43 research outputs found

    Channel, Phase Noise, and Frequency Offset in OFDM Systems: Joint Estimation, Data Detection, and Hybrid Cramer-Rao Lower Bound

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    Oscillator phase noise (PHN) and carrier frequency offset (CFO) can adversely impact the performance of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems, since they can result in inter carrier interference and rotation of the signal constellation. In this paper, we propose an expectation conditional maximization (ECM) based algorithm for joint estimation of channel, PHN, and CFO in OFDM systems. We present the signal model for the estimation problem and derive the hybrid Cramer-Rao lower bound (HCRB) for the joint estimation problem. Next, we propose an iterative receiver based on an extended Kalman filter for joint data detection and PHN tracking. Numerical results show that, compared to existing algorithms, the performance of the proposed ECM-based estimator is closer to the derived HCRB and outperforms the existing estimation algorithms at moderate-to-high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). In addition, the combined estimation algorithm and iterative receiver are more computationally efficient than existing algorithms and result in improved average uncoded and coded bit error rate (BER) performance

    Near Optimum Low Complexity Smoothing Loops for Dynamical Phase Estimation—Application to BPSK Modulated Signals

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    International audience—This correspondence provides and analyzes a low complexity, near optimum, fixed-interval smoothing algorithm that approaches the performance of an optimal smoother for the price of two low complexity sequential estimators, i.e., two phase-locked loops (PLLs). Based on a linear approximation of the problem, a theoretical performance evaluation is given. The theoretical results are compared to some simulation results and to the Bayesian and hybrid Cramér–Rao bounds. They illustrate the good performance of the proposed smoothing PLL (S-PLL) algorithm. Index Terms—Dynamical phase estimation, phase-locked loop (PLL), smoothing algorithm

    Channel, Phase Noise, and Frequency Offset in OFDM Systems: Joint Estimation, Data Detection, and Hybrid Cramer-Rao Lower Bound

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    Oscillator phase noise (PHN) and carrier frequency offset (CFO) can adversely impact the performance of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems, since they can result in inter carrier interference and rotation of the signal constellation. In this paper, we propose an expectation conditional maximization (ECM) based algorithm for joint estimation of channel, PHN, and CFO in OFDM systems. We present the signal model for the estimation problem and derive the hybrid Cramer-Rao lower bound (HCRB) for the joint estimation problem. Next, we propose an iterative receiver based on an extended Kalman filter for joint data detection and PHN tracking. Numerical results show that, compared to existing algorithms, the performance of the proposed ECM-based estimator is closer to the derived HCRB and outperforms the existing estimation algorithms at moderate-to-high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). In addition, the combined estimation algorithm and iterative receiver are more computationally efficient than existing algorithms and result in improved average uncoded and coded bit error rate (BER) performance.ARC Discovery Projects Grant DP14010113

    Multi-Relay Communications in the Presence of Phase Noise and Carrier Frequency Offsets

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    Impairments like time varying phase noise (PHN) and carrier frequency offset (CFO) result in loss of synchronization and poor performance of multi-relay communication systems. Joint estimation of these impairments is necessary in order to correctly decode the received signal at the destination. In this paper, we address spectrally-efficient multi-relay transmission scenarios where all the relays simultaneously communicate with the destination. We propose an iterative pilot-aided algorithm based on the expectation conditional maximization (ECM) for joint estimation of multipath channels, Wiener PHNs, and CFOs in decode-and-forward (DF) based multi-relay orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. Next, a new expression of the hybrid Cramér-Rao lower bound (HCRB) for the multi-parameter estimation problem is derived. Finally, an iterative receiver based on an extended Kalman filter (EKF) for joint data detection and PHN tracking is employed. Numerical results show that the proposed estimator outperforms existing algorithms and its mean square error performance is close to the derived HCRB at differnt signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) for different PHN variances. In addition, the combined estimation algorithm and iterative receiver can significantly improve average bit-error rate (BER) performance compared to existing algorithms. In addition, the BER performance of the proposed system is close to the ideal case of perfect channel impulse responses (CIRs), PHNs and CFOs estimation

    Traitement du signal pour les communications numériques au travers de canaux radio-mobiles

