6,131 research outputs found

    Optimized Adaptive Huffmann Coding For Paper Reduction in OFDM Systems

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    The main defect of OFDM systems is its high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR). To decrease PAPR, Adaptive Huffman coding is essential. Encoding is transferred by two encoding techniques Huffman coding and Adaptive Huffman coding at the transmitter side. Mapping is done by QAM 16 and PSK 16.The PAPR results of Huffman and adaptive Huffman coding with QAM 16 and PSK 16 is compared. Simulation results shows that the Adaptive Huffman coding along with QAM 16 produces fruitful results in comparison with Huffman coding and adaptive Huffman coding with PSK 16

    Prefix Codes: Equiprobable Words, Unequal Letter Costs

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    Describes a near-linear-time algorithm for a variant of Huffman coding, in which the letters may have non-uniform lengths (as in Morse code), but with the restriction that each word to be encoded has equal probability. [See also ``Huffman Coding with Unequal Letter Costs'' (2002).]Comment: proceedings version in ICALP (1994


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    ABSTRAK Algoritma kompresi menurut David Solomon (2007:2) adalah proses mengkonversikan sebuah input data stream (streamsumber, atau data mentah asli) menjadi data stream lainnya (bitstream hasil, atau stream yang telah terkompresi) yang berukuran lebih kecil. Berbagai tipe algoritma kompresi, antara lain: Huffman, LIFO, LZHUF, LZ77 dan variannya ( LZ78, LZW, GZIP), Dynamic Markov Compression (DMC), Block-SortingLossLess, Run-Length, Shannon-Fano, Arithmetic, PPM (Prediction by PartialMatching), Burrows-Wheeler, Block Sorting, dan Half Byte. Huffman Coding dan Adaptive Huffman Coding adalah salah satu tipe algoritma kompresi yang menjadi pokok bahasan dalam tugas akhir ini. Huffman Coding adalah sebuah tipe kode optimal yang biasanya digunakan untuk lossless data compression. Huffman coding ditemukan oleh David A. Huffman pada saat ia masih seorang mahasiswa di MIT, ia menerbitkan karyanya ditahun 1952 yang berjudul “A Method for the Contruction of Minimum Redudancy Codes”. Adaptive Huffman Coding adalah teknik pengkodean adaptif berdasarkan pengkodean Huffman. Adaptif mempunyai implementasi antara lain algoritma FGK dan algoritma Vitter. Hasil dari studi banding mengenai tugas akhir ini adalah mengenai apa saja yang menjadi keunggulan Huffman coding dan Adaptive Huffman coding. Kata kunci : algoritma kompresi, tipe algoritma kompresi, Huffman Coding, Adaptive Huffman Codin

    Lecture on Entropy Coding

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    Considers entropy, fixed length coding, Huffman coding and arithmetic codin

    Huffman coding

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    Kako je sažimanje podataka vrlo bitno zbog razvitka tehnologije, u radu je prikazana i obrazložena Huffmanova metoda kodiranja podataka. Veličina podataka je problem koji se javlja kako tehnologija sve više napreduje. Sažimanjem Huffmanovom metodom prikazano je kako se podatku, u ovom slučaju tekstu, može bitno smanjiti veličina. Web alatima je napravljena aplikacija za generiranje Huffmanovog koda te je testirana na nekoliko različitih tekstova. Aplikacija radi na principu zamjene simbola koji se kodiraju sa kodnim riječima. Time se stvara bitna ušteda prostora. Aplikacija je uspješno prikazala smanjenje veličine podataka sažimanjem. Testiranjem na nekoliko primjera dobiveni su različiti rezultati koji su prokomentirani i obrazloženiAs data compression showed really important because of the technology development, Huffman's data compression method is described in this undergraduate degree work. With technology improvement, problem which occurs is data size. Compressing data with Huffman's method showed that size of data, in this case text, can get reduced a lot. With a help of Web tools, Application for generating Huffman's codes has been made and tested on couple of different texts. Application works by switching symbols that are being coded, with appropriate code words. With that being said, there si an extra memory space saving. Application successfully showed how to reduce the size of data by compression. It has been tested on couple of examples, and to sum up, different results have been made and fully describe

    A quantum analog of Huffman coding

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    We analyze a generalization of Huffman coding to the quantum case. In particular, we notice various difficulties in using instantaneous codes for quantum communication. Nevertheless, for the storage of quantum information, we have succeeded in constructing a Huffman-coding inspired quantum scheme. The number of computational steps in the encoding and decoding processes of N quantum signals can be made to be of polylogarithmic depth by a massively parallel implementation of a quantum gate array. This is to be compared with the O (N^3) computational steps required in the sequential implementation by Cleve and DiVincenzo of the well-known quantum noiseless block coding scheme of Schumacher. We also show that O(N^2(log N)^a) computational steps are needed for the communication of quantum information using another Huffman-coding inspired scheme where the sender must disentangle her encoding device before the receiver can perform any measurements on his signals.Comment: Revised version, 7 pages, two-column, RevTex. Presented at 1998 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theor

    Assignment on Filters, Source Coding and Channel Coding

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    Considers bandpass filters, Huffman coding, arithmetic coding and Hamming coding
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