6 research outputs found

    A survey of distributed certificate authorities in MANETs

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    A Certificate Authority (CA) provides the critical authentication and security services for Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) which are used for the Internet and wired networks. In MANETs (wireless and ad hoc) there is an inability to offer a centralized CA to provide these security services. Recent research has looked to facilitate the use of CAs within MANETs through the use of a Distributed Certificate Authority (DCA) for wireless and ad hoc networks. This paper presents a number of different types of DCA protocols and categorizes them into groups based on their factors and specifications. The paper concludes by proposing the best DCA security services in terms of performance and level of security

    Blockchain for global vaccinations efforts: State of the art, challenges, and future directions

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    The emergence of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) global crisis negatively affected all aspects of human life. One of the most important methods used worldwide to survive this global crisis is the vaccination process to circumvent the proliferation of this pandemic. Many restrictions were alleviated in many countries such as access to public facilities and events. There is a huge amount of data about vaccination campaigns that are collected and maintained worldwide. Although the vaccination data can be analyzed to find out how the alleviation of restrictions can be applied if the data management process requires preserving key aspects like trust, transparency, and availability for easy and reliable access to such data. In this regard, blockchain technology is an excellent choice for meeting the requirements and providing a secure trusted framework for global verification. In this article, the related literature on blockchain technology is surveyed and summarized for all systems that embody solutions. The pros and cons of each solution are presented and provide a comparative summary. Furthermore, a detailed analysis is given to present the current problems and provide a promising mechanism to verify the vaccinated persons anywhere in the world, in a secure manner while retaining individual privacy

    Modèles algorithmes et méthodologie pour la conception de systèmes de sécurité physique basés sur des microcontrôleurs protégés des attaques cyber-physiques

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    Un moyen d'assurer la sécurité de systèmes basés sur des micro-contrôleurs (mCS) est de considérer une approche de génération à partir de spécifications. Malheureusement, les approches existantes souffrent d'inconvénients, et le but de la méthodologie présentée dans cette thèse est de les éviter dans le cas particulier des mCS pour la sécurité physique (mCS-Sec). Les principaux résultats de ce travail sont le développement de modèles, d'algorithmes, et d'une méthodologie originale de création de mCS-Sec, et leur implémentation. L'applicabilité de la méthode a été évaluée sur un système de robot de surveillance d'une zone. Dans ce cas, notre évaluation a montré que l'approche développée satisfaisait toutes les contraintes imposées, tout en offrant certains avantages par rapport aux solutions existantes. Nous pensons que cette approche permettra de réduire le nombre de faiblesses et les problèmes d'architecture dans les mCS, ce qui en réduira la surface d'attaque.One of the possible ways to ensure the security of microcontroller-based systems is the implementation of security by design approach. Unfortunately, existing approaches are not without drawbacks, that is why this thesis is aimed at developing the new one. Moreover, among all possible systems, in this work, only physical security systems were chosen as an area of the application. The main findings of the work are containing original models, algorithms, methodology and software implementation. Their correctness was checked on a system of mobile robots for perimeter monitoring. The evaluation of the developed solution showed that it satisfies all requirements while having advantages over commercial and scientific analogues, which means that the goal of this work was reached. It is assumed that the use of the developed solution will help to reduce the number of weak places and architectural defects in microcontroller-based systems, thereby significantly reducing their attack surface

    Performance and Security Challenges Digital Rights Management (DRM) Approaches Using Fog Computing for Data Provenance: A Survey

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    Over the past few years, the cloud based storage providers such as Google drive, OneDrive, Box and Dropbox are increasingly being used to store users personal profile based data, which users could share over cloud storage devices. Immediately, the users data leaves the user premises and enters the cloud storage, the user has lost all the control over its data, and even when that data is further shared for the purposes of collaboration. Digital rights management (DRM) for Content hosted in Cloud based storage covers technologies related devices that protects the digital assets stored in cloud by enforcing the permission regulator, and when the data is in collaboration. This is important to protect healthcare (Fiaz, M., et al., 2019. Social media news classification in healthcare communication. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 9(6), pp.1215–1223; Irfan, R., et al., 2019. Ontology learning in text mining for handling big data in healthcare systems. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 9(4), pp.649–661; Ikram Ullah, L. and Ali Shariq, I., 2019. A special section on effectiveness of search engine and social networking data in healthcare systems. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 9(4), pp.647–648; Preethi, P. and Asokan, R., 2019. A high secure medical image storing and sharing in cloud environment using hex code cryptography methodsecure genius. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 9(7), pp.1337–1345; Shahzad, B., et al., 2017. Finding healthcare issues with search engine queries and social network data. International Journal of Semantic Web and Information System, 13(1), pp.48–62; Saleem, K., et al., 2015. Human-oriented design of secure machine-to-machine communication system for e-Healthcare society. Computers in Human Behaviour, 51, pp.977–985.) data from being misused by authorized and unauthorized entities. To implement DRM in cloud, these Authors have proposed encryption based solution. Due to the distributed nature of cloud it is suitable for the real time data transportation. However, DRM process requires performance that is close to real time. This paper summarized the current state of the research in Digital Rights Management and leveraged Fog computing in DRM. This is to meet the new performance requirements for next-generation distribution networks, in terms of performance metrics, such as energy consumption, traffic delay, and network throughput, as required by in large and heterogonous Cloud solutions (Preethi, P. and Asokan, R., 2019. A high secure medical image storing and sharing in cloud environment using hex code cryptography methodsecure genius. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 9(7), pp.1337–1345.) as data storage system