212 research outputs found

    Quantifying the Human Likeness of a Humanoid Robot

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    In research of human-robot interactions, human likeness (HL) of robots is frequently used as an individual, vague parameter to describe how a robot is perceived by a human. However, such a simplification of HL is often not sufficient given the complexity and multidimensionality of human-robot interaction. Therefore, HL must be seen as a variable influenced by a network of parameter fields. The first goal of this paper is to introduce such a network which systematically characterizes all relevant aspects of HL. The network is subdivided into ten parameter fields, five describing static aspects of appearance and five describing dynamic aspects of behavior. The second goal of this paper is to propose a methodology to quantify the impact of single or multiple parameters out of these fields on perceived HL. Prior to quantification, the minimal perceivable difference, i.e. the threshold of perception, is determined for the parameters of interest in a first experiment. Thereafter, these parameters are modified in whole-number multiple of the threshold of perception to investigate their influence on perceived HL in a second experiment. This methodology was illustrated on the parameters speed and sequencing (onset of joint movements) of the parameter field movement as well as on the parameter sound. Results revealed that the perceived HL is more sensitive to changes in sequencing than to changes in speed. The sound of the motors during the movement also reduced perceived HL. The presented methodology should guide further, systematic explorations of the proposed network of HL parameters in order to determine and optimize acceptance of humanoid robot

    Systematic Adaptation of Communication-focused Machine Learning Models from Real to Virtual Environments for Human-Robot Collaboration

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    Virtual reality has proved to be useful in applications in several fields ranging from gaming, medicine, and training to development of interfaces that enable human-robot collaboration. It empowers designers to explore applications outside of the constraints posed by the real world environment and develop innovative solutions and experiences. Hand gestures recognition which has been a topic of much research and subsequent commercialization in the real world has been possible because of the creation of large, labelled datasets. In order to utilize the power of natural and intuitive hand gestures in the virtual domain for enabling embodied teleoperation of collaborative robots, similarly large datasets must be created so as to keep the working interface easy to learn and flexible enough to add more gestures. Depending on the application, this may be computationally or economically prohibitive. Thus, the adaptation of trained deep learning models that perform well in the real environment to the virtual may be a solution to this challenge. This paper presents a systematic framework for the real to virtual adaptation using limited size of virtual dataset along with guidelines for creating a curated dataset. Finally, while hand gestures have been considered as the communication mode, the guidelines and recommendations presented are generic. These are applicable to other modes such as body poses and facial expressions which have large datasets available in the real domain which must be adapted to the virtual one

    Toward Context-Aware, Affective, and Impactful Social Robots

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    Personality Perception of Robot Avatar Teleoperators in Solo and Dyadic Tasks

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    Humanoid robot avatars are a potential new telecommunication tool, whereby a user is remotely represented by a robot that replicates their arm, head, and possible face movements. They have been shown to have a number of benefits over more traditional media such as phones or video calls. However, using a teleoperated humanoid as a communication medium inherently changes the appearance of the operator, and appearance-based stereotypes are used in interpersonal judgments (whether consciously or unconsciously). One such judgment that plays a key role in how people interact is personality. Hence, we have been motivated to investigate if and how using a robot avatar alters the perceived personality of teleoperators. To do so, we carried out two studies where participants performed 3 communication tasks, solo in study one and dyadic in study two, and were recorded on video both with and without robot mediation. Judges recruited using online crowdsourcing services then made personality judgments of the participants in the video clips. We observed that judges were able to make internally consistent trait judgments in both communication conditions. However, judge agreement was affected by robot mediation, although which traits were affected was highly task dependent. Our most important finding was that in dyadic tasks personality trait perception was shifted to incorporate cues relating to the robot’s appearance when it was used to communicate. Our findings have important implications for telepresence robot design and personality expression in autonomous robots.This work was funded by the EPSRC under its IDEAS Factory Sandpits call on Digital Personhood (Grant Ref: EP/L00416X/1)

    Annotation of negotiation processes in joint-action dialogues

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    Situated dialogic corpora are invaluable resources for understanding the complex relationship between language, perception, and action as they are based on naturalistic dialogue situations in which the interactants are given shared goals to be accomplished in the real world. In such situations, verbal interactions are intertwined with actions, and shared goals can only be achieved via dynamic negotiation processes based on common ground constructed from discourse history as well as the interactants' knowledge about the status of actions. In this paper, we propose four major dimensions of collaborative tasks that affect the negotiation processes among interactants, and, hence, the structure of the dialogue. Based on a review of available dialogue corpora and annotation manuals, we show that existing annotation schemes so far do not adequately account for the complex dialogue processes in situated task-based scenarios. We illustrate the effects of specific features of a scenario using annotated samples of dialogue taken from the literature as well as our own corpora, and end with a brief discussion of the challenges ahead

