1,185 research outputs found

    Robust Hand Motion Capture and Physics-Based Control for Grasping in Real Time

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    Hand motion capture technologies are being explored due to high demands in the fields such as video game, virtual reality, sign language recognition, human-computer interaction, and robotics. However, existing systems suffer a few limitations, e.g. they are high-cost (expensive capture devices), intrusive (additional wear-on sensors or complex configurations), and restrictive (limited motion varieties and restricted capture space). This dissertation mainly focus on exploring algorithms and applications for the hand motion capture system that is low-cost, non-intrusive, low-restriction, high-accuracy, and robust. More specifically, we develop a realtime and fully-automatic hand tracking system using a low-cost depth camera. We first introduce an efficient shape-indexed cascaded pose regressor that directly estimates 3D hand poses from depth images. A unique property of our hand pose regressor is to utilize a low-dimensional parametric hand geometric model to learn 3D shape-indexed features robust to variations in hand shapes, viewpoints and hand poses. We further introduce a hybrid tracking scheme that effectively complements our hand pose regressor with model-based hand tracking. In addition, we develop a rapid 3D hand shape modeling method that uses a small number of depth images to accurately construct a subject-specific skinned mesh model for hand tracking. This step not only automates the whole tracking system but also improves the robustness and accuracy of model-based tracking and hand pose regression. Additionally, we also propose a physically realistic human grasping synthesis method that is capable to grasp a wide variety of objects. Given an object to be grasped, our method is capable to compute required controls (e.g. forces and torques) that advance the simulation to achieve realistic grasping. Our method combines the power of data-driven synthesis and physics-based grasping control. We first introduce a data-driven method to synthesize a realistic grasping motion from large sets of prerecorded grasping motion data. And then we transform the synthesized kinematic motion to a physically realistic one by utilizing our online physics-based motion control method. In addition, we also provide a performance interface which allows the user to act out before a depth camera to control a virtual object

    Computational Learning for Hand Pose Estimation

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    Rapid advances in human–computer interaction interfaces have been promising a realistic environment for gaming and entertainment in the last few years. However, the use of traditional input devices such as trackballs, keyboards, or joysticks has been a bottleneck for natural interactions between a human and computer as two points of freedom of these devices cannot suitably emulate the interactions in a three-dimensional space. Consequently, a comprehensive hand tracking technology is expected as a smart and intuitive option to these input tools to enhance virtual and augmented reality experiences. In addition, the recent emergence of low-cost depth sensing cameras has led to their broad use of RGB-D data in computer vision, raising expectations of a full 3D interpretation of hand movements for human–computer interaction interfaces. Although the use of hand gestures or hand postures has become essential for a wide range of applications in computer games and augmented/virtual reality, 3D hand pose estimation is still an open and challenging problem because of the following reasons: (i) the hand pose exists in a high-dimensional space because each finger and the palm is associated with several degrees of freedom, (ii) the fingers exhibit self-similarity and often occlude to each other, (iii) global 3D rotations make pose estimation more difficult, and (iv) hands only exist in few pixels in images and the noise in acquired data coupled with fast finger movement confounds continuous hand tracking. The success of hand tracking would naturally depend on synthesizing our knowledge of the hand (i.e., geometric shape, constraints on pose configurations) and latent features about hand poses from the RGB-D data stream (i.e., region of interest, key feature points like finger tips and joints, and temporal continuity). In this thesis, we propose novel methods to leverage the paradigm of analysis by synthesis and create a prediction model using a population of realistic 3D hand poses. The overall goal of this work is to design a concrete framework so the computers can learn and understand about perceptual attributes of human hands (i.e., self-occlusions or self-similarities of the fingers) and to develop a pragmatic solution to the real-time hand pose estimation problem implementable on a standard computer. This thesis can be broadly divided into four parts: learning hand (i) from recommendiations of similar hand poses, (ii) from low-dimensional visual representations, (iii) by hallucinating geometric representations, and (iv) from a manipulating object. Each research work covers our algorithmic contributions to solve the 3D hand pose estimation problem. Additionally, the research work in the appendix proposes a pragmatic technique for applying our ideas to mobile devices with low computational power. Following a given structure, we first overview the most relevant works on depth sensor-based 3D hand pose estimation in the literature both with and without manipulating an object. Two different approaches prevalent for categorizing hand pose estimation, model-based methods and appearance-based methods, are discussed in detail. In this chapter, we also introduce some works relevant to deep learning and trials to achieve efficient compression of the network structure. Next, we describe a synthetic 3D hand model and its motion constraints for simulating realistic human hand movements. The section for the primary research work starts in the following chapter. We discuss our attempts to produce a better estimation model for 3D hand pose estimation by learning hand articulations from recommendations of similar poses. Specifically, the unknown pose parameters for input depth data are estimated by collaboratively learning the known parameters of all neighborhood poses. Subsequently, we discuss deep-learned, discriminative, and low-dimensional features and a hierarchical solution of the stated problem based on the matrix completion framework. This work is further extended by incorporating a function of geometric properties on the surface of the hand described by heat diffusion, which is robust to capture both the local geometry of the hand and global structural representations. The problem of the hands interactions with a physical object is also considered in the following chapter. The main insight is that the interacting object can be a source of constraint on hand poses. In this view, we employ pose dependency on the shape of the object to learn the discriminative features of the hand–object interaction, rather than losing hand information caused by partial or full object occlusions. Subsequently, we present a compressive learning technique in the appendix. Our approach is flexible, enabling us to add more layers and go deeper in the deep learning architecture while keeping the number of parameters the same. Finally, we conclude this thesis work by summarizing the presented approaches for hand pose estimation and then propose future directions to further achieve performance improvements through (i) realistically rendered synthetic hand images, (ii) incorporating RGB images as an input, (iii) hand perseonalization, (iv) use of unstructured point cloud, and (v) embedding sensing techniques

