44 research outputs found

    Design and Virtual Prototyping of a Variable Stiffness Joint via Shape Optimization in a CAD/CAE Environment

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    During the latest decade, collaborative robots, namely machines specifically designed for the physical interaction with humans, have been gradually making their transition from laboratories to real-world applications [1]. Naturally, whenever the envisaged task would benefit form physical human-machine interaction, safety and dependability become issues of paramount importance [2]. Nonetheless, especially when dealing with collaborative operations in the manufacturing industry, safety regulations may lead the plant designer to face opposite goals. On one hand, robots should indeed be designed so as to never cause harm to people (both during regular functioning or in case of failure). On the other hand, the wide-spread use of industrial manipulators traditionally leverages on their capabilities to carry rather high payloads, while achieving a very fast and precise positioning of the end-effector. These requirements are usually pursued by coupling powerful actuation systems with extremely rigid mechanical structures, which hardly comply with safety needs whenever the workers are supposed to enter the robot workspace. Therefore, the engineering challenge when designing collaborative robotics systems, which have to be safe and efficient at the same time, is usually tackled via the following strategies: i) by enhancing the robot sensory apparatus; ii) by adopting active control strategies; iii) by reducing the inertia of any moving part employing lightweight materials whenever possible. In parallel, as previously proven by several researchers [3], another way to actually implement safe machines for collaborative tasks is to increase (rather than minimize) the inherent compliance of their mechanical structure [4], simultaneously introducing the possibility to actively vary such compliance during the robot movements. This capability can be implemented, for instance, by means of Variable Stiffness Joints (VSJ), namely particular actuation systems which allow to independently control the position of an output link along with the transmission stiffness. In light of this consideration, the present talk describes the design of a novel VSJ architecture, depicted in Fig. 1a. The VSJ can achieve stiffness modulation via the use of a pair of compliant mechanisms with distributed compliance, which act as nonlinear springs with proper torque-deflection characteristic. These elastic elements are composed of slender beams whose neutral axis is described by a spline curve with non-trivial shape. The beam geometry is determined by leveraging on a CAD/CAE framework that allows for the shape optimization of complex flexures. In particular, the design method makes use of the modeling and simulation capabilities of a parametric CAD seamlessly connected to a FEM tool. For validation purposes, proof-concept 3D printed prototypes of both elastic elements (Fig. 1a) and overall VSJ (Fig. 1b) are finally produced and tested (Fig. 1c). Experimental results fully confirm that the VSJ behaves as expected. BIBLIOGRAFY [1] Heyer, C., 2010. \u201cHuman-robot interaction and future industrial robotics applications\u201d. Proceeding of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp. 4749\u20134754. [2] Fryman, J., and Matthias, B., 2012. \u201cSafety of industrial robots: From conventional to collaborative applications\u201d. Proceeding of ROBOTIK, 7th German Conference on Robotics, May, pp. 1\u20135. [3] Bicchi, A., and Tonietti, G., 2004. \u201cFast and soft arm tactics: Dealing with the safety-performance trade-off in robot arms design and control\u201d. IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, 11(2), pp. 22\u201333. [4] Berselli, G., Guerra, A., Vassura, G., and Andrisano, A. O., 2014. \u201cAn engineering method for comparing selectively compliant joints in robotic structures\u201d. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 19(6), pp. 1882\u20131895

    PLC based Remote Guided Vehicle for Filling and Disposal of Toxic Chemical for Unmanned Applications

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    Remote Guided Vehicle designed for performing operations quickly, repeatedly and accurately has a long heritage in the manufacturing industry, operating in relatively static environments and in large numbers. Trends in the oil and gas industry to improve safety and efficiency and reduce environmental impact suggest the use of robotized vehicle. New developments in regions difficult or dangerous for humans to work in could be enabled with maintenance, inspection and repairs carried out by remotely-controlled Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV). Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is an integral part of any industrial work. Therefore, we have designed and developed a PLC based automated remote guided vehicle for filling and disposal of toxic chemical for unmanned application. This paper discusses aspects of different components used to develop an AGV and controlling its movement and on board utilities. Further, this AGV is interfaced to a 23-point PLC using wireless transmitter and receiver pair. This ensures the wireless communication to suit any such applications where human beings cannot access and control. Automated guided vehicle is used to transport toxic chemicals in areas where humans cannot reach. PLC program is written to control the AGV to follow the predetermined path and then, load the chemical at a point and unload at the other point

    Organizational concepts and interaction between humans and robots in industrial environments

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    This paper is discussing the intuitive interaction with robotic systems and the conceptualisation connected with known organisational problems. In particular, the focus will be on the manufacturing industry with respect to its social dimension. One of the aims is to identify relevant research questions about the possibility of development of safer robot systems in closer human-machine intuitive interaction systems at the manufacturing shop-floor level. We try to contribute to minimize the cognitive and perceptual workload for robot operators in complex working systems. In particular that will be highly relevant when more different robots with different roles and produced by different companies or designers are to be used in the manufacturing industry to a larger extent. The social sciences approach to such technology assessment is of high relevance to understand the dimensions of the intuitive interaction concept

