456 research outputs found

    Computational Intelligence Meets the Game of Go @ IEEE WCCI 2012

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    International audienceSince 2008, National University of Tainan (NUTN) in Taiwan and other academic organizations have hosted or organized several human vs. computer Go-related events [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] in Taiwan and in IEEE CIS flag conferences, including FUZZ-IEEE 2009, IEEE WCCI 2010, IEEE SSCI 2011, and FUZZ-IEEE 2011. Chun- Hsun Chou (9P), Ping-Chiang Chou (5P), Joanne Missingham (6P), Shang- Rong Tsai (6D), Sheng-Shu Chang (6D), and Shi-Jim Yen (6D) were invit- ed to attend the Human vs. Computer Go Competition @ IEEE WCCI 2012 (http://oase.nutn.edu.tw/wcci2012/ and http://top.twman.org/wcci2012) held in Brisbane, Australia, in June 2012

    How to Compare Fuzzers

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    Fuzzing is a key method to discover vulnerabilities in programs. Despite considerable progress in this area in the past years, measuring and comparing the effectiveness of fuzzers is still an open research question. In software testing, the gold standard for evaluating test quality is mutation analysis, assessing the ability of a test to detect synthetic bugs; if a set of tests fails to detect such mutations, it will also fail to detect real bugs. Mutation analysis subsumes various coverage measures and provides a large and diverse set of faults that can be arbitrarily hard to trigger and detect, thus preventing the problems of saturation and overfitting. Unfortunately, the cost of traditional mutation analysis is exorbitant for fuzzing, as mutations need independent evaluation. In this paper, we apply modern mutation analysis techniques that pool multiple mutations; allowing us, for the first time, to evaluate and compare fuzzers with mutation analysis. We introduce an evaluation bench for fuzzers and apply it to a number of popular fuzzers and subjects. In a comprehensive evaluation, we show how it allows us to assess fuzzer performance and measure the impact of improved techniques. While we find that today's fuzzers can detect only a small percentage of mutations, this should be seen as a challenge for future research -- notably in improving (1) detecting failures beyond generic crashes (2) triggering mutations (and thus faults).Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Protecting sensitive data using differential privacy and role-based access control

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    Dans le monde d'aujourd'hui où la plupart des aspects de la vie moderne sont traités par des systèmes informatiques, la vie privée est de plus en plus une grande préoccupation. En outre, les données ont été générées massivement et traitées en particulier dans les deux dernières années, ce qui motive les personnes et les organisations à externaliser leurs données massives à des environnements infonuagiques offerts par des fournisseurs de services. Ces environnements peuvent accomplir les tâches pour le stockage et l'analyse de données massives, car ils reposent principalement sur Hadoop MapReduce qui est conçu pour traiter efficacement des données massives en parallèle. Bien que l'externalisation de données massives dans le nuage facilite le traitement de données et réduit le coût de la maintenance et du stockage de données locales, elle soulève de nouveaux problèmes concernant la protection de la vie privée. Donc, comment on peut effectuer des calculs sur de données massives et sensibles tout en préservant la vie privée. Par conséquent, la construction de systèmes sécurisés pour la manipulation et le traitement de telles données privées et massives est cruciale. Nous avons besoin de mécanismes pour protéger les données privées, même lorsque le calcul en cours d'exécution est non sécurisé. Il y a eu plusieurs recherches ont porté sur la recherche de solutions aux problèmes de confidentialité et de sécurité lors de l'analyse de données dans les environnements infonuagique. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions quelques travaux existants pour protéger la vie privée de tout individu dans un ensemble de données, en particulier la notion de vie privée connue comme confidentialité différentielle. Confidentialité différentielle a été proposée afin de mieux protéger la vie privée du forage des données sensibles, assurant que le résultat global publié ne révèle rien sur la présence ou l'absence d'un individu donné. Enfin, nous proposons une idée de combiner confidentialité différentielle avec une autre méthode de préservation de la vie privée disponible.In nowadays world where most aspects of modern life are handled and managed by computer systems, privacy has increasingly become a big concern. In addition, data has been massively generated and processed especially over the last two years. The rate at which data is generated on one hand, and the need to efficiently store and analyze it on the other hand, lead people and organizations to outsource their massive amounts of data (namely Big Data) to cloud environments supported by cloud service providers (CSPs). Such environments can perfectly undertake the tasks for storing and analyzing big data since they mainly rely on Hadoop MapReduce framework, which is designed to efficiently handle big data in parallel. Although outsourcing big data into the cloud facilitates data processing and reduces the maintenance cost of local data storage, it raises new problem concerning privacy protection. The question is how one can perform computations on sensitive and big data while still preserving privacy. Therefore, building secure systems for handling and processing such private massive data is crucial. We need mechanisms to protect private data even when the running computation is untrusted. There have been several researches and work focused on finding solutions to the privacy and security issues for data analytics on cloud environments. In this dissertation, we study some existing work to protect the privacy of any individual in a data set, specifically a notion of privacy known as differential privacy. Differential privacy has been proposed to better protect the privacy of data mining over sensitive data, ensuring that the released aggregate result gives almost nothing about whether or not any given individual has been contributed to the data set. Finally, we propose an idea of combining differential privacy with another available privacy preserving method

    Language-Based Differential Privacy with Accuracy Estimations and Sensitivity Analyses

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    This thesis focuses on the development of programming frameworks to enforce, by construction, desirable properties of software systems. Particularly, we are interested in enforcing differential privacy -- a mathematical notion of data privacy -- while statically reasoning about the accuracy of computations, along with deriving the sensitivity of arbitrary functions to further strengthen the expressiveness of these systems. To this end, we first introduce DPella, a programming framework for differentially-private queries that allows reasoning about the privacy and accuracy of data analyses. DPella provides a novel component that statically tracks the accuracy of different queries. This component leverages taint analysis to infer statistical independence of the different noises that were added to ensure the privacy of the overall computation. As a result, DPella allows analysts to implement privacy-preserving queries and adjust the privacy parameters to meet accuracy targets or vice-versa.In the context of differentially-private systems, the sensitivity of a function determines the amount of noise needed to achieve a desired level of privacy. However, establishing the sensitivity of arbitrary functions is non-trivial. Consequently, systems such as DPella provided a limited set of functions -- whose sensitivity is known -- to apply over sensitive data, thus hindering the expressiveness of the language. To overcome this limitation, we propose a new approach to derive proofs of sensitivity in programming languages with support for polymorphism. Our approach enriches base types with information about the metric relation between values and applies parametricity to derive proof of a function\u27s sensitivity. These ideas are formalized in a sound calculus and implemented as a Haskell library called Spar, enabling programmers to prove the sensitivity of their functions through type-checking alone.Overall, this thesis contributes to the development of expressive programming frameworks for data analysis with privacy and accuracy guarantees. The proposed approaches are feasible and effective, as demonstrated through the implementation of DPella and Spar
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