3,818 research outputs found

    Shared task representation for human–robot collaborative navigation: the collaborative search case

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    © The Author(s) 2023Recent research in Human Robot Collaboration (HRC) has spread and specialised in many sub-fields. Many show considerable advances, but the human–robot collaborative navigation (HRCN) field seems to be stuck focusing on implicit collaboration settings, on hypothetical or simulated task allocation problems, on shared autonomy or on having the human as a manager. This work takes a step forward by presenting an end-to-end system capable of handling real-world human–robot collaborative navigation tasks. This system makes use of the Social Reward Sources model (SRS), a knowledge representation to simultaneously tackle task allocation and path planning, proposes a multi-agent Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) planner for human–robot teams, presents the collaborative search as a testbed for HRCN and studies the usage of smartphones for communication in this setting. The detailed experiments prove the viability of the approach, explore collaboration roles adopted by the human–robot team and test the acceptability and utility of different communication interface designs.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This work was supported under the Spanish State Research Agency through the Maria de Maeztu Seal of Excellence to IRI (MDM-2016-0656) and ROCOTRANSP project (PID2019- 106702RB-C21 / AEI / 10.13039/501100011033), the European research grant TERRINet (H2020-INFRAIA-2017-1-730994) and by JST Moonshot R & D Grant Number JPMJMS2011-85.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Combining motion planning with social reward sources for collaborative human-robot navigation task design

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    Across the human history, teamwork is one of the main pillars sustaining civilizations and technology development. In consequence, as the world embraces omatization, human-robot collaboration arises naturally as a cornerstone. This applies to a huge spectrum of tasks, most of them involving navigation. As a result, tackling pure collaborative navigation tasks can be a good first foothold for roboticists in this enterprise. In this thesis, we define a useful framework for knowledge representation in human-robot collaborative navigation tasks and propose a first solution to the human-robot collaborative search task. After validating the model, two derived projects tackling its main weakness are introduced: the compilation of a human search dataset and the implementation of a multi-agent planner for human-robot navigatio

    Human-robot collaborative multi-agent path planning using Monte Carlo tree search and social reward sources

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    © 2021 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting /republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksThe collaboration between humans and robots in an object search task requires the achievement of shared plans obtained from communicating and negotiating. In this work, we assume that the robot computes, as a first step, a multiagent plan for both itself and the human. Then, both plans are submitted to human scrutiny, who either agrees or modifies it forcing the robot to adapt its own restrictions or preferences. This process is repeated along the search task as many times as required by the human. Our planner is based on a decentralized variant of Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS), with one robot and one human as agents. Moreover, our algorithm allows the robot and the human to optimize their own actions by maintaining a probability distribution over the plans in a joint action space. The method allows an objective function definition over action sequences, it assumes intermittent communication, it is anytime and suitable for on-line replanning. To test it, we have developed a human-robot communication mobile phone interface. Validation is provided by real-life search experiments of a Parcheesi token in an urban space, including also an acceptability study.Work supported under the Spanish State Research Agency through the Maria de Maeztu Seal of Excellence to IRI (MDM-2016- 0656), ROCOTRANSP project (PID2019-106702RB-C21 / AEI / 10.13039/501100011033), TERRINet (H2020-INFRAIA-2017-1-two-stage730994) and AI4EU (H2020-ICT-2018-2-825619)Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Planning and sequential decision making for human-aware robots