    Social Intelligence Design 2007. Proceedings Sixth Workshop on Social Intelligence Design

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    Towards a framework for socially interactive robots

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    250 p.En las últimas décadas, la investigación en el campo de la robótica social ha crecido considerablemente. El desarrollo de diferentes tipos de robots y sus roles dentro de la sociedad se están expandiendo poco a poco. Los robots dotados de habilidades sociales pretenden ser utilizados para diferentes aplicaciones; por ejemplo, como profesores interactivos y asistentes educativos, para apoyar el manejo de la diabetes en niños, para ayudar a personas mayores con necesidades especiales, como actores interactivos en el teatro o incluso como asistentes en hoteles y centros comerciales.El equipo de investigación RSAIT ha estado trabajando en varias áreas de la robótica, en particular,en arquitecturas de control, exploración y navegación de robots, aprendizaje automático y visión por computador. El trabajo presentado en este trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo añadir una nueva capa al desarrollo anterior, la capa de interacción humano-robot que se centra en las capacidades sociales que un robot debe mostrar al interactuar con personas, como expresar y percibir emociones, mostrar un alto nivel de diálogo, aprender modelos de otros agentes, establecer y mantener relaciones sociales, usar medios naturales de comunicación (mirada, gestos, etc.),mostrar personalidad y carácter distintivos y aprender competencias sociales.En esta tesis doctoral, tratamos de aportar nuestro grano de arena a las preguntas básicas que surgen cuando pensamos en robots sociales: (1) ¿Cómo nos comunicamos (u operamos) los humanos con los robots sociales?; y (2) ¿Cómo actúan los robots sociales con nosotros? En esa línea, el trabajo se ha desarrollado en dos fases: en la primera, nos hemos centrado en explorar desde un punto de vista práctico varias formas que los humanos utilizan para comunicarse con los robots de una maneranatural. En la segunda además, hemos investigado cómo los robots sociales deben actuar con el usuario.Con respecto a la primera fase, hemos desarrollado tres interfaces de usuario naturales que pretenden hacer que la interacción con los robots sociales sea más natural. Para probar tales interfaces se han desarrollado dos aplicaciones de diferente uso: robots guía y un sistema de controlde robot humanoides con fines de entretenimiento. Trabajar en esas aplicaciones nos ha permitido dotar a nuestros robots con algunas habilidades básicas, como la navegación, la comunicación entre robots y el reconocimiento de voz y las capacidades de comprensión.Por otro lado, en la segunda fase nos hemos centrado en la identificación y el desarrollo de los módulos básicos de comportamiento que este tipo de robots necesitan para ser socialmente creíbles y confiables mientras actúan como agentes sociales. Se ha desarrollado una arquitectura(framework) para robots socialmente interactivos que permite a los robots expresar diferentes tipos de emociones y mostrar un lenguaje corporal natural similar al humano según la tarea a realizar y lascondiciones ambientales.La validación de los diferentes estados de desarrollo de nuestros robots sociales se ha realizado mediante representaciones públicas. La exposición de nuestros robots al público en esas actuaciones se ha convertido en una herramienta esencial para medir cualitativamente la aceptación social de los prototipos que estamos desarrollando. De la misma manera que los robots necesitan un cuerpo físico para interactuar con el entorno y convertirse en inteligentes, los robots sociales necesitan participar socialmente en tareas reales para las que han sido desarrollados, para así poder mejorar su sociabilida

    Teaching Unknown Objects by Leveraging Human Gaze and Augmented Reality in Human-Robot Interaction

