453 research outputs found

    High-Quality Wavelets Features Extraction for Handwritten Arabic Numerals Recognition

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    Arabic handwritten digit recognition is the science of recognition and classification of handwritten Arabic digits. It has been a subject of research for many years with rich literature available on the subject.  Handwritten digits written by different people are not of the same size, thickness, style, position or orientation. Hence, many different challenges have to overcome for resolving the problem of handwritten digit recognition.  The variation in the digits is due to the writing styles of different people which can differ significantly.  Automatic handwritten digit recognition has wide application such as automatic processing of bank cheques, postal addresses, and tax forms. A typical handwritten digit recognition application consists of three main stages namely features extraction, features selection, and classification. One of the most important problems is feature extraction. In this paper, a novel feature extraction approach for off-line handwritten digit recognition is presented. Wavelets-based analysis of image data is carried out for feature extraction, and then classification is performed using various classifiers. To further reduce the size of training data-set, high entropy subbands are selected. To increase the recognition rate, individual subbands providing high classification accuracies are selected from the over-complete tree. The features extracted are also normalized to standardize the range of independent variables before providing them to the classifier. Classification is carried out using k-NN and SVMs. The results show that the quality of extracted features is high as almost equivalently high classification accuracies are acquired for both classifiers, i.e. k-NNs and SVMs

    Recognition of compound characters in Kannada language

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    Recognition of degraded printed compound Kannada characters is a challenging research problem. It has been verified experimentally that noise removal is an essential preprocessing step. Proposed are two methods for degraded Kannada character recognition problem. Method 1 is conventionally used histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) feature extraction for character recognition problem. Extracted features are transformed and reduced using principal component analysis (PCA) and classification performed. Various classifiers are experimented with. Simple compound character classification is satisfactory (more than 98% accuracy) with this method. However, the method does not perform well on other two compound types. Method 2 is deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) model for classification. This outperforms HOG features and classification. The highest classification accuracy is found as 98.8% for simple compound character classification. The performance of deep CNN is far better for other two compound types. Deep CNN turns out to better for pooled character classes

    Handwritten Digit Recognition and Classification Using Machine Learning

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    In this paper, multiple learning techniques based on Optical character recognition (OCR) for the handwritten digit recognition are examined, and a new accuracy level for recognition of the MNIST dataset is reported. The proposed framework involves three primary parts, image pre-processing, feature extraction and classification. This study strives to improve the recognition accuracy by more than 99% in handwritten digit recognition. As will be seen, pre-processing and feature extraction play crucial roles in this experiment to reach the highest accuracy

    Advancements and Challenges in Arabic Optical Character Recognition: A Comprehensive Survey

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    Optical character recognition (OCR) is a vital process that involves the extraction of handwritten or printed text from scanned or printed images, converting it into a format that can be understood and processed by machines. This enables further data processing activities such as searching and editing. The automatic extraction of text through OCR plays a crucial role in digitizing documents, enhancing productivity, improving accessibility, and preserving historical records. This paper seeks to offer an exhaustive review of contemporary applications, methodologies, and challenges associated with Arabic Optical Character Recognition (OCR). A thorough analysis is conducted on prevailing techniques utilized throughout the OCR process, with a dedicated effort to discern the most efficacious approaches that demonstrate enhanced outcomes. To ensure a thorough evaluation, a meticulous keyword-search methodology is adopted, encompassing a comprehensive analysis of articles relevant to Arabic OCR, including both backward and forward citation reviews. In addition to presenting cutting-edge techniques and methods, this paper critically identifies research gaps within the realm of Arabic OCR. By highlighting these gaps, we shed light on potential areas for future exploration and development, thereby guiding researchers toward promising avenues in the field of Arabic OCR. The outcomes of this study provide valuable insights for researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders involved in Arabic OCR, ultimately fostering advancements in the field and facilitating the creation of more accurate and efficient OCR systems for the Arabic language

    Reconocimiento de notación matemática escrita a mano fuera de línea

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    El reconocimiento automático de expresiones matemáticas es uno de los problemas de reconocimiento de patrones, debido a que las matemáticas representan una fuente valiosa de información en muchos a ́reas de investigación. La escritura de expresiones matemáticas a mano es un medio de comunicación utilizado para la transmisión de información y conocimiento, con la cual se pueden generar de una manera sencilla escritos que contienen notación matemática. Este proceso puede volverse tedioso al ser escrito en lenguaje de composición tipográfica que pueda ser procesada por una computadora, tales como LATEX, MathML, entre otros. En los sistemas de reconocimiento de expresiones matem ́aticas existen dos m ́etodos diferentes a saber: fuera de l ́ınea y en l ́ınea. En esta tesis, se estudia el desempen ̃o de un sistema fuera de l ́ınea en donde se describen los pasos b ́asicos para lograr una mejor precisio ́n en el reconocimiento, las cuales esta ́n divididas en dos pasos principales: recono- cimiento de los s ́ımbolos de las ecuaciones matema ́ticas y el ana ́lisis de la estructura en que est ́an compuestos. Con el fin de convertir una expresi ́on matema ́tica escrita a mano en una expresio ́n equivalente en un sistema de procesador de texto, tal como TEX

    Handwriting recognition using webcam for data entry

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    The Handwriting Recognition using Webcam for Data Entry project has its primary purpose to develop a system or algorithm that is robust enough to recognize numerical handwritings. A web camera is to be utilized to capture images of handwritten scores and question numbers on the examination score sheet in real time. It is then preprocessed and all the features are being fed into a neural network that is already been trained by various test samples. The outcome of the project should be able to obtain a system that is able to recognize handwritten numerical data with the lowest overshoot and errors. Several distinctive feature from each character is extracted using a few feature extraction methods, in which a comparison between three types of feature extraction modules were used. The first test was done with a neural network trained with only the Character Vector Module as its feature extraction method. A result that is far below the set point of the recognition accuracy was achieved, a mere average of 64.67% accuracy. However, the testing were later enhanced with another feature extraction module, which consists of the combination of Character Vector Module, Kirsch Edge Detection Module, Alphabet Profile Feature Extraction Module, Modified Character Module and Image Compression Module. The modules have its distinct characteristics which is trained using the Back-Propagation algorithm to cluster the pattern recognition capabilities among different samples of handwriting. Several untrained samples of numerical handwritten data were obtained at random from various people to be tested with the program. The second tests shows far greater results compared to the first test, have yielded an average of 84.52% accuracy. As the recognition results have not reached the target of 90%, further feature extraction modules are being recommended and an additional feature extraction module was added for the third test, which successfully yields 90.67%. With the timeframe target achieved, a robust data entry system was developed using web camera together with a user-friendly GUI (Graphical User Interface)