    Development of a Modular and Submersible Soft Robotic Arm and Corresponding Learned Kinematics Models

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    Most soft-body organisms found in nature exist in underwater environments. It is helpful to study the motion and control of soft robots underwater as well. However, a readily available underwater soft robotic system is not available for researchers to use because they are difficult to design, fabricate, and waterproof. Furthermore, submersible robots usually do not have configurable components because of the need for sealed electronics packages. This work presents the development of a submersible soft robotic arm driven by hydraulic actuators which consists of mostly 3D printable parts which can be assembled in a short amount of time. Also, its modular design enables multiple shape configurations and easy swapping of soft actuators. As a first step to exploring machine learning control algorithms on this system, two deep neural network models were developed, trained, and evaluated to estimate the robot's forward and inverse kinematics. The techniques developed for controlling this underwater soft robotic arm can help advance understanding on how to control soft robotic systems in general.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    The development and evaluation of Robot Light Skin: A novel robot signalling system to improve communication in industrial human–robot collaboration

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    In a human–robot collaborative production system, the robot could make request for interaction or notify the human operator if an uncertainty arises. Conventional industrial tower lights were designed for generic machine signalling purposes which may not be the ultimate solution for robot signalling in a collaborative setting. In this type of system, human operators could be monitoring multiple robots while carrying out a manual task so it is important to minimise the diversion of their attention. This paper presents a novel robot signalling solution, the Robot Light Skin (RLS),which is an integrated signalling system that could be used on most articulated robots. Our experiment was conducted to validate this concept in terms of its effect on improving operator's reaction time, hit-rate, awareness and task performance. The results showed that participants reacted faster to the RLS as well as achieved higher hit-rate. An eye tracker was used in the experiment which shows a reduction in diversion away from the manual task when using the RLS. Future study should explore the effect of the RLS concept on large-scale systems and multi-robot systems

    Human Factors, Ergonomics and Industry 4.0 in the Oil & Gas Industry: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    Over the last few years, the Human Factors and Ergonomics (HF/E) discipline has significantly benefited from new human-centric engineered digital solutions of the 4.0 industrial age. Technologies are creating new socio-technical interactions between human and machine that minimize the risk of design-induced human errors and have largely contributed to remarkable improvements in terms of process safety, productivity, quality, and workers’ well-being. However, despite the Oil&Gas (O&G) sector is one of the most hazardous environments where human error can have severe consequences, Industry 4.0 aspects are still scarcely integrated with HF/E. This paper calls for a holistic understanding of the changing role and responsibilities of workers in the O&G industry and aims at investigating to what extent, what type of, and how academic publications in the O&G field integrate HF/E and Industry 4.0 in their research. Bibliometric analysis has been conducted to provide useful insights to researchers and practitioners and to assess the status quo. Our findings show that academic publications have mainly focused on simulation-based training to increase process safety whereas revealed the lack of specific studies on the application of cognitive solutions, such as Augmented Reality-enabled tools or Intelligent Fault Detection and Alarm Management solutions

    Robots and humans as co-workers? The human-centred perspective of work with autonomous systems

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    The design of work organisation systems with automated equipment is facing new challenges and the emergence of new concepts. The social aspects that are related with new concepts on the complex work environments (CWE) are becoming more relevant for that design. The work with autonomous systems implies options in the design of workplaces. Especially that happens in such complex environments. The concepts of “agents”, “co-working” or “human-centred technical systems” reveal new dimensions related to human-computer interaction (HCI). With an increase in the number and complexity of those human-technology interfaces, the capacities of human intervention can become limited, originating further problems. The case of robotics is used to exemplify the issues related with automation in working environments and the emergence of new HCI approaches that would include social implications. We conclude that studies on technology assessment of industrial robotics and autonomous agents on manufacturing environment should also focus on the human involvement strategies in organisations. A needed participatory strategy implies a new approach to workplaces design. This means that the research focus must be on the relation between technology and social dimensions not as separate entities, but integrated in the design of an interaction system.With the support of the project Social implications of robotics in manufacturing industry (IR@MI) and project Intuitive interaction between humans and industrial robot systems – a contribution to a conceptual approach (I3RS), both financed by KIT in 2012

    An extensible architecture for robust multimodal human-robot communication

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    Abstract-Human safety and effective human-robot communication are main concerns in HRI applications. In order to achieve such goals, a system should be very robust, allowing little chance for misunderstanding the user's commands. Moreover, the system should permit natural interaction reducing the time and the effort needed to achieve tasks. The main purpose of this work is to develop a general framework for flexible and multimodal human-robot communication. The proposed architecture should be easy to modify and expand, adding or modifying input channels and changing the multimodal fusion strategies. In this paper, we introduce our general approach and provide a case study with two modalities (gesture and speech)