19 research outputs found

    Public Feminisms: From Academy to Community

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    The field of feminist studies grew from the U.S. women’s movements of the 1960s and 1970s and has continued to be deeply connected to ongoing movements for social justice. As educational institutions are increasingly seeing public scholarship and community engagement as relevant and fruitful complements to traditional academic work, feminist scholars have much to offer in demonstrating different ways to inform and interact with various communities. In this collection, a diverse range of feminist scholar-activists write about the dynamic and varied methods they use to reach beyond traditional classrooms and scholarly journals to share their work with the public. Here is an opportunity to reflect on the meaning and importance of community engagement and to archive some of the important public-facing work feminists are doing today. Faculty, graduate, and undergraduate students, as well as administrators hoping to increase their schools’ connections to the community, will find this volume indispensable. “In Public Feminisms, Baker and Dove-Viebahn have curated a vibrantly intersectional collection of essays that speak both to the longstanding commitment of feminisms to education and activism and the urgent need for this work in the contemporary moment. This book shows how scholar-activists are bringing together knowledge production and the sharing of that knowledge and community engagement through a series of compelling case studies. I can’t wait to teach it.” —Carol A. Stabile, Professor of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at University of Oregon Carrie N. Baker is the Sylvia Dlugasch Baumann professor in American Studies and a professor in the Program for the Study of Women and Gender at Smith College. Aviva Dove-Viebahn is Assistant Professor of Film and Media Studies at Arizona State University.https://scholarworks.smith.edu/textbooks/1004/thumbnail.jp

    Mapping Crisis: Participation, Datafication, and Humanitarianism in the Age of Digital Mapping

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    This book brings together critical perspectives on the role that mapping people, knowledges and data now plays in humanitarian work, both in cartographic terms and through data visualisations. Since the rise of Google Earth in 2005, there has been an explosion in the use of mapping tools to quantify and assess the needs of the poor, including those affected by climate change and the wider neo-liberal agenda. Yet, while there has been a huge upsurge in the data produced around these issues, the representation of people remains questionable. Some have argued that representation has diminished in humanitarian crises as people are increasingly reduced to data points. In turn, this data becomes ever more difficult to analyse without vast computing power, leading to a dependency on the old colonial powers to refine the data of the poor, before selling it back to them. These issues are not entirely new, and questions around representation, participation and humanitarianism can be traced back beyond the speeches of Truman, but the digital age throws these issues back to the fore, as machine learning, algorithms and big data centres take over the process of mapping the subjugated and subaltern. This book questions whether, as we map crises, it is the map itself that is in crisis

    Mapping Crisis

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    The digital age has thrown questions of representation, participation and humanitarianism back to the fore, as machine learning, algorithms and big data centres take over the process of mapping the subjugated and subaltern. Since the rise of Google Earth in 2005, there has been an explosion in the use of mapping tools to quantify and assess the needs of those in crisis, including those affected by climate change and the wider neo-liberal agenda. Yet, while there has been a huge upsurge in the data produced around these issues, the representation of people remains questionable. Some have argued that representation has diminished in humanitarian crises as people are increasingly reduced to data points. In turn, this data has become ever more difficult to analyse without vast computing power, leading to a dependency on the old colonial powers to refine the data collected from people in crisis, before selling it back to them. This book brings together critical perspectives on the role that mapping people, knowledges and data now plays in humanitarian work, both in cartographic terms and through data visualisations, and questions whether, as we map crises, it is the map itself that is in crisis

    A comparison of the CAR and DAGAR spatial random effects models with an application to diabetics rate estimation in Belgium

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    When hierarchically modelling an epidemiological phenomenon on a finite collection of sites in space, one must always take a latent spatial effect into account in order to capture the correlation structure that links the phenomenon to the territory. In this work, we compare two autoregressive spatial models that can be used for this purpose: the classical CAR model and the more recent DAGAR model. Differently from the former, the latter has a desirable property: its ρ parameter can be naturally interpreted as the average neighbor pair correlation and, in addition, this parameter can be directly estimated when the effect is modelled using a DAGAR rather than a CAR structure. As an application, we model the diabetics rate in Belgium in 2014 and show the adequacy of these models in predicting the response variable when no covariates are available

    A Statistical Approach to the Alignment of fMRI Data

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    Multi-subject functional Magnetic Resonance Image studies are critical. The anatomical and functional structure varies across subjects, so the image alignment is necessary. We define a probabilistic model to describe functional alignment. Imposing a prior distribution, as the matrix Fisher Von Mises distribution, of the orthogonal transformation parameter, the anatomical information is embedded in the estimation of the parameters, i.e., penalizing the combination of spatially distant voxels. Real applications show an improvement in the classification and interpretability of the results compared to various functional alignment methods

    Urban Planet

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    Global urbanization promises better services and stronger economies but also carries risks and unforeseeable consequences. Urban Planet highlights the hopes and hindrances of our journey of urbanization and the need for a parallel evolution of our science and systems to ensure we reap the rewards. This title is also available as Open Access

    Criminal data analysis based on low rank sparse representation

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    FINDING effective clustering methods for a high dimensional dataset is challenging due to the curse of dimensionality. These challenges can usually make the most of basic common algorithms fail in highdimensional spaces from tackling problems such as large number of groups, and overlapping. Most domains uses some parameters to describe the appearance, geometry and dynamics of a scene. This has motivated the implementation of several techniques of a high-dimensional data for finding a low-dimensional space. Many proposed methods fail to overcome the challenges, especially when the data input is high-dimensional, and the clusters have a complex. REGULARLY in high dimensional data, lots of the data dimensions are not related and might hide the existing clusters in noisy data. High-dimensional data often reside on some low dimensional subspaces. The problem of subspace clustering algorithms is to uncover the type of relationship of an objects from one dimension that are related in different subsets of another dimensions. The state-of-the-art methods for subspace segmentation which included the Low Rank Representation (LRR) and Sparse Representation (SR). The former seeks the global lowest-rank representation but restrictively assumes the independence among subspaces, whereas the latter seeks the clustering of disjoint or overlapped subspaces through locality measure, which, however, causes failure in the case of large noise. THIS thesis aims are to identify the key problems and obstacles that have challenged the researchers in recent years in clustering high dimensional data, then to implement an effective subspace clustering methods for solving high dimensional crimes domains for both real events and synthetic data which has complex data structure with 168 different offence crimes. As well as to overcome the disadvantages of existed subspace algorithms techniques. To this end, a Low-Rank Sparse Representation (LRSR) theory, the future will refer to as Criminal Data Analysis Based on LRSR will be examined, then to be used to recover and segment embedding subspaces. The results of these methods will be discussed and compared with what already have been examined on previous approaches such as K-mean and PCA segmented based on K-means. The previous approaches have helped us to chose the right subspace clustering methods. The Proposed method based on subspace segmentation method named Low Rank subspace Sparse Representation (LRSR) which not only recovers the low-rank subspaces but also gets a relatively sparse segmentation with respect to disjoint subspaces or even overlapping subspaces. BOTH UCI Machine Learning Repository, and crime database are the best to find and compare the best subspace clustering algorithm that fit for high dimensional space data. We used many Open-Source Machine Learning Frameworks and Tools for both employ our machine learning tasks and methods including preparing, transforming, clustering and visualizing the high-dimensional crime dataset, we precisely have used the most modern and powerful Machine Learning Frameworks data science that known as SciKit-Learn for library for the Python programming language, as well as we have used R, and Matlab in previous experiment