    3D hand pose estimation using convolutional neural networks

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    3D hand pose estimation plays a fundamental role in natural human computer interactions. The problem is challenging due to complicated variations caused by complex articulations, multiple viewpoints, self-similar parts, severe self-occlusions, different shapes and sizes. To handle these challenges, the thesis makes the following contributions. First, the problem of the multiple viewpoints and complex articulations of hand pose estimation is tackled by decomposing and transforming the input and output space by spatial transformations following the hand structure. By the transformation, both the variation of the input space and output is reduced, which makes the learning easier. The second contribution is a probabilistic framework integrating all the hierarchical regressions. Variants with/without sampling, using different regressors and optimization methods are constructed and compared to provide an insight of the components under this framework. The third contribution is based on the observation that for images with occlusions, there exist multiple plausible configurations for the occluded parts. A hierarchical mixture density network is proposed to handle the multi-modality of the locations for occluded hand joints. It leverages the state-of-the-art hand pose estimators based on Convolutional Neural Networks to facilitate feature learning while models the multiple modes in a two-level hierarchy to reconcile single-valued (for visible joints) and multi-valued (for occluded joints) mapping in its output. In addition, a complete labeled real hand datasets is collected by a tracking system with six 6D magnetic sensors and inverse kinematics to automatically obtain 21-joints hand pose annotations of depth maps.Open Acces