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    This manuscript of ''Habilitation à diriger les Recherches'' (Habilitation to conduct researches) gives me the opportunity to take stock of the last 14 years on my associate professor activities and on my research works in the field of signal processing for digital communications, particularly for radio-mobile communications. The purpose of this signal processing is generally to obtain a robust transmission, despite the passage of digital information through a communication channel disrupted by the mobility between the transmitter and the receiver (Doppler effect), the phenomenon of echoes (multi-path propagation), the addition of noise or interference, or by limitations in bandwidth, in transmitted power or in signal-to-noise ratio. In order to recover properly the digital information, the receiver needs in general to have an accurate knowledge of the channel state. Much of my work has focused on receiver synchronization or more generally on the dynamic estimation of the channel parameters (delays, phases, amplitudes, Doppler shifts, ...). We have developed estimators and studied their performance in asymptotic variance, and have compared them to minimum lower bound (Cramer-rao or Bayesian Cramer Rao bounds). Some other studies have focused only on the recovering of information (''detection'' or ''equalization'' task) by the receiver after channel estimation, or proposed and analyzed emission / reception schemes, reliable for certain scenarios (transmit diversity scheme for flat fading channel, scheme with high energy efficiency, ...).Ce mémoire de HDR est l'occasion de dresser un bilan des 14 dernières années concernant mes activités d'enseignant-chercheur et mes travaux de recherche dans le domaine du traitement du signal pour les communications numériques, et plus particulièrement les communications radio-mobiles. L'objet de ce traitement du signal est globalement l'obtention d'une transmission robuste, malgré le passage de l'information numérique au travers d'un canal de communication perturbé par la mobilité entre l'émetteur et le récepteur (effet Doppler), le phénomène d'échos, l'addition de bruit ou d'interférence, ou encore par des limitations en bande-passante, en puissance transmise ou en rapport-signal à bruit. Afin de restituer au mieux l'information numérique, le récepteur a en général besoin de disposer d'une connaissance précise du canal. Une grande partie de mes travaux s'est intéressé à l'estimation dynamique des paramètres de ce canal (retards, phases, amplitudes, décalages Doppler, ...), et en particulier à la synchronisation du récepteur. Quelques autres travaux se sont intéressés seulement à la restitution de l'information (tâches de ''détection'' ou d' ''égalisation'') par le récepteur une fois le canal estimé, ou à des schémas d'émission / réception spécifiques. La synthèse des travaux commence par une introduction générale décrivant les ''canaux de communications'' et leurs problèmes potentiels, et positionne chacun de mes travaux en ces termes. Une première partie s'intéresse aux techniques de réception pour les signaux à spectre étalé des systèmes d'accès multiple à répartition par codes (CDMA). Ces systèmes large-bande offrent un fort pouvoir de résolution temporelle et des degrés de liberté, que nous avons exploités pour étudier l'égalisation et la synchronisation (de retard et de phase) en présence de trajets multiples et d'utilisateurs multiples. La première partie regroupe aussi d'autres schémas d'émission/réception, proposés pour leur robustesse dans différents scénarios (schéma à diversité pour canaux à évanouissement plats, schéma à forte efficacité énergétique, ...). La seconde partie est consacrée à l'estimation dynamique Bayésienne des paramètres du canal. On suppose ici qu'une partie des paramètres à estimer exhibe des variations temporelles aléatoires selon une certaine loi à priori. Nous proposons d'abord des estimateurs et des bornes minimales d'estimation pour des modèles de transmission relativement complexes, en raison de la distorsion temporelle due à la forte mobilité en modulation multi-porteuse (OFDM), ou de la présence de plusieurs paramètres à estimer conjointement, ou encore de non linéarités dans les modèles. Nous nous focalisons ensuite sur le problème d'estimation des amplitudes complexes des trajets d'un canal à évolution lente (à 1 ou plusieurs bonds). Nous proposons des estimateurs récursifs (dénommés CATL, pour ''Complex Amplitude Tracking Loop'') à structure imposée inspirée par les boucles à verrouillage de phase numériques, de performance asymptotiques proches des bornes minimales. Les formules analytiques approchées de performances asymptotiques et de réglages de ces estimateurs sont établies sous forme de simples fonctions des paramètres physiques (spectre Doppler, retards, niveau de bruit). Puis étant donné les liens établis entre ces estimateurs CATL et certains filtres de Kalman (construits pour des modèles d'état de type marche aléatoire intégrée), les formules approchées de performances asymptotiques et de réglage de ces filtres de Kalman sont aussi dérivées

    EM-Based Estimation and Compensation of Phase Noise in Massive-MIMO Uplink Communications

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    Phase noise (PN) is a major disturbance in MIMO systems, where the contribution of different oscillators at the transmitter and the receiver side may degrade the overall performance and offset the gains offered by MIMO techniques. This is even more crucial in the case of massive MIMO, since the number of PN sources may increase considerably. In this work, we propose an iterative receiver based on the application of the expectation-maximization algorithm. We consider a massive MIMO framework with a general association of oscillators to antennas, and include other channel disturbances like imperfect channel state information and Rician block fading. At each receiver iteration, given the information on the transmitted symbols, steepest descent is used to estimate the PN samples, with an optimized adaptive step size and a threshold-based stopping rule. The results obtained for several test cases show how the bit error rate and mean square error can benefit from the proposed phase-detection algorithm, even to the point of reaching the same performance as in the case where no PN is present{\color{black}, offering better results than a state-of-the-art alternative}. Further analysis of the results allow to draw some useful trade-offs respecting final performance and consumption of resources.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Communication

