9 research outputs found

    Readiness to Successful Hybrid Learning as Part of Competitive Advantages through Students’ Experiences in New Normal

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    This paper examines the readiness of a technology-based non-state university in Jakarta, Indonesia in conducting hybrid learning as part of competitive advantages based on the students’ experiences. The discussion only focuses on the hybrid learning implementation in new normal to identify the readiness of the university in conducting it and to claim it as one of the competitive advantages. In order to support the claim, questionnaire has been spread to collect data from students who experience the hybrid learning implementation directly. Online questionnaire on Microsoft Forms sent to students through social media network. This is the green method to save resources in collecting data. The collected data shows how the hybrid learning implemented in learning process of each student as respondent of this research. The result will confirm the hybrid learning implementation in this university can be claimed as the competitive advantage and enrich the researches related to competitive advantages in education fields

    A atividade formativa da KMED Europa : satisfatória para os formandos e útil em contexto profissional?

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    Mestrado em Ciências EmpresariaisNo atual contexto organizacional, as pessoas são um fator imprescindível à sobrevivência das organizações. As suas capacidades, quando renovadas de acordo com as necessidades do mercado, permitem a construção de vantagem competitiva (Santos, 2016). Decorrente da complexidade do processo da formação profissional, torna-se claro que a implementação de sistemas de Gestão de Qualidade e a sua certificação, são fundamentais à satisfação do cliente e consequente sucesso organizacional. Assim, sendo o principal objetivo da formação dotar e aperfeiçoar as competências dos formandos com vista à melhoria da sua performance, importa analisar a satisfação dos formandos com os serviços prestados e, também, a sua opinião relativamente à utilidade da formação em contexto profissional. A presente investigação recai na análise da Qualidade no Departamento de Formação da empresa Kmed Europa, uma pequena-média empresa do sector da Higiene, Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho que a partir de 2011 disponibilizou um serviço de formação profissional com área temáticas certificadas pela Direção-Geral das Relações do Emprego e do Trabalho. Conclui-se que durante o período em análise a Kmed Europa cumpriu com os objetivos definidos referentes à Qualidade do serviço. Os formandos mostraram-se satisfeitos com as ações frequentadas, relevando Índices de Satisfação Global acima da meta, excetuando no ano de 2015 numa área de estudo. No que concerne à utilidade da formação foi também atingido o objetivo no ano em análise, tendo mais de 90% dos inquiridos considerado a mesma útil.In the present organizational context, people are an essential factor for the survival of companies. Their capabilities, when renewed according to the needs of the market, are the key for the construction of competitive advantage (Santos. 2016). Due to the complexity of the training process, it becomes clear that the implementation of Quality Management instruments and their certification is fundamental to customer satisfaction and the consequent organizational success. Evaluating in an appropriate way has become the main criterion for assigning Quality to training (Henriques, 2017). Therefore, being the main propose of training to provide and improve skills to the trainees to increase their performance, it matters to analyze the satisfaction of the trainees with the provided services and also, their judgment about the utility of the actions for their professional context. This research focus on the analysis of the Quality in the training department of the Kmed Europa Company, a medium sized enterprise working in the Hygiene, Safety and Health sector, that since 2011 provides professional training services with thematic areas certified by Direção-Geral das Relações do Emprego e do Trabalho. This study concluded that during the period under review Kmed Europe fulfilled the defined quality goals. The trainees were satisfied with the actions they attended, revealing Global Satisfaction Index above the objective, except in the year 2015 in a study area. Regarding the usefulness of training, the goal was also met in the analyzed year, with more than 90% of the respondents considered the action useful.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Qualidade, formação e ensino à distância: uma aplicação da NP 4512 numa unidade de E-learning