    3D Hand reconstruction from monocular camera with model-based priors

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    As virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) technology gains popularity, facilitating intuitive digital interactions in 3D is of crucial importance. Tools such as VR controllers exist, but such devices support only a limited range of interactions, mapped onto complex sequences of button presses that can be intimidating to learn. In contrast, users already have an instinctive understanding of manual interactions in the real world, which is readily transferable to the virtual world. This makes hands the ideal mode of interaction for down-stream applications such as robotic teleoperation, sign-language translation, and computer-aided design. Existing hand-tracking systems come with several inconvenient limitations. Wearable solutions such as gloves and markers unnaturally limit the range of articulation. Multi-camera systems are not trivial to calibrate and have specialized hardware requirements which make them cumbersome to use. Given these drawbacks, recent research tends to focus on monocular inputs, as these do not constrain articulation and suitable devices are pervasive in everyday life. 3D reconstruction in this setting is severely under-constrained, however, due to occlusions and depth ambiguities. The majority of state-of-the-art works rely on a learning framework to resolve these ambiguities statistically; as a result they have several limitations in common. For example, they require a vast amount of annotated 3D data that is labor intensive to obtain and prone to systematic error. Additionally, traits that are hard to quantify with annotations - the details of individual hand appearance - are difficult to reconstruct in such a framework. Existing methods also make the simplifying assumption that only a single hand is present in the scene. Two-hand interactions introduce additional challenges, however, in the form of inter-hand occlusion, left-right confusion, and collision constraints, that single hand methods cannot address. To tackle the aforementioned shortcomings of previous methods, this thesis advances the state-of-the-art through the novel use of model-based priors to incorporate hand-specific knowledge. In particular, this thesis presents a training method that reduces the amount of annotations required and is robust to systemic biases; it presents the first tracking method that addresses the challenging two-hand-interaction scenario using monocular RGB video, and also the first probabilistic method to model image ambiguity for two-hand interactions. Additionally, this thesis also contributes the first parametric hand texture model with example applications in hand personalization.Virtual- und Augmented-Reality-Technologien (VR/AR) gewinnen rapide an Beliebtheit und Einfluss, und so ist die Erleichterung intuitiver digitaler Interaktionen in 3D von wachsender Bedeutung. Zwar gibt es Tools wie VR-Controller, doch solche Geräte unterstützen nur ein begrenztes Spektrum an Interaktionen, oftmals abgebildet auf komplexe Sequenzen von Tastendrücken, deren Erlernen einschüchternd sein kann. Im Gegensatz dazu haben Nutzer bereits ein instinktives Verständnis für manuelle Interaktionen in der realen Welt, das sich leicht auf die virtuelle Welt übertragen lässt. Dies macht Hände zum idealen Werkzeug der Interaktion für nachgelagerte Anwendungen wie robotergestützte Teleoperation, Übersetzung von Gebärdensprache und computergestütztes Design. Existierende Hand-Tracking Systeme leiden unter mehreren unbequemen Einschränkungen. Tragbare Lösungen wie Handschuhe und aufgesetzte Marker schränken den Bewegungsspielraum auf unnatürliche Weise ein. Systeme mit mehreren Kameras erfordern genaue Kalibrierung und haben spezielle Hardwareanforderungen, die ihre Anwendung umständlich gestalten. Angesichts dieser Nachteile konzentriert sich die neuere Forschung tendenziell auf monokularen Input, da so Bewegungsabläufe nicht gestört werden und geeignete Geräte im Alltag allgegenwärtig sind. Die 3D-Rekonstruktion in diesem Kontext stößt jedoch aufgrund von Okklusionen und Tiefenmehrdeutigkeiten schnell an ihre Grenzen. Die Mehrheit der Arbeiten auf dem neuesten Stand der Technik setzt hierbei auf ein ML-Framework, um diese Mehrdeutigkeiten statistisch aufzulösen; infolgedessen haben all diese mehrere Einschränkungen gemein. Beispielsweise benötigen sie eine große Menge annotierter 3D-Daten, deren Beschaffung arbeitsintensiv und anfällig für systematische Fehler ist. Darüber hinaus sind Merkmale, die mit Anmerkungen nur schwer zu quantifizieren sind – die Details des individuellen Erscheinungsbildes – in einem solchen Rahmen schwer zu rekonstruieren. Bestehende Verfahren gehen auch vereinfachend davon aus, dass nur eine einzige Hand in der Szene vorhanden ist. Zweihand-Interaktionen bringen jedoch zusätzliche Herausforderungen in Form von Okklusion der Hände untereinander, Links-Rechts-Verwirrung und Kollisionsbeschränkungen mit sich, die Einhand-Methoden nicht bewältigen können. Um die oben genannten Mängel früherer Methoden anzugehen, bringt diese Arbeit den Stand der Technik durch die neuartige Verwendung modellbasierter Priors voran, um Hand-spezifisches Wissen zu integrieren. Insbesondere stellt diese Arbeit eine Trainingsmethode vor, die die Menge der erforderlichen Annotationen reduziert und robust gegenüber systemischen Verzerrungen ist; es wird die erste Tracking-Methode vorgestellt, die das herausfordernde Zweihand-Interaktionsszenario mit monokularem RGB-Video angeht, und auch die erste probabilistische Methode zur Modellierung der Bildmehrdeutigkeit für Zweihand-Interaktionen. Darüber hinaus trägt diese Arbeit auch das erste parametrische Handtexturmodell mit Beispielanwendungen in der Hand-Personalisierung bei

