3,339 research outputs found

    Personaneinsatz- und Tourenplanung fĂĽr Mitarbeiter mit Mehrfachqualifikationen

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    In workforce routing and scheduling there are many applications in which differently skilled workers must perform jobs that occur at different locations, where each job requires a particular combination of skills. In many such applications, a group of workers must be sent out to provide all skills required by a job. Examples are found in maintenance operations, the construction sector, health care operations, or consultancies. In this thesis, we analyze the combined problem of composing worker groups (teams) and routing these teams under goals expressing service-, fairness-, and cost-objectives. We develop mathematical optimization models and heuristic solution methods for an integrated solution and a sequential solution of the teaming- and routing-subproblems . Computational experiments are conducted to identify the tradeoff of better solution quality and computational effort

    A combinatorial approach to multi-skill workforce scheduling

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    This paper deals with scheduling complex tasks with an inhomogeneous set of resources. The problem is to assign technicians to tasks with multi-level skill requirements. Here the requirements are merely the presence of a set of technicians that possess the necessary capabilities. An additional complication is that a set of combined technicians stays together for the duration of a work day. This typically applies to scheduling of maintenance and installation operations. We build schedules by repeated application of a exible matching model that selects tasks to be processed and forms groups of technicians assigned to combinations of tasks. The underlying mixed integer programming (MIP) model is capable of revising technician-task allocations and performs very well, especially in the case of rare skills

    Sustainable supply chain management in the digitalisation era: The impact of Automated Guided Vehicles

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    Internationalization of markets and climate change introduce multifaceted challenges for modern supply chain (SC) management in the today's digitalisation era. On the other hand, Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) systems have reached an age of maturity that allows for their utilization towards tackling dynamic market conditions and aligning SC management focus with sustainability considerations. However, extant research only myopically tackles the sustainability potential of AGVs, focusing more on addressing network optimization problems and less on developing integrated and systematic methodological approaches for promoting economic, environmental and social sustainability. To that end, the present study provides a critical taxonomy of key decisions for facilitating the adoption of AGV systems into SC design and planning, as these are mapped on the relevant strategic, tactical and operational levels of the natural hierarchy. We then propose the Sustainable Supply Chain Cube (S2C2), a conceptual tool that integrates sustainable SC management with the proposed hierarchical decision-making framework for AGVs. Market opportunities and the potential of integrating AGVs into a SC context with the use of the S2C2 tool are further discussed

    Dynamic allocation of operators in a hybrid human-machine 4.0 context

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    La transformation numérique et le mouvement « industrie 4.0 » reposent sur des concepts tels que l'intégration et l'interconnexion des systèmes utilisant des données en temps réel. Dans le secteur manufacturier, un nouveau paradigme d'allocation dynamique des ressources humaines devient alors possible. Plutôt qu'une allocation statique des opérateurs aux machines, nous proposons d'affecter directement les opérateurs aux différentes tâches qui nécessitent encore une intervention humaine dans une usine majoritairement automatisée. Nous montrons les avantages de ce nouveau paradigme avec des expériences réalisées à l'aide d'un modèle de simulation à événements discrets. Un modèle d'optimisation qui utilise des données industrielles en temps réel et produit une allocation optimale des tâches est également développé. Nous montrons que l'allocation dynamique des ressources humaines est plus performante qu'une allocation statique. L'allocation dynamique permet une augmentation de 30% de la quantité de pièces produites durant une semaine de production. De plus, le modèle d'optimisation utilisé dans le cadre de l'approche d'allocation dynamique mène à des plans de production horaire qui réduisent les retards de production causés par les opérateurs de 76 % par rapport à l'approche d'allocation statique. Le design d'un système pour l'implantation de ce projet de nature 4.0 utilisant des données en temps réel dans le secteur manufacturier est proposé.The Industry 4.0 movement is based on concepts such as the integration and interconnexion of systems using real-time data. In the manufacturing sector, a new dynamic allocation paradigm of human resources then becomes possible. Instead of a static allocation of operators to machines, we propose to allocate the operators directly to the different tasks that still require human intervention in a mostly automated factory. We show the benefits of this new paradigm with experiments performed on a discrete-event simulation model based on an industrial partner's system. An optimization model that uses real-time industrial data and produces an optimal task allocation plan that can be used in real time is also developed. We show that the dynamic allocation of human resources outperforms a static allocation, even with standard operator training levels. With discrete-event simulation, we show that dynamic allocation leads to a 30% increase in the quantity of parts produced. Additionally, the optimization model used under the dynamic allocation approach produces hourly production plans that decrease production delays caused by human operators by up to 76% compared to the static allocation approach. An implementation system for this 4.0 project using real-time data in the manufacturing sector is furthermore proposed

    Advanced planning methodologies in food supply chains

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    Rolling Horizon Workforce Schedule to Assign Workers to Tasks in a Learning/Forgetting Environment

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    The variability in demand across the planning horizon and the presence of heterogeneous workforces where workers learn and forget at different rates make the process of building and managing a workforce challenging. When integrating learning and forgetting functions of workers into workforce scheduling, the previous experience of a worker on a task can have significant impact on productivity. While making assignments over an infinite planning horizon is ideal, the learning/forgetting function significantly increases problem complexity and solution difficulty as the length of planning horizon increases. In this thesis, a multi-period rolling horizon worker-task assignment framework is developed to overcome computational challenges associated with longer planning horizons. The non-linear learning/forgetting function is converted into an equivalent linear form (using an existing technique) to further reduce problem complexity. We design experiments to analyze the optimal planning horizon and the factors that affect it, questions that remain unanswered in literature. After testing the model under different scenarios (varying staffing level, variation in demand, learning rate, forgetting rate and workforce heterogeneity), we conclude variation in demand and staffing level to be the most significant factors in determining the optimal planning horizon. We also see a significant improvement in performance when comparing our proposed multi-period framework against a myopic model, especially in scenarios with higher workforce heterogeneity, higher variation in demand, and faster forgetting rate

    A holonic workforce allocation model for labour-intensive manufacturing

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    This paper presents a new model for workforce allocation in labour-intensive industries. In such industries where production processes mostly include manual assembly operations, performance is highly influenced by the availability of skilled workers. Sudden unavailability of skilled labour has significant adverse effects on production. Furthermore, as competition intensifies, production becomes more sensitive to changing market demands. Such disturbances can be attenuated by introducing flexibility in the production planning process. Workforce allocation plays a significant role in the planning process. Thus, this paper focuses on workforce allocation, and a support system is developed from the concepts of holonic manufacturing systems and PROSA reference architecture. The system was designed in unified modelling language and was tested using an object-oriented software developed in C++. The use of the holonic methodology to develop the system has helped to identify the shortfalls of the conventional method adopted in industry and develop algorithms to improve the workforce allocation process. The proposed system was simulated using production data from a computer manufacturer case study. The paper then presents a comparison of the factory’s conventional method of workforce allocation with the proposed holonic workforce allocation system. The results suggest an improved manufacturing throughput performance
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