Accurate results are demonstrated with 25%–30% improvement in estimation accuracy with a weighted linear least squares algorithm as compared to linear least squares solution
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