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    A implementação de sistemas de gestão da qualidade na área da educação e formação permite reforçar e consolidar as organizações que atuam num mercado cada vez mais competitivo, permitindo-lhes satisfazer, numa base permanente e sistemática, as expetativas dos clientes através do fornecimento de produtos de formação de melhor qualidade. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste estudo é explorar a temática dos sistemas de gestão da qualidade ao nível do setor de educação. Em específico pretende-se efetuar uma revisão de literatura sobre qualidade, formação e ensino à distância;analisar normas, projetos e iniciativas em matéria de ensino à distância e implementar um Sistema de Gestão da Formação, de acordo com a NP 4512, numa unidade de e-learning. A metodologia adotada foi investigação–ação e centrou-se no levantamento bibliográfico e na aplicação dos conceitos num contexto específico de um organização de ensino. Foi escolhida a unidade de e-learning do IPP (e-IPP) como contexto do estudo por ser uma unidade de ensino superior. Os principais resultados obtidos são: (1) maior conhecimento das normas projetos e iniciativas em matéria de ensino à distância a nível nacional e europeu; (2) análise detalhada da recente norma portuguesa NP 4512; (3) elaboração da documentação associada ao Sistema de Gestão da Formação (SGF) na unidade e-IPP, em específico, identificação e monitorização dos processos, descrição dos procedimentos obrigatórios e elaboração do manual do SGF. Como principal limitação deste estudo destaca-se a implementação parcial do sistema de gestão da formação na unidade e-IPP, devido à falta de tempo e à falta de maturidade da unidade e-IPP.The implementation of quality management systems in education and training allow us reinforce and consolidate the organizations that act in market more and more competitive, allowing them to satisfy, in a permanent and systematic basic to the customersexpectationsthrough the supply of products of training of better qualitysystems. In this context, the goal of this study is to explore the subject of the quality management systems to the level of the sector of education. What we also pretend is to effectuate a revision of the literature about quality, training and distance learning, analyse standards, projects and initiative in matter of distance learning and also implement training management system according to the NP4512, a unity of e-learning. The methodology adapted was investigation – action and it was about bibliography and application of concepts in a specific context of educational organization it was chosen the unity of e- learning of the e-IPP (e-IPP) for study context because it is an unity of higher education. The main results are: (1) bigger knowledge of project standards and initiatives about distance learning in our country and Europe;(2) Detailed analysis of the recent Portuguese standards NP4512; (3)Elaboration of associated documentation to the implement training management system in the unity of e-IPP specifically, identification, process monitorization, description of obligatory procedures and the elaboration of the SGF manual. The main limitation of this study is partial implementation training management system in unity e-IPP, due to lack of time and lack of maturity of unity e-IPP

    Ferramentas web para a gestão de informação

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    Quality assessment of the e-learning processes at higher education institutions in the Republic of Croatia

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    Istraživanje koje je provedeno u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji daje svoj doprinos u procesu identificiranja i primjene kritičnih činitelja kvalitete procesa e-obrazovanja u procjeni kvalitete e-obrazovanja. Na osnovi mnogih znanstvenih i stručnih izvora koji obuhvaćaju raznolike pristupe kvaliteti e-obrazovanja, kao što su standardi kvalitete e-obrazovanja, modeli kvalitete, metodologije, sustavi vrednovanja i niza europskih projekata o kvaliteti e-obrazovanja, identificiran je skup pokazatelja koji promiču kvalitetu e-obrazovanja. Dani kriteriji, tj. pokazatelji mogu se grupirati u sljedeće kategorije: institucijski činitelji, tehnološki činitelji, pedagoški činitelji, činitelji instrukcijskog dizajna, nastavnički činitelji, studentski činitelji, evaluacijski činitelji i motivacijski činitelji. Nadalje, rezultati istraživanja pokazali su kako nastavnici uglavnom nemaju kompetencije definirane modelom 'pismenosti kvalitete' obzirom da na inicijalnoj informativnoj dimenziji većina nastavnika nema potrebna znanja o kvaliteti e-obrazovanja. Također, u okviru razine primjene tehnologijâ e-učenja, u potpunosti je zadovoljena samo prva razina koja obuhvaća online pristup osnovnim podacima o kolegiju, nastavnim materijalima te uspostavljanje elementarne elektroničke komunikacije nastavnika sa studentima. Što se tiče funkcionalnosti sustava, tj. promiče li sustav kvalitetu e-obrazovanja, može se zaključiti da su pokazatelji procijenjeni od strane nastavnika vezani uz kvalitetu sadržaja i informacija, kvalitetu usluga i zadovoljstvo korisnika zadovoljavajući, tj. u najvećoj mjeri su realizirani, dok su pokazatelji vezani uz obrazovnu kvalitetu djelomično realizirani, što se može povezati s činjenicom da je u potpunosti realizirana samo prva razina primjene tehnologija e-učenja. U odnosu na promatrane procese učenja, razvoja, podrške, evaluacije i organizacije vezane uz e-obrazovanje ostvarenost pojedinih procesa najčešća je u dimenzijama isporuke i planiranja što upućuje na početne aktivnosti u postupcima promicanja kvalitete e-obrazovanja.Na osnovu standarda, literature te uzimajući u obzir rezultate istraživanja kreiran je model za upravljanje kvalitetom e-obrazovanja na visokim učilištima u Republici Hrvatskoj.A research carried out in this doctoral thesis makes its contribution to the process of identifying and applying critical success factors of e-learning processes in assessing the quality of e-learning. On the basis of many scientific and expert resources that include a variety of approaches to e-learning quality, such as quality standards for e-learning, quality models, methodologies, systems evaluation and a number of European projects on the quality of e-learning, a set of indicators that promote quality of e-learning has been identified. Given criteria, that is indicators can be grouped into the following categories: institutional factors , technological factors, educational factors, instructional design factors, teacher factors, student factors, evaluation factors and motivational factors . Furthermore, the results of the study showed that teachers mostly do not have the competencies defined by quality literacy model since on the initial informative dimension most teachers lack the necessary knowledge about the quality of e.learning. Also, within the level of implementation of e.learning technologies mostly satisfied is only the first level, which includes online access to basic information about the course, teaching materials and the establishment of basic electronic communication between teachers and students . As far as the functionality of the system, that is whether a system promotes the quality of e-learning it can be concluded that the indicators assessed by teachers related to the quality of content and information, quality of service and customer satisfaction are satisfactory that is they have been mostly realized while the indicators related to educational quality are just partially implemented which can be attributed to the fact that only the first level of e-learning technologies implementation is fully realized. Considering the observed processes of learning, development, support, evaluation and organization related to e-learning the most common achievement of certain processes is within dimensions of delivery and planning which refers to initial acitivities of procedures to promote the quality of e-learning. Based on the standards, literature review and considering the research results the model for quality management of e-learning in the Republic of Croatia has been created