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    University of Technology, Sydney. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.This thesis explores the use of probabilistic techniques for enhancing the interaction between a human and a robotic assistant. The human in this context is regarded as an integral part of the system, providing a major contribution to the decision making process and is able to overwrite, re-evaluate and correct decisions made by the robot to fulfil her or his true intentions and ultimate goals and needs. Conversely, the robot is expected to behave as an intelligent collaborative agent that predicts human intentions and makes decisions by merging learned behaviours with the information it cmTently possesses. The work is motivated by the rapid increase of the application domains in which robotic systems operate, and the presence of humans in many of these domains. The proposed framework facilitates human-robot social integration by increasing the synergy between robot's capabilities and human needs, primarily during assistive navigational tasks. The first part of the thesis ets the groundwork by developing a path-planning/re-planning strategy able to produce smooth feasible paths to address the issue of navigating a robotic wheelchair in cluttered indoor environments. This strategy integrates a global path-planner that operates as a mission controller, and a local reactive planner that navigates locally in an optimal manner while preventing collisions with static and dynamic obstacles in the local area. The proposed strategy also encapsulates social behaviour, such as navigating through preferred routes, in order to generate socially and behavioura11y acceptable plans. The work then focuses on predicting and responding to human interactions with a robotic agent by exploiting probabilistic techniques for sequential decision making and planning under uncertainty. Dynamic Bayesian networks and partially observable Markov decision processes are examined for estimating human intention in order to minimise the flow of information between the human and the robot during navigation tasks. A framework to capture human behaviour, motivated by the human action cycle as derived from the psychology domain is developed. This framework embeds a human-robot interaction layer, which defines variables and procedures to model interaction scenarios, and facilitates the transfer of information during human-robot collaborative tasks. Experiments using a human-operated robotic wheelchair carrying out navigational daily routines are conducted to demonstrate the capacity of the proposed methodology to understand human intentions and comply with their long term plans. The results obtained are presented as the outcome of a set of trials conducted with actor users, or simulated experiments based on real scenarios

    Spatial representation for planning and executing robot behaviors in complex environments

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    Robots are already improving our well-being and productivity in different applications such as industry, health-care and indoor service applications. However, we are still far from developing (and releasing) a fully functional robotic agent that can autonomously survive in tasks that require human-level cognitive capabilities. Robotic systems on the market, in fact, are designed to address specific applications, and can only run pre-defined behaviors to robustly repeat few tasks (e.g., assembling objects parts, vacuum cleaning). They internal representation of the world is usually constrained to the task they are performing, and does not allows for generalization to other scenarios. Unfortunately, such a paradigm only apply to a very limited set of domains, where the environment can be assumed to be static, and its dynamics can be handled before deployment. Additionally, robots configured in this way will eventually fail if their "handcrafted'' representation of the environment does not match the external world. Hence, to enable more sophisticated cognitive skills, we investigate how to design robots to properly represent the environment and behave accordingly. To this end, we formalize a representation of the environment that enhances the robot spatial knowledge to explicitly include a representation of its own actions. Spatial knowledge constitutes the core of the robot understanding of the environment, however it is not sufficient to represent what the robot is capable to do in it. To overcome such a limitation, we formalize SK4R, a spatial knowledge representation for robots which enhances spatial knowledge with a novel and "functional" point of view that explicitly models robot actions. To this end, we exploit the concept of affordances, introduced to express opportunities (actions) that objects offer to an agent. To encode affordances within SK4R, we define the "affordance semantics" of actions that is used to annotate an environment, and to represent to which extent robot actions support goal-oriented behaviors. We demonstrate the benefits of a functional representation of the environment in multiple robotic scenarios that traverse and contribute different research topics relating to: robot knowledge representations, social robotics, multi-robot systems and robot learning and planning. We show how a domain-specific representation, that explicitly encodes affordance semantics, provides the robot with a more concrete understanding of the environment and of the effects that its actions have on it. The goal of our work is to design an agent that will no longer execute an action, because of mere pre-defined routine, rather, it will execute an actions because it "knows'' that the resulting state leads one step closer to success in its task

    Perception-intention-action cycle as a human acceptable way for improving human-robot collaborative tasks

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    © ACM 2023. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in HRI '23: Companion of the 2023 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, https://doi.org/10.1145/3568294.3580149.In Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC) tasks, the classical Perception-Action cycle can not fully explain the collaborative behaviour of the human-robot pair until it is extended to Perception-Intention-Action (PIA) cycle, giving to the human's intention a key role at the same level of the robot's perception and not as a subblock of this. Although part of the human's intention can be perceived or inferred by the other agent, this is prone to misunderstandings so the true intention has to be explicitly informed in some cases to fulfill the task. Here, we explore both types of intention and we combine them with the robot's perception through the concept of Situation Awareness (SA). We validate the PIA cycle and its acceptance by the user with a preliminary experiment in an object transportation task showing that its usage can increase trust in the robot.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Reinforcement Learning Approaches in Social Robotics