    On the Impact of Phase Noise in Communication Systems –- Performance Analysis and Algorithms

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    The mobile industry is preparing to scale up the network capacity by a factor of 1000x in order to cope with the staggering growth in mobile traffic. As a consequence, there is a tremendous pressure on the network infrastructure, where more cost-effective, flexible, high speed connectivity solutions are being sought for. In this regard, massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems, and millimeter-wave communication systems are new physical layer technologies, which promise to facilitate the 1000 fold increase in network capacity. However, these technologies are extremely prone to hardware impairments like phase noise caused by noisy oscillators. Furthermore, wireless backhaul networks are an effective solution to transport data by using high-order signal constellations, which are also susceptible to phase noise impairments. Analyzing the performance of wireless communication systems impaired by oscillator phase noise, and designing systems to operate efficiently in strong phase noise conditions are critical problems in communication theory. The criticality of these problems is accentuated with the growing interest in new physical layer technologies, and the deployment of wireless backhaul networks. This forms the main motivation for this thesis where we analyze the impact of phase noise on the system performance, and we also design algorithms in order to mitigate phase noise and its effects. First, we address the problem of maximum a posteriori (MAP) detection of data in the presence of strong phase noise in single-antenna systems. This is achieved by designing a low-complexity joint phase-estimator data-detector. We show that the proposed method outperforms existing detectors, especially when high order signal constellations are used. Then, in order to further improve system performance, we consider the problem of optimizing signal constellations for transmission over channels impaired by phase noise. Specifically, we design signal constellations such that the error rate performance of the system is minimized, and the information rate of the system is maximized. We observe that these optimized constellations significantly improve the system performance, when compared to conventional constellations, and those proposed in the literature. Next, we derive the MAP symbol detector for a MIMO system where each antenna at the transceiver has its own oscillator. We propose three suboptimal, low-complexity algorithms for approximately implementing the MAP symbol detector, which involve joint phase noise estimation and data detection. We observe that the proposed techniques significantly outperform the other algorithms in prior works. Finally, we study the impact of phase noise on the performance of a massive MIMO system, where we analyze both uplink and downlink performances. Based on rigorous analyses of the achievable rates, we provide interesting insights for the following question: how should oscillators be connected to the antennas at a base station, which employs a large number of antennas

    Recent Advances in Wireless Communications and Networks

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    This book focuses on the current hottest issues from the lowest layers to the upper layers of wireless communication networks and provides "real-time" research progress on these issues. The authors have made every effort to systematically organize the information on these topics to make it easily accessible to readers of any level. This book also maintains the balance between current research results and their theoretical support. In this book, a variety of novel techniques in wireless communications and networks are investigated. The authors attempt to present these topics in detail. Insightful and reader-friendly descriptions are presented to nourish readers of any level, from practicing and knowledgeable communication engineers to beginning or professional researchers. All interested readers can easily find noteworthy materials in much greater detail than in previous publications and in the references cited in these chapters

    Heterogeneous integration of optical wireless communications within next generation networks

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    Unprecedented traffic growth is expected in future wireless networks and new technologies will be needed to satisfy demand. Optical wireless (OW) communication offers vast unused spectrum and high area spectral efficiency. In this work, optical cells are envisioned as supplementary access points within heterogeneous RF/OW networks. These networks opportunistically offload traffic to optical cells while utilizing the RF cell for highly mobile devices and devices that lack a reliable OW connection. Visible light communication (VLC) is considered as a potential OW technology due to the increasing adoption of solid state lighting for indoor illumination. Results of this work focus on a full system view of RF/OW HetNets with three primary areas of analysis. First, the need for network densication beyond current RF small cell implementations is evaluated. A media independent model is developed and results are presented that provide motivation for the adoption of hyper dense small cells as complementary components within multi-tier networks. Next, the relationships between RF and OW constraints and link characterization parameters are evaluated in order to define methods for fair comparison when user-centric channel selection criteria are used. RF and OW noise and interference characterization techniques are compared and common OW characterization models are demonstrated to show errors in excess of 100x when dominant interferers are present. Finally, dynamic characteristics of hyper dense OW networks are investigated in order to optimize traffic distribution from a network-centric perspective. A Kalman Filter model is presented to predict device motion for improved channel selection and a novel OW range expansion technique is presented that dynamically alters coverage regions of OW cells by 50%. In addition to analytical results, the dissertation describes two tools that have been created for evaluation of RF/OW HetNets. A communication and lighting simulation toolkit has been developed for modeling and evaluation of environments with VLC-enabled luminaires. The toolkit enhances an iterative site based impulse response simulator model to utilize GPU acceleration and achieves 10x speedup over the previous model. A software defined testbed for OW has also been proposed and applied. The testbed implements a VLC link and a heterogeneous RF/VLC connection that demonstrates the RF/OW HetNet concept as proof of concept