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    Roboter finden aufgrund ihrer außergewöhnlichen Arbeitsleistung, Präzision, Effizienz und Skalierbarkeit immer mehr Verwendung in den verschiedensten Anwendungsbereichen. Diese Entwicklung wurde zusätzlich begünstigt durch Fortschritte in der Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI), insbesondere im Maschinellem Lernen (ML). Mit Hilfe moderner neuronaler Netze sind Roboter in der Lage, Objekte in ihrer Umgebung zu erkennen und mit ihnen zu interagieren. Ein erhebliches Manko besteht jedoch darin, dass das Training dieser Objekterkennungsmodelle, in aller Regel mit einer zugrundeliegenden Abhängig von umfangreichen Datensätzen und der Verfügbarkeit großer Datenmengen einhergeht. Dies ist insbesondere dann problematisch, wenn der konkrete Einsatzort des Roboters und die Umgebung, einschließlich der darin befindlichen Objekte, nicht im Voraus bekannt sind. Die breite und ständig wachsende Palette von Objekten macht es dabei praktisch unmöglich, das gesamte Spektrum an existierenden Objekten allein mit bereits zuvor erstellten Datensätzen vollständig abzudecken. Das Ziel dieser Dissertation war es, einem Roboter unbekannte Objekte mit Hilfe von Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) beizubringen, um ihn von seiner Abhängigkeit von Daten sowie den Einschränkungen durch vordefinierte Szenarien zu befreien. Die Synergie von Eye Tracking und Augmented Reality (AR) ermöglichte es dem als Lehrer fungierenden Menschen, mit dem Roboter zu kommunizieren und ihn mittels des menschlichen Blickes auf Objekte hinzuweisen. Dieser holistische Ansatz ermöglichte die Konzeption eines multimodalen HRI-Systems, durch das der Roboter Objekte identifizieren und dreidimensional segmentieren konnte, obwohl sie ihm zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch unbekannt waren, um sie anschließend aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln eigenständig zu inspizieren. Anhand der Klasseninformationen, die ihm der Mensch mitteilte, war der Roboter daraufhin in der Lage, die entsprechenden Objekte zu erlernen und später wiederzuerkennen. Mit dem Wissen, das dem Roboter durch diesen auf HRI basierenden Lehrvorgang beigebracht worden war, war dessen Fähigkeit Objekte zu erkennen vergleichbar mit den Fähigkeiten modernster Objektdetektoren, die auf umfangreichen Datensätzen trainiert worden waren. Dabei war der Roboter jedoch nicht auf vordefinierte Klassen beschränkt, was seine Vielseitigkeit und Anpassungsfähigkeit unter Beweis stellte. Die im Rahmen dieser Dissertation durchgeführte Forschung leistete bedeutende Beiträge an der Schnittstelle von Machine Learning (ML), AR, Eye Tracking und Robotik. Diese Erkenntnisse tragen nicht nur zum besseren Verständnis der genannten Felder bei, sondern ebnen auch den Weg für weitere interdisziplinäre Forschung. Die in dieser Dissertation enthalten wissenschaftlichen Artikel wurden auf hochrangigen Konferenzen in den Bereichen Robotik, Eye Tracking und HRI veröffentlicht.Robots are becoming increasingly popular in a wide range of environments due to their exceptional work capacity, precision, efficiency, and scalability. This development has been further encouraged by advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI), particularly Machine Learning (ML). By employing sophisticated neural networks, robots are given the ability to detect and interact with objects in their vicinity. However, a significant drawback arises from the underlying dependency on extensive datasets and the availability of substantial amounts of training data for these object detection models. This issue becomes particularly problematic when the specific deployment location of the robot and the surroundings, including the objects within it, are not known in advance. The vast and ever-expanding array of objects makes it virtually impossible to comprehensively cover the entire spectrum of existing objects using preexisting datasets alone. The goal of this dissertation was to teach a robot unknown objects in the context of Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) in order to liberate it from its data dependency, unleashing it from predefined scenarios. In this context, the combination of eye tracking and Augmented Reality (AR) created a powerful synergy that empowered the human teacher to seamlessly communicate with the robot and effortlessly point out objects by means of human gaze. This holistic approach led to the development of a multimodal HRI system that enabled the robot to identify and visually segment the Objects of Interest (OOIs) in three-dimensional space, even though they were initially unknown to it, and then examine them autonomously from different angles. Through the class information provided by the human, the robot was able to learn the objects and redetect them at a later stage. Due to the knowledge gained from this HRI based teaching process, the robot’s object detection capabilities exhibited comparable performance to state-of-the-art object detectors trained on extensive datasets, without being restricted to predefined classes, showcasing its versatility and adaptability. The research conducted within the scope of this dissertation made significant contributions at the intersection of ML, AR, eye tracking, and robotics. These findings not only enhance the understanding of these fields, but also pave the way for further interdisciplinary research. The scientific articles included in this dissertation have been published at high-impact conferences in the fields of robotics, eye tracking, and HRI