112 research outputs found

    Multi-Modality Human Action Recognition

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    Human action recognition is very useful in many applications in various areas, e.g. video surveillance, HCI (Human computer interaction), video retrieval, gaming and security. Recently, human action recognition becomes an active research topic in computer vision and pattern recognition. A number of action recognition approaches have been proposed. However, most of the approaches are designed on the RGB images sequences, where the action data was collected by RGB/intensity camera. Thus the recognition performance is usually related to various occlusion, background, and lighting conditions of the image sequences. If more information can be provided along with the image sequences, more data sources other than the RGB video can be utilized, human actions could be better represented and recognized by the designed computer vision system.;In this dissertation, the multi-modality human action recognition is studied. On one hand, we introduce the study of multi-spectral action recognition, which involves the information from different spectrum beyond visible, e.g. infrared and near infrared. Action recognition in individual spectra is explored and new methods are proposed. Then the cross-spectral action recognition is also investigated and novel approaches are proposed in our work. On the other hand, since the depth imaging technology has made a significant progress recently, where depth information can be captured simultaneously with the RGB videos. The depth-based human action recognition is also investigated. I first propose a method combining different type of depth data to recognize human actions. Then a thorough evaluation is conducted on spatiotemporal interest point (STIP) based features for depth-based action recognition. Finally, I advocate the study of fusing different features for depth-based action analysis. Moreover, human depression recognition is studied by combining facial appearance model as well as facial dynamic model

    Inferring Facial and Body Language

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    Machine analysis of human facial and body language is a challenging topic in computer vision, impacting on important applications such as human-computer interaction and visual surveillance. In this thesis, we present research building towards computational frameworks capable of automatically understanding facial expression and behavioural body language. The thesis work commences with a thorough examination in issues surrounding facial representation based on Local Binary Patterns (LBP). Extensive experiments with different machine learning techniques demonstrate that LBP features are efficient and effective for person-independent facial expression recognition, even in low-resolution settings. We then present and evaluate a conditional mutual information based algorithm to efficiently learn the most discriminative LBP features, and show the best recognition performance is obtained by using SVM classifiers with the selected LBP features. However, the recognition is performed on static images without exploiting temporal behaviors of facial expression. Subsequently we present a method to capture and represent temporal dynamics of facial expression by discovering the underlying low-dimensional manifold. Locality Preserving Projections (LPP) is exploited to learn the expression manifold in the LBP based appearance feature space. By deriving a universal discriminant expression subspace using a supervised LPP, we can effectively align manifolds of different subjects on a generalised expression manifold. Different linear subspace methods are comprehensively evaluated in expression subspace learning. We formulate and evaluate a Bayesian framework for dynamic facial expression recognition employing the derived manifold representation. However, the manifold representation only addresses temporal correlations of the whole face image, does not consider spatial-temporal correlations among different facial regions. We then employ Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) to capture correlations among face parts. To overcome the inherent limitations of classical CCA for image data, we introduce and formalise a novel Matrix-based CCA (MCCA), which can better measure correlations in 2D image data. We show this technique can provide superior performance in regression and recognition tasks, whilst requiring significantly fewer canonical factors. All the above work focuses on facial expressions. However, the face is usually perceived not as an isolated object but as an integrated part of the whole body, and the visual channel combining facial and bodily expressions is most informative. Finally we investigate two understudied problems in body language analysis, gait-based gender discrimination and affective body gesture recognition. To effectively combine face and body cues, CCA is adopted to establish the relationship between the two modalities, and derive a semantic joint feature space for the feature-level fusion. Experiments on large data sets demonstrate that our multimodal systems achieve the superior performance in gender discrimination and affective state analysis.Research studentship of Queen Mary, the International Travel Grant of the Royal Academy of Engineering, and the Royal Society International Joint Project

    Non-Gaussian data modeling with hidden Markov models

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    In 2015, 2.5 quintillion bytes of data were daily generated worldwide of which 90% were unstructured data that do not follow any pre-defined model. These data can be found in a great variety of formats among them are texts, images, audio tracks, or videos. With appropriate techniques, this massive amount of data is a goldmine from which one can extract a variety of meaningful embedded information. Among those techniques, machine learning algorithms allow multiple processing possibilities from compact data representation, to data clustering, classification, analysis, and synthesis, to the detection of outliers. Data modeling is the first step for performing any of these tasks and the accuracy and reliability of this initial step is thus crucial for subsequently building up a complete data processing framework. The principal motivation behind my work is the over-use of the Gaussian assumption for data modeling in the literature. Though this assumption is probably the best to make when no information about the data to be modeled is available, in most cases studying a few data properties would make other distributions a better assumption. In this thesis, I focus on proportional data that are most commonly known in the form of histograms and that naturally arise in a number of situations such as in bag-of-words methods. These data are non-Gaussian and their modeling with distributions belonging the Dirichlet family, that have common properties, is expected to be more accurate. The models I focus on are the hidden Markov models, well-known for their capabilities to easily handle dynamic ordered multivariate data. They have been shown to be very effective in numerous fields for various applications for the last 30 years and especially became a corner stone in speech processing. Despite their extensive use in almost all computer vision areas, they are still mainly suited for Gaussian data modeling. I propose here to theoretically derive different approaches for learning and applying to real-world situations hidden Markov models based on mixtures of Dirichlet, generalized Dirichlet, Beta-Liouville distributions, and mixed data. Expectation-Maximization and variational learning approaches are studied and compared over several data sets, specifically for the task of detecting and localizing unusual events. Hybrid HMMs are proposed to model mixed data with the goal of detecting changes in satellite images corrupted by different noises. Finally, several parametric distances for comparing Dirichlet and generalized Dirichlet-based HMMs are proposed and extensively tested for assessing their robustness. My experimental results show situations in which such models are worthy to be used, but also unravel their strength and limitations