    CASA 2009:International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents

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    3D 손 포즈 인식을 위한 인조 데이터의 이용

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    학위논문(박사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 융합과학기술대학원 융합과학부(지능형융합시스템전공), 2021.8. 양한열.3D hand pose estimation (HPE) based on RGB images has been studied for a long time. Relevant methods have focused mainly on optimization of neural framework for graphically connected finger joints. Training RGB-based HPE models has not been easy to train because of the scarcity on RGB hand pose datasets; unlike human body pose datasets, the finger joints that span hand postures are structured delicately and exquisitely. Such structure makes accurately annotating each joint with unique 3D world coordinates difficult, which is why many conventional methods rely on synthetic data samples to cover large variations of hand postures. Synthetic dataset consists of very precise annotations of ground truths, and further allows control over the variety of data samples, yielding a learning model to be trained with a large pose space. Most of the studies, however, have performed frame-by-frame estimation based on independent static images. Synthetic visual data can provide practically infinite diversity and rich labels, while avoiding ethical issues with privacy and bias. However, for many tasks, current models trained on synthetic data generalize poorly to real data. The task of 3D human hand pose estimation is a particularly interesting example of this synthetic-to-real problem, because learning-based approaches perform reasonably well given real training data, yet labeled 3D poses are extremely difficult to obtain in the wild, limiting scalability. In this dissertation, we attempt to not only consider the appearance of a hand but incorporate the temporal movement information of a hand in motion into the learning framework for better 3D hand pose estimation performance, which leads to the necessity of a large scale dataset with sequential RGB hand images. We propose a novel method that generates a synthetic dataset that mimics natural human hand movements by re-engineering annotations of an extant static hand pose dataset into pose-flows. With the generated dataset, we train a newly proposed recurrent framework, exploiting visuo-temporal features from sequential images of synthetic hands in motion and emphasizing temporal smoothness of estimations with a temporal consistency constraint. Our novel training strategy of detaching the recurrent layer of the framework during domain finetuning from synthetic to real allows preservation of the visuo-temporal features learned from sequential synthetic hand images. Hand poses that are sequentially estimated consequently produce natural and smooth hand movements which lead to more robust estimations. We show that utilizing temporal information for 3D hand pose estimation significantly enhances general pose estimations by outperforming state-of-the-art methods in experiments on hand pose estimation benchmarks. Since a fixed set of dataset provides a finite distribution of data samples, the generalization of a learning pose estimation network is limited in terms of pose, RGB and viewpoint spaces. We further propose to augment the data automatically such that the augmented pose sampling is performed in favor of training pose estimators generalization performance. Such