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    This article surveys reinforcement learning approaches in social robotics. Reinforcement learning is a framework for decision-making problems in which an agent interacts through trial-and-error with its environment to discover an optimal behavior. Since interaction is a key component in both reinforcement learning and social robotics, it can be a well-suited approach for real-world interactions with physically embodied social robots. The scope of the paper is focused particularly on studies that include social physical robots and real-world human-robot interactions with users. We present a thorough analysis of reinforcement learning approaches in social robotics. In addition to a survey, we categorize existent reinforcement learning approaches based on the used method and the design of the reward mechanisms. Moreover, since communication capability is a prominent feature of social robots, we discuss and group the papers based on the communication medium used for reward formulation. Considering the importance of designing the reward function, we also provide a categorization of the papers based on the nature of the reward. This categorization includes three major themes: interactive reinforcement learning, intrinsically motivated methods, and task performance-driven methods. The benefits and challenges of reinforcement learning in social robotics, evaluation methods of the papers regarding whether or not they use subjective and algorithmic measures, a discussion in the view of real-world reinforcement learning challenges and proposed solutions, the points that remain to be explored, including the approaches that have thus far received less attention is also given in the paper. Thus, this paper aims to become a starting point for researchers interested in using and applying reinforcement learning methods in this particular research field

    Human-aware space sharing and navigation for an interactive robot

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    Les méthodes de planification de mouvements robotiques se sont développées à un rythme accéléré ces dernières années. L'accent a principalement été mis sur le fait de rendre les robots plus efficaces, plus sécurisés et plus rapides à réagir à des situations imprévisibles. En conséquence, nous assistons de plus en plus à l'introduction des robots de service dans notre vie quotidienne, en particulier dans les lieux publics tels que les musées, les centres commerciaux et les aéroports. Tandis qu'un robot de service mobile se déplace dans l'environnement humain, il est important de prendre en compte l'effet de son comportement sur les personnes qu'il croise ou avec lesquelles il interagit. Nous ne les voyons pas comme de simples machines, mais comme des agents sociaux et nous nous attendons à ce qu'ils se comportent de manière similaire à l'homme en suivant les normes sociétales comme des règles. Ceci a créé de nouveaux défis et a ouvert de nouvelles directions de recherche pour concevoir des algorithmes de commande de robot, qui fournissent des comportements de robot acceptables, lisibles et proactifs. Cette thèse propose une méthode coopérative basée sur l'optimisation pour la planification de trajectoire et la navigation du robot avec des contraintes sociales intégrées pour assurer des mouvements de robots prudents, conscients de la présence de l'être humain et prévisibles. La trajectoire du robot est ajustée dynamiquement et continuellement pour satisfaire ces contraintes sociales. Pour ce faire, nous traitons la trajectoire du robot comme une bande élastique (une construction mathématique représentant la trajectoire du robot comme une série de positions et une différence de temps entre ces positions) qui peut être déformée (dans l'espace et dans le temps) par le processus d'optimisation pour respecter les contraintes données. De plus, le robot prédit aussi les trajectoires humaines plausibles dans la même zone d'exploitation en traitant les chemins humains aussi comme des bandes élastiques. Ce système nous permet d'optimiser les trajectoires des robots non seulement pour le moment présent, mais aussi pour l'interaction entière qui se produit lorsque les humains et les robots se croisent les uns les autres. Nous avons réalisé un ensemble d'expériences avec des situations interactives humains-robots qui se produisent dans la vie de tous les jours telles que traverser un couloir, passer par une porte et se croiser sur de grands espaces ouverts. La méthode de planification coopérative proposée se compare favorablement à d'autres schémas de planification de la navigation à la pointe de la technique. Nous avons augmenté le comportement de navigation du robot avec un mouvement synchronisé et réactif de sa tête. Cela permet au robot de regarder où il va et occasionnellement de détourner son regard vers les personnes voisines pour montrer que le robot va éviter toute collision possible avec eux comme prévu par le planificateur. À tout moment, le robot pondère les multiples critères selon le contexte social et décide de ce vers quoi il devrait porter le regard. Grâce à une étude utilisateur en ligne, nous avons montré que ce mécanisme de regard complète efficacement le comportement de navigation ce qui améliore la lisibilité des actions du robot. Enfin, nous avons intégré notre schéma de navigation avec un système de supervision plus large qui peut générer conjointement des comportements du robot standard tel que l'approche d'une personne et l'adaptation de la vitesse du robot selon le groupe de personnes que le robot guide dans des scénarios d'aéroport ou de musée.The methods of robotic movement planning have grown at an accelerated pace in recent years. The emphasis has mainly been on making robots more efficient, safer and react faster to unpredictable situations. As a result we are witnessing more and more service robots introduced in our everyday lives, especially in public places such as museums, shopping malls and airports. While a mobile service robot moves in a human environment, it leaves an innate effect on people about its demeanor. We do not see them as mere machines but as social agents and expect them to behave humanly by following societal norms and rules. This has created new challenges and opened new research avenues for designing robot control algorithms that deliver human-acceptable, legible and proactive robot behaviors. This thesis proposes a optimization-based cooperative method for trajectoryplanning and navigation with in-built social constraints for keeping robot motions safe, human-aware and predictable. The robot trajectory is dynamically and continuously adjusted to satisfy these social constraints. To do so, we treat the robot trajectory as an elastic band (a mathematical construct representing the robot path as a series of poses and time-difference between those poses) which can be deformed (both in space and time) by the optimization process to respect given constraints. Moreover, we also predict plausible human trajectories in the same operating area by treating human paths also as elastic bands. This scheme allows us to optimize the robot trajectories not only for the current moment but for the entire interaction that happens when humans and robot cross each other's paths. We carried out a set of experiments with canonical human-robot interactive situations that happen in our everyday lives such as crossing a hallway, passing through a door and intersecting paths on wide open spaces. The proposed cooperative planning method compares favorably against other stat-of-the-art human-aware navigation planning schemes. We have augmented robot navigation behavior with synchronized and responsive movements of the robot head, making the robot look where it is going and occasionally diverting its gaze towards nearby people to acknowledge that robot will avoid any possible collision with them. At any given moment the robot weighs multiple criteria according to the social context and decides where it should turn its gaze. Through an online user study we have shown that such gazing mechanism effectively complements the navigation behavior and it improves legibility of the robot actions. Finally, we have integrated our navigation scheme with a broader supervision system which can jointly generate normative robot behaviors such as approaching a person and adapting the robot speed according to a group of people who the robot guides in airports or museums