    Grassmann Learning for Recognition and Classification

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    Computational performance associated with high-dimensional data is a common challenge for real-world classification and recognition systems. Subspace learning has received considerable attention as a means of finding an efficient low-dimensional representation that leads to better classification and efficient processing. A Grassmann manifold is a space that promotes smooth surfaces, where points represent subspaces and the relationship between points is defined by a mapping of an orthogonal matrix. Grassmann learning involves embedding high dimensional subspaces and kernelizing the embedding onto a projection space where distance computations can be effectively performed. In this dissertation, Grassmann learning and its benefits towards action classification and face recognition in terms of accuracy and performance are investigated and evaluated. Grassmannian Sparse Representation (GSR) and Grassmannian Spectral Regression (GRASP) are proposed as Grassmann inspired subspace learning algorithms. GSR is a novel subspace learning algorithm that combines the benefits of Grassmann manifolds with sparse representations using least squares loss §¤1-norm minimization for improved classification. GRASP is a novel subspace learning algorithm that leverages the benefits of Grassmann manifolds and Spectral Regression in a framework that supports high discrimination between classes and achieves computational benefits by using manifold modeling and avoiding eigen-decomposition. The effectiveness of GSR and GRASP is demonstrated for computationally intensive classification problems: (a) multi-view action classification using the IXMAS Multi-View dataset, the i3DPost Multi-View dataset, and the WVU Multi-View dataset, (b) 3D action classification using the MSRAction3D dataset and MSRGesture3D dataset, and (c) face recognition using the ATT Face Database, Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW), and the Extended Yale Face Database B (YALE). Additional contributions include the definition of Motion History Surfaces (MHS) and Motion Depth Surfaces (MDS) as descriptors suitable for activity representations in video sequences and 3D depth sequences. An in-depth analysis of Grassmann metrics is applied on high dimensional data with different levels of noise and data distributions which reveals that standardized Grassmann kernels are favorable over geodesic metrics on a Grassmann manifold. Finally, an extensive performance analysis is made that supports Grassmann subspace learning as an effective approach for classification and recognition

    Human and Group Activity Recognition from Video Sequences

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    A good solution to human activity recognition enables the creation of a wide variety of useful applications such as applications in visual surveillance, vision-based Human-Computer-Interaction (HCI) and gesture recognition. In this thesis, a graph based approach to human activity recognition is proposed which models spatio-temporal features as contextual space-time graphs. In this method, spatio-temporal gradient cuboids were extracted at significant regions of activity, and feature graphs (gradient, space-time, local neighbours, immediate neighbours) are constructed using the similarity matrix. The Laplacian representation of the graph is utilised to reduce the computational complexity and to allow the use of traditional statistical classifiers. A second methodology is proposed to detect and localise abnormal activities in crowded scenes. This approach has two stages: training and identification. During the training stage, specific human activities are identified and characterised by employing modelling of medium-term movement flow through streaklines. Each streakline is formed by multiple optical flow vectors that represent and track locally the movement in the scene. A dictionary of activities is recorded for a given scene during the training stage. During the testing stage, the consistency of each observed activity with those from the dictionary is verified using the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence. The anomaly detection of the proposed methodology is compared to state of the art, producing state of the art results for localising anomalous activities. Finally, we propose an automatic group activity recognition approach by modelling the interdependencies of group activity features over time. We propose to model the group interdependences in both motion and location spaces. These spaces are extended to time-space and time-movement spaces and modelled using Kernel Density Estimation (KDE). The recognition performance of the proposed methodology shows an improvement in recognition performance over state of the art results on group activity datasets