    Quality assessment of the e-learning processes at higher education institutions in the Republic of Croatia

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    Istraživanje koje je provedeno u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji daje svoj doprinos u procesu identificiranja i primjene kritičnih činitelja kvalitete procesa e-obrazovanja u procjeni kvalitete e-obrazovanja. Na osnovi mnogih znanstvenih i stručnih izvora koji obuhvaćaju raznolike pristupe kvaliteti e-obrazovanja, kao što su standardi kvalitete e-obrazovanja, modeli kvalitete, metodologije, sustavi vrednovanja i niza europskih projekata o kvaliteti e-obrazovanja, identificiran je skup pokazatelja koji promiču kvalitetu e-obrazovanja. Dani kriteriji, tj. pokazatelji mogu se grupirati u sljedeće kategorije: institucijski činitelji, tehnološki činitelji, pedagoški činitelji, činitelji instrukcijskog dizajna, nastavnički činitelji, studentski činitelji, evaluacijski činitelji i motivacijski činitelji. Nadalje, rezultati istraživanja pokazali su kako nastavnici uglavnom nemaju kompetencije definirane modelom 'pismenosti kvalitete' obzirom da na inicijalnoj informativnoj dimenziji većina nastavnika nema potrebna znanja o kvaliteti e-obrazovanja. Također, u okviru razine primjene tehnologijâ e-učenja, u potpunosti je zadovoljena samo prva razina koja obuhvaća online pristup osnovnim podacima o kolegiju, nastavnim materijalima te uspostavljanje elementarne elektroničke komunikacije nastavnika sa studentima. Što se tiče funkcionalnosti sustava, tj. promiče li sustav kvalitetu e-obrazovanja, može se zaključiti da su pokazatelji procijenjeni od strane nastavnika vezani uz kvalitetu sadržaja i informacija, kvalitetu usluga i zadovoljstvo korisnika zadovoljavajući, tj. u najvećoj mjeri su realizirani, dok su pokazatelji vezani uz obrazovnu kvalitetu djelomično realizirani, što se može povezati s činjenicom da je u potpunosti realizirana samo prva razina primjene tehnologija e-učenja. U odnosu na promatrane procese učenja, razvoja, podrške, evaluacije i organizacije vezane uz e-obrazovanje ostvarenost pojedinih procesa najčešća je u dimenzijama isporuke i planiranja što upućuje na početne aktivnosti u postupcima promicanja kvalitete e-obrazovanja.Na osnovu standarda, literature te uzimajući u obzir rezultate istraživanja kreiran je model za upravljanje kvalitetom e-obrazovanja na visokim učilištima u Republici Hrvatskoj.A research carried out in this doctoral thesis makes its contribution to the process of identifying and applying critical success factors of e-learning processes in assessing the quality of e-learning. On the basis of many scientific and expert resources that include a variety of approaches to e-learning quality, such as quality standards for e-learning, quality models, methodologies, systems evaluation and a number of European projects on the quality of e-learning, a set of indicators that promote quality of e-learning has been identified. Given criteria, that is indicators can be grouped into the following categories: institutional factors , technological factors, educational factors, instructional design factors, teacher factors, student factors, evaluation factors and motivational factors . Furthermore, the results of the study showed that teachers mostly do not have the competencies defined by quality literacy model since on the initial informative dimension most teachers lack the necessary knowledge about the quality of e.learning. Also, within the level of implementation of e.learning technologies mostly satisfied is only the first level, which includes online access to basic information about the course, teaching materials and the establishment of basic electronic communication between teachers and students . As far as the functionality of the system, that is whether a system promotes the quality of e-learning it can be concluded that the indicators assessed by teachers related to the quality of content and information, quality of service and customer satisfaction are satisfactory that is they have been mostly realized while the indicators related to educational quality are just partially implemented which can be attributed to the fact that only the first level of e-learning technologies implementation is fully realized. Considering the observed processes of learning, development, support, evaluation and organization related to e-learning the most common achievement of certain processes is within dimensions of delivery and planning which refers to initial acitivities of procedures to promote the quality of e-learning. Based on the standards, literature review and considering the research results the model for quality management of e-learning in the Republic of Croatia has been created

