56 research outputs found

    Learning to Generate Posters of Scientific Papers

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    Researchers often summarize their work in the form of posters. Posters provide a coherent and efficient way to convey core ideas from scientific papers. Generating a good scientific poster, however, is a complex and time consuming cognitive task, since such posters need to be readable, informative, and visually aesthetic. In this paper, for the first time, we study the challenging problem of learning to generate posters from scientific papers. To this end, a data-driven framework, that utilizes graphical models, is proposed. Specifically, given content to display, the key elements of a good poster, including panel layout and attributes of each panel, are learned and inferred from data. Then, given inferred layout and attributes, composition of graphical elements within each panel is synthesized. To learn and validate our model, we collect and make public a Poster-Paper dataset, which consists of scientific papers and corresponding posters with exhaustively labelled panels and attributes. Qualitative and quantitative results indicate the effectiveness of our approach.Comment: in Proceedings of the 30th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'16), Phoenix, AZ, 201

    Unsupervised Adaptive Re-identification in Open World Dynamic Camera Networks

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    Person re-identification is an open and challenging problem in computer vision. Existing approaches have concentrated on either designing the best feature representation or learning optimal matching metrics in a static setting where the number of cameras are fixed in a network. Most approaches have neglected the dynamic and open world nature of the re-identification problem, where a new camera may be temporarily inserted into an existing system to get additional information. To address such a novel and very practical problem, we propose an unsupervised adaptation scheme for re-identification models in a dynamic camera network. First, we formulate a domain perceptive re-identification method based on geodesic flow kernel that can effectively find the best source camera (already installed) to adapt with a newly introduced target camera, without requiring a very expensive training phase. Second, we introduce a transitive inference algorithm for re-identification that can exploit the information from best source camera to improve the accuracy across other camera pairs in a network of multiple cameras. Extensive experiments on four benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed approach significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art unsupervised learning based alternatives whilst being extremely efficient to compute.Comment: CVPR 2017 Spotligh

    Learning Aerial Image Segmentation from Online Maps

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    This study deals with semantic segmentation of high-resolution (aerial) images where a semantic class label is assigned to each pixel via supervised classification as a basis for automatic map generation. Recently, deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have shown impressive performance and have quickly become the de-facto standard for semantic segmentation, with the added benefit that task-specific feature design is no longer necessary. However, a major downside of deep learning methods is that they are extremely data-hungry, thus aggravating the perennial bottleneck of supervised classification, to obtain enough annotated training data. On the other hand, it has been observed that they are rather robust against noise in the training labels. This opens up the intriguing possibility to avoid annotating huge amounts of training data, and instead train the classifier from existing legacy data or crowd-sourced maps which can exhibit high levels of noise. The question addressed in this paper is: can training with large-scale, publicly available labels replace a substantial part of the manual labeling effort and still achieve sufficient performance? Such data will inevitably contain a significant portion of errors, but in return virtually unlimited quantities of it are available in larger parts of the world. We adapt a state-of-the-art CNN architecture for semantic segmentation of buildings and roads in aerial images, and compare its performance when using different training data sets, ranging from manually labeled, pixel-accurate ground truth of the same city to automatic training data derived from OpenStreetMap data from distant locations. We report our results that indicate that satisfying performance can be obtained with significantly less manual annotation effort, by exploiting noisy large-scale training data.Comment: Published in IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSIN

    An Optimized and Fast Scheme for Real-time Human Detection using Raspberry Pi

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    This paper has been presented at : The International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA 2016)Real-time human detection is a challenging task due to appearance variance, occlusion and rapidly changing content; therefore it requires efficient hardware and optimized software. This paper presents a real-time human detection scheme on a Raspberry Pi. An efficient algorithm for human detection is proposed by processing regions of interest (ROI) based upon foreground estimation. Different number of scales have been considered for computing Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) features for the selected ROI. Support vector machine (SVM) is employed for classification of HOG feature vectors into detected and non-detected human regions. Detected human regions are further filtered by analyzing the area of overlapping regions. Considering the limited capabilities of Raspberry Pi, the proposed scheme is evaluated using six different testing schemes on Town Centre and CAVIAR datasets. Out of these six testing schemes, Single Window with two Scales (SW2S) processes 3 frames per second with acceptable less accuracy than the original HOG. The proposed algorithm is about 8 times faster than the original multi-scale HOG and recommended to be used for real-time human detection on a Raspberry Pi

    Kajian tentang pemilihan bahan penjerap semulajadi untuk menyingkirkan bahan pencemar (COD) daripada air kelabu

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    Di Taman Universiti, air kelabu disalurkan terus ke longkang tanpa dirawat menyebabkan pencemaran kualiti air. Tujuan utama kajian ini adalah untuk membandingkan kebolehjerapan bahan penjerap semula jadi dan untuk menentukan peratus keberkesanan bahan penjerap dalam menyingkirkan permintaan oksigen kimia, COD dalam air kelabu. Kaedah penjerapan menggunakan zeolit, karbon teraktif dan tanah liat dan kaedah reka percubaan, DOE digunakan bagi mendapat nisbah penjerap yang akan digunakan. Peratusan penyingkiran COD adalah 79.41% dan kapasiti penjerapan adalah 0.54 mg/g untuk kaedah penjerapan menggunakan media komposit campuran zeolit, karbon teraktif dan tanah liat merupakan campuran yang terbaik. Penggunaan penjerap komposit yang mengandungi permukaan hidrofilik dan hidrofobik lebih berkesan sebagai penjerap yang berkesan dan dapat mengurangkan serta menyingkirkan COD yang berada dalam air

    Automatic Samples Selection Using Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) Feature Distance

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    Finding victims at a disaster site is the primary goal of Search-and-Rescue (SAR) operations. Many technologies created from research for searching disaster victims through aerial imaging. but, most of them are difficult to detect victims at tsunami disaster sites with victims and backgrounds which are look similar. This research collects post-tsunami aerial imaging data from the internet to builds dataset and model for detecting tsunami disaster victims. Datasets are built based on distance differences from features every sample using Histogram-of-Oriented-Gradient (HOG) method. We use the longest distance to collect samples from photo to generate victim and non-victim samples. We claim steps to collect samples by measuring HOG feature distance from all samples. the longest distance between samples will take as a candidate to build the dataset, then classify victim (positives) and non-victim (negatives) samples manually. The dataset of tsunami disaster victims was re-analyzed using cross-validation Leave-One-Out (LOO) with Support-Vector-Machine (SVM) method. The experimental results show the performance of two test photos with 61.70% precision, 77.60% accuracy, 74.36% recall and f-measure 67.44% to distinguish victim (positives) and non-victim (negatives)
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