    Improving the utilization of training samples in visual recognition

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    Recognition is a fundamental computer vision problem, in which training samples are used to learn models, that then assign labels to test samples. The utilization of training samples is of vital importance to visual recognition, which can be addressed by increasing the capability of the description methods and the model learning methods. Two visual recognition tasks namely object detection and action recognition and are considered in this thesis. Active learning utilizes selected subsets of the training dataset as training samples. Active learning methods select the most informative training samples in each iteration, and therefore require fewer training samples to attain comparable performance to passive learning methods. In this thesis, an active learning method for object detection that exploits the distribution of training samples is presented. Experiments show that the proposed method outperforms a passive learning method and a simple margin active learning method. Weakly supervised learning facilitates learning on training samples with weak labels. In this thesis, a weakly supervised object detection method is proposed to utilize training samples with probabilistic labels. Base detectors are used to create object proposals from training samples with weak labels. Then the object proposals are assigned estimated probabilistic labels. A Generalized Hough Transform based object detector is extended to utilize the object proposals with probabilistic labels as training samples. The proposed method is shown to outperform both a comparison method that assigns strong labels to object proposals, and a weakly supervised deformable part-based models method. The proposed method also attains comparable performance to supervised learning methods. Increasing the capability of the description method can improve the utilization of training samples. In this thesis, temporal pyramid histograms are proposed to address the problem of missing temporal information in the classical bag of features description method used in action recognition. Experiments show that the proposed description method outperforms the classical bag of features method in action recognition

    Modeling Semi-Bounded Support Data using Non-Gaussian Hidden Markov Models with Applications

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    With the exponential growth of data in all formats, and data categorization rapidly becoming one of the most essential components of data analysis, it is crucial to research and identify hidden patterns in order to extract valuable information that promotes accurate and solid decision making. Because data modeling is the first stage in accomplishing any of these tasks, its accuracy and consistency are critical for later development of a complete data processing framework. Furthermore, an appropriate distribution selection that corresponds to the nature of the data is a particularly interesting subject of research. Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) are some of the most impressively powerful probabilistic models, which have recently made a big resurgence in the machine learning industry, despite having been recognized for decades. Their ever-increasing application in a variety of critical practical settings to model varied and heterogeneous data (image, video, audio, time series, etc.) is the subject of countless extensions. Equally prevalent, finite mixture models are a potent tool for modeling heterogeneous data of various natures. The over-use of Gaussian mixture models for data modeling in the literature is one of the main driving forces for this thesis. This work focuses on modeling positive vectors, which naturally occur in a variety of real-life applications, by proposing novel HMMs extensions using the Inverted Dirichlet, the Generalized Inverted Dirichlet and the BetaLiouville mixture models as emission probabilities. These extensions are motivated by the proven capacity of these mixtures to deal with positive vectors and overcome mixture models’ impotence to account for any ordering or temporal limitations relative to the information. We utilize the aforementioned distributions to derive several theoretical approaches for learning and deploying Hidden Markov Modelsinreal-world settings. Further, we study online learning of parameters and explore the integration of a feature selection methodology. Extensive experimentation on highly challenging applications ranging from image categorization, video categorization, indoor occupancy estimation and Natural Language Processing, reveals scenarios in which such models are appropriate to apply, and proves their effectiveness compared to the extensively used Gaussian-based models

    Photorealistic retrieval of occluded facial information using a performance-driven face model

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    Facial occlusions can cause both human observers and computer algorithms to fail in a variety of important tasks such as facial action analysis and expression classification. This is because the missing information is not reconstructed accurately enough for the purpose of the task in hand. Most current computer methods that are used to tackle this problem implement complex three-dimensional polygonal face models that are generally timeconsuming to produce and unsuitable for photorealistic reconstruction of missing facial features and behaviour. In this thesis, an image-based approach is adopted to solve the occlusion problem. A dynamic computer model of the face is used to retrieve the occluded facial information from the driver faces. The model consists of a set of orthogonal basis actions obtained by application of principal component analysis (PCA) on image changes and motion fields extracted from a sequence of natural facial motion (Cowe 2003). Examples of occlusion affected facial behaviour can then be projected onto the model to compute coefficients of the basis actions and thus produce photorealistic performance-driven animations. Visual inspection shows that the PCA face model recovers aspects of expressions in those areas occluded in the driver sequence, but the expression is generally muted. To further investigate this finding, a database of test sequences affected by a considerable set of artificial and natural occlusions is created. A number of suitable metrics is developed to measure the accuracy of the reconstructions. Regions of the face that are most important for performance-driven mimicry and that seem to carry the best information about global facial configurations are revealed using Bubbles, thus in effect identifying facial areas that are most sensitive to occlusions. Recovery of occluded facial information is enhanced by applying an appropriate scaling factor to the respective coefficients of the basis actions obtained by PCA. This method improves the reconstruction of the facial actions emanating from the occluded areas of the face. However, due to the fact that PCA produces bases that encode composite, correlated actions, such an enhancement also tends to affect actions in non-occluded areas of the face. To avoid this, more localised controls for facial actions are produced using independent component analysis (ICA). Simple projection of the data onto an ICA model is not viable due to the non-orthogonality of the extracted bases. Thus occlusion-affected mimicry is first generated using the PCA model and then enhanced by accordingly manipulating the independent components that are subsequently extracted from the mimicry. This combination of methods yields significant improvements and results in photorealistic reconstructions of occluded facial actions
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