auto-augmentation of poses is performed within a learning feature space in order to avoid computational burden of generating synthetic sample for every iteration of updates. The proposed effort can be considered as generating and utilizing synthetic samples for network training in the feature space. This allows training efficiency by requiring less number of real data samples, enhanced generalization power over multiple dataset domains and estimation performance caused by efficient augmentation.2D 이미지에서 사람의 손 모양과 포즈를 인식하고 구현흐는 연구는 각 손가락 조인트들의 3D 위치를 검출하는 것을 목표로한다. 손 포즈는 손가락 조인트들로 구성되어 있고 손목 관절부터 MCP, PIP, DIP 조인트들로 사람 손을 구성하는 신체적 요소들을 의미한다. 손 포즈 정보는 다양한 분야에서 활용될수 있고 손 제스쳐 감지 연구 분야에서 손 포즈 정보가 매우 훌륭한 입력 특징 값으로 사용된다. 사람의 손 포즈 검출 연구를 실제 시스템에 적용하기 위해서는 높은 정확도, 실시간성, 다양한 기기에 사용 가능하도록 가벼운 모델이 필요하고, 이것을 가능케 하기 위해서 학습한 인공신경망 모델을 학습하는데에는 많은 데이터가 필요로 한다. 하지만 사람 손 포즈를 측정하는 기계들이 꽤 불안정하고, 이 기계들을 장착하고 있는 이미지는 사람 손 피부 색과는 많이 달라 학습에 사용하기가 적절하지 않다. 그러기 때문에 본 논문에서는 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해 인공적으로 만들어낸 데이터를 재가공 및 증량하여 학습에 사용하고, 그것을 통해 더 좋은 학습성과를 이루려고 한다. 인공적으로 만들어낸 사람 손 이미지 데이터들은 실제 사람 손 피부색과는 비슷할지언정 디테일한 텍스쳐가 많이 달라, 실제로 인공 데이터를 학습한 모델은 실제 손 데이터에서 성능이 현저히 많이 떨어진다. 이 두 데이타의 도메인을 줄이기 위해서 첫번째로는 사람손의 구조를 먼저 학습 시키기위해, 손 모션을 재가공하여 그 움직임 구조를 학스한 시간적 정보를 뺀 나머지만 실제 손 이미지 데이터에 학습하였고 크게 효과를 내었다. 이때 실제 사람 손모션을 모방하는 방법론을 제시하였다. 두번째로는 두 도메인이 다른 데이터를 네트워크 피쳐 공간에서 align시켰다. 그뿐만아니라 인공 포즈를 특정 데이터들로 augment하지 않고 네트워크가 많이 보지 못한 포즈가 만들어지도록 하나의 확률 모델로서 설정하여 그것에서 샘플링하는 구조를 제안하였다. 본 논문에서는 인공 데이터를 더 효과적으로 사용하여 annotation이 어려운 실제 데이터를 더 모으는 수고스러움 없이 인공 데이터들을 더 효과적으로 만들어 내는 것 뿐만 아니라, 더 안전하고 지역적 특징과 시간적 특징을 활용해서 포즈의 성능을 개선하는 방법들을 제안했다. 또한, 네트워크가 스스로 필요한 데이터를 찾아서 학습할수 있는 자동 데이터 증량 방법론도 함께 제안하였다. 이렇게 제안된 방법을 결합해서 더 나은 손 포즈의 성능을 향상 할 수 있다.1. Introduction 1 2. Related Works 14 3. Preliminaries: 3D Hand Mesh Model 27 4. SeqHAND: RGB-sequence-based 3D Hand Pose and Shape Estimation 31 5. Hand Pose Auto-Augment 66 6. Conclusion 85 Abstract (Korea) 101 감사의 글 103박

    Versatile Multi-Contact Planning and Control for Legged Loco-Manipulation

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    Loco-manipulation planning skills are pivotal for expanding the utility of robots in everyday environments. These skills can be assessed based on a system's ability to coordinate complex holistic movements and multiple contact interactions when solving different tasks. However, existing approaches have been merely able to shape such behaviors with hand-crafted state machines, densely engineered rewards, or pre-recorded expert demonstrations. Here, we propose a minimally-guided framework that automatically discovers whole-body trajectories jointly with contact schedules for solving general loco-manipulation tasks in pre-modeled environments. The key insight is that multi-modal problems of this nature can be formulated and treated within the context of integrated Task and Motion Planning (TAMP). An effective bilevel search strategy is achieved by incorporating domain-specific rules and adequately combining the strengths of different planning techniques: trajectory optimization and informed graph search coupled with sampling-based planning. We showcase emergent behaviors for a quadrupedal mobile manipulator exploiting both prehensile and non-prehensile interactions to perform real-world tasks such as opening/closing heavy dishwashers and traversing spring-loaded doors. These behaviors are also deployed on the real system using a two-layer whole-body tracking controller