    Social robot navigation tasks: combining machine learning techniques and social force model

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    © 2021 by the authors. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)Social robot navigation in public spaces, buildings or private houses is a difficult problem that is not well solved due to environmental constraints (buildings, static objects etc.), pedestrians and other mobile vehicles. Moreover, robots have to move in a human-aware manner—that is, robots have to navigate in such a way that people feel safe and comfortable. In this work, we present two navigation tasks, social robot navigation and robot accompaniment, which combine machine learning techniques with the Social Force Model (SFM) allowing human-aware social navigation. The robots in both approaches use data from different sensors to capture the environment knowledge as well as information from pedestrian motion. The two navigation tasks make use of the SFM, which is a general framework in which human motion behaviors can be expressed through a set of functions depending on the pedestrians’ relative and absolute positions and velocities. Additionally, in both social navigation tasks, the robot’s motion behavior is learned using machine learning techniques: in the first case using supervised deep learning techniques and, in the second case, using Reinforcement Learning (RL). The machine learning techniques are combined with the SFM to create navigation models that behave in a social manner when the robot is navigating in an environment with pedestrians or accompanying a person. The validation of the systems was performed with a large set of simulations and real-life experiments with a new humanoid robot denominated IVO and with an aerial robot. The experiments show that the combination of SFM and machine learning can solve human-aware robot navigation in complex dynamic environments.This research was supported by the grant MDM-2016-0656 funded by MCIN/AEI / 10.13039/501100011033, the grant ROCOTRANSP PID2019-106702RB-C21 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and the grant CANOPIES H2020-ICT-2020-2-101016906 funded by the European Union.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
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