    Mlearning: la aceptación tecnológica como factor crítico del desarrollo de modelos de negocio de formación online.

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    Actualment les organitzacions i institucions han adoptat noves formes de capacitació i desenvolupament. Les tecnologies mòbils, xarxes de comunicació i les aplicacions basades en web 2.0 estableix un nou desenvolupament de negocis i la formació. Gestió del coneixement en tota institució i organització, promou el desenvolupament de l'aprenentatge, la innovació i la millora contínua dels seus processos. En aquesta tesi es presenta un nou concepte d'aprenentatge electrònic va ser construït, basat en un context global definit per les diferents estratègies d'aprenentatge (bLearning / mLearning). En aquesta tesi també s'exposen els principals models d'acceptació de tecnologia. L'objectiu d'aquest tema és explicar l'acceptació de les tecnologies mòbils en l'educació, com a pas previ abans de prendre la decisió d'invertir-hi. També té com a objectiu presentar una visió general de l'aprenentatge electrònic com un negoci. Arribem a la conclusió que l'acceptació d'una tecnologia dependrà significativament d'acord a l'activitat que realitza.Actualmente las organizaciones e instituciones han adoptado nuevas formas de capacitación y desarrollo. Las tecnologías móviles, las redes de comunicación y las aplicaciones basadas en la WEB 2.0 establecen una nueva era para el desarrollo de negocios y de la formación. La gestión del conocimiento en cualquier institución u organización, impulsa el desarrollo del aprendizaje, la innovación y a la mejora continua de sus procesos. En esta Tesis se construye un nuevo concepto de eLearning que abarque un contexto global delimitado por las diversas estrategias de aprendizaje (blearning/mLearning). Además se exponen los principales modelos de aceptación de tecnología los cuales permitirán explicar la aceptación de tecnologías móviles en la educación como un escalón previo antes de tomar la decisión de invertir en ellas. Además pretende exponer una visión general del eLearning como negocio. Se concluye que la aceptación de las tecnologías dependerá significativamente de acuerdo a la actividad a realizar.Currently organizations and institutions have adopted new forms of training and development. Mobile technologies, communication networks and software (applications) based on Web 2.0 establishes a new business development and training. Knowledge management in any institution and organization, promotes the development of learning, innovation and continuous improvement of its processes. In this thesis a new concept of eLearning was built, based in a global context defined by the various learning strategies (bLearning / mLearning). In this thesis also the main technology acceptance models are exposed. The aim in this topic is to explain the acceptance of mobile technologies in education as a preliminary step before making the decision to invest in them. It also aims to present an overview of eLearning as a business. We conclude that the acceptance of a technology will depend significantly according to the activity performed

    Hybrid Model for e-Learning Quality Evaluation

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    E-learning is becoming increasingly important for the competitive advantage of economic organizations and higher education institutions. Therefore, it is becoming a significant aspect of quality which has to be integrated into the management system of every organization or institution. The paper examines e-learning quality characteristics, standards, criteria and indicators and presents a multi-criteria hybrid model for e-learning quality evaluation based on the method of Analytic Hierarchy Process, trend analysis, and data comparison

    Hybrid Model for e-Learning Quality Evaluation

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    E-learning is becoming increasingly important for the competitive advantage of economic organizations and higher education institutions. Therefore, it is becoming a significant aspect of quality which has to be integrated into the management system of every organization or institution. The paper examines e-learning quality characteristics, standards, criteria and indicators and presents a multi-criteria hybrid model for e-learning quality evaluation based on the method of Analytic Hierarchy Process, trend